JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :/ I ate some chocolate at work as was forcing myself to do some work that I REALLY didn't want to do (re-running those incorrect numbers that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago). I felt I needed chocolate to push through, which is probably not true. However the chocs were only tiny (130 kcals total)
    - Be in the green :smile:
    - 4 bottles water :smile:
    - No alcohol :smile:
    - Run to work (even though it's cooooooold! :#) :smiley: And it was my fastest work run in a while! I think it was combination of getting fitter and wanting to get warm....

    - Savour every bite :smile:
    - No eating whilst standing :smile:
    - Give myself credit! :neutral: Sometimes
    - Differentiate between hunger, desire and craving :neutral: Didn't really come up, unless you count the desire for chocolate and in that case I was pretty clear that it was desire and decided to eat it anyway...

    - 45 minute lunch break :smile:
    - Pick up prescription/ buy tights/ insoles :neutral: 2/3 - didn't get the insoles, need to pick up today (inside of boots is worn out so uncomfortable to walk, not good for increasing steps!)
    - 2+ of French podcast, article, book :smile:
    - Finish work at 7pm latest :neutral: 7.15
    - Read Beck Diet Solution :/ Ran out of time
    - Gratitude journal :smile:
    - Lights out by 11 :smile:

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - Be in the green
    - 3+ bottles water
    - No alcohol

    - Savour every bite
    - No eating whilst standing
    - Give myself credit!
    - Differentiate between hunger, desire and craving

    - 45 minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - 2+ of French podcast, article, book
    - Finish work at 5pm
    - Read Beck Diet Solution
    - Gratitude journal
    - Lights out by 11

    Current calorie balance: 120 in the green
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @jeschepp Thanks for the tip on the videos! I will look for those - I do a DVD at the moment (Davina) but would be good to try something else as I've been doing mine for a year now! (That said, it still makes me hurt in the two days after...)

    @Faebert Well done for not overeating when tired! That is super impressive - I invariably crave stodge and fat when I'm super tired and it's very hard not to give into it... You should be very pleased with yourself!
  • TimeToReduceFat
    TimeToReduceFat Posts: 127 Member
    edited December 2018
    Tuesday Status:
    1. Walk for 3 km minimum X
    2. Do sudharshana Kriya X
    3. Do not spend more than 30 bucks on food - Done
    4. Use stevia in tea & coffee - Done
    5. Be within the calorie limit - Way over limit
    6. Be mindful of volume of my voice. Avoid situations that are argumentative in nature. Get away from it. And don't take it into heart if I do get into such situations & when people talk behind my back. (I live in shared accommodation like a hostel, so often there are disagreements) - X increased my voice thrice when speaking to mother.

    Wednesday JFT (05.12.2018):
    1. Walk for 3 km minimum
    2. Do sudharshana Kriya
    3. Do not spend more than 30 bucks on food
    4. Use stevia in tea & coffee
    5. Be within the calorie limit
    6. Be mindful of volume of my voice. Avoid situations that are argumentative in nature. Get away from it. And don't take it into heart if I do get into such situations & when people talk behind my back.

    Things I need to work on gradually:
    1. Be consistent in exercising
    2. Work on saving money
    3. Drink enough water
    4. Reduce sugar in tea & coffee. Use stevia instead
    5. Be within calorie limit & create a deficit
    6. Learn something w.r.t work everyday
  • Greeny19832014
    Greeny19832014 Posts: 12 Member

    Just for Today - Tuesday Recap

    1. Have self-control in relation to the 600g bag of Lebkuchen I was gifted! :# ALMOST! But I managed to stay in control of overall calories for the day so: WIN!! :p
    2. Walk at lunchtime :/ Nope but I did walk after work! :)
    3. Order prescription!!! :)
    4. Meter Reading :/
    5. Return clothes that don't fit :/
    6. Stay in control of calorie intake :)
    7. Meal plan for next week :)

    Just for Today - Wednesday

    1. Decide who to send Christmas Cards to :smile: (Already done!)
    2. Continue self-control
    3. Meter Reading!!
    4. Complete 'plans' task at work
    5. Swim after work
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,014 Member
    @snowflake1968, I say get the clothes-drying rack. I used this method for MONTHS; much easier than hauling everything to the laundromat.

