JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Had a pants day. Some very frustrating stuff that called to my inner rebellious child and I’ve just said sod it! for today. The only healthy thing I’ve done all day is eat some fruit and do a quick run at lunchtime. Even more stupid as I am out with work colleagues for dinner tomorrow and wanted some calories banked but such is life.

    Wednesday goals recap
    - morning workout ❎
    - Leave cash for piano teacher and for daughter to buy book✅
    - Send reminder re birthday meal✅
    - Take watch to work?❎
    - Empty car ❎
    - Confirm restaurant for tomorrow✅
    - Stocking filler research!!❎
    - Early night✅

    Thursday goals
    - morning workout
    - Early to school to prep for school trip
    - Remember lunch
    - Dinner out with colleagues
    - Bed by 11.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hey everyone, so I've not posted any goals for quite a while. But today when I was on the school run I was stuck in some traffic and the last three letters of the licence plate in front were JFT lol!
    So I took that as a sign and here I am.

    So getting right back into it
    - 8 glasses of water ❎
    - Be in the green❎
    - Exercise❎
    - Tidy the house✔️
    - Rearrange the Christmas tree decorations❎

    Ha okay so not the best start.
    I had 4 waters, was in the green until my partner brought home icecream (although possibly still okay, I'll log it tomorrow to check but I expect it to be over)

    I didn't exercise because I've done so much today, decluttered everything. Literally everything. 3 bin bags full just came from the kitchen alone! And then we emptied, scrubbed and rearrange every cupboard and drawer, Wiped down all the appliances, moved the lounge around again to fit the tree in better so everythings still easy to get to.

    Didn't get round to sorting the Christmas tree.
    The tinsel is hanging off in places and the baubles are all grouped together.
    So basically 5 days is how long it lasted with the kids lol!
    Is it mean that I told Saskia that the foil ones don't have chocolate in just paper?
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    *kitten* just hit the fan at work - very complicated but directly affects DH's role and I'm scared shitless. Need to not emotionally eat, and need to not emotionally react at work so I should probably leave because I'm near tears. Just needed a vent.

    It's hard. I like knowing what to expect. Worst case scenario (work-wise), even if we both lost our jobs and had no income for an extended period of time, we have family that can help us out until we're able to get something. But even so, just knowing that I'm due for my annual evaluation gets me stressed. Unexpected complications? UGH. Lots of hugs and hopeful thoughts!

    A lovely reminder that we are also lucky in the family department. Thank you!!!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Recap 12/4 T ~ TV off later than planned last night & slept crappy, so kept hitting snooze button for early alarm this morning. Listened to my body and reset alarm ~ rest day. :D That's ok, after four straight days of workouts, including walking both in the 5K event and w/ dog on Sat.
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings = Fitbit 9,038 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 35 floors ~ more sitting in evening than planned (see #3 shopping) :neutral:
    2) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan & no evening snack after supper / net calories w/i 100 green / 14c water = Not quite but close... net calories -146 :/ , sodium -555, sugar -32 (mostly fruits/veggies), fiber excellent, protein low-ish, 15c water (yay)
    3) Evening: buy/write sympathy card for tomorrow :smile: / put up creches (must dust first) :/ but at least I brought boxes up from basement & organized stuff / online shopping for hubby gifts :smiley: done but nearly 2 hours! / LOG measurements from 12/1 :smile:
    4) Unplug 10:00 (if shopping otherwise 9:00) :smiley: 9pm! / floss :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / set/verify alarm, bed & tv OFF 10:15 :neutral: 10:30? (treadmill before work W)

    JFT 12/5 W ~ Today will be an up and down day... this morning I will attend the funeral of a retired former colleague of nearly 20 years. We kept in touch occasionally, I know his wife and all 3 of his kids, now adults of course. It will be sad & hard, but I'm hoping to see other former colleagues there. That will most likely be followed by a luncheon put on by the church ladies, so no idea what I'll be eating. This evening is the usual gathering of another group of former colleagues, with adult beverages & food at a pub I've never been too. I previewed the menu online & it looks amazing, more choices than normal pub food. Looking forward to this, but again, no idea how I'll log food. I will not fret over net calories today & try to drink plenty of water.
    1) Treadmill before work / 3 miles 50:54 = happy me :smiley: & sad dog
    2) Move hourly when possible ~ this will be a sedentary day unfortunately / 5 somethings
    3) Breakfast & snacks prelogged / log all food after the fact as best I can / 12c water
    4) Evening: try to get some to-do's done
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / set/verify early alarm, bed & tv off 10:15 (treadmill before work Th)

    I'm ever inspired and motivated by your balance between goals and living life without regrets! Thank you for helping me shape my own healthy balance!!! <3

    Thank you, Ali! That makes my day. <3 To be honest, I spent many work/life years UNbalanced, and can unequivocally say, it was not worth it. But it's how I got to be the person I am today. I learned a lot by trial and ERROR. Even now, every day is a challenge, and every day is a new start.


