OPERATION: Skinny B*tch 2: (8/19-10/28) WEEK 1!!!!!



  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    Make a plan, and STICK to it.

    Friday- 30 min elliptical HIIT
    Saturday- 20 min treadmill, 20-30 min elliptical, AB Ripper X
    Sunday- 4 mile run/jog, 20 min elliptical HIIT, bike ride w/ toddler in tow:smile:
    Monday- 20 min treadmill, 30 min elliptical, Legs, Abs/Ab Ripper X
    Tuesday- 20 min treadmill, 20-30 min elliptical HIIT, Chest/ Back
    Wednesday-40 min elliptical, Arms, Shoulders AB Ripper X
    Thursday-25 min treadmill, 25 min elliptical, Abs

    (I'm not doing P90X, I'm working out at a gym, but I use the AB ripper X DVD. I also own an elliptical so if I don't make it to the gym, like today for example... I will just do elliptical HIIT at home)
  • jesstroxel
    jesstroxel Posts: 120
    Current Weight (8/19): 182
    Weight lost since last week: +2
    Calories burned since last week: 2085
    Nutrition goal met?? Went over one day but sticking with it for the most part
    How many miles did you travel this past week: 6-7

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 5000
    Weight loss goal: 2 lbs
    Nutrition goal: More water, NO sweet tea, reduce sodium and sugar.

    Age: 27
    Height: 5'4
    Chest: 39.5
    Waist 42.5
    Hips: 45
    Thighs: 23
    Calves: 16.25
    Arms: 14

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge) 160lb
  • roxyjo1
    roxyjo1 Posts: 29
    Yay! I'm ready to get started!

    Current Weight (8/19): 124
    Weight lost since last week: 0
    Calories burned since last week: 1485
    Nutrition goal met?? : yes
    How many miles did you travel this past week: at least 10

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 2000
    Weight loss goal: 2lbs.
    Nutrition goal: Keep under 1200 consumed, lots more water (I'm awful about this)

    Age: 31
    Neck 12.5
    Waist 28.0
    Hips 37.0
    Right Arm 11.25
    Left Arm 11.25
    Across chest: 38Chest (Band): 31
    Navel 32.0
    Right Thigh 21.0
    Left Thigh 21.0

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge) 115
  • Onetwo_bre
    Onetwo_bre Posts: 43 Member
    Here we go Ladies! Time to get it, and get fit!


    Current Weight (8/19): 163.0
    Weight lost since last week: -2.0
    Calories burned since last week: 1044
    Nutrition goal met?? Yes

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 2000
    Weight loss goal: 2.0 lbs slow and steady (and I am going out of town this weekend.. sigh)
    Nutrition goal: under 1200 total consumed for each day this week. More water. Less salt.

    Age: 25
    Height: 5'4"
    Neck: 12.75"
    Chest: 38"
    Waist 31"
    Hips: 41"
    Thighs: 24"
    Calves: 16.5"
    Arms: 12"

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge) 145lbs.

    Pounds remaining until goal: 18 lbs

    Weekly Workout Goals:

    Friday- 30 min elliptical + legs & abs workout
    Sat & Sun- Out of town (will try to walk as much as possible) REST
    Monday- 15 min elliptical, 15 min running + back & arms workout
    Tuesday- 30 minutes cardio of my choice
    Wednesday- 60 min elliptical
    Thursday- 30 minutes elliptical + legs & abs

    Can't wait to get this Operation underway. We got this! :]
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
    Workout chedule for the Week:
    Friday- 30 min. elliptical
    Saturday: 30 Day Shred
    Sunday: Relax & enjoy my family
    Monday: 30 Day Shred
    Tuesday: 30 min. elliptical
    Wednesday: 30 Day Shred
    Thursday: 30 min. elliptical

    Motivated to stay accountable!!
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    :noway: Well, I just had a surprise! I am down 4lbs and I started my period! That never happens.

    Usually I am stuffing myself crazy with carbs (ok I did indulge in spaghetti last night) But.. i am pretty happy now! Even tho I have cramps grrr.. haha
  • I will have to do my stats tomorrow, I forgot to weigh myself and already ate!! But I will start thinking of goals! So excited!
  • TxAngel79
    TxAngel79 Posts: 318 Member
    I will put my stats in later when I am able to measure myself!!! Excited to join!!!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    First Friday:

    Current Weight: 255 lbs
    Weight Loss: 0.4lbs from 8/17 weigh-in
    Calories Burned this week: 2970
    Miles Walked: 12 miles
    Victory: size 20 pants loose

    1st week's goal:
    Walk 15 miles
    Burn 3500 Calories
    Drink 60oz of water every work day


    I will try to measure waist, hips and bust but because of Lymphadema I will not measure my extremities.
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    Current Weight (8/19): 147
    Weight lost since last week: 4 lbs mostly water weight I'm sure
    Calories burned since last week: IDK
    Nutrition goal met??
    How many miles did you travel this past week: Ran a total of 11 miles

