January 2019 Self Care Challenge



  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    Self care- good
    Made a list on a special “habit building” calendar of all the things i can do every day or some days in January. (Example I wrote : plank 1 min., eat raw veggies, mediation, no alcohol , read for 15 min. ...) Then, I colored the little boxes on the chart on the days I do those things.
    Wrote a few sentences in a 5 year “Line a day” journal for the first four days of January. And I also read my entries last year.
    Listened to an AA speaker who is so funny on youtube called “Sister Bea”.
    Tonight, a good night of self care.
  • thisPGHlife
    thisPGHlife Posts: 440 Member
    I have been making a point to spend at least a few minutes a day doing something artistic as well as reading before bed. Today I started my "training" on the Rachel Carson trail. I have my SMART goals for the year and I have some of them being down into monthly goals. I feel good about being back in a routine and working towards those goals!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,050 Member
    SaraKim17 wrote: »
    Hmm, I posted my self care for yesterday early this morning, but I don't see it. Maybe I hit Preview instead of Post?

    I'm not going to retype everything, but I wanted to mention, @MadisonMolly2017, that I love FLOW magazine. I can't justify the expense on a regular basis, but it's a wonderful treat!

    @SaraKim17 I agree. I purchase them only occasionally!
  • quansc
    quansc Posts: 80 Member
    Yesterday I worked out at OTF. I hosted an early birthday celebration and went bowling with my family. We usually just have dinner. I want to start adding more activity to our lives.
  • MrsEllikat
    MrsEllikat Posts: 27 Member
    Yesterday (Jan 4) Self-Care:
    -Morning Bible study
    -Took a walk outside
    -Teamwork with spouse: Cooked dinner at home while listening to a book on tape and husband cleaned kitchen
    -Attempted (unsuccessfully) to make a medical appt; will try again Monday

  • Fitatelo
    Fitatelo Posts: 180 Member
    January 4th:
    -Completed my morning & evening hygiene routines
    -Ate enough
    -Got to the gym, even though I didn't want to
  • MrsEllikat
    MrsEllikat Posts: 27 Member
    Jan 5 self care:
    -Bible study
    - Food tracking
    -I’m happy with my food choices but I need to continue being mindful about portions
    -Quiet rest time & time enjoying music
    -Good choices grocery shopping; washing & portioning produce and snacks
    -Acknowleding and embracing happiness
  • sydwes1
    sydwes1 Posts: 13 Member
    Self Care:
    1) tracked my meals
    2) ate within my calorie limit
    3) walked for 30 minutes
    4) cleaned my bedroom.
    5) enjoying some football. Go Cowboys!!!!!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    edited January 2019
    Self care:
    Painted for two hours with acrylic paint on canvas- A vase with flowers. It brought me such joy.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I love reading these threads. I don't post in here much any more but I try to keep up with the posts in here every few days. I've learned so much in here.

    I've learned not to let self-care be just another chore.

    Work days (Mon-Thurs) I just keep up with my 7-days a week daily enriching self-improvement habits:
    • 5 minutes studying Greek,
    • do a drawing,
    • 5 minutes handstands/stretching
    • logging all meals
    • logging my training
    • running, walking, or swimming.

    These keep me fit, mentally alert, at goal weight, and very happy.

    Even if I've been busy at work or home, keeping up with these things reassures me I'm not heading down a slippery slope.

    The weekday chores are to do the dishes before and after dinner, any errands to keep the household functioning, and admin tasks for groups I'm involved in.

    Weekday bonus self-care:
    • If I have time for reading/writing/posting in MFP (a self-care treat) I see that as a bonus.
    • If my other half is home when I get home, we talk about our day and discuss the latest news and political satire he's been watching.
    • I also try to wind down with a few minutes on Facebook to catch up with friends before bed.

    On weekends, I do self-care things I haven't done for a week or a while.
    • Decluttering and cleaning, which I've grown to see as rewarding and revitalising.
    • Catching up with blogs, forums, email newsletters, and articles, plus my favourite MFP threads/forums.
    • Lunch with my Mum usually on a Friday.
    • parkrun every Saturday, and sometimes I also go to a café with my parkrun peeps afterwards.
    • Occasionally I'll watch a movie or documentary.
    • Whatever I want.

