Teachers or Future Teachers



  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Yeah to all the teachers! I just wanted to let everyone know that actually, teaching is a great way to move around. Rushing around the halls, playing with the kids on the playground, after school activities....once I left the classroom to work at the Department of Education, I gained 10 pounds from sitting in a cubicle all day! And everyone who starts the job has the same story. So feel good about teaching and enjoy it! Also, when I was teaching I laughed with the kids all day and that burns calories too! :)

    Agree with this completely, I'm never still and often laughing (course with hormonally driven teenagers, I have to have a warped sense of humor)
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    Hi.. i am 44 years old.. with three kids.. i substitute teach at an elementary school and a charter school so.. that is grades prek-12. i teach any class, any special (art, music, gym), and special ed. I am also a teaching artist and teach fabric art to all ages. this will be my 5th year subbing.. and i have to say, im about done with it.. the only thing that keeps me coming back is the kids.. but the school politics.. suck....

    hopeing to find a new job this year..
  • erylie
    erylie Posts: 34
    Hi, this is awesome! I'm been in preschool/Kindergarten since 2003 either assisting or leading my own pre-k classroom for a few years. This year I'm back in public school in an Autistic preschool program. They have edible reinforcers ALL the time... from popcorn to goldfish, saltines, and cheese its... I have 100 calorie cheese it packs in moderation when I'm doing ABA therapy but it's TOUGH sometimes! :-)

    I love this thread! :-)
  • klewis81
    klewis81 Posts: 122
    I'm a little late to this thread but I'm glad to see a support group! I teach in Houston at an independent high school. I've taught for six years, mostly History, some geography. We have a cafeteria with made from scratch food and its free so it's really hard to make good choices even though there are many healthy options. Sometimes it's hard to eat a salad and fruit when there is delicious Mac and cheese or yummy gooey cookies! I did so well this past month, eating well and exercising and am nervous about starting school. Actually, today was the second school day and I am so tired, but I managed an easy workout. Please feel free to friend me and we can support each other!
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    I'm so happy I found this thread -- even though I'm a little late to the party. I teach 5th grade in Texas, and am concerned about going back full swing. The summer was great, and I was really able to focus on working out, but with the kiddos coming back next week and the start of school I'm worried about balancing everything.

    We started back this week, and I've been able to make it to the gym, but man, it's been tough trying to figure out a new schedule.

    I've been on here about a month, but more in lurker mode. Please feel free to friend me -- always looking for motivation!

    Have a great night!

  • hbkanumalla
    hbkanumalla Posts: 61 Member
    Hi all!

    So glad I found this thread! I'm starting my second year teaching at a school for the deaf in the metro-west area of Massachusetts. Although this is my second year, it will be my first year teaching Middle School ELA and Math. I've only had a little taste of vacation (since we are an 11-month school), but I've enjoyed my relaxation and exercise on my own schedule. I'm also a little nervous about going back. I just started a new meal plan where I've been trying to eat 6 smaller meals throughout the day along with working out. It's fine when I'm on vacation, but I hope I can keep it up as the school year starts again. I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of a school schedule and hope that I can go to the gym or walk 5-6 nights of the week.

    Feel free to message me or friend me if you'd like. I'm looking forward to the support and supporting you during the year.

    Best of luck for the new school year!! :)

  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    Hey Heather!

    I teach Middle School ELA too. Our Middle School concept is 5th and 6th grade in Texas. What grade do you teach?
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Just found this thread!

    Today was my first day of school and it went so well! Our entire building has adopted Harry Wong's "First Days of School" and I have to say it has made a great difference!

    Anyway - I teach Music and see around 1300 students in a school year, K-6. Because of what I do I actually lose more weight during the school year. I'm dancing, singing, and directing, which means I burn calories all day long.

    I'm glad I've found a group of fellow educators who know so well how it is! :smile:

    I love that book!

    That is a great book. It's one of the few I kept from college, and I returned to it time after time when I started teaching. Definitely gives some food for thought.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Foxie, I teach 8th grade. Our middle school is 7-8, should be called junior high, but it's called middle school. They are an interesting bunch. Love the younger grades as a middle school concept. So they move classes even as young as 5th grade? How are they doing in that?
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,402 Member
    I just found this thread. I teach second grade in Iowa. I'm 41, married, and a mother of two girls: 11 and 16.

    I'm actually preparing to do a presentation on Harry Wong's "First Days of School" at our inservice meeting tomorrow. Had the opportunity to see the Wongs and Chelonnda Seroyer in June. Phenomenal!!

    I have to admit I took my back to school stress out on Tootsie Rolls left over from last year :noway: :embarassed:

    Amazing to see so many fellow educators here.
  • smlandry
    smlandry Posts: 12 Member
    Alright I just updated my goals to maintain what I've lost. Here's hoping I do it! Also, we got our class lists today. School starts Monday. Second grade is overcrowded and they might have to move a first grade or kindergarten teacher AFTER school has started to take of the overflow IF all these kids show up. I'm a first grade teacher so I'm a possible candidate except that I work with a lot of special ed kids through inclusion and have some specific kids due to this. But I don't want anyone on my team to be moved. Pray hard for us and any other teacher facing this problem. Trying to stay positive as I have Meet the Teacher tomorrow. :ohwell:
  • mtaylor3348
    mtaylor3348 Posts: 12 Member
    "SW: 200 lbs CW: 176.4 lbs
    Mini Goal 1: 180's DONE! Mini Goal 2: Be in the 170's DONE! Woop woop! August, 2011
    Mini Goal 3: wear a size 12-- I can get them on, but it ain't pretty yet, haha
    New mini goal-- dare I say it?-- 160's here I come!!!
    Skinny Christmas Challenge! Christmas Goal: 149 lbs
    Ultimate Goal: 135 lbs "