    I hope you have a functioning dryer soon though. :)
  • Caseyloupuckett
    Caseyloupuckett Posts: 1,037 Member
    Sleep at least 6 hours ( my schedule wont premit anymore than that today) ✔
    Gallon of water 75%
    No carbs had hald a multigrain tortilla
    Journal everything ✔
    Continue cleaning bedroom ✔
    Be kind to myself ( this one is hard when i make a mistake) ✔
    Get at least 5000 steps in almost like 500 steps away

    8 hours or more of sleep
    Gallon of water
    No carbs
    Journal everything
    Be kind to myself
    Get in 7500 steps today
  • awhit4842
    awhit4842 Posts: 236 Member
    An unexpected day off from work today which is very dangerous for me because I’m in the house near all the junk food with no supervision 🙂
    JFT Wednesday
    1. Focus on the work I brought home to stay focused
    2. Run errands to get out of the house for a few hours
    3. Log everything
    4. Drink 100 oz water
    5. Meditate twice
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member

    So onward and upwards!

    JFT, 12-3-18

    1. Up at 6😁
    2. Store by 6:30😁
    3. Work on straightening the living room/bedroom🙄
    4. Put the skirt around the tree😀
    5. Put dinner in the crock🙄
    6. Take over Mom and Dad's house😁
    7. Bake cookies but be sensible when tasting😭
    8. Have fun decorating with the DH😀
    9. Do laundry!😀
    10. Dinner/Dishes😭
    11. DH time😀
    12. Bed early!🤣

    JFT, 12-4-18

    1. Log all food ✔️
    2. Drink LOTS of water to flush out sugar from last night's cookie binge✔️
    3. Bring lunch to work✔️
    4. Work 815-515✔️
    5. Put food in crock pot!✔️
    6. Dinner/dishes✔️
    7. DH time✔️
    8. Bed by 1030❌11

    JFT 12-5-18

    1. Log all food
    2. Bring lunch to work
    3. Work 815-4
    4. Call PT
    5. Call barber shop
    6. Submit claim
    7. Pick up B at 5
    8. Eat sensibly at dinner
    9. Have fun!
    10. Home by 830
    11. Bed by 1030

    Look at all those check marks! Nicely done!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hey everyone, so I've not posted any goals for quite a while. But today when I was on the school run I was stuck in some traffic and the last three letters of the licence plate in front were JFT lol!
    So I took that as a sign and here I am.

    So getting right back into it
    - 8 glasses of water
    - Be in the green
    - Exercise
    - Tidy the house
    - Rearrange the Christmas tree decorations

    I love that the universe wont let you spend too much time away! Glad you're back :)
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Tuesday
    1. AM lifting? Feed cats. Shower. Meds. Tea! Log 1 item. Dr appt.
    2. Develop week 19. Print rubric for Machiavelli project. CALL PARENTS. (?) Review weekly project for masters..
    3. Class 2-3: Week 6; catch-up day. Need to practice subject/object pronouns (my friend and I / my friend and me).
    4. Class 4 - Project work. Reflection 45. 4th needs practice with quoting & paraphrasing sources, identifying claims that would need support, use of last names for reference, and capitalization practice (common/proper nouns, titles).
    5. Review S2 plans. What is my purpose for each unit? Sketch out semester block. Review unit plans and compare to notes outlines. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water!
    6. Get steaks. Pick up missing / forgotten groceries. Okonomiyaki for lunch. Vote?
    7. Put dishes away. Check grocery list. Two discussion posts. Quiz. Read 25 pages. Update Goodreads.
    8. Prep Wed lunch: Saag. Chop celery. Prep blackberry parfait. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 5:00.

    JFT Wednesday
    1. AM weights. Feed cats. Shower. Pack breakfast & lunch. Morning meds. Tea! Log 1 item. November challenge - red cup and fives! Toe exercises.
    2. Finish Week 19. Duo. Blog post. Review weekly project. Need to RS dr appts for 2/7 as it conflicts with conference 2/7 and 2/8. Check on sub for 2/7 and 2/8 as well as 2/28, 3/1, 3/4. Dr appts March? April? DOUBLE CHECK WEEK 18. REPRINT.
    3. Class 2-3: Project work. WM ch 7. Add to class website; update class websites. Need to practice subject/object pronouns (my friend and I / my friend and me). Write discussion post for week 5? Review weekly project. YIKES!
    4. Class 4 - Review Likert surveys. Socratic Seminar. 4th needs practice with quoting & paraphrasing sources, identifying claims that would need support, use of last names for reference, and capitalization practice (common/proper nouns, titles).
    5. Review S2 plans. What is my purpose for each unit? Sketch out semester block. Review unit plans and compare to notes outlines. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water!
    6. Quiz. Write blog comments. Draft essay. Evicted p. 10-60.
    7. Dinner - shrimp bowls. Add cough drops to grocery list. Make plans for next week's meals and update grocery list. Check about angel tree.
    8. Prep Thu lunch: Soup plus. Chop celery. Weigh and log. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 5:0.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    February 2018: 173.6
    March 2018: 179.6
    July 2018: 189.6
    August 2018: 187.4
    September: 186.4
    October: 185.4
    November: 188.2
    Today: 189.2