    Soooo... maybe in the long run, it WAS worth it? ;)

    Never thought of it that way before... you are so right! And not everything was bad the whole time, either. :wink: Thanks for that insight!

    BTW, I had to look up the poem "Never" and I see what you mean.

    Love ALL of this!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    @faebert sorry to hear its one of those days!$!! Must be something in the air!!! Hope tomorrow is better!

    @bex95372 sounds like a great success of a day - give yourself credit for all that awesome organizing and cleaning that must feel so good!!!
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Short day at work today, went well. Went to Target after and managed to make a nice dent in my Christmas shopping, so that is fantastic. Downside is now I have about 10 bags of yummy chocolates sitting in the other room. I'll just think "there's nothing there!" First day with some strong junky food cravings. I think it's because my meal plan for today was a little wonky. BUT I have four days to go and I CAN DO THIS! Muscles are sore from yesterday's workout (those sumo squat things did me in!) so just did walking for today, and I am OK with that. Happy Hump Day all!

    Check in (Wednesday):
    Up with the alarm ✅ HUZZAH!
    To work on time :( booo
    Drink 80 oz. of water ✅
    Work out 30 minutes ✅
    Follow the Mayo Clinic Diet 2-week plan (DAY 10, 4 to go!) ✅
    Track and post here ✅

    For Tomorrow (Tuesday):
    Up with alarm
    To work on time
    Drink 80 oz. of water
    Work out 30 minutes
    Follow the Mayo Clinic Diet 2-week plan (DAY 11, 3 to go!)
    Track and post here
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    RECAP Monday 12/3/18
    Hit 10,100 steps. Actually hit 11,796 B) . I’m going to up my step goal to 11,000 when I do cardio in the mornings.
    Give myself credit: :/ I’m trying but it's really hard to remember.

    JFT: Tuesday 12/4/18
    Hit 9,000 steps. Today's workout had very little steps so I'm challenging myself to make more than the 8,000 that I typically make on these type of days. Not sure how it will turn out but I'll try.
    Give myself credit.

    We have our staff holiday party today and I'm soooo looking forward to the Kentucky Derby pie! It's my favorite pie in the whole wide world!. I'm not going to restrain myself but I do want to listen to my body and see if it may tell me one piece is enough. It'll be interesting. :D

    Y'all have a great Tuesday!

  • TimeToReduceFat
    TimeToReduceFat Posts: 127 Member
    Wednesday Status:
    1. Walk for 3 km minimum - Done
    2. Do sudharshana Kriya - No
    3. Do not spend more than 30 bucks on food. - Done. Came to only 22
    4. Use stevia in tea & coffee - Done
    5. Be within the calorie limit - Way higher
    6. Be mindful of volume of my voice. Avoid situations that are argumentative in nature. Get away from it. And don't take it into heart if I do get into such situations & when people talk behind my back. - Done

    Thursday JFT (06.12.2018):
    1. Walk for 3 km minimum
    2. Do sudharshana Kriya
    3. Do not spend more than 30 bucks on food
    4. Use stevia in tea & coffee
    5. Be within the calorie limit
    6. Be mindful of volume of my voice. Avoid situations that are argumentative in nature. Get away from it. And don't take it into heart if I do get into such situations & when people talk behind my back.

    Things I need to work on gradually:
    1. Be consistent in exercising
    2. Work on saving money
    3. Drink enough water
    4. Reduce sugar in tea & coffee. Use stevia instead
    5. Be within calorie limit & create a deficit
    6. Learn something w.r.t work everyday
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @toaljasa I was wondering where you were! I missed ya!
    It's lovely to hear about the wedding but I'm sorry for your sons miscarriage.
    I can only imagine what they're going through, I know I've lost a baby too but to have it happen more than once I just can't even bear the thought.
    I hope you and your family are okay xx

    Thanks, Bex. Life doesn't always go as we hope. But we keep moving forward, don't we? We will see them Christmas---hard to be so far away at these times.

    It sounds like you are in full mom mode. Good for you to do a purge for your house. I always feel such freedom! Now if only I could keep it uncluttered instead of adding filling up the spaces again :)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @toaljasa So happy to see you back. Congrats on your dress and your son's wedding, and condolences on your family's loss. Thank you for sharing that video. I realized that's how I've been trying to be, so it really spoke to me.

