Less Alcohol - November 2018 - One Day at a Time



  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    Venus_88 wrote: »
    Hello everyone! I'm pretty happy with my results in October 6 days with some drinks out of 31. Would like to make it 4 in November. And it is not alcohol but for me it is related - one month without smoking Yay!
    Have a great day everyone :smile:

    Woohoo! Quitting smoking is also hard. Well done!
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    73CL350 wrote: »
    Today is day 30 AF for me.

    I plan to have a celebration toast this friday for making it through Sober October ... but I want to be accountable and not slip back into the 6-8 beer a day habit I had previously. I'd like to limit myself to once a week through November.

    Impressive! Last day today - woot woot!
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,561 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    9 months alcohol-free!

    Never thought that would happen when I joined these threads in February.

    Feeling fantastic!

    CONGRATULATIONS @Orphia that is such an incredible acomplishment.

    Another Halloween party last night at a club. Dancing,, singing, awesome costumes everyone having a fantastic time and me....with my pumpkin spice coffee. My drug of choice!!

    Hello November I plan to REMEMBER everything.
  • ngk2000
    ngk2000 Posts: 192 Member
    I'm in for for a NOvember to remember.

    Today is Day 12 AF.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Here goes day one af. :):)

    @saracantthink Yay, well done for making the effort! The first evening is "hard", but it looks like you've had kids - you know some things are much harder! You can definitely do this.

    It gets easier!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Congratulations @Orphia! What an amazing accomplishment . . . on top of your other amazing accomplishments!

    Thank you so much, sweetie!
    I had an unplanned drink last night, and it was hard to stop. I was both hormonal and emotional. Tomorrow is my husband's birthday, and we are going to an NHL hockey game with our son, so I was planning to have one. I will try not to now. I don't know. I'm feeling like progress is happening because I'm being more aware of how it is making me feel, both while drinking it and over the next twenty-four hours, and particularly just how hard it is to stop at one. My plan going into November was to allow one drink a week; I don't know if that is possible for me. I may need to be AF.

    Love this! You've made some great realisations there.

    Yes, willpower is hard when the body is giving more energy to the reproductive system at those times of the month. The brain can miss out! :smile: Totally understandable "lapse".

    I'm impressed with your progress. You seem to be moderating well. But I agree, it's hard. That's a big reason why I've gone 9 months. It's too hard to stop at one, and too hard to quit again a few times a week, let alone once.

    @MissMay and @ngk2000 Love the November slogans.

    Yes, I agree!

    NOvember to REMEMBER!! :heart:

  • mainelylisa
    mainelylisa Posts: 375 Member
    Having gotten through the end of October, decided last night that I would have a drink with dinner out with girlfriends before seeing Bohemian Rhapsody (awesome, BTW). I had half glass of wine before going and then one drink. I love that I planned and stopped after 1.5. I did enjoy it. If only it were always that easy. Even one drink ending at 6:30 p.m. is still slightly felt this morning--a good reminder that the piper is just around the corner.

    Great insights on this thread already. I think awareness, if drinking, as @RunRachelleRun mentioned, is a fabulous tool.

    Congrats, @Orphia....what an amazing amazing accomplishment!
  • mainelylisa
    mainelylisa Posts: 375 Member
    Having gotten through the end of October, decided last night that I would have a drink with dinner out with girlfriends .... Even one drink ending at 6:30 p.m. is still slightly felt this morning--a good reminder that the piper is just around the corner.
    UPDATE: I progressively felt worse as I worked and the morning wore on...heading into my noon workout with a trainer. Good news is that I didn't puke. The other good news is that this is (or rather should be) a pretty strong deterrent. Bad news is that I probably would have felt better if I had.

    Have to say at this point, it was not worth it for sure. This is from 1.5 drinks at age 57. I started Googling why hangovers get worse with old age, and the articles were referring to old as 30, so I quit reading. >:)

    Have a great and as @MissMay says, successful weekend!

  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,561 Member
    edited November 2018
    @mainelylisa OHhhhhhh ouch a delayed reaction to your evening. That is no fun. This same "mind game" kept throwing me under the bus last Spring. I would "reward" myself out of the blue for going x number of days AF. Then I would have 2 or three and they would react to my system as if I had drank 5 or 6. My tolerance was lowered, but my mind still wanted to party like a rock star. It all ends up back to balance and control over that brain.

    Hope your better now.
    p.s.57 is the new 42😉

    @Ke22yB you look awesome for 70. Keep it up.

  • ElC_76
    ElC_76 Posts: 3,054 Member
    I think when it comes to the old to the 'new age' I think they mean, the wiser of the society :)
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,561 Member
    ElC_76 wrote: »
    I think when it comes to the old to the 'new age' I think they mean, the wiser of the society :)

    Eat well
    Exercise your body
    Control your drinking
    Have a healthy and positive mind set
    Listen to your bodies warning signs
    Enjoy your sleep time