    Ongoing plans/ideas
    1. Go to Mac store and see if they can retrieve the files off the iMac.
    2. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another. Students need to know how to review multiple sources and synthesize information in order to draw a conclusion.
    3. Create poetry project using Those Winter Sundays, Sonnet 18, and Sonnet 30.
    4. Develop writing mini-unit. Review scholarly research on 5PE. Parallel structure; use of emotional language, specific detail. Use "Write About a Pebble" lesson from Atwell. Use the UDHR and the Declaration of Independence to study paraphrasing; use that to front-load Machiavelli and how to deal with challenging texts.
    5. Write next blog post. Comment on 3 posts each week -Tu Th Sun? Barn order: stapler, pencil sharpener
    6. Keep track of medical stuffs. Dentist? Also Feb 7 9:30 w Ac Int. Sub already set up. Apr 22 McC. Need sub. Call to set up checkups with Dass (October). GET MAGAZINES FOR COLLAGES FROM DOCTORS.
    7. Gifts for dad and DH - look for licorice puffs (Dollar Tree), cookbook.
    8. Check on conference; follow up on seminar proposal. Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, resilience, creativity, responsibility, optimism, courage, integrity, authenticity, leadership, self-awareness, humility, compassion - others? Can poetry unit be condensed?
    9. Go to used bookstore and look for Beauty (McKinley), Design for How People Learn (Julie Dirksen), Dying for a Paycheck (Robin Hardman), Matilda (Dahl), and The Prince (tr. Tim Parks).
    10. Design minibuttons with school logo, mascot, crest. Minibuttons that say THIS IS WHAT ANTIFASCISM LOOKS LIKE. White text on black bars on red background.

    So, I'm feeling pulled in a LOT of different directions, which is my own fault. I really want to try to get to the used bookstore this weekend. I finished my previous library book, and I'm a little ways in on a new one. I finally got my headpins and eyepins and realized that I need WAY more eyepins than headpins. But either way, I had enough for one necklace, so I took apart an old short layering one and put it back together with some multicolored beads, and I'm pretty stoked with how it turned out!

    And I'm almost out of "onederland." :( This has NOT been a good year for me. I need to log so that I can more closely monitor my intake, but like... can you delete recipes and meals and stuff out of your food diary? Because mine is SO CLUTTERED that it's impossible to find what I'm looking for. It's so frustrating and some people are like "lol logging takes me five minutes!" Well good for you, SUSAN, in five minutes I haven't even located the first item - or rather I've found seven different versions of it and I'm not sure which one is accurate.

  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Who has what challenge? I was busy hiding out here but you have found me. Do let me know because maybe it will be a small motion toward my posterior!
    Okay, let me struggle back to get this lard moving. I had a doughnut for breakfast because the kid did not. I had weak Apple juice to drink. My son's last year's Christmas puppy is literally out to kill me. There might be snow today says the paper but it is too warm. All in all, we are doing fine here. One problem--Even when I am so hungry, I just do not find a whole meal eatable (yes, eatable not edible). I am hoping eating LESS will do a trick for me. I am also being very slow to eat breakfast and if I ate sort of late, maybe supper is not needed. I think I could be still over-calorie-ing but I have it on mind. I have forgotten what exercise is.
    I hope you all are doing okay and even better. Love the pictures you post. I am updating the kid's picture here.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Tuesday
    1. Move more! I'm freezing in my office today so I'll try to combat that with movement every 15 minutes :)
    2. Three waters before noon - another three after :)
    3. 10 wall push ups/bathroom trip or squats (see whats "comfortable" today) :)
    4. Positive outlook and kind words :)
    5. Eat packed lunch :)
    6. Cook dinner at home - eggroll in a bowl >:)
    7. Bed by 9:30 :)

    JFT Weds AM
    1. Wake up 6:15 >:) I woke up at 5:50 but went back to bed because that was "too early" and didnt wake again until 6:45 - really trying to get up at first waking!
    2. Smoothie >:)
    3. Water :)
    4. Fish Oil :)
    5. Elderberry :)
    6. Pack lunches :)

