Women in their 40s!



  • Boxn_n_Bellydancn
    Boxn_n_Bellydancn Posts: 171 Member
    Lula1068 wrote: »
    Hello ladies!
    Hoping everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!
    Just some questions about the strength training at 40...
    What kinds of strength exercise do you do? What foods fuel your hardest workouts?
    I'm looking forward to hearing some new ideas!!
    I currently do....
    * jumping jacks 3 sets of 20
    * Burpees 3 sets of 5
    * jump rope 3sets of 20
    * crunches 30
    * reverse crunches 30
    * Donkey kicks 3sets of 8
    * arm rows and lifts
    * lunges with and without weight
    * rock climbers 3sets of 10

    Bench and incline press
    Shoulder and overhead press

    My only cardio is walking and that is a few times a week to get some steps in.
  • ZaneH2018
    ZaneH2018 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I am turning 42 in March, and have been trying this on my own. After 2 weeks, not much down and I am very close to giving up. Is there any girls out here that can add me, and me you?
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    ZaneH2018 wrote: »
    Hello, I am turning 42 in March, and have been trying this on my own. After 2 weeks, not much down and I am very close to giving up. Is there any girls out here that can add me, and me you?

    Don’t give up! A few weeks is no time. Think of it as small lifetime changes that over time can add up to a big difference.
  • jmgr9993
    jmgr9993 Posts: 41 Member
    Ugh !!! I allowed the Christmas Holiday to take over and I got side tracked from my healthy goals !! Now I am back and more committed than ever to get up, brush myself off and start fresh !!! So glad to have the support from this group !!

  • ShopGirl9999
    ShopGirl9999 Posts: 775 Member
    One day at a time ladies! Add me if you like...
  • ShopGirl9999
    ShopGirl9999 Posts: 775 Member
    Btw, what type of diet or wokout is everyone doing? Low cal, keto etc.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    Btw, what type of diet or wokout is everyone doing? Low cal, keto etc.

    My diet has been crappy, but I'm ready to defluff so I'll go back to logging for a while. When I eat well, I usually eat high protein, moderate carbs and low fat. I lift 4 days a week in an upper/lower split. One of the upper days is calisthenics only. I've been doing Couch to 5K three times a week, usually on my upper body days. I have one or two active rest days where I will row, swim, do mobility work. At least one full rest day a week.

    Oh, and 30min of a video game which counts as cardio pretty much daily.
  • StacySunshine8
    StacySunshine8 Posts: 30 Member
    Over 40? Yep. Need motivation? Yep. Feel free to add me to. Lol
  • mjoy119
    mjoy119 Posts: 2 Member
    Please add me! I need accountability! I’m almost 41.
  • Aminu3
    Aminu3 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m 41 and the heaviest I’ve ever been. I’d love motivation and tips! I really need to stick to a plan and stop quitting.
  • 3appleshi
    3appleshi Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I’m Nicole & I’m 48 & need to lose 37 lbs!! I had lost about 15 lbs but then gained that & more back. Feeling disappointed in myself & very discouraged but yet strangely motivated. Does that make sense?? Anyway would love to be a part of your group if you’ll have me! So please feel free to add me too!😊
  • suzyjmcd2
    suzyjmcd2 Posts: 266 Member
    I was just singing the praises of my group of friends here on MFP to my family the other day. I'm just past my 11 month "anniversary" on here, and I owe so much to these friends for encouragement, motivation and support!! If you ladies find good active friends on here and stay active with them, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve! I'm 10 pounds from my goal, and went from someone who hated to exercise, to running a 5K earlier this month, and signed up for another in February!! I owe very much of it to my MFP friends!!!
  • Mass_Effect
    Mass_Effect Posts: 30 Member
    edited December 2018
    Hi, I'm 40 and back here after losing 50lbs initially but over the last few years have gained it back and lost my overall fitness. I used to run and really want to get back into it. I've bought a fitbit for motivation and am looking for friends there too. https://www.fitbit.com/user/764DXJ
  • ShopGirl9999
    ShopGirl9999 Posts: 775 Member
    Hi Ladies.
    Is there a weekly casual/ general ckin with this group?
  • ColoradoFitt
    ColoradoFitt Posts: 1 Member
    Hello - I’m a 41 year old mom of 3 teens. I’ve been a MFP member for years but have been off the wagon for quite a while. I’ve got about a toddlers worth of weight to lose but am finding baked goods and a lack of motivation to workout to be my company lately. I’d like to find some friends to work with for mutual benefit and see if I can get down 20lbs for my trip to Mexico with my husband and friends this June.
  • ashrymom
    ashrymom Posts: 816 Member
    I’m turning 48 next month. Just recovering from a hysterectomy so that put me into a very sedentary state for 8 weeks!. I’ve joined MFP many times in the past but something always gets in the way of my routine to stall my progress. But I’m determined this time. No more gym memberships. Just working out from home. I’m also committed to reading these threads daily for motivation!
    I’m not sure how you add friends but I would love to chat with fellow ladies my age!
    Cheers to a fantastic 2019 ahead and that we all may achieve our goals!
  • melzie98
    melzie98 Posts: 8 Member
    I just turned 44, and have had a hard time losing since around 39/40. But I've refocused and hopefully I can get the scale moving. I've joined a new gym (Burn Boot Camp), and have already started tracking my foods and making small changes here and there. Feel free to add me as a friend, I know I could use the extra motivation!!
    Happy new year to everyone!!!
  • c0bcqz2pa8ij.jpg
    Happy New Year's Eve Ladies!!!!
    Nice to see some new faces in here :):)
  • Btw, what type of diet or wokout is everyone doing? Low cal, keto etc.

    Mine has also been crappy like @mom23mangos since the holidays!!!!
    My diet is "Eat less than I burn"....lol Seriously though, I still eat everything I used too, just in a lot smaller portions. I can not "ban" any foods either. I <3 my Michelob Ultra, so I just make room for it. My workouts, now that I am back to them consist of strength/weight training, Zumba. When I get to the gym I do some walking/running intervals. Find something you like and as Nike says "Just Do It" :):)
  • jmgr9993 wrote: »
    Ugh !!! I allowed the Christmas Holiday to take over and I got side tracked from my healthy goals !! Now I am back and more committed than ever to get up, brush myself off and start fresh !!! So glad to have the support from this group !!


    That's the RIGHT ATTITUDE to have!!!!