Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • time656
    time656 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I was really into Calorie Counter before it closed down. I came over here and have been tracking my food for a while but I would now like to get involved with the community a bit more, especially since I have a lot of motivational issues lately. My friends list is pretty sparse so I figured the best thing to do would beef that upa bit first, so please send me a request and I will add you :smile:
  • hill2437
    hill2437 Posts: 4 Member
    Always looking for motivation!
  • mabelsdaddy
    mabelsdaddy Posts: 117 Member
    same here! let's try this again!!!
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me. I am trying to get back into using this. :)
  • pmm300
    pmm300 Posts: 542 Member
    Y’all feel free to add me. I’ve got some big goals for 2019 and could certainly use your help. I’m happy to support and motivate you as well!
  • wsking1
    wsking1 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hi! I just started in October with the KETO diet. I have lost 14 pounds almost immediately and stuck at 162 for more than a month! I have a hard time staying in ketosis. I'm in Nashville, NC and would love to have friends to keep me going, especially friends who know how to use the My Fitness Pall app! Where is the circle graph to show my daily situation? Or do you know how to use Carb Manager? I began to measure myself yesterday, and I want to recommend a nifty little diet tracker book you can get at Gold's Gym. I found mine in a box of old stuff from years ago and have resuscitated it for now!! It is wonderful and has all kinds of neat stuff in it, including a calculator and measuring tape! I belong to two groups on Facebook which are very helpful. They are "Lazy Keto for Women" and "Keto over 50". I attend the first Tuesday lectures of Dr. Westman at Duke University Health in Durham. The youtube videos are helpful from Dr. Westman, Dr. Annettte Bosman, and 2 Fit Docs. I am trying "2 Fit Docs 21 Day Challenge" also, to help me get out of this stuck plateau! Ug. I don't feel like I look very different, but the size 16 jeans I bot at Halloween are too big. I just got into a size 14 comfortably, and even a size 12!!! Wohoo!! (but very tight!) So I can say I am down a size and all my pants are tight at the waist with safety pins, so something is happening! Anyway, I'm discouraged. I can hardly eat enough for 1200 calories and that puts me over carbs and sugar, so I don't know what to do. Did you know that tomatoes have sugar?!! That is cruel! Sob!
  • mrabano
    mrabano Posts: 1 Member
    I would love more friends for motivation!!
  • MrSpacek
    MrSpacek Posts: 8 Member
    edited January 2019
    Happy to share food / workout ideas and positive vibes as a friend. It will be a no excuse zone though. I am going to make 2019 an excellent fitness year.
  • pmulroe1874
    pmulroe1874 Posts: 1 Member
    I could definitely use some friends😃
  • mclean_chris
    mclean_chris Posts: 3 Member
    Yo, I am looking to have some occasional inspiration and accountability from MFP friends.!
  • AmazonbellaH
    AmazonbellaH Posts: 43 Member
    YES! I want to add friends as I just started but I don't know how!?!?!
  • lcatalan93
    lcatalan93 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi I am always looking for new friends who will share their food recipes with me lol! :)
  • Live_Laugh_Love_Daily
    It's day numero uno for me. Would love loads of friends. I'll be logging on every day.
    Please feel free to add me
    Michelle xx
  • kmgroeneweg131
    kmgroeneweg131 Posts: 8 Member
    Would love more friends! All are free to add me. :)
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Former Trainer turned Superhero always open to connecting and inspiring new people! Come say Hi and you're sure to be entertained. :-)
  • AlexMorganMc
    AlexMorganMc Posts: 42 Member
    Feel free to add me, y'all. 😊

    My current streak is somewhere over 270 days at the moment, so I'm in it for the long haul. Open diary to friends, and my Inbox is always a safe place to reach out if you need to. Currently calorie goal is 2,500 a day, and I don't eat back my exercise calories.

    I'm low carb/keto (under 50 net carbs a day), but I don't preach about it. I love seeing all different ways of eating on my dashboard! However, if seeing a 10 oz steak and a pound of bacon-fat-cooked greens in my diary would turn you off, I might not be your gal.

    If you like eating yummy food, tea, swimming, or generally being a good person, we're already going to be awesome friends. 💕

    I can't wait to meet/talk with you soon!
  • MzCongeniality70
    MzCongeniality70 Posts: 352 Member
    I'm back at it from a few years hiatus on here. I was super active on here when TMI Tuesday and Boobie Fridays were popular. :D Do those still exist?? Anyway, I'm looking to be a beast again and would love kick *kitten* motivational pals. B)
  • Mirboujourney
    Mirboujourney Posts: 12 Member
    Hey all. I've been on and off MFP for years and currently have zero friends as I've nearly partoke in the community side of it. This year I'm trying the support route and I'm looking for people with similar motivations for a healthy life and anyone on a weight loss journey. Feel free to add me 😊
  • katseyemedia
    katseyemedia Posts: 11 Member
    Hi - just joined yesterday and would love to connect with others! I am starting a KETO diet and weight lifting routine and open to support and ideas from others. Feel free to add me if I can be of help to you!
  • its_me_laura
    its_me_laura Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all happy new year 🥳 feel free to add me, would love to meet new friends to help each other out along the way