


  • KristaMac88
    KristaMac88 Posts: 163 Member
    I was just researching the rules and food guidlines of keto and really want to try it. But im not 100% committed to giving up my sat night/ every second weekend drink/snack night with my hubby. He will follow the diet with me even though he doesnt need to so i dont want to completely deprive him. The thing im most scared about though is partaking in a "high fat" diet, even though they are good fats..and still having my cheat night..and then because im not following it 100% of the time and strict gaining even more weight..
  • navymomellsworth
    navymomellsworth Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also kinda doing Keto. More like low carb stayng around 30 carbs a day. I found a cauliflower fried rice with ham recipe at that is really good. Couldn't tell it was cauliflower and my cauliflower hating husband actually said it was good.
    Instead of fresh cauliflower I used frozen cauliflower rice to save me some time. Just cooked it in the microwave bag first then proceeded with the recipe as written.