    Thanks! The video voiced many of my thoughts as well. I've watched it several times...just such a solid reminder I'm on an ongoing journey, which is very freeing as I don't put myself in a box that has time limits and such.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :/ Ate a few things I didn't intend to - Wednesday is difficult as I have French from 6-8 and don't get home till 9.30, so eating patterns get a bit messed up. Need to figure out a good routine
    - Be in the green :/ Went a little over due to the unplanned items
    - 3+ bottles water :smile:
    - No alcohol :smile:

    - Savour every bite :neutral: Sometimes
    - No eating whilst standing :neutral: I ate a bag of crisps on the way to French, which was while walking - this was in the plan though
    - Give myself credit! :/ It's very hard to remember to do this!
    - Differentiate between hunger, desire and craving :smile: When I finished eating (at 9.45) I really felt like eating more. But then I caught myself and thought about what I was feeling and realised I just felt like eating, possibly due to slight stress, rather than actually being hungry. So I didn't have anything else! Quite proud of this

    - 45 minute lunch break :smile:
    - Meditate :/ Ended up spending lunch helping a colleague with her appraisal - our line manager has given her negative comments which she felt were unfair so was helping her with how to respond (was slightly awkward when he came over to use the printer next to us and was like 'what are you plotting'.... Hmm...)
    - 2+ of French podcast, article, book :/ No time as above
    - Finish work at 5pm :neutral: 5.15
    - Read Beck Diet Solution :smile:
    - Gratitude journal :/ forgot!
    - Lights out by 11 :/ felt like reading more and ignored this one....

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - 3+ bottles water

    - Savour every bite
    - No eating whilst standing
    - Give myself credit!
    - Differentiate between hunger, desire and craving

    - 2+ of French podcast, article, book
    - Read Beck Diet Solution
    - Gratitude journal

    Current calorie balance: 100 in the red
  • Greeny19832014
    Greeny19832014 Posts: 12 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hey everyone, so I've not posted any goals for quite a while. But today when I was on the school run I was stuck in some traffic and the last three letters of the licence plate in front were JFT lol!
    So I took that as a sign and here I am.

    So getting right back into it
    - 8 glasses of water
    - Be in the green
    - Exercise
    - Tidy the house
    - Rearrange the Christmas tree decorations

    Inspiration in the strangest places! Have a great day!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Okay so I'm reinstating my motto from 2017..

    Strive for progress, not perfection.

    So with this in mind here are my goals
    - 8 glasses of water (or more than 4)
    - Be in the green
    - Exercise (a short one is better than nothing)
    - Tidy up! (finish off from yesterday)
  • Greeny19832014
    Greeny19832014 Posts: 12 Member

    Recap Wednesday

    1. Decide who to send Christmas Cards to :smile:
    2. Continue self-control :)
    3. Meter Reading!! :(
    4. Complete 'plans' task at work o:) Not complete but I worked my butt off on it yesterday - it's a massive task.
    5. Swim after work :)

    Just for Today - Thursday

    1. Shopping tonight - stick to list and budget!
    2. Walk at lunchtime
    3. Return Parcels
    4. Meter Reading!!
    5. Continue Christmas Card Writing
    6. Control the calorie intake! (I'm tired and I feel as though I'm going to overeat)
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Wednesday
    1. AM weights. Feed cats. Shower. Pack breakfast & lunch. Morning meds. Tea! Log 1 item. November challenge - red cup and fives! Toe exercises.
    2. Finish Week 19. Duo. Blog post. Review weekly project. Need to RS dr appts for 2/7 as it conflicts with conference 2/7 and 2/8. Check on sub for 2/7 and 2/8 as well as 2/28, 3/1, 3/4. Dr appts March? April? DOUBLE CHECK WEEK 18. REPRINT.
    3. Class 2-3: Project work. WM ch 7. Add to class website; update class websites. Need to practice subject/object pronouns (my friend and I / my friend and me). Write discussion post for week 5? Review weekly project. YIKES!
    4. Class 4 - Review Likert surveys. Socratic Seminar. 4th needs practice with quoting & paraphrasing sources, identifying claims that would need support, use of last names for reference, and capitalization practice (common/proper nouns, titles).
    5. Review S2 plans. What is my purpose for each unit? Sketch out semester block. Review unit plans and compare to notes outlines. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water!
    6. Quiz. WRITE BLOG POST. Draft essay. Evicted p. 10-60.
    7. Dinner - shrimp bowls. Add cough drops to grocery list. Make plans for next week's meals and update grocery list. Check about angel tree.
    8. Prep Thu lunch: Soup plus. Chop celery. Weigh and log. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 5:00.

