Sixers Spring Clean Challenge--Week 1



  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    wow Amy, well you're right, good and bad news! I'm just glad you'll get to feel better :flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Well, I STILL haven't managed to get a work out in (though I've been cleaning lots and spent the morning exploring the tidal pools at the ocean a block from our place with my kiddos) but my nutrition is getting right back on track. Here is my plan for tomorrow:

    1. pumpkin apple oatmeal (such a favourite of ours, it's hard to have something else if we have all the ingredients!! :smile:)
    2. scrambled egg whites w/ steamed broccoli & salsa
    3. homemade protein smoothie w/ unsweetened vanilla almond milk, vanilla ice cream protein powder, blueberries & flax meal
    4. homemade vegetable quinoa noodle soup, 1/2 homemade spiced bison burger
    5. homemade spiced bison burger sliced onto sodium-free Ezekiel toast w/ red pepper, tomato & spinach
    6. 10 almonds & a cup of pomegranate raspberry matcha green tea

    Tamm, thank you again. The reality of his teeth looking different is something I needed to know so I could brace myself and I suppose grieve a little beforehand. I adore his teeth so thanks for allowing me the heads-up!

    Cathy, yay on the purse find! Don't you LOVE those moments??

    Kristin, how are you feeling now?

    Robin, how are you taking the day-by-day? Thinking of you :heart:

    I realize I never posted goals for myself other than ending weight. Having DEFINITELY hit the really hard part (or at least, the hardest times yet) in this journey, I am going to say that my goals for the next 6 weeks are to get back into a good pattern and see some kind of steady and reliable loss, even if it's just a couple of lbs. I've been yo-yo-ing for a while now between the 160's and 170's and I am going to endeavour to break that cycle and see forward motion again. With so much else on my plate in my life right now I think I need to keep my health goals small and simple.

    I'll check in at some point tomorrow! Happy Friday ladies!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    OH no!!!! woke up with a sore throat, stuffy, ears hurt. some of it started last night. i hoped it wouldn't be anything this morning. no exercise today. being asthmaic it's hard to get a good cardio when you can't breath. :wink: i always try to get in at least 30-45 mins cardio 5 days a week. maybe i will just do some weights. i went to gym yesterday so it will be at home.

    nothing planned for today. i hope:wink: .

    hope everyone has a good day.....:bigsmile:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    I missed yesterday due to school, shopping, dinner, & bed. I really missed a busy day around here, so sorry if these are a little “late”. I’ve had a couple of good days and a couple of just ok days, but I weighed in today to find I had not lost anything. Not happy about that.:grumble: We are expecting a big snow storm tomorrow. Not happy about that either. I hope to get some exercise in today, but have lots to do. I do have a meal plan for the day though. I would like to start watching my sodium intake, but do not know how much I should get in a day. Does anyone know?

    1: coffee w/creamer, English muffin w/ light butter
    3: Ham & turkey salad
    4: apple
    5: Beef barley soup (homemade) & salad
    6:skim milk 100 cal snack pack

    Cathy, Nice weather, able to get the house clean, and a great deal on Kate Spade. I like the sound of that. :happy: Just read this mornings post; things turned around fast. Hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Amy, Good luck with the surgery.:flowerforyou:

    Pedal, I’m sorry to hear you were feeling so bad about things. :flowerforyou: Please don’t feel like you have to motivate us, because that is just another stress on you that might keep you away. We love to hear from you no matter what is going on. It is really tough to lose weight when there is so much going on around you. You should definitely keep things simple for right now. If you are able to maintain that is still way better than putting it back on. You have come so far. How about trying a point/reward system to get you to the gym again? Cleaning and playing with the kids is activity too. I have faith in you, sounds like you are already on the right track again.

    Katie, Now that you got the Mickey D’s out of your system you can focus on the good food you should be eating instead.:happy:

    Have a great day everyone:happy:
    morning gals. ugh :sick: I was doing great with calories ... nutrition... all that good stuff and then I decided last minute to go out last night... long story short a few too many beer calories with a long island iced tea to top it all off...:sick: I'm not a big drinker so I'm not sure what made me want one of those but YIKES... I checked what was in it and no wonder my head feels like it is about to fall off... worst part is it caused me to go WAY over in calories and I have been sooooo good this week. :explode: :grumble: ... well that is my rant for the day. sorry. :flowerforyou: anyways have a great day ladies, i'll check in later (no weigh in today i am too bloated from all the nasty stuff i drank :noway: :sick: ) :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals! I am dragging a little this morning...SO ready for the weekend, but it's gonna be a busy one! Tonight I have to go help my mother-in-law set up and get things ready for my sister-in-laws baby shower tomorrow and then tomorrow of course I have the shower. Sunday I have a friends daughters 2nd birthday party, plus an abundance of laundry and cleaning that is still over due since being back from vacation. It's gonna be CRAZY! Oh well. And I am swamped at work today. It just makes me so tired even thinking about it. So...probably not much posting today. And if I don't talk to you again later, have a great weekend!!!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good morning!

