Let's Do this! - 2019 Challenge - Be the best you can be!



  • Heartie2Heartie
    Heartie2Heartie Posts: 18 Member
    So in for this challenge . I also use Apple Watch for tracking not sure how to add friends can anyone help?? I would love to have you as friends on here as well. I’ll let you all know more about me tomorrow Hope you all have a great night
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    Happy New Year everyone! I started this morning by weighing in and taking my measurements. I hope to take my measurements at the beginning of every month.

    Today we are cooking our traditional New Year's Day meal: Collard greens and Black-eyed peas.

    Now it's time for me to get on the treadmill! :smile:
  • OliveC1956
    OliveC1956 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone! I saw this poster today and thought the thought process may help me to stay on track. kucy2fendbeg.jpg
  • BackInSoFL
    BackInSoFL Posts: 82 Member
    msarobix wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I want to post a bit of a challenge for everyone this week. I find that when I have a challenge, even if it is a simple one I am more likely to stay on track.

    If you are already tracking and logging your steps then just keep doing what you are doing.

    Track your steps every day starting tomorrow, and keep a log of the total steps per day on a piece of paper or start a spreadsheet. If you have a spreadsheet program I would suggest that method because it would help you in future challenge. That's it! Simple Right!

    Challenge accepted! I live in No Fla (spring country) and I am going to hit the trails of nearby state parks. I walk my fire line around 10 acres about 1 mile each AM, but I am going to add the trails for a change of scenery. Going to try and get out once per week to start.
    Thanks for the motivation msarobix!
    Happy New Year everyone
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    @Heartie2Heartie Welcome to the challenge. I will send you a personal message to link up on Apple Watch. Looking forward to getting to know you.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    @loonyhiker, Happy New Year! I had the same plan to take my measurements the first day of every month, although I haven't done it today yet.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    @OliveC1956 I love it. It really puts those little loses into perspective.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    @BackInSoFL I am so glad I could motivate you. Just by creating this challenge I have motivated myself as well. I just want to make sure I keep it up all year.
  • BackInSoFL
    BackInSoFL Posts: 82 Member
    loonyhiker wrote: »
    Happy New Year everyone! I started this morning by weighing in and taking my measurements. I hope to take my measurements at the beginning of every month.

    Today we are cooking our traditional New Year's Day meal: Collard greens and Black-eyed peas.

    Now it's time for me to get on the treadmill! :smile:

    Same menu here, black eyed peas will be on the menu all week. I took all my measurements today, need to take a picture too.

    Happy new year!
  • Heartie2Heartie
    Heartie2Heartie Posts: 18 Member
    @msarobix That will be great looking forward to it. Looking forward to getting know you as well.
    Hi to the ones that I have skipped looking forward to know you all as well. I’m still at parents when I get home I’ll be back to post more and give you a little about me. Happy new year
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    msarobix wrote: »
    @loonyhiker, Happy New Year! I had the same plan to take my measurements the first day of every month, although I haven't done it today yet.

    I want to do this soon too. It has been a while since I have taken my measurements.
  • mynacha73
    mynacha73 Posts: 120 Member
    I am so glad I found this challenge! I'm in, too! This seems like such a supportive and wonderful group of people. Thank you, Tina, for pulling us together and getting us started.

    My goals for 2019:
    - move around every hour (no more sitting still for hours!)
    - journal regularly
    - exercise 3-5 days a week (including my PT, walking/hiking/running, weights)
    - do a 10K in the spring
    - cut back on processed foods (sweets, alcohol, bread, meats, and cheeses - none of this stuff agrees with my system, just my taste buds)
    - Get back to my goal weight

    Happy 2019!!
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    I was so bummed that I missed my December Challenge on Apple Watch by under 300 Move calories. When I looked at it a few weeks ago and calculated where I needed to be for the rest of the month it seemed impossible. Then last night before I went to bed I looked and I was only 235 calories away. If it wasn't 11:30 when I looked then I might have gotten on the treadmill again to push to get those last calories. Oh well!


    My January Challenge is an easy one, close my stand ring 30 out of 31 days this month.

