Lose 5lbs + in January 2019



  • tramaine_21
    tramaine_21 Posts: 348 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy, and @Birder165, Congrats on entering a new decade!

    @SamanthaLouiseMence, Congrats on reaching your 5lb loss! "What is going on?" I think your body is saying the same and trying to catch up a bit.

    @tramaine_21, Wishing you much success with your fasting and return to keto!

    Thank you!!
  • JennH517
    JennH517 Posts: 256 Member
    Happy Sunday, everyone!

    Last week I said, "You don't have to do drastic things. Make small changes, they are more likely to stick."

    Putting my words into practice. Sticking to my calorie goal, AND making sure to walk more. It is working. That is encouraging. Went to the park and walked in the rain yesterday. Today it is really cold and windy.... Might be harder to push myself. Once you get on a roll though, it is motivating to keep going. It is early yet, maybe the wind will subside later...

    Highest weight ever: 254 in October 1999.

    Lowest since 1991: 194.4 November 25, 2018.

    Original starting weight: 243 in 2015.

    MFP Starting weight December 25th, 2016: 233.

    Goal: 180 in however long it takes.

    Weekly averages:

    December 24 - 31: 199.1... OK kids, party time is OVER!
    December 30 - January 6th: 199.8 -Rut roh!!
    January 7 - January 13: 199.4. Moving in the right direction again.
    January 14 - January 20: 198.3. That's more like it!

    Loss for January: 0.8 lbs.

    MFP Loss: 34.7 lbs.

    Total cumulative loss since mid 2015: 44.7 lbs.

    Until next week...

    Move more, eat less.


  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    JennH517 wrote: »
    Happy Sunday, everyone!

    Last week I said, "You don't have to do drastic things. Make small changes, they are more likely to stick."

    Putting my words into practice. Sticking to my calorie goal, AND making sure to walk more. It is working. That is encouraging. Went to the park and walked in the rain yesterday. Today it is really cold and windy.... Might be harder to push myself. Once you get on a roll though, it is motivating to keep going. It is early yet, maybe the wind will subside later...

    Highest weight ever: 254 in October 1999.

    Lowest since 1991: 194.4 November 25, 2018.

    Original starting weight: 243 in 2015.

    MFP Starting weight December 25th, 2016: 233.

    Goal: 180 in however long it takes.

    Weekly averages:

    December 24 - 31: 199.1... OK kids, party time is OVER!
    December 30 - January 6th: 199.8 -Rut roh!!
    January 7 - January 13: 199.4. Moving in the right direction again.
    January 14 - January 20: 198.3. That's more like it!

    Loss for January: 0.8 lbs.

    MFP Loss: 34.7 lbs.

    Total cumulative loss since mid 2015: 44.7 lbs.

    Until next week...

    Move more, eat less.


    Love your attitude. Get it, girl!
  • JennH517
    JennH517 Posts: 256 Member
    January 20th cannot come faster!

    As I mentioned earlier in the month I'll be getting back on the Ketogenic train again. We're going to try this again--the right way! I'm mentally, physically, spiritually and nutritionally prepared--yes, that's a lot! My lowest weight was 187 last summer and I've been on a somewhat stagnant position for a while. Now, keto train is ready to go! Choo-Choo!!
    I've been eating like a crazy person; kind of like eating my "last meals" "treats"--maybe not for good--just not having the junk for a long time. Almond and Coconut flour are going to be my new best friends! I'm excited! This is the year I am finally going to get the victory!

    P.S. I can tell ya right now my weigh-in won't be great but, that's okay I'm not going to be stuck for long! Let's do this!

    Weigh-in: Jan 20th

    ***Extended Fast Starts Jan 20th through (possibly) Jan 27th. 7 whole day fast. My goal is to reach at least 5 days. My fast comprises of: Detox/Tea tox/, Vitamins, Electrolytes, Bone Broth and the occasional Coconut Oil (1 tbsp).*** Lots of Water!!

    Afterward, I go right into the Ketogenic Diet...Low carb, moderate protein and fat. No Keto rash will stop me this time!!

    Prayer Hands. I'll keep you all posted of my progress...

    Sounds like we are both ready to step it up a notch! We are unstoppable!

