Anyone else feel like this?



  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    I think too many people feel like you because they are too focused on loosing weight rather than learning to be healthy and enjoying it.

    If your only goal is to loose weight, what happens when you arrive at your goal? Do you then begin to slowly eat yourself back into obesity?

    If your goal is to be healthy it is a journey without an end, but it is a pleasant drive. Learn to enjoy your new life style, find foods that are healthy and enjoyable, find hobbies and interests that take your mind off your stomach, find exercises that you LIKE to do and look forward to doing ( I LIKE to walk and ride my bike).

    I so totally agree with this thats where I went wrong before just the weight counted at last I have realised its for the rest of my life so whats the rush girl
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    You know what always helped me?

    To look at pictures, try on clothes, etc from when I was heavier. It helps to put it all in perspective when you see that you've had great success already.

    Also, set mini goals. Saying "I have to lose another 70lbs" sounds very daunting. Instead say in 15lbs I will have lost 50lbs total, in another 10lbs it'll be 60lbs lost. Focus on the loss you've already had. :)

    Chevy88grl is right, those are some of things I have done as well as setting my ticker as to how far I have come (instead of to go). Take it one day at a time and remember, losing slowly is better for your health and makes your body remember your new weight better! YOu will be less likely to put weight back on, because when you do reach your 'goal' your body will be used to the new you (as well as your mind).
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Txnurse97, a year is not long. Time is not standing still. Think about it. Today is August 21, 2011. Before we know it , it will be September 1, 2011 and it will not be long, before time enters into January 2012. Time is moving.

    It will take me a year or longer to reach my goal too. I'm on a fat loss journey. I'm not trying to lose scale weight. There's a difference between the two. Fat loss and scale weight loss aren't the same thing. I have created a thread under the Fitness and Exercise folder titled Fat Loss vs Scale Weight Loss. A person can research the difference, by searching internent as well.

    I'm carrying a high percentage of body fat. My body fat percentage number has me at obese. My unhealthy fat didn't jump on me overnight and I know that I can't get rid of it overnight.

    I'm taking one day at a time and one month at a time. I do my weigh in and take my measurements once a month. My goal is to lose between 4 to 8 pounds of fat a month.

    Don't let the scale have power over your happiness. Remember, your scale weight can't determine what size clothes you wear. How much inches you have lost. What size dumbbell you can pick up. How many pushups you can do. How strong you have gotten, etc. Oh, let me add, scale weight doesn't determine if someone is healthy or fit.

    You are not a number. You are a person. Love yourself and embrace your year's journey with love. If you give up and give in, then the scale wins.
  • cchristman12
    cchristman12 Posts: 34 Member
    I would be happy to loose just 34 lbs. Be happy that you did and just keep going with your goal!!
  • AlyBelden
    Along the lines of mini goals, something I do is to print out 3 months on one page, then I commit myself to those 90 days. I don't think past those 3 months, it's too overwhelming. Then I set a goal to go with them. For example, at the beginning of the year I wanted to walk 10 miles a week - so every day I'd write down my mileage on the calendar. At the end of the 3 months I have a cool record of how much I accomplished. Having the visual of all 3 months together makes it so much more attainable, you don't look at it and think, "OMG - I have 364 days left to go!" You have an end goal that is visual and attainable.

    It was definitely a process for me. I got to a few points in my weight loss where I was happy and maintained, then decided to lose more. Overall it has taken me about 3½ years to get where I am (65 pounds down), but I promise you, looking back, it did not seem that long at all. You will get to the end of a year (90 days at a time) and be like, "That was nothing! And I feel AMAZING!"
  • DropsOJupiter
    If you allow it to be, it will. I say that from the perspective of being almost 2 years into a healthy journey resulting in losing, basically, one person. When I started the journey, I told myself that I couldn't think of it in total as it was overwhelming. I chose to think of it in ten pound increments and celebrated each ten pound goal with a non-food treat. Thus far, I've lost 14 of those increments, with a few more increments to go.

    During the time spent on this journey, I've learned that nothing is gained (or lost in this case) quick and easy. The time has been a gift to absorb the lessons in healthy eating and discovering what does and doesn't work with my particular body. So...I hope that you can change your thoughts to thinking the time spent on the journey is a gift and, of course, very well worth it!!! Good luck!
  • jeanlake
    jeanlake Posts: 130 Member
    It's a part of our culture that we want instant results. You are normal and will have other days like this. But the best thing is -- you are making positive and self-loving efforts to ensure a fit life you can be proud of. I think you've done a great job. Think about how fast last year went by. It will be September 2012 before you know it! Keep up the good - and honest - efforts. DropsOJupiter gave you some excellent advice.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    What's wrong with being a grump?

  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I am another one who celebrates every 10 pounds. It's psychological trickery for me- seeing a big number change really motivates me. So you are in the 230s now, focus on getting to the 220s, then 210, then target under 200. Breaking it into 10 pound increments really helped me stay focused.

    Also, you have lost more weight in three months than I have in 6+months on MFP! Focus on what you have already accomplished and remember how much better you look and feel now as compared to 30 pounds ago.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Every time I feel like this, I think back to when I went back to school. It seemed like it would take forever to get that degree, but before I knew it I was graduating. The days are going to go by whether you are losing weight or not. At least when those days are over, you will closer to your goal.
  • kayp1
    kayp1 Posts: 39 Member
    Firstly, well done for what you have achieved so far!

    Please take heed from what the others have told you. I have yo yo dieted for years and got to my heaviest, 218lb this year.

    I have been between 218 and 208 for the past 12 month and everytime I have started it has felt such a daunting task that I have given up....when I decided to do something about it, but my ultimate goal just seemed so far away that I had to set smaller goals.... 1st one for my holidays, next for Christmas and then the ultimate goal. I have focused on my first goal which is getting closer every week not giving a lot of thought to the others.

    Good luck, take your time and don't look so far forward!
  • Txnurse97
    Txnurse97 Posts: 275 Member
    Thank you everyone for the advice. It was becoming a chore for me, and I think that's why I couldn't see the end of the road. But I'm going to try to think about it in 10 pound increments, each decade will be a 220s, here I come!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Go girl!