3500+ Calories Burned Challenge 8/15-8/21



  • travishein
    Weekly Goal: 7000
    Mon: 1416 (biking and running)
    Tues: 1753 (biking and running)
    Wed: rest day
    Thur: 1527 (biking)
    Fri: 927 (biking)
    Sat: 1421 (biking and running)
    Sun: rest day

    Total: 7044
    Left to go: -44
  • debtfre12
    debtfre12 Posts: 203
    Goal is to burn 4,500 calories:

    Mon: 303 (Walked 3 miles, 60 Squat Kicks, 3 sets of 12 Woodchops, 50 ab crunches)
    Tues: 1,081 (Walked/jogged 8.37 miles, 100 Military Presses, 50 ab crunches)
    Wed: 473 (Walked 4 miles, 30 Lunges, 100 Mountain Climbers, 200 Jumping Jacks, 50 ab crunches)
    Thur: 567 (Walked/jogged 3.86 miles, 200 Jumping Jacks, 3 sets of 21's, 3 sets of 12 Woodchops)
    Fri: 428 (Walked/jogged a little over 3 miles, 100 ab crunches, 50 Burpees)
    Sat: 917 (Jogged 5 miles)

    Total: 3,768 cal
    Left to go: 732 cal
    I'm new, and every other challenge is closed. Thanks for being open to everyone. I'm starting low this week.

    This week's Goal is 3,500:

    Mon: 193 cals (walking at lunch. Calves are still on fire from muey thai KB)
    Tues: 750 cals (Eliptical for 60 mins)
    Wed: 678 (eliptical, running, walking)
    Thur: 796 (eliptical, walking)
    Fri: 697 (eliptical, walking)
    Sat: 1093 (eliptical, yard work, cleaning the garage)

    Total: 4207
    Over: 707
  • jagfan
    jagfan Posts: 255 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4,000

    Mon: 394 - Strength Training/Run 2 miles
    Tues: 509 - Les Mills Body Attack
    Wed: 761 - Running/4 miles
    Thur: 0
    Fri: 0
    Sat: 483 - Les Mills Body Combat
    Sun: 964

    Total: 1664
    Left to go: 3111

    Failed again!! Try again next week!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Weekly Goal:3800
    Mon: 1034(Step Plus Abs X 2)
    Tues: REST DAY
    Wed: 613 (Treadmill, elliptical, trainer session)
    Thur:377 (BL Last Chance Workout)
    Fri: 662 (Step Plus Abs, Yoga)
    Sat:852 (Step Plus Abs, treadmill, trainer session)
    Sun:325 (Jillian Michaels Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism)

    Left to go: over by 63! Phew, that was close!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
  • edardeno
    edardeno Posts: 14 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500

    Mon: Rest day
    Tues: 939 (treadmill 5.25)
    Wed: In class W-F, did some walking but didn't track it :(
    Sat: 987 (weights & treadmill 5)
    Sun: 972 (treadmill 4.75)

    Total: 2898
    Left to go: 602
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4000
    Mon: 658 calories burned (C25K, arm circuit & Insanity Fit Test)
    Tues: 618 calories burned (spin & back circuit)
    Wed: Rest Day
    Thur: 752 calories burned (rollerskate & glute circuit)
    Fri: 657 calories burned (walk 3 miles, C25K & arm circuit)
    Sat: 808 calories burned (spin, back circuit & walk 2 miles)
    Sun: 974 calories burned (walk 4 miles & spin)

    Total: 4467
    Left to go: 0/Zero (+467 over):happy: :happy:
  • mabrams184
    Weekly Goal:4,000

    Mon: 862 (693 from stationary bike, 169 from walking)
    Tues: 578 (325 from stationary bike, 253 from walking)
    Wed: 238 (238 from stationary bike)
    Thur: 497 (497 from stationary bike)
    Fri: 680 (680 from stationary bike)
    Sat: 486 ( 486 from stationary bike)
    Sun: 729 (581 from stationary bike, 148 from walking)

    Total: 4070
    Left to go: 000
    I'm new, and every other challenge is closed. Thanks for being open to everyone. I'm starting low this week.

    This week's Goal is 3,500:

    Mon: 193 cals (walking at lunch. Calves are still on fire from muey thai KB)
    Tues: 750 cals (Eliptical for 60 mins)
    Wed: 678 (eliptical, running, walking)
    Thur: 796 (eliptical, walking)
    Fri: 697 (eliptical, walking)
    Sat: 1093 (eliptical, yard work, cleaning the garage)
    Sun: 853 (eliptical 65 minutes)

    Total: 5060
    Over: 1560
  • debtfre12
    debtfre12 Posts: 203
    Goal is to burn 4,500 calories:

    Mon: 303 (Walked 3 miles, Squat Kicks, Wood-chops, ab crunches)
    Tues: 1,081 (Walked/jogged 8.37 miles, Military Presses, ab crunches)
    Wed: 473 (Walked 4 miles, Lunges, Mountain Climbers, Jumping Jacks, ab crunches)
    Thur: 567 (Walked/jogged 3.86 miles, Jumping Jacks, 21's, Wood-chops)
    Fri: 428 (Walked/jogged 3 miles, ab crunches, Burpees)
    Sat: 917 (Jogged 5 miles)
    Sun: 823 (biked & jogged 15 miles)

    Total: 4,591 cal
    Left to go: +91 cal
  • angiemcnett
    Week #6 for me:

    Weekly Goal: 6000
    Mon: 1200 (elliptical- 45 min.; treadmill- 30 min.; swimming- 15 min.)
    Tues: 1525 (elliptical- 60 min.; treadmill- 30 min.; walk- 60 min.)
    Wed: 1250 (elliptical- 60 min.; treadmill- 30 min.)
    Thur: 1025 (elliptical- 60 min.; aerobics- 30 min.)
    Fri: 350 (walk- 60 min.)
    Sat: 450 (elliptical- 30 min.)
    Sun: 475 (elliptical- 30 min.)

    Total: 6275
    Left to go: 0
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I was away from the computer for the last few days, but I wanted to post what I missed since I made it and I didn't think I would!

    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 765 cals (55min Fire 45EZ/Stretch 10)
    Tues: 576 cals (40min Fire30/Stretch10)
    Wed: 403 cals (30DS L2D10, 20 min walk)
    Thur: 451 cals (60 mins dancing)
    Fri: 501 cals (50 min leasurely swim)
    Sat: 952 cals (50 min leasurely swim, 60min dancing)
    Sun: Rest

    Total: 3648
    Left to go: -148