Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • MarshaInOnederland
    I'm a SAHM of an infant & toddler. I have about 80 pounds or so I'd love to say goodbye to! Would love friends who will be actually "there" for me, friends to message. Add me!
  • ilTimo
    ilTimo Posts: 8 Member
    Looking forward to know you more guys! Let’s share our motivation, stories and help each other to stop giving up!
    This time is the right one! :)
    Obviously I’m accepting everybody!
    Cheers from Toronto!
  • BehindtheMic
    BehindtheMic Posts: 1,741 Member
    34 yr old smalltown guy from Kentucky. Lets be friends!
  • kelsium33
    kelsium33 Posts: 131 Member
    Would love some more active, motivated friends to help me stay on track! :)
  • Spiegelchan
    Spiegelchan Posts: 78 Member
    I’m not new or newly focused but I’m sad about how quiet my wall is. Add me please :D
  • kneelanda92
    kneelanda92 Posts: 9 Member
    I’m always looking for more friends that can give support and motivation and share this long journey with me. Feel free to add me!
  • joeygymfit
    joeygymfit Posts: 4 Member
    Been lifting for a couple years but Just started my fitpal! Feel free to add me! Really need more fitness minded people in my life 🤗
  • babydragon12
    babydragon12 Posts: 13 Member
    I would like some friends as well please I don't know how to add people as friends
  • nyahela
    nyahela Posts: 8 Member
    Also looking for some friends with the same goal of loosing weight
  • chrisharrington1969
    friends are good. I'm starting this again after some time away so I'll need to find my old friends and get some new ones. feel free to add me.
  • javi748f
    javi748f Posts: 5 Member
    Definitely motivation :#
  • TheMiniKeto
    TheMiniKeto Posts: 31 Member
    Diagnosed with PCOS and infertility 15 years ago. Doing mostly keto with some carnivore and carb up cycling days. Also I'm a girl who loves to lift. Feel free to add me let's keep each other motivated.
  • doubleIronDog
    doubleIronDog Posts: 93 Member
    I’d love more active friends.
  • angie8882014
    angie8882014 Posts: 3 Member
    Would love to make new fitness friends <3
  • The__Viking_Batman
    I want friends who are as relentless towards their goals as I am! I share content from my IG with the intentions of motivating the fuzz out of you.

    Join me on my venture to raid glycogen stores and savagely burn fat
  • FatCrankyGoat
    FatCrankyGoat Posts: 35 Member
    I have been on MFP for 120 days now, managed to lose 22 pounds so far AND already have some great MFP friends who are supportive and very motivational - some truly inspiring folks out there.

    I’m trying to lose bodyfat while at the same time build muscle - a challenging balancing act of proper nutrition and sufficient workout routines. Watching my macro nutrients and trying to maintain optimal protein levels with minimal amount of processed / packaged foods. Utilizing a home gym with focus on compound exercises; calisthenics and bodyweight routines supplemented with dumbbell weighted workouts.

    Seeking like minded MFP ‘friends’ who are consistent MFP users - I find it can be immensely helpful for providing self motivation to workout and stay consistent; plus it also helps to explore better fitness and dietary routines. If interested, please send me a ‘friend’ request and I’ll gladly accept you. Thanks
  • amba89lynn
    amba89lynn Posts: 26 Member
    Always in need of motivation!
  • Katy2Survivor
    Katy2Survivor Posts: 111 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm looking for positive, determine and supportive friends.1y241wdtf74r.jpg
  • tenazhsc
    tenazhsc Posts: 70 Member
    Wow! This thing is still going...

    Please add me. I just finished a college semester and really need to pay attention to my health, fitness, wellness, etc. again
  • esmekadeba36
    esmekadeba36 Posts: 1 Member
    I’d love some motivation! Anyone can add me as well ! I’m new here so not much for now but I’m dedicated on working towards my goal 💪🏽🤗