    Deb, thanks for the kind words. Trust me, I'm DYING to get back to the gym. My kiddos are as sick as I was and I've been taking care of them. Getting my nutrition back on track is what it's about for the next week or so and then I'll be able (HOPEFULLY!) to get back there!!

    Kristin, good luck with your busy weekend!

    Cathy, oh no! Feel well!

    RedSox, sounds like a rough one :wink: Feel better!

    Well, I checked in at 1lb less than Tuesday so hopefully that sticks and takes another friend with it for next week. I do know that things are so much more effective for me when I get good workouts in (for some, calories make a bigger difference) but I'm pleased not to see a gain!
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Just wanted to give a quick hi all. My lunch break is about over, so just wanted to give a quick shout out. Today I've been to some thinking that this weekend, I'm going to get my plan together for food next week and follow it.

    Well, gotta get back to work. Post later tonight.

    By the way Mom, Skyler is doing better. Complained of a headache yesterday, but not to bad she stayed awake, but was lazy. LOL

    Later ladies.
  • cassangelidy
    Hola Beautiful Woman!!!

    So I don't have time to read EVERYTHING, but I just wanted to shoot words of encouragement your way!!!

    “People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success.” Norman Vincent Peale

    I started the C25K this best friend and I are committing to run a 5K together. So I have been doing "pretty" good on my food....I got on the scale today and I was down to 191.2lbs. So that is 3.2lbs since Tuesday. Now lets just see if I can keep it off over the weekend. LOL I do ok during the day, its the night time eating that ruins me.

    Todays plan:
    Oatmeal and protein shake

    Yogart and 4 eggs whites

    Chicken wrap on whole wheat tortilla with romaine and sprinkle of mozzerella

    Apple and protein shake

    Dinner: I think I'll make either a Chicken caesar salad or spagetti with cottage cheese on top...yeah it sounds really weird...but its actually my new favorite thing! lol.

    I already hit the gym this morning and did a lower body workout. Lunges were KILLING me. Yikes. I'm nervous to wake up
    Hola Beautiful Woman!!!

    So I don't have time to read EVERYTHING, but I just wanted to shoot words of encouragement your way!!!

    “People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success.” Norman Vincent Peale

    Great Quote! :flowerforyou:

    Ladies. I am off to a meeting and then away for the weekend (don't know if I will have internet). So if I don't talk to you ladies have a great weekend, and I will try and catch up on Monday! :heart:
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    RedSox- Have a great weekend.

    Cass- well done on the loss and the commitment to the run. Great quote, by the way :smile:

    PedalHound- well done. Things sound so crazy for you right now and it's great that you can stay dedicated to this as well. :smile:

    Kristen- wow! Very busy, huh? Hope all goes well, try to get a breather somewhere.

    Today was horrendous. NEARLY went into Thorntons to get some chocolate. But I held off. I'm just shy of 1200 calories after dinner and hopefully will be able to eat a little something a little later. I'm reaching the end of my tether- everything's getting on top of me. Plus, I had some... well, hopefully not bad news, but it's not too good... I wish I could wave a magic wand and sort it all out :sad:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Aww TudorRose, sorry to hear about your stresses :frown: Life can be so complicated. :flowerforyou:
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    I'm really not hungry. But I know that's because I have a killer stress headache due to a crying jag- god, I'm pathetic- and I really should hit the 1200 mark, right?

    I'm out for a friend's birthday tomorrow. Slightly nervous, as it's a surprise party, organised by our mutual close friend, but I've not spoken to the birthday girl much since we left sixth form. It'll be good to catch up but I'm still a touch nervy. Plus, I don't want her, and the other friends I've not seen in a while, to see me so fat. But hey, what can I do? Plus, I've looked at the menu, and I can't go below 900 calories!!! For one meal!! :noway: I'll be skipping dessert for sure. I've planned tomorrow, and will be over what I want, at about 1600 calories, but that's still below maintanence. I'll just make it up with an exercise session on Sunday.