    JFT Thursday
    1. AM weights. Feed cats. Shower. Morning meds. Tea! Log 1 item. November challenge: Red cup and fives!
    2. Check standards on week 18. Check board. Reprint if needed. Draft week 19. Get sub for 2/7 and 2/8. RS dr. appts for 2/7 - March? April? Put poetry quiz into Google Forms. Blog post. Duo. Finish Week 19 draft. Collect research and draft presentation. Write week 5 discussion post.
    3. Class 2-3: WM ch 8. Project work. Collect ALL reflections. Need to practice subject/object pronouns (my friend and I / my friend and me). Input Socratic Seminar grades for 4th. Grade Prince analyses.
    4. Class 4: Reflection 46. Project work. 4th needs practice with quoting & paraphrasing sources, identifying claims that would need support, use of last names for reference, and capitalization practice (common/proper nouns, titles).
    5. Review S2 plans. What is my purpose for each unit? Sketch out semester block. Review unit plans and compare to notes outlines. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water! Toe exercises!
    6. Update class websites. Write blog comments.
    7. Dinner - steak! Discuss meals for next week. Evicted p 60-110.
    8. Prep Fri lunch: BBQ salad. Chop celery. Weigh and log. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 5:00. Add 'angel tree' to next week's JFT. Check on barn order next week.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    February 2018: 173.6
    March 2018: 179.6
    July 2018: 189.6
    August 2018: 187.4
    September: 186.4
    October: 185.4
    November: 188.2
    Today: 188.2

    Ongoing plans/ideas
    1. Go to Mac store and see if they can retrieve the files off the iMac.
    2. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another. Students need to know how to review multiple sources and synthesize information in order to draw a conclusion.
    3. Create poetry project using Those Winter Sundays, Sonnet 18, and Sonnet 30.
    4. Develop writing mini-unit. Review scholarly research on 5PE. Parallel structure; use of emotional language, specific detail. Use "Write About a Pebble" lesson from Atwell. Use the UDHR and the Declaration of Independence to study paraphrasing; use that to front-load Machiavelli and how to deal with challenging texts.
    5. Write next blog post. Comment on 3 posts each week -Tu Th Sun? Barn order: stapler, pencil sharpener
    6. Keep track of medical stuffs. Dentist? Also Feb 7 9:30 w Ac Int. Sub already set up. Apr 22 McC. Need sub. Call to set up checkups with Dass (October). GET MAGAZINES FOR COLLAGES FROM DOCTORS.
    7. Gifts for dad and DH - look for licorice puffs (Dollar Tree), cookbook.
    8. Check on conference; follow up on seminar proposal. Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, resilience, creativity, responsibility, optimism, courage, integrity, authenticity, leadership, self-awareness, humility, compassion - others? Can poetry unit be condensed?
    9. Go to used bookstore and look for Beauty (McKinley), Design for How People Learn (Julie Dirksen), Dying for a Paycheck (Robin Hardman), Matilda (Dahl), and The Prince (tr. Tim Parks).
    10. Design minibuttons with school logo, mascot, crest. Minibuttons that say THIS IS WHAT ANTIFASCISM LOOKS LIKE. White text on black bars on red background.

    I need to prioritize my writing. I haven't done any journaling to practice Portuguese either.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Weds
    1. Water - 3 before lunch, another 3 after :/ close but no - also I think my magnesium supplement is dehydrating me - need to find a new one.
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Be kind >:) Was good until it was not with work issues.
    4. 10 squats/bathroom trip :)
    5. Bring dog for nail trim at lunch :)
    6. Eat packed lunch BEFORE going out to fast food mecca where dog store is haha :)
    7. Cook eggroll in a bowl at home for dinner :)
    8. Bed by 9:30 :)

    JFT Thurs AM
    1. Wake up 6:15 OR first waking :)
    2. Smoothie :)
    4. Fish Oil :)
    5. Elderberry :)
    6. Pack lunches :)

    So - yesterday was a mess. I basically forced myself to eat dinner as I had not much of an appetite. DH is ready to move on, there is no plan B for him here despite the promises of such. All I can really do is support his decisions and work like mad to make up the difference in the meantime - but working is the best way I'm able to compartmentalize things and get by when I'm ready to fall into emotional despair. We will be okay - nothing like some bumps in the road to make you reevaluate everything - and I've been trying to remain in a growth mindset, that "failures" are only opportunities to learn but dang its hard! Going to disappear into some projects...

