Losing 20 in your 20's! (CLOSED)



  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    So I gave almond milk a try today on my cereal. It was quite strange - but not unpleasant. I think it'd probably quite nice as chocolate milk or as part of a smoothie which I intend to give a try later, after exercise. It's a shame it's not sold in supermarkets though. £3.50 from the health shop is quite steep for a litre of milk.

    I think I'm going to give someone else new a go this week. I'm not sure what yet but most likely a fruit. I'll let you know when I find something interesting.

    And of course, I think some RED APPLES would be nice to have in this week! :D
  • Floricienta
    Thinking about making ceviche on Sunday... mmmmmmmmm... love it! but I've never made it myself. It should be interesting, looks pretty easy.
  • Miasunshine
  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    I think trying new healthy foods is a great challenge. There's a new sushi place in town so me and my hubby are gonna try it out for lunch tomorrow... I'll probably be boring and get the vege rolls since I can't stomach the idea of raw fish but it's still outside of my comfort zone! Wish me luck! ;-/
  • warlocksmistress
    I tried a papaya this week. It wasn't the greatest thing ever - I just cut it up andmixed it wiith some other fruits & yogurt. Maybe there's something better I could do with it? Never had one before but I always thought they were similar to mangoes. They are actually really different!
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Well the apple butter was quite successful! I've never tried eating it before, let alone making it, so not sure really what I was aiming for, but I like it! I think I overdid the cinnamon a little - it feels Christmassy eating it! I had it on toast this morning and it was lovely.

    Good luck on the sushi lambchop1042 - great job for pushing outside your comfort zone and trying something new.

    And warlocksmistress - I don't really get the hype about papaya either - I can take it or leave it. There are a lot of other fruits I'd rather have first, like a beautifully juicy, ripe mango or some kiwi or passion fruit - mmmm :-)

    Hope everyone's having a great weekend

  • paulahhhh
    paulahhhh Posts: 283
    I don't have peaches in my household at the moment, but I've got some apples, grapes, bananas & plums...

    I decided to go for the apples today. I might eat a plum or a handful of grapes before I shower tonight..
    But I just wanted to post to see how everyone is doing!!
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Happy Monday morning everyone! (I'm bored at work)

    So yesterday I tried my first ever vegetable juice - carrot and orange! It was...let's see....pretty simple, scarily neon orange and very very tasty! Not sure I would have liked it so much without the orange, but it was lovely all the same, and I think I'll definitely try branching out into more veg juices.

    I normally take a fruit juice/smoothie with me into work every day to have after getting in from my cycle - this morning was frozen forest fruits blended with pom 100% pomegranate juice and apple juice and some ice. I have a thermos so it keeps pretty cold which is nice, and it's a good refreshing boost in the morning!

    Hope everyone's having a good day.

    What day is weigh in? I had a sneaky peek at the scale this morning and, as I thought, unfortunately some of my loss last week was dehydration (I think) so I'm back up by a bit today but it's nothing I can't kick in the butt this week for my team YELLOW BANANAS!!!

    Like I said, happy monday everybody, from my boring desk at work

  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Thursday is weigh-in day, Cath.

    I'm going to have to use my data from today, though, since I won't be able to access my scale on Thursday-Sunday due to moving. So, I hope that's all right. I'll just go ahead and update myself in the spreadsheet.
  • Nhendrickson86
    Nhendrickson86 Posts: 33 Member
    Good morning to my fellow 20's. . . .AND YELLOW BANANAS!!! :smile:

    Here's my challenge update. . . . I tried the fruit smoothies over the weekend and it was AWESOME! I don't know why I never thought to try it before, but thanks for suggesting this challenge because now I am HOOKED! **Sipping on a blueberry smoothie as I type** Sorry Bananas! :ohwell:

    I also had a small NSV over the weekend. . . .well maybe it was more of my husband's. After weeks of nagging and persistence, I was finally able to get my husband off the couch and exercising with me. :bigsmile: Even my two year old joined in!!! (well she tried anyway. :laugh: ) It felt good that I was finally able to motivate him to get moving, and in turn it was a huge motivation for me to push through my workout since I didn't want him to see me giving up. And to my surprise (and his) that workout really kicked his butt!! :laugh: Now if only I could get him signed up on MFP. . . . . :wink:

    Oh and Cathcakey, I think I remember something about having weigh-ins on Thursdays, but I'm not 100%.