    Boyfriend has been given a shock- he's had heart problems before. Something to do with a somehow-blocked artery and part of it being lazy and not working as hard as it should. It's down to poor diet and lack of sleep and generally being unhealthy. But it was a shock, because he looks so healthy. Anyway, his lifestyle has slipped back into the unhealthy and his doctor has warned him to sort it out or his heart will complain again. I wish there was more I could do, but we don't live together. Just have to offer support and bribe him (:tongue: ) into a healthy life.

    Add in uni, trying to sort out a stressed out mother and my impending driving test and I kinda needed a nervous breakdown day, I guess. :explode: Sorry for the rant ladies. I may not be about tomorrow, so have a great day
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    shanell just emailed me and told me "ruby" is coming to our mall for a mall walk. we are going. it's next weekend. i better be better by than.....
    DH is cooking dinner now. havn't ate much today, except soup, pudding, icecream, and lots and lots of water and tea. took a nice nap. after dinner going to take a hot shower and just lay on the couch. been doing that most of the day.
    well, have to go around and reset clocks, answer machine, etc. power just flashed off for a minute. but, i am on the lap top so this went to battery.
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    hey ladies!! I'm down 1.8 from tuesday which is awesome considering I have been doing poorly this week with nutrition and exercise.

    Just relaxing with a friend tonight and probably drowning our boy drama in a bottle of wine!! (i'm a bit of a wino!) :drinker:

    Cass - I so need to get back to C25K, I think i've been on week 3 for like 2 months now! HAHA!!

    more personals later, just got home from campus (boo) and need to change into more comfy clothes!!!
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Ladies, I have been so bad this week. Today, at least I am not over my calories already for the day. UGH! I love food and it is getting the best of me these days. On a positive note, I have gotten in 7 glasses of water already. UGH! :grumble: Well, tomorrow my aunt arrives from TN so next week should be better because I can get up really early in the morning and head to the gym before anyone else works out so I won't be putting her out by asking her to watch the kiddos, but I still get my workout in. Have a fabulous weekend ladies!
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Hey girls. Sounds like everyone is having a pretty busy day. I came home from work and cleaned up the house some and mopped floors and did like 5 loads of laundry and still have more to do. My girls are horrible about throwing clean clothes on the floor and I'm bad if it hits the floor it gets washed.

    I'm going to work on a plan for my weight loss this weekend. I'm going to plan my meals and go shopping for them. Then, I'm going to plan my exercise for the week also. Plus, I'm going to get all of my water in next week. Going to buy more of those water mix ins to help.

    Like Lauryn I think I may start jounaling also. Maybe I can keep something on the computer and type it all down, since I like to type. I'm struggling with my mood and dealing with a co-worker, so this way I can vent it all down and no one gets hurt and I can keep my sanity.

    Well, I hope that everyone has a really great weekend, and take it easy. I'm going to work in the yard and maybe work in the playroom a little. Good night ladies.:yawn:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    shanell work in the yard at night in this cold....:indifferent: .

    my head is so stuffy. other wise i feel ok, i guess. not really hungry, ate some toast for breakfast w/peanut butter. gave my a carb & protein. i was planning on a gym visit this morning, guess not. i will walk around the neighborhood this afternoon. i really want to get something in. boy, is this all wrong, sick and wanting to get some exercise. :noway: LOL. a change has been made......:laugh: . now if i just could get the eating in better control. the scale was nice, it can stay.

    well, going to balance the checkbook, maybe DH will take me out for a little while. he was up most of the night. he has a hard time sleep at night on his nights off.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    well, son's car just came home on a tow truck. he's not screaming and yelling about it either. he listened to me and didn't call me when he broke down.:noway: . last time i yelled at him for it. that i didn't like interupting my day/shopping having to rescue him all the time with the stupid car. he can't keep his hands off. well, it's dead now. he's calling a junk yard today to come get it. he has been saving money to move out. now he has to pull it out of savings to buy a used car. he said his trainer for work will come and pick him up in the mornings, and he gets his work truck this week. so now he's not in a hurry. we will go out today to look around. he was on his way to work when it died. so they gave him the day off. he can only work 5 days/40 hrs a week anyway while training. he has been working over 10 hrs a day all last week, so it will work out.

    well, off to get dressed and head out. i won't be gone long, cause i am stuffy.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    son has a new/used car. DH is getting my stuffy head. i must be the only one around this weekend. hope everyone is having a nice day. i ate most of the day, now feel sick to my tummy. all done and over with. tomorrow is a new day.
    well, thought i would stop by and see how everyone is doing? i guess busy and ok. so will cruise by again tomorrow.