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: To try and burn 900 cals a day
    Weight loss goal: To be down another 2 lbs
    Nutrition goal: Get closer to my sugar goals, I'm always over

    Age: 30 for another 4 days Lol

    I haven't done measuremenst in a while. I'm a slacker when it comes to that, maybe I'll do them this weekend :wink:

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge)

    To be down to 135 my original goal.
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Current Weight (8/19): 152lbs
    Weight lost since last week: +1.5
    Calories burned since last week: 2120
    Nutrition goal met?? Nope was away for mums wedding, was VERY bad!
    How many miles did you travel this past week: No idea

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 3500
    Weight loss goal: 2lbs
    Nutrition goal: No carbs after lunch, water intake of atleast 10 glasses

    Age: 27
    Height: 5'8
    Chest: 35.5
    Waist 28.5
    Hips: 36
    Thighs: 24
    Arms: 11.5

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge) 140lbs

    Workout schedule for the Week:
    Friday-30 Day shred
    Saturday: 30 Day Shred
    Sunday: 30 day shred + either 5k run or 30-45 mins of cross trainer
    Monday: 30 Day Shred + 5k run with dog
    Tuesday: 30 day shred + 5k run with dog
    Wednesday: 30 Day Shred + 5-10k run
    Thursday: 30 day shred + 30-45 min at gym.

    This schedule is guidelines only tho, my exercise other than 30day shred is kinda dependant on how late my other half gets home from work to have the kids unfortunatly.
  • Lizmhoughton
    Lizmhoughton Posts: 92 Member
    Current Weight (8/19): 133
    Weight lost since last week: 0

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 2000
    Weight loss goal: 1-2 lbs
    Nutrition goal: just not to go over

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'4
    Chest: 33.5
    Waist 26.5
    Hips: 38.5
    Thighs: 21.5
    Calves: 15
    Arms: 10

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge) 125 or less!
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    :noway: Well, I just had a surprise! I am down 4lbs and I started my period! That never happens.

    Usually I am stuffing myself crazy with carbs (ok I did indulge in spaghetti last night) But.. i am pretty happy now! Even tho I have cramps grrr.. haha

    UGH IM JEALOUS. I'm up 5lbs from yesterday... AND stuffing myself with carbs!!!! UGGGGGHHHH! :grumble:
  • njbooklover
    njbooklover Posts: 77 Member
  • roxyjo1
    roxyjo1 Posts: 29
    My workout plan:
    Friday: Run 2 miles
    Saturday: 1 hr morning bike ride (before my Bridal Shower.Yay!)
    Sunday: Run 2 miles
    Monday: 1 hr Strength training
    Tues: 2 mile run
    Wed: 30 min elliptical, 30 min strength training
    Thurs: 2 mile run
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    I usually make my workout schedule on Thursdays: I love bodyrock.tv as you can see. It's really shrinking my thighs and tummy pretty quick.

    Thur: 30 min rowing & Ab workout from bodyrock
    Fri: Full body workout from bodyrock & rowing
    Sat: 20 min cardio from bodyrock & I'm not sure
    Sun: Hot fit & Tight from bodyrcok & I'm not sure
    Mon: Fully body & rowing
    Tues: Abs now & cardio challenge from bodyrock
    Wed: Rest
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    :noway: Well, I just had a surprise! I am down 4lbs and I started my period! That never happens.

    Usually I am stuffing myself crazy with carbs (ok I did indulge in spaghetti last night) But.. i am pretty happy now! Even tho I have cramps grrr.. haha

    UGH IM JEALOUS. I'm up 5lbs from yesterday... AND stuffing myself with carbs!!!! UGGGGGHHHH! :grumble:

    Dont be jealous. I spent a million dollars in pregnancy tests because I am ohhh like 20 days late on this period! Hahaha and I have a six month old so I was FREAKING out! I welcomed my dear Aunt Flo with open arms this month.. .next month she can piss off :angry:
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    Bump for later. I am finishing a challenge and would love a new one.
  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 130 Member
    Fill this in:

    Current Weight (8/19): 170
    Weight lost since last week: --
    Calories burned since last week: 1000
    Nutrition goal met??
    How many miles did you travel this past week: 4

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 3000
    Weight loss goal: 3 pounds
    Nutrition goal: stay under calorie goal (1000/day); more water

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'4"
    Chest (at band): 36"
    Chest (across bust): 40"
    Waist 34"
    Hips: 41"
    Thighs: 22"
    Calves: 15"
    Arms: 12"
    Neck: 13"

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge) 150 (2 lb/week)
  • jesstroxel
    jesstroxel Posts: 120
    Workout schedule:
    Friday: rest
    Saturday: Gym 60 minutes Cardio
    Sunday: Walk 120 minutes
    Monday: Gym 60 minutes Cardio
    Tuesday: Gym 60 minutes Strength
    Wednesday: Gym 60 minutes Cardio
    Thursday: Gym 60 minutes Strength

    Cant say for sure what I will be doing at the gym, I just have to see how packed it is and what is open.