    I'm on for a challenge. 150 by Christmas sounds impossible! but meybe.........
  • danibee41989
    danibee41989 Posts: 222 Member
    love a thread for teachers!! I'm Danielle, I'm student teaching this fall in a 1st grade classroom! SUPER NERVOUS! I worry about maintaining the weight Iost this year. I just hope I can at least stay this weight, but it'd be great if I can lose a couple of lbs. I plan on buying a ton of snacks that I can eat throughout the day. If I don't, I always come home eating like the world is going to end tomorrow.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    I came back to this thread after glancing at it over the past few weeks. I love the concept behind it, but the sheer number is kind of boggling my mind. It is apparent that we all share many of the same concerns: maintaining the weight lost, staying away from the lounge and cafeteria food, finding time to fit in exercise and packing/planning foods.

    In an attempt to keep my sanity, I was wondering if anyone would like to friend me so we can message back and forth and keep on track that way? I think it would be more manageable and private if there were just a few of us that could keep each other accountable. Then if we end up talking a lot, we could start a thread and a challenge based on our goals and struggles. I am going on and on...sorry. Just an idea. I am looking for about ten or so to be friends with-that way we can get to know one another better.

    A little about me (so you can see if you want to friend me or not:) I am in my 17th year of teaching. Have a BS in Elem. Ed. and K-12 Special Ed. Certified. I have taught Spec. Ed., Elem. P.E., 6th grade, and have been teaching middle school science (6-8) for 13 yrs. now. I also have and 8th grade Careers class that I teach (going on year 2). I want friends who: teach the same subjects (life, physical, earth science), that way we can bounce ideas off one another. I want friends who: are not afraid of being honest about their journey-if you have a bad day, own up. I want friends who: do not sugar coat, if I screw up, I want someone to tell me to knock that crap off-and I want someone who can take it if I tell them the same. Most importantly, I want people who won't flake out. We all right comments or post so that we can get encouragement or advice. Let's use this site!

    If you would like to join me, please send a friend request with a description of your teaching position, your interests, etc...
    Please do not feel bad if I don't accept. I am trying to really gain friends who commit and really want to do this...we are all busy and we need to use our computer time wisely. We have ourselves,husbands, kids, and our other "kids" to also give our valuable time to!

    Hope to hear from some of you! Have a great school year all of you!!!! You WILL do it:)
  • Chloe71
    Chloe71 Posts: 12 Member
    My first post ever in MFP! I love the idea of this group since it's hard to understand the life of a teacher if you aren't one! I teach in Windsor, Ontario, Canada at a platinum certified EcoSchool. That means that our school was built with as many energy savings as possible while chosing environmentally friendly building materials. Yes, I am a tree-hugger! I love my school! I teach grade 1 and am going to be team teaching for the first time in my 10 year career. My partner and I have a double classroom and 40 kids between us. We are going to try a playbased grade 1 and see how it goes. Always an adventure! Last year we started with lots of junk in the staff room. However, many staff decided that we wanted to eat healthier and most of the junk stopped. At staff meetings, we always have healthy options. I started a running/walking club for staff. We go out twice a week together. It's a great way to stay motivated. I'm hoping to get some staff to do the Jillian Michaels 30 day workout with me this year. I have about 15 pounds to lose and I know that with the great support of MFP, I can do it!
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    Foxie, I teach 8th grade. Our middle school is 7-8, should be called junior high, but it's called middle school. They are an interesting bunch. Love the younger grades as a middle school concept. So they move classes even as young as 5th grade? How are they doing in that?


    There is a LOT of anxiety in the beginning, but they get the hang of it pretty quickly,. The saving grace for the 5th graders is that they move as an entire class and our team of 4 teachers classes are in close proximity. Otherwise I think it would be like free video game day at Toys R Us with their movement. The main thing they have trouble with is timing their movements. It's challenging for some of them who have been in self contained classrooms to adapt to the idea that they are have a short time period to get their stuff together and get to their next class.
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    I just wrapped up my first week back of staff development, etc. -- as I'm sure many of you did as well. Next week starts classes, and I'm trying this weekend to come up with some lunch ideas that are healthy yet quick and easy to get ready in the morning. Anyone have suggestions that they like for lunch?


  • TexasSunny
    TexasSunny Posts: 87 Member
    I just stocked up on lunch stuff. Tuna, turkey, whole wheat tortillas, yogurt, raisins, and green tea!
  • mtaylor3348
    mtaylor3348 Posts: 12 Member
    I always have hommus celery carrots raw peanuts on hand. I also eat a significant breakfast and 10:00 snack so I don't eat a lot for lunch. A friend has a great idea (I'm stealing) ... she puts 6 or 7 salad choices in plastic containers in fridge on Sunday & mixes through the week. I also have sugar free lolly pops on hand for when coworkers bring in sugery sweets
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks TexasSunny and mtaylor! Those are good ideas. I also really like the idea of mixing and matching salad stuff. i did make one of the Hungry Girl under 200 calores casseroles this week, and ate on it all week for lunch. It's just going to be me being prepared a little more this year :)