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,629 Member
    January 1st - 181.4
    January 2nd -181.1 So glad to have my new digital scale so that I feel rewarded by "good" days. I am also happy with my decision to weigh every day, it makes me mindful every night that I will be weighing in the morning and affects my choices.
    January 3rd - 181.9
    January 4th - 181.7
    January 5th - 178.7
    January 6th - 182.5 Crazy how everything fluctuates. I couldn't believe yesterday, so weighed 5 times. Up 3.8 from yesterday, but I have skating on the docket for today. Perhaps I will discover a trend in something that I am doing, eating, or something that I am not eating with how it affects me.
    January 7th - 181.7
    January 8th - 183.0 - really don't get the gain this time, I was in really good numbers all week.
    January 9th - 182.2 - I seriously expect a really big loss soon. I am just sticking with it. I am working very long hours this week, maybe my body is holding on to it just in case.
    January 10th - 179.8 - not getting too excited, I see how I can be almost 4 pounds more the next day. Still, glad to be slightly under 180 at least for today : - )
    January 11th - 180.7
    January 12th - 182.4 - I was less disciplined in December and still lost weight, yet this month I am being so careful and am just not dropping weight. I have to stick with it.
    January 13th - 181.4
    January 14th - 181.7
    January 15th - 181.6
    January 16th - 180.3 - I have seen the 70s twice this month already, but not getting my hopes up just yet. Skating yesterday and again today. I work out every day no matter what, but skating seems to be the difference maker. Maybe because it is so fun and relieves me of stress at the same time as torching lots of calories. 16 days of discipline to lose a 1/2 of a pound is ridiculous.
    January 17th - 178.7 - Yay! 2 days of public skating makes such a difference. Wish that I could do it year round, it is the only thing that I enjoy for an entire hour.
    January 18th - 178.7 - No skating, so not even .1 of a pound. I did 30 minutes of Zumba yesterday and only managed to eat 1100 calories. Public skating is 3 days per week unless I drive to a different town. Lol, thinking about that!
    January 19th - 179.2
    January 20th - 180.7
    January 21st -
    January 22nd -
    January 23rd -
    January 24th -
    January 25th -
    January 26th -
    January 27th -
    January 28th -
    January 29th -
    January 30th -
    January 31st -

    Running loss/gain for January - .7 loss for January
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    January weight loss goal - 4 lbs=1.8 k
    January starting weight - 58.4k (128.7 lbs)
    January goal - 56.6k (123.9 lbs
    Ultimate goal – 52.5-55 range (115.7-121.2 lbs)

    January 1st - 58.4
    January 2nd -57.8 went to gym yesterday and got 40 min of cardio
    January 3rd -
    January 4th -58.1. got cardio today, not yesterday
    January 5th -
    January 6th -58.3
    January 7th -58.3
    January 8th -58.3
    January 9th -57.6 got 10,000 steps yesterday with work and a walk
    January 10th -57.0
    January 11th -57.3
    January 12th -57.7 barely moved yesterday and dug into weekly points last 2 days
    January 13th -57.4 went for a short walk yesterday, nice meal out
    January 14th -58 didn't go the gym this past week and low on exercise, ate weekly points but not activity points
    January 15th -57.4 went to gym yesterday for short workout (25 min on elliptical)
    January 16th -57.8 (57.7) 25 minutes elliptical yesterday but ate 36 ww points yesterday
    January 17th -58.3 sizeable late dinner out yesterday at Japanese restaurant
    January 18th -58.7
    January 19th -58.8 (had work event yesterday lunch and ate out in evening) used all ww weekly points and some activity points. was trying not to eat either but. it's really hard.
    January 20th -
    January 21st -58
    January 22nd -
    January 23rd -
    January 24th -
    January 25th -
    January 26th -
    January 27th -
    January 28th -
    January 29th -
    January 30th -
    January 31st -

    Overall loss in January: 0.3 k or 0.7 pound

  • alexhayg
    alexhayg Posts: 96 Member
    alexhayg wrote: »
    alexhayg wrote: »
    Resubmitting this as found my scales were incorrect :( but also forgot that I had actually already managed to lose 10.5lbs from 2016!! so why not give myself the credit for it! :D

    Original starting weight - 150.5
    January starting weight - 140
    January goal - 135
    Ultimate goal - 125


    January 6th - 140
    January 13th - 135.8 (-4.2lbs) :)
    January 20th -
    January 27th -

    Update 2

    January 6th - 140
    January 13th - 135.8 (-4.2lbs) :)
    January 20th - 136.8 (+1lb)
    January 27th

    feeling frustrated but I had 1 meal out and a takeaway night with my friend on saturday. Back to it today and hopefully everything will come right. I was fairly confident that the first weight loss was mainly water weight so 3.2lbs lost so far is still a good result.
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 419 Member
    Original starting weight - 104,00Kg(03/18)
    January starting weight -97,00Kg
    January goal - 3,00Kg
    Ultimate goal - 88,0Kg

