My GREEK Yogurt RANT!!! Please read this



  • shannieboo
    shannieboo Posts: 144 Member
    Not sure what the point of the rant is. You don't get diabetes from eating sugar, reading labels is important yes, plain chobani greek yogurt (non-fat) is great imo. Wheeee!

    I didnt say that I got diabetes from eating sugar, but after you get it, its a whole different ball game
  • Traceyl
    Traceyl Posts: 1 Member
    so what is the recommend grams of sugar one should stay under in a day. I have most everything else figured out but sugar and salt. thanks for the post!
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    Isn't MIO just as bad for you since it contains "chemical sugar"? Those have been known to cause cancers, bloating, make you gain more weight, etc. I know I'll probably not be popular here for saying that since "chemical sugar" is calorie free, but that's my opinion. I don't eat the stuff.

    I agree with this as well. Just because something is "sugar free" and zero calories doesn't mean it is any better for you. I would rather have a small amount of REAL sugar than something conjured up in a lab.
  • speedub
    speedub Posts: 3
    Thank you so much for this post! I am a runner and trying to add more calories on days with long runs, but I'm trying not to just eat candy and soda like I did as a kid. I'd like to make better choices and this information is FANTASTIC.. I haven't paid that much attention to the sugars as I burn them, but so much stuff is packed with junk and it is no wonder so many are having health issues. I keep thinking I need to make better choices and paying attention to the number of calories is helpful - but now I think I can step it up to sugar content.. of course I get a pass while running or if I'm doing an ultra.. but when hanging out on a Saturday, I don't need all that and I sure don't want a sugar rush... and crash.

    Good luck with your diabetes. I can't imagine living with that - so many choices of what you can and can't eat already made for you - you all impress me with how you do it! :)

    I just read other posts since I put mine up. I don't think she is talking about sugar GIVING you diabetes, but the fact is, no matter how you got it, you can't eat a lot of sugar.. the body has a hard time with it.

    I'm a distance runner and need carbs, I think carbs are fantastic.. but complex carbs are better than simple sugars for your body. I didn't catch her blasting carbs in general - just the fact that it had the same sugar content as a candy bar. I'll eat simple sugars, I would just prefer them to be in my candy bar and not also the yogurt. I hate yogurt but just a couple years ago started liking the Greek ones with honey. I don't do the Dannon ones. Now I'll add my own flavor.

    Also - thanks for the great idea to use it as mayo! Not sure why I never thought of that - I love Greek food and they put yougart in their pita sandwitches! YUM!
  • shannieboo
    shannieboo Posts: 144 Member
    I know this is going to sound harsh, but it has to be said.
    You were 317lbs. I guarantee the amount of sugar you ate in your diet from things other than yogurt, was a much greater cause of your diabetes. Ex: pop, candy, chocolate etc.

    The majority of the sugar in the greek yogurt, is lactose btw. Yes there is a lot of sugar in it, but the thing is comparing 21g of sugar in a serving of yogurt, to 39g in a can of coke, you can see the difference.

    If you aren't basing your diet around ice cream, and cakes, etc. I'm sure the sugar in your yogurt won't kill you. CARBS ARE NOT A BAD THING. Carbs fuel your body, that's why we eat them. Sure you should have more natural sources like fructose, and more complex like those found in whole wheat products, but honestly unless you're tons of refined sugar, you should be fine.

    How do you think I have learned what I have? as I said sugar is sugar.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Yeah, that's why I stopped eating Greek yogurt. Hate the plain stuff, don't want added sugar, not fond of artificial sweetners. So, I eat something else.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Artificial sweeteners are the DEVIL and so bad for you. I eat plain nonfat Chobani. Sometimes I mix in almonds and blueberries. It takes getting used to though.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    A diabetic responds to sugar differently from a non-diabetic (obviously). Yes, everyone's pancreas produces insulin in response to sugar, but your cells don't respond to it, or your pancreas doesn't make enough.

    The 'stuff' around the berries is pectin, a fruit fiber.

    Table sugar is not the same as fruit sugar, which is not the same as milk sugar.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I just sweeten my plain greek yogurt with some good old fashioned fresh fruit.
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    Ehh...not all brands are created equal...try Chobani, it's all natural and approved by clean eating magazine. Maybe next time try reading ingrediants of other brands before bashing a product entirely. Just my opinion.
  • brandon2743
    brandon2743 Posts: 121 Member
    I know this is going to sound harsh, but it has to be said.
    You were 317lbs. I guarantee the amount of sugar you ate in your diet from things other than yogurt, was a much greater cause of your diabetes. Ex: pop, candy, chocolate etc.

    The majority of the sugar in the greek yogurt, is lactose btw. Yes there is a lot of sugar in it, but the thing is comparing 21g of sugar in a serving of yogurt, to 39g in a can of coke, you can see the difference.

    If you aren't basing your diet around ice cream, and cakes, etc. I'm sure the sugar in your yogurt won't kill you. CARBS ARE NOT A BAD THING. Carbs fuel your body, that's why we eat them. Sure you should have more natural sources like fructose, and more complex like those found in whole wheat products, but honestly unless you're tons of refined sugar, you should be fine.