    Make it a great day everyone!!! :drinker: (water!)
  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member
    Great job to everyone trying new things!!! I had a peach yesertday, still not a fan. It wasn't so much the fur it was just too sweet! I also gave cantelope a try and I'm hooked! I haven't had cantelope since I was a kid! I even ate oatmeal for breakfast this morning! Whatever has gotten into me I LIKE IT! Keep up the good work everything and let's go PEACH PEACHES!!!!!!!!!!!
  • paulahhhh
    paulahhhh Posts: 283
    I'm not a fan of eating fruits by themselves in the morning. Only because it makes my stomach all weird & I feel nauseous all the time. BUT... Here I am at school.. in class nibbling on some cut up apples & grapes :D

    My weigh in won't be as great b/c I haven't been exercising due to my gouty ankle. Yeah, I know!! It totally sucks!! BUT I have been eating well & UNDER my calorie intake. Once I'm back to my 100% stage (or close to it), I'll definitely get back to my workout routine!!

    Happy Monday! <3
  • healthyhappy123
    So glad to hear everyone is doing well! Keep up the good work and trying new healthy foods!!!

    Here's an update on my front: I've been using MFP for a few years now (on and off of course) and I've always felt like I have had to hide it from my boyfriend, friends, etc. That always leads to an uncomfortable setting in which I am hiding my computer screen or phone from people when I'm logging, etc. I guess I felt ashamed that I wasn't happy with myself. Recently, however, I have told my boyfriend (of almost 3 years) that I'm serious about trying to lose weight and that I am using MFP because I know it helps me stay on track. Last night he was on my computer and he clicked on my MFP bookmark that opened to my page. I freaked all of a sudden because no one I know has ever seen my profile. But then I took a deep breath and told myself that I have nothing to hide and I let him look around. It actually felt good to "come clean" with him and he loved that he's number one on my motivation list. I also explained our challenge and he thought it was a great idea..."like the competition they have in the office!!" he said (his favorite TV show).

    The reason I'm telling you all this story is because now I feel like I can actually be successful at losing weight. I have nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to hide and I feel like a weight has been lifted. If anyone else is hiding MFP from friends or loved ones, I highly suggest telling them about it because they will most likely be more supportive than you originally thought.

    Happy monday everyone!! I hope everyone has as great a start to their week as I have.

    And yes, we weigh-in on Thursdays...GO BERRIES GO!
  • Nikki881
    Nikki881 Posts: 203
    Go team RED APPLES!! I tried a mango this weekend, it was sooooo tasty! I think I'm going to have to eat them more often!
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Go Peaches! Thursday is coming up real soon!
  • paulahhhh
    paulahhhh Posts: 283
    Shoot!! I gotta go buy me scale tomorrow, then! I've been using my best friend's scale for weighing in. LOL!!
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    healthyhappy123 - what an incredible NSV!!!!!!!!! WOW! I can't even imagine the relief you must feel. So, now it's really on and you can be successful with your support system rooting you on all the way! YAY!!!

    This weekend I tried something new - apple chips. OMG I AM HOOKED!!!! They are probably not the healthiest things in the world, but we were at the zoo and the side item choices were mac and cheese, lays potato chips, jello, or apple chips. And I am so glad I chose the apple chips! Even my 16 month old loved them (a bit chewy for him, but he's hooked too!)

    It seems like everyone did a great job this weekend, so let's keep up the awesome work this week!

    How about another challenge?? Anybody up for one?? I've got one if you are!

    Water - whatever your daily intake for water is, add 3 cups to it every day this week! LET'S DO THIS!

    GO BLUE BERRIES!!!!!!!
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    How about another challenge?? Anybody up for one?? I've got one if you are!

    Water - whatever your daily intake for water is, add 3 cups to it every day this week! LET'S DO THIS!

    GO BLUE BERRIES!!!!!!!

    Water, water, water! It's on!!! Go Blue Berries!!
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    YAY MANDA!!! I've got 8 cups (64oz.) in for the day so far... halfway to my goal! Time for a refill....

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member
    Not gonna lie, this water challange is gonna be hard for me! But I've got my trust Xfinity (stole it from the fiance) water bottle next to me so I can do this!!! Let's go Peaches!!!!!!!