    January 4rd - 97,00Kg
    January 11th ----
    January 18th - 96,5Kg
    January 24th -
    January 31st -

    Total loss for January -
  • Niccoleg145
    Niccoleg145 Posts: 39 Member

    Original starting weight :196
    January starting weight :186
    January goal :179.9
    Ultimate goal :150

    Jan 1: 186.0
    Jan 7: 185.9
    Jan 20: 186.0
    Jan 27:
    Jan 31:
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,549 Member

    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018) - 168.2
    January starting weight - 151.0 (December 31, 2018)
    January goal - 147
    Ultimate goal - Range between 142 - 148

    This month I'm going to report scale weight and (ten day average weight).

    December 31 - 151.0 (150.8)
    January 7 - 149.8 (150.1)
    January 14 - 149.4 (149.0)
    January 21 - 148.2 (149.1)
    January 28 -
    January 31 -

    Total loss for January: Scale says 2.8 pounds; ten-day average says 1.7 pounds.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,163 Member
    Female named Donna - 58 years young - 5’ 5 ½” - Midwest USA

    “The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time.” ~ Abraham Lincoln


    I am weighing in on the First and the Last day of each month for a full monthly account.


    Highest weight ever (2014/2015): 253
    Original starting weight for this current journey : (1-11-2018) 235.0
    My First Short Term Weight Goal: To weight 175 by Valentine’s Day 💗💗💗
    January starting weight - 185.5
    January goal - 178.0
    January Actual End Weight:


    January 01 - 185.5
    January 07 - 183.6 It’s getting better and better. Holiday mending going well.
    January 14 - 183.4 slow and steady goes the course.
    January 21 - 185.4 gained even more this week, now it’s coming back down. Added aerobic dance to my exercise routine and it’s beginning to pay off. My macros the last couple of days have been phenomenal. I feel back on track!
    January 28th -
    January 31st –

    Final Challenge Thoughts:
  • tramaine_21
    tramaine_21 Posts: 348 Member
    JennH517 wrote: »
    January 20th cannot come faster!

    As I mentioned earlier in the month I'll be getting back on the Ketogenic train again. We're going to try this again--the right way! I'm mentally, physically, spiritually and nutritionally prepared--yes, that's a lot! My lowest weight was 187 last summer and I've been on a somewhat stagnant position for a while. Now, keto train is ready to go! Choo-Choo!!
    I've been eating like a crazy person; kind of like eating my "last meals" "treats"--maybe not for good--just not having the junk for a long time. Almond and Coconut flour are going to be my new best friends! I'm excited! This is the year I am finally going to get the victory!

    P.S. I can tell ya right now my weigh-in won't be great but, that's okay I'm not going to be stuck for long! Let's do this!

    Weigh-in: Jan 20th

    ***Extended Fast Starts Jan 20th through (possibly) Jan 27th. 7 whole day fast. My goal is to reach at least 5 days. My fast comprises of: Detox/Tea tox/, Vitamins, Electrolytes, Bone Broth and the occasional Coconut Oil (1 tbsp).*** Lots of Water!!

    Afterward, I go right into the Ketogenic Diet...Low carb, moderate protein and fat. No Keto rash will stop me this time!!

    Prayer Hands. I'll keep you all posted of my progress...

    Sounds like we are both ready to step it up a notch! We are unstoppable!


    Absolutely, Jenn! This is our year!
  • tramaine_21
    tramaine_21 Posts: 348 Member
    edited January 2019
    Day 2 of 7 Extended/Nutritional Fast! Goal is to lose 5 to 7 lbs.

    July 2017: 187 (lowest)--Jan 20th 2018: 202.6!! Yikes--a 15 lb-gain over the last six months!

    Not good, but it won't last!

    It's okay I expected this; I let my appetite loose because I knew it was going to be the last time for a very, very long time that I was going to indulge in the wheat/sugar/junk etc...I ate like this since the holidays, so I'm not surprised. No need to feel sorry for me, I earned it. :wink:

    Day 2: After 1 day of my fast I can tell I've already lost some water weight and I don't feel as bloated. And, guess what? I don't feel hungry or fatigue, I feel pretty darn good actually! This Southern Gal is going to ride this wave!

    Weigh-in: Jan 28th: