To Mordor!



  • mehs04
    mehs04 Posts: 184
    I have an idea. An idea that has been done several times before, I'm sure. But I don't care, because it sounds fun. I'm walking from The Shire to Mordor, just because it sounds cool :) and dude, it is like 1100 miles, 1560 if you go the way Frodo and Sam went. That's a pretty dang good workout, I'd say! I just wanted to let you guys know, so you can join me or make fun of me or whatever. Feel free to add me :D and join me in my journey if you'd like :)

    Just added miles according to

    I think our journey is a bit longer than we all anticipated ...
    Bag End to Rivendell = 458 miles
    Rivendell to Lothlorien = 462 miles
    Lothlorien to Rauros = 389 miles
    Rauros to Mt. Doom = 470 miles

    Total miles from Bag End to Mordor/Mt. Doom = 1779 miles
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    I'm still walking through the Shire too and just passed Farmer Maggot's place.
  • laureneva15
    Road rolls up and down.
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    So I've just taken almost a whole week off to get over sickness, which seems to be lingering... However, I've just regained motivation after reading updates on this post; tomorrow I'll be going for another decent walk to see if I can knock over another milestone or two!
  • sadielane
    sadielane Posts: 83 Member
    Road rolls up and down.
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    Wow, some of you guys are doing SO WELL! I'm still on Frodo's first day, as I've been really unwell and just took about a week off :(
    But the road goes ever on and on, and so will I! Beautiful weather here today, and since my next milestone is to head up a steep slope, I'll be walking the hill I usually avoid and catching my bus on the other side of it :)
  • ViscountUsagi
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    As of Saturday, I have walked a total of 24 miles... that's 15 miles last week.
  • paintitblack
    Oh man, I thought I was so original! *points at running ticker*

    I'm doing it so that I have important landmarks along the way for little mini goals (i.e. Bree, Moria, Black Gate, Dead Marshes etc) and also increasing difficulty every so often in time with the story (as in start off at a comfortable pace and then when the Dark Riders come increase the speed a little because I have to run for my life! Same with when Frodo is dying and he needs to be rushed to Rivendell, work harder because "they have a troll" etc) I went all out with my plan and I'll upload it if anyone wanted to do it, too.

    On a similar note I've been trying to eat several small meals a day as recommended on here and as done by celebrities, or as I prefer, done by hobbits. My food diary contains the likes of Elvensies. x) Hope you all do well and it's nice to see I'm not the only ringer around, haha!
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    I'm also rereading the trilogy but I read a whole lot faster than I walk. Hope all your journeys are going well.
  • linbee83
    linbee83 Posts: 144
    I'm also rereading the trilogy but I read a whole lot faster than I walk. Hope all your journeys are going well.

    Lol, me too! I'm only on day 2 of the walk, but on Weathertop in the book! I'm also listening to the book on cd, which is about the same pace as my walking.
  • mehs04
    mehs04 Posts: 184
    Just over 43 miles travelled. Saw elves today!
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    Today, I finally finished the first day of the Frodo's journey! Finally!
    Tomorrow's the first daytime I've had off in a while, so I"ll try walk a bit, get over this massive 20-28 mile stretch where the road rolls up and down foreverrrrr.
  • Angelgrl86
    Angelgrl86 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm in Farmer Maggot's fields (day 3)... gonna make it to the Maggot's house tonight and maybe a little further....
  • darrynflame
    I'm in! I need a goal and this hits the geek spot!
  • Angelgrl86
    Angelgrl86 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm in! I need a goal and this hits the geek spot!

    LOL.. Aren't you glad I told you?
  • sadielane
    sadielane Posts: 83 Member
    Road zig-zigs to top of a steep bank and goes down for the last time. Can see across Woody End to the River. **THEY STOP TO REST, EAT, and REST more!
  • Angelgrl86
    Angelgrl86 Posts: 74 Member
    Spending the night in Crickhollow! ^_^
  • karyngrace
    karyngrace Posts: 105 Member
    haha thats brilliant!! I love it!!
  • linbee83
    linbee83 Posts: 144
    Started the shortcut to Crickhollow. I should see Elves today!