    For those of you with Apple Watches do you try to meet the challenge given each month? Also I am curious what is your challenge this month. I wonder if everyone gets the same challenge (January Stand Ring Closed). I am sure everyone will be at a different level so the number of days you need to close your stand ring might be different than mine.

    @mynacha73 Welcome to the group. Journaling is something that I am also trying to do more of this year. I have done it sporadically over the years, but I want to be more consistent. I also want to draw/doodle and work on my hand lettering.
  • dblst10
    dblst10 Posts: 30 Member
    HI everyone: my goal is to lose 15 lbs by summer 2019 and I have a feeling it's going to be a slow journey since it's the third time I have lost that weight! I am going to start by tracking my intake on MFP and getting rid of sugar since I am a serious sugar addict and it's the #1 cause of my failure!
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    msarobix wrote: »
    For those of you with Apple Watches do you try to meet the challenge given each month? Also I am curious what is your challenge this month. I wonder if everyone gets the same challenge (January Stand Ring Closed). I am sure everyone will be at a different level so the number of days you need to close your stand ring might be different than mine.

    Tina - I didn't know that there was a challenge each month. I have to go look at that.

  • lizshines
    lizshines Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone, I'd like to join in as well! I'm new to MFP, don't have an Apple Watch (yet ;) ) but could use some company while working on some goals.

    Right now I'm focusing on:
    Exercising at least 5 days a week, most likely walking for now
    Eating less, aiming for about 1800 calories and tracking that
    Losing 12 pounds, to start
    Trying new things, new veggie recipes, new ways to move, I find that really works for me

    I've been doing a lot of mental work, which was good and necessary but I'm excited to start taking action and taking better care of myself ❤️ Thanks Tina for starting this, look forward to connecting with you all, wishing everyone a great day!

  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    I found the monthly challenge under awards on the activity app. It automatically enters you into the monthly challenge. At least now I know what I’m working towards. 😀
  • mynacha73
    mynacha73 Posts: 120 Member
    I have a mixed relationship with my apple watch - it didn't register two hours of my standing yesterday. I should have closed all my circles. I was standing for at least 10 minutes of those 2 hours. Really. I jumped up and down and glared at the watch, but nothing. I know in my mind and soul, I closed those circles, but the app says otherwise.
    I did a self-timed 5K yesterday and shaved 1:20 off my October time! I'm focused on losing 12 pounds and another 1:20 by 2/10 (my birthday) when I do a local 5K. I think the weight loss may be ambitious, but I like the symmetry.
    Keep on, keeping on, everyone!
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    It was back to work for me today. At least I can say that my new job, started in August, is not stressful like the last one. Even though I was busy all day, I didn’t feel like I was in a race against time. We have a lot of things to accomplished for year-end closing in the next few weeks, but I don’t think it will be too crazy.

    I got right back into my morning workout routine this morning. It was a walk day for me. Right now I am trying to run 3-4 days and walking the other days. Even on walk days I want to do at least 3-4 miles. I think I can kept up.

    I also joined a virtual year long race, Run the Edge “Run the Year”. It is a race to travel 2019 miles this year. Since I joined the challenge with a running group here on MFP I will only be tracking my running miles, but I am really going to do my best reach 2019 with all my steps. It is totally doable since I average between 5-6 miles a day when my step count is over 10,000 steps.

    Have a great evening everyone, I need to go plan my menu for this coming week so I can grocery shop tomorrow after work.

    @dblst10 Welcome to the group. Sugar is one of my big challenges as well. I love the sweets and it doesn’t help that my husband also has a sweet tooth. He is far too encouraging when it comes to desserts and such. I just need to have a bit more control when it comes to portion size. I need to think in bites, just a couple of bites.

    @loonyhiker, The challenges are really great. It use to be that you only got an award if you closed all 3 rings every day of the month, but now you have an alternative challenge as well. And different times of the year they have other changes. And then there are always the competitions too



    @lizshines , Welcome! The mental preparations are a HUGE part of a weight loss program. Good job on starting there.

    @mynacha73 , I had a similar issue with my watch yesterday also. It was actually pretty weird.
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    I am really seeing a benefit to being part of this group! The past 2 days I really struggled with getting my 10,000 steps and closing my rings. I decided that I would post here if I didn't do it so it made me do so I wouldn't have to tell. LOL