Less Alcohol - November 2018 - One Day at a Time



  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I’ve been having wine in moderation since Thanksgiving. Monday I will kick off another challenge for myself, wine, calories and exercise all included. I find the challenges really appeal to my competitive side :)

    Is that challenge a thread?

  • dommylifts
    dommylifts Posts: 96 Member
    Hi. Is this a group thread or do I just comment here? I am very interested in joining. Thank you.
  • SanDiegofitmom
    SanDiegofitmom Posts: 303 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I’ve been having wine in moderation since Thanksgiving. Monday I will kick off another challenge for myself, wine, calories and exercise all included. I find the challenges really appeal to my competitive side :)

    Is that challenge a thread?

    I’m doing the “just give me 10 days” challenges - it’s a great way to break down goals into manageable amounts.
  • SanDiegofitmom
    SanDiegofitmom Posts: 303 Member
    dommylifts wrote: »
    Hi. Is this a group thread or do I just comment here? I am very interested in joining. Thank you.

    You can just comment! Welcome!
  • anglilacs
    anglilacs Posts: 165 Member
    Day 1 in the books. Starting day 2. Looking forward to checking in with you all!
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,567 Member
    edited November 2018
    @SanDiegofitmom wrote: I’m doing the “just give me 10 days” challenges - it’s a great way to break down goals into manageable amounts.
    I am also doing another challange - the Say no to late night snacking. Very helpful thread

    Welcome both @dommylifts and @anglilacs. If you pop over to page one at the very beginning of this thread there is a ton of helpful information put out by @Orphia to assist you on this less alcohol journey.
    Glad you are here.😊

  • dommylifts
    dommylifts Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you! I went almost a month without drinking and had a large binge. Since the binge (20th) I’ve had at least one drink every night. My goal is no alcohol as I dislike how I feel! I’m excited for the accountability in this group.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,567 Member
    @forestdweller1 keep a cool head. Hopefully your Grandson is aware of his Father's bad behavior and will not fall into the alcohol trap. But if said SIL offers it up again to him I would let him know he is giving alcohol to a minor and that is not acceptable.
    Big hug to you.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I'd be summoning some courage and telling S-i-L sympathetically that he's got a serious problem with his own drinking if he thinks that's acceptable behaviour.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,567 Member
    Thanks for making our December thread link @Orphia. You are AWESOME.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,567 Member
    Wondering how everyones month has shaped up for each of you? Hoping you have had success in seeing a positive difference in your path.
  • SanDiegofitmom
    SanDiegofitmom Posts: 303 Member
    I took 10 days off before thanksgiving and felt great but then since then nightly wine - lots of social gatherings etc. I’m getting back on track for dec!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    Wondering how everyones month has shaped up for each of you? Hoping you have had success in seeing a positive difference in your path.

    I’ve been pretty quiet as of late but I am still tracking my tally sheet each month since January : AF/A/# drinks

    November has been pretty quiet - I’ve been sick for about 10 days so I haven’t been drinking other than the long holiday weekend last week and even then was low key and I was happy to switch from wine to hot tea when I got home from festivities.

    Looks like I will end up with a 50/50 split of drinking vs non drinking days and my average drinks on the days I do drink is under 3. This is the best month I’ve had since Feb of this year but I also had to try really hard in those early months and now my attitude toward drinking has really shifted as to whether I really want to imbibe or not rather than doing it out of habit or need.

    I think back to last year at this time and I know drinking far less often and far less in total than I had been before finding this group. Mindful Moderation has been really successful for me and I’m looking forward to following along on the December thread!
    I will have an early month challenge with a work trip to France but the work days are long and won’t allow much time for evening events, but rest assured I will enjoy a few glasses of Cote d’Rhone while I’m there!

    Thanks again to everyone for continued support and participation and thanks @Orphia and @MissMay for keeping the threads going for the moderation crowd.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,567 Member
    edited November 2018
    🤗 always love seeing that turquoise shirt with that beautiful smile above it because I know it is @WinoGelato.
    Applause applause to you girl for taking charge with your mindful moderating. I keep the same tally log for daily awareness and November is my best month ever also (FOUR DRINKS TOTAL) So much of what you said stands true.
    Sorry you have been ill for so long, that is never fun.
    Please let us know how keeping it together in France goes. But at the same time have a blast.
    Love hearing from you.

    @SanDiegofitmom those social gatherings can be tough this time of year. They tug at all of us, your not alone. Keep strong.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,567 Member
    edited November 2018
    Goodbye NOvember to remember. You were good to me....correction...I was good to myself.

    See you on the Less alcohol - December 2018 - One day at a time thread.