    Wellllll last night was a bit of a binge...we had a mason come out to quote us on taking out a row of bricks to enlarge our fireplace opening so we can fit the stove insert in. The mason is an artisan brick mason that works with DH's stone mason uncle so I was expecting a really high cost - but he's giving us the family discount and starting work today. So we had to run out last night to get plastic sheeting to protect the couches and stuff...it was only 5:30 but we were both starving and a Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich and fries sounded great! And it was - the food was hot and fresh and the fries were perfect haha so it was food that was "worth" the calories. But I didnt prelog, and come to find out a sandwich and medium fries is 1100 calories! YAY! Hahahaha oh man, well now I know. But then it's like 7 and I'm hungry again so I had leftover french toast, started with half and still hungry ate the other half...I had a light lunch so the day clocked in around maintenance but I was kind of frustrated with myself because we're on a tight budget and I've felt like fast food is creeping back in too much. But I gave myself credit for how far I've come - I used to eat like that nearly every day. Fast food is not bad in moderation - it was actually a lovely unexpected dinner date - and if I come to work a half hour early just one day this week I'll cover the cost in the budget. So today DH is staying home while they work - a solo day for me! I took advantage of the me time and stopped at dunkins for a breakfast treat (coffee and veggie eggwhite sandwich for around 300 cals!) - but I did make sure to pack my lunch and I WILL cook dinner at home tonight and for the remainder of the week, including lunches. Reminding myself that even though the weight chart is looking a little flat - I'm feeling stronger and leaner every day and I just need to continue with habits and I will "get there" but even when I "get there" the ride will forever continue so figuring out how to be happy and content through it all is really important.

    JFT Weds
    1. Water - 3 before lunch, another 3 after
    2. Log all food
    3. Be kind
    4. 10 squats/bathroom trip
    5. Bring dog for nail trim at lunch
    6. Eat packed lunch BEFORE going out to fast food mecca where dog store is haha
    7. Cook eggroll in a bowl at home for dinner
    8. Bed by 9:30

    JFT Thurs AM
    1. Wake up 6:15 OR first waking
    2. Smoothie
    4. Fish Oil
    5. Elderberry
    6. Pack lunches
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Who has what challenge? I was busy hiding out here but you have found me. Do let me know because maybe it will be a small motion toward my posterior!
    Okay, let me struggle back to get this lard moving. I had a doughnut for breakfast because the kid did not. I had weak Apple juice to drink. My son's last year's Christmas puppy is literally out to kill me. There might be snow today says the paper but it is too warm. All in all, we are doing fine here. One problem--Even when I am so hungry, I just do not find a whole meal eatable (yes, eatable not edible). I am hoping eating LESS will do a trick for me. I am also being very slow to eat breakfast and if I ate sort of late, maybe supper is not needed. I think I could be still over-calorie-ing but I have it on mind. I have forgotten what exercise is.
    I hope you all are doing okay and even better. Love the pictures you post. I am updating the kid's picture here.

    Hello again! Nice to have you back, glad to hear you're both doing well!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,516 Member
    edited December 2018
    Recap 12/4 T ~ TV off later than planned last night & slept crappy, so kept hitting snooze button for early alarm this morning. Listened to my body and reset alarm ~ rest day. :D That's ok, after four straight days of workouts, including walking both in the 5K event and w/ dog on Sat.
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings = Fitbit 9,038 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 35 floors ~ more sitting in evening than planned (see #3 shopping) :neutral:
    2) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan & no evening snack after supper / net calories w/i 100 green / 14c water = Not quite but close... net calories -146 :/ , sodium -555, sugar -32 (mostly fruits/veggies), fiber excellent, protein low-ish, 15c water (yay)
    3) Evening: buy/write sympathy card for tomorrow :smile: / put up creches (must dust first) :/ but at least I brought boxes up from basement & organized stuff / online shopping for hubby gifts :smiley: done but nearly 2 hours! / LOG measurements from 12/1 :smile:
    4) Unplug 10:00 (if shopping otherwise 9:00) :smiley: 9pm! / floss :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / set/verify alarm, bed & tv OFF 10:15 :neutral: 10:30? (treadmill before work W)