    And sometimes I see something one of you has done, and I think, that sounds like something I really want and need to do! :smiley::heart:

  • Fitatelo
    Fitatelo Posts: 180 Member
    January 5th:
    -Slept in
    -Completed my morning & evening hygiene routines
    -Ate enough
  • thisPGHlife
    thisPGHlife Posts: 440 Member
    Yesterday I had a chance to hang out with my husband which was nice. I went to Target to see about getting some pants. Not only was I able to shop in a regular store, but I was able to pull three pairs of pants off the rack and they all fit. Granted, they were a pinch too tight but nothing 2-5 pounds won't take care of, and I was at the largest size meaning limited selection. But, it still means that I am almost to the point where I don't need to go to specialty stores. I spent more than I wanted (I know $70 for three pairs of pants is not bad but I still have lingering poverty brain despite being in a good place now), but I need them for work. I got too small for all but one pair of pants.

    Yesterday I also finished my CEUs for the year so I don't have to think about them again until April. Now I'm snuggling with the dog while I work on mentorship work. It actually feels really good to get back into the swing of it and I can't wait to be working full time.

    I finished reading a book and went to read the next in the series but found I missed reading a novella in between. Until I can get and read that, I started reading Watership Down. I'm probably going to finish it quickly because I'm loving it so far, but also because the Netflix series looks amazing and I want to watch it without spoilng the book for myself. I'm trying to read more this year and start reading more modern classics. Handmaid's tale is on my list. Thanks for the extra inspiration @SaraKim17 !

    Y'all really are great inspirations for self care.
  • jmgr9993
    jmgr9993 Posts: 41 Member
    A little behind on posting in here too busy with my self care lol

    Saturday January 5th: walked with my kids and my sister on one of the trails near our home, our entire family grandparents, aunts and etc tried Indian food for the first time. They had a buffet so we could sample a little bit of everything. It was really great. Then everyone came back to our house for game night (no electronics allowed)

    Sunday: went for a brisk cold walk with my husband, played with my youngest and just in general relaxed.

    I’m going to make every effort to reach my exercise goal and log on MFP planning out my meals ahead of time to make sure I reach my goals. I want to take time to read I love to read and it always get shoved last on my to do list. Lastly meditate for at least 20 minutes to help relax before bed.
  • MrsEllikat
    MrsEllikat Posts: 27 Member
    Jan 6 self-care:
    -Bible study
    -Visited a church
    -Attended a sporting event and ate responsibly
    -Tracking all meals
    -Found and enjoyed a good portion of a calorie-friendly dessert

    Challenge this week: continuing to track, eat well and exercise as work picks up.

  • Fitatelo
    Fitatelo Posts: 180 Member
    January 6th:
    -Completed my morning & evening hygiene routines
    -Ate enough
    -Got to the gym
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    So far so good, I've been practicing my headspace mindfulness & yoga, going for a walk and also reading each day.
    It's been easy up til this week though, as I was off work. Now the real challenge starts, with continuing all of this and work, whilst also remembering to take a break. I got so bad last year at eating at the desk and working 9.5 -10hrs a day with no real break! This year I am trying to be kinder to me, by taking a walk at lunch to get out the office and have a proper break.
  • Fitatelo
    Fitatelo Posts: 180 Member
    January 7th:
    -Completed my morning & evening hygiene routines
    -Ate enough
    -Went for a run
    -Ate a cookie and didn't beat myself up over it or way 10 more
    -Bought healthy food for the week
    -Cleaned the house
  • jmgr9993
    jmgr9993 Posts: 41 Member
    January 8th:

    Took some of my work staff out to dinner tonight. We had a lot of fun letting our hair down and relaxing while we got some work done. It was so fun it didn’t even feel like work.

    Going to gym tonight and working out while my daughter has her basketball practice.

    Reading a good book before going to sleep tonight.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,050 Member
    RubyRed427 wrote: »
    I bought this cute calendar at a craft fair last month. This is my self care chart for January. I can see that I do not eat enough veggies :)

    @RubyRed427 Oh that is really cute!! Love it!