    1. Dont cry at work - remain professional
    2. Log all food
    3. Drink lots of water
    4. Take 10am break OUT of the building - same with lunch
    5. Leave by 3:15 for endo appointment
    6. Be kind
    7. Eat packed lunch
    8. Cook dinner at home

    JFT Friday
    1. Wake up 6:15 or first waking
    2. Smoothie
    3. Fish oil
    4. Water
    5. Elderberry
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Wednesday, 12/05/18)
    1) Log ALL my food for the day :)
    2) Go to the gym :)
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water (more if I can) BEFORE having a Diet Coke :)
    4) Stay "in the green" with my calorie intake for the day :)

    JFT (Wednesday, 12/06/18)
    1) Log ALL my food for the day
    2) Go to drs appnt with my son
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water (more if I can) BEFORE having a Diet Coke
    4) Stay "in the green" with my calorie intake for the day
    5) Do some Christmas shopping
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,598 Member
    12/5 W ~ Today will be an up and down day... this morning I will attend the funeral of a retired former colleague of nearly 20 years. We kept in touch occasionally, I know his wife and all 3 of his kids, now adults of course. It will be sad & hard, but I'm hoping to see other former colleagues there. That will most likely be followed by a luncheon put on by the church ladies, so no idea what I'll be eating. This evening is the usual gathering of another group of former colleagues, with adult beverages & food at a pub I've never been to too (sorry English teachers!). I previewed the menu online & it looks amazing, more choices than normal pub food. Looking forward to this, but again, no idea how I'll log food. I will not fret over net calories today & try to drink plenty of water.

    Recap: Very emotional day at the funeral. :'( Was able to meet with the wife, kids, spouses & grandchildren, and that was wonderful. <3 Saw 5 former colleagues from when I started at that job in 1980, plus several spouses, which was great b/c we were small staff then and like family, also one other former colleague I was very happy to see. <3 Luncheon was not as expected... everyone was invited to nearby restaurant & there were so many people, seating had to be in shifts. I had to be back to the office, so could not stay. Decided to grab quick lunch on my way. Panera's parking lot was packed and drive-thru was backed up, so I went to nearby Red Robin. Hubby doesn't like b/c of the noise volume, so I took advantage of opportunity. Looked at salads on menu but ordered an old favorite, 'shroom burger & steak fries. At least I didn't have any of the free fries refills. Logged everything. At happy hour, drank one beer and ate what I pre-planned: roasted beet salad with arugula ~ yum! Logged as best I could.
    1) Treadmill before work / 3 miles 50:54 = happy me :smiley: & sad dog
    2) Move hourly when possible ~ this will be a sedentary day unfortunately / 5 somethings = Fitbit 13,440 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 (surprised) & 50 floors :smiley:
    3) Breakfast & snacks prelogged / log all food after the fact as best I can / 12c water = Meals not entirely out of line, but in evening, I was over-tired & still emotional, craving sweets, so ate 1 fun size candy (still have Halloween leftovers) then ate last of the dark chocolate chip gelato... at least that's out of the house. I'm sure net calories were very red, but I'm not stressing. :| 12c water :)
    4) Evening: try to get some to-do's done = Shopped on way home & bought SIL's gifts (we drew her name)... items unexpectedly on sale + took advantage of 15% senior discount day ~ score! :D No energy/ambition for anything else :neutral:
    5) Unplug 9:00 :smiley: / floss :s / retainers :s / set/verify early alarm, bed & tv off 10:15 :smiley: (treadmill before work Th)

    JFT 12/6 Th ~ Still dragging, so reset alarm and no workout before work. :/
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings
    2) Workplace mindfulness hike (not enough snow for snowshoes) at lunchtime
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / net calories green / 14c water
    4) Evening: choir 6:30 / wash dishes / to-do's
    5) Unplug 9:00 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / set/verify early alarm (adjust volume), bed & tv off 10:15 (treadmill before work F)
  • Caseyloupuckett
    Caseyloupuckett Posts: 1,037 Member
    So I wasn't going to bother posting today. Because I felt like yesterday wasn't my best day. And I was like what's the point. And then I remembered I want this to be a long term commitment. So I'm pushing forward.

    8 hours or more of sleep ✔ this under sleeper got 10hrs and 19 minutes of sleep
    Gallon of water 50%
    No carbs i cheated at dinner and had Chinese food resulted in a .2 gain today
    Journal everything ✔
    Be kind to myself in some ways yes. Not neary as bad as o use to be
    Get in 7500 steps today ✔ 7900 steps

    8hrs of sleep
    Gallon of water
    Carbs okay today been plannong it for this day for weeks
    Journal everything
    10000 steps today
    Be kind to myself