    JFT 12/5 W ~ Today will be an up and down day... this morning I will attend the funeral of a retired former colleague of nearly 20 years. We kept in touch occasionally, I know his wife and all 3 of his kids, now adults of course. It will be sad & hard, but I'm hoping to see other former colleagues there. That will most likely be followed by a luncheon put on by the church ladies, so no idea what I'll be eating. This evening is the usual gathering of another group of former colleagues, with adult beverages & food at a pub I've never been to too (sorry English teachers!). I previewed the menu online & it looks amazing, more choices than normal pub food. Looking forward to this, but again, no idea how I'll log food. I will not fret over net calories today & try to drink plenty of water.
    1) Treadmill before work / 3 miles 50:54 = happy me :smiley: & sad dog
    2) Move hourly when possible ~ this will be a sedentary day unfortunately / 5 somethings
    3) Breakfast & snacks prelogged / log all food after the fact as best I can / 12c water
    4) Evening: try to get some to-do's done
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / set/verify early alarm, bed & tv off 10:15 (treadmill before work Th)
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Recap 12/4 T ~ TV off later than planned last night & slept crappy, so kept hitting snooze button for early alarm this morning. Listened to my body and reset alarm ~ rest day. :D That's ok, after four straight days of workouts, including walking both in the 5K event and w/ dog on Sat.
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings = Fitbit 9,038 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 35 floors ~ more sitting in evening than planned (see #3 shopping) :neutral:
    2) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan & no evening snack after supper / net calories w/i 100 green / 14c water = Not quite but close... net calories -146 :/ , sodium -555, sugar -32 (mostly fruits/veggies), fiber excellent, protein low-ish, 15c water (yay)
    3) Evening: buy/write sympathy card for tomorrow :smile: / put up creches (must dust first) :/ but at least I brought boxes up from basement & organized stuff / online shopping for hubby gifts :smiley: done but nearly 2 hours! / LOG measurements from 12/1 :smile:
    4) Unplug 10:00 (if shopping otherwise 9:00) :smiley: 9pm! / floss :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / set/verify alarm, bed & tv OFF 10:15 :neutral: 10:30? (treadmill before work W)

    JFT 12/5 W ~ Today will be an up and down day... this morning I will attend the funeral of a retired former colleague of nearly 20 years. We kept in touch occasionally, I know his wife and all 3 of his kids, now adults of course. It will be sad & hard, but I'm hoping to see other former colleagues there. That will most likely be followed by a luncheon put on by the church ladies, so no idea what I'll be eating. This evening is the usual gathering of another group of former colleagues, with adult beverages & food at a pub I've never been too. I previewed the menu online & it looks amazing, more choices than normal pub food. Looking forward to this, but again, no idea how I'll log food. I will not fret over net calories today & try to drink plenty of water.
    1) Treadmill before work / 3 miles 50:54 = happy me :smiley: & sad dog
    2) Move hourly when possible ~ this will be a sedentary day unfortunately / 5 somethings
    3) Breakfast & snacks prelogged / log all food after the fact as best I can / 12c water
    4) Evening: try to get some to-do's done
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / set/verify early alarm, bed & tv off 10:15 (treadmill before work Th)

    I'm ever inspired and motivated by your balance between goals and living life without regrets! Thank you for helping me shape my own healthy balance!!! <3
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Tuesday, 12/04/18)
    1) Log ALL my food for the day :)
    2) Go to the gym :)
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water (more if I can) BEFORE having a Diet Coke :)
    4) Stay "in the green" with my calorie intake for the day :)

    JFT (Wednesday, 12/05/18)
    1) Log ALL my food for the day
    2) Go to the gym
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water (more if I can) BEFORE having a Diet Coke
    4) Stay "in the green" with my calorie intake for the day
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,804 Member
    3. Class 2-3: Present Machiavelli projects. Reflection 45. WM ch 2. Add to class website; update class websites. Need to practice subject/object pronouns (my friend and I / my friend and me).

    I was an adult taking a computer course before I finally had someone explain this to me that made sense. I still question it every time I say/write it though.

    What I generally do is practice identifying compounds, then hone in on compounds that use pronouns once they're good with compound concepts. Then, if you can drop the non-pronoun part of the compound, you can generally tell by sound which it should be:

    My brother and ___ went to the game. Leave off the 'my brother' and it's pretty clear that you want 'I' not 'me.'
    That was a gift from my brother and ___. Leave off 'my brother' and it clarifies it that you want 'me.'

    Sometimes even when it's grammatically correct, it sounds wrong, just because it's not a structure that's used as often. One example that has really stuck with me was from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, where Mr. Beaver hears noise outside their home while the Pevensie children are hiding there, and he goes out to check and the sentence is something like: "It's all right! It isn't her!" he said, ungrammatically.

    Sorry! hahaha I find this interesting, and I can go on and on XD

    Your example of using My Brother and ____ is how it was explained to me when I took my course as an adult and it finally made sense. Too bad my old fuddy duddy English teachers couldn't have taught so I understood in school, I may have finished it instead of quitting!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,804 Member
    SaraKim17 wrote: »
    @snowflake1968, I say get the clothes-drying rack. I used this method for MONTHS; much easier than hauling everything to the laundromat.

    I hope you have a functioning dryer soon though. :)

    I did buy one yesterday, but learned very quickly last night that the cheap ones are not the way to go. I think I'll go buy the heavy duty one this weekend. I don't know if they will let me return the broken one or not, if not it was a lesson learned for $20!