    How do you think I have learned what I have? as I said sugar is sugar.

    Sugar is NOT sugar.

    Educate yourself please.

    Different types of sugars, are digested differently within your body. Some cause quick insulin spikes, while others do not. I'm sorry, but you really do NOT have any idea what you're talking about.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Not sure what the point of the rant is. You don't get diabetes from eating sugar, reading labels is important yes, plain chobani greek yogurt (non-fat) is great imo. Wheeee!

    You are correct, sugar provides carbs though and for diabetics carbs are to be limited. The amount of carbs/sugar in plain greek yogurt is manageable for me... probably not for all... And I too like chobani non fat plain.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sorry, also, every person's body handles foods differently. Some diabetics can eat some things and not others... all individual.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Artificial sweeteners are the DEVIL and so bad for you.

    Eh, I don't like the taste but I don't think they are the devil. If I'm somewhere and the only options are a sugary drink or one with artificial sweetener, I'll going for the diet drink.
  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    I knew that the regular flavored yogurt had tons of sugar (that's why I stopped eating it), but I didn't realize that PLAIN yogurt had any. I use the FAGE 0%, I did the match and it has slightly less than the Dannon you posted.

    I love mine (1/2 cup) with strawberries and mango and a packet of splenda.
  • brandon2743
    brandon2743 Posts: 121 Member
    I knew that the regular flavored yogurt had tons of sugar (that's why I stopped eating it), but I didn't realize that PLAIN yogurt had any. I use the FAGE 0%, I did the match and it has slightly less than the Dannon you posted.

    I love mine (1/2 cup) with strawberries and mango and a packet of splenda.
    Plain does not have any flavouring. The "sugar" is lactose, which comes from it being a milk product.
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    I know this is going to sound harsh, but it has to be said.
    You were 317lbs. I guarantee the amount of sugar you ate in your diet from things other than yogurt, was a much greater cause of your diabetes. Ex: pop, candy, chocolate etc.

    The majority of the sugar in the greek yogurt, is lactose btw. Yes there is a lot of sugar in it, but the thing is comparing 21g of sugar in a serving of yogurt, to 39g in a can of coke, you can see the difference.

    If you aren't basing your diet around ice cream, and cakes, etc. I'm sure the sugar in your yogurt won't kill you. CARBS ARE NOT A BAD THING. Carbs fuel your body, that's why we eat them. Sure you should have more natural sources like fructose, and more complex like those found in whole wheat products, but honestly unless you're tons of refined sugar, you should be fine.

    How do you think I have learned what I have? as I said sugar is sugar.

    Sugar is NOT sugar.

    Educate yourself please.

    Different types of sugars, are digested differently within your body. Some cause quick insulin spikes, while others do not. I'm sorry, but you really do NOT have any idea what you're talking about.

    Game. Set. Match.
  • I absolutly agree. The yogurt is mostly Sugar loaded flavored "yogurt" pudding. It's not real yogurt. Real yogurt is made from milk and baterial cultures. CARRAGEENAN and GUMS: Furcelleran, Ghatti, Guar, Karaya, Locust Bean, Xanthan are used to make most of the yogurt you find on the self. These allow the producer to make yogurt like substances cheaper and use health claims like low fat, diet, etc. The quantity of sugar is also something to be concerned with.

    There are however a few brands that make real yogurt. Astro makes a Balken Style yogurt (plain) and many companies make the plain greek yogurt. Your best bet is to add your own fruit and if need be sugar. Believe or not buying products with no salt and sugar and then adding them yourself will save you a lot of grams. Processed foods tend to account for 80% of your sugar and salt intake and adding them yourself accounts for 30%.

    Example that you made by adding your own fruit you are adding sugars however the sugars in the fresh fruit plus all the other benefits you will get from the fruit far out weight the fruit flavored jelly they add to your yogurt.

    A really good book to re educate yourself with natural healthy common sense eating is In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan. I borrowed a copy from my local library and think I might buy it. A good pocket book of the this book is Food Rule by Michael Pollan.

    Keep educating yourself and good luck.

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  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    Thank you! I can't tell you how timely your "rant" was. I was literally on my way out the door to buy some Greek yogurt for the first time. I met with a personal trainer this morning, for the first time also, and he recommended it. I have heard people talk about it, but have never tried it. I will take your suggestions and see what I can do with it.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well, I;m not sure if you know this but Dannon and most of the "Greek Yogurts" are true Greek yogurts ... in fact some of them say in a non-obvious way that it is a "Greek Style." Also, Dannon, in an attempt to try to become more authentic, and a strategic business move, bought out Oikos Greek Yogurt; this will start to happen with the other companies as well. Did anyone notice how Okios now tastes completely different? The closest thing you can find to a real Greek yogurt is going to be Fage or maybe Chobani (I noticed their consistency has recently changed).

    Not to mention the fact that some of them have milk protein concentrates in them which are total yuck, Oikos is one of them or was when I bought it and tossed it (google that for more info), which makes them "fake" in my opinion. Also, yoplait has their own version of greek yogurt which miraculously is the same consistency and texture as their regular, so they simply boosted the protein count to call it greek? WTF is that all about.

    Moral: not all greek yogurts are made equally!