

  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
    Bumping this back up in my topics list!!!! Hope everyone is doing well!! Waiting for Monday.......
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    This week I have bee trying to gain on purpose, I am a strage one lol

    I figured as I am a bit stuck, I would eat anything this week and try again hard exta and see if it shocks me into losing. Wouldnt be suprised if I gained a little.
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    anybody else dreading Monday? I've been off the wagon a lot this week, so will be very happy to just maintain I think! hope you're all doing well lovelies xxx
  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
    anybody else dreading Monday? I've been off the wagon a lot this week, so will be very happy to just maintain I think! hope you're all doing well lovelies xxx

    I am dreading Monday along with you!! I was only able to get in 3 days of exercise and I didnt eat too bad this week but the foods I had were loaded with sodium and I can feel it. Also I have lunch with the family after church today!! So I am like you I will be happy with a maintain this week!!
  • TrufflePig
    Christmas Challenge people - just a reminder that tomorrow is weigh-in day :)
    Have a great night!
  • MonicaLee1982
    MonicaLee1982 Posts: 33 Member
    Just wanted to tell everybdy good luck for tomorrow. I know I didn't do well this week, but hopefully I didn't do too much damage. Anyway, here's to a new week! Have a great night everybody!
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    hi everyone, happy weigh in.
    This week im at 186.4
    hope everybody is well and remembers to weigh in, love xxx
  • nan860
    nan860 Posts: 15
    Weigh in is 268.5. Overall, a pretty good week.
  • TrufflePig
    Great job, tcmummy and nan860!
    I am down to 166.6 this week.

    Feel free to post your progress here or to send me a message so that I can get this week's chart up!
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    Well back down to 173 this morning. At least I lost the 2 lbs. I gained on vacation. Hoping for a big loss by next Monday!! :)
  • Mamato3cubs
    Hi All! 303.6 today. Good job on the losses everyone. Have a great day everyone!
  • TrufflePig
    Woohoo, great job!!!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    251.4... i will slowly but surely get there.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    162.0 lbs this morning.

    I've started a new lifting program (New Rules of Lifting for Women) and have increased my protein a ton this past week...i'm down inches but the scale read higher this week. I hope to get it back down next week.


    The new discussion points for this week

    1. What is one thing you didn't do so great on last week that you are going to improve on this week and how?
    2. What do your exercise goals look like this week?
    3. If you won $100, how would you spend it?


    My Answers:
    1. I went a bit crazy on the calories last week to try and get my protein in, I will plan my meals better and stick to my zig zag goals (1401, 1751, 1751, 1926, 1751, 2101, 1751, 1576 including exercise) but still get 100+ g of protein.
    2. M- Rest (maybe a walk), T- Run 4 Tempo , W- Lift (NROLFW B), Th- Run 4 easy + Kickboxing, F- Lift (NROLFW A), S- Run 8, Su- Lift (NROLFW B), + Yoga
    3. New Seven jeans...mine are all too big :-(
  • ndetlefsen
    ndetlefsen Posts: 33 Member
    My weight stayed steady for todays weigh in. I'm okay with that, as I had a big loss last week and am sure the scale will move this week.

    1. What is one thing you didn't do so great on last week that you are going to improve on this week and how?

    2. What do your exercise goals look like this week?

    3. If you won $100, how would you spend it?
  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
    weight 228.0
  • TrufflePig
    1. What is one thing you didn't do so great on last week that you are going to improve on this week and how?
    I went over my sodium limit almost every single day. This week I'm making it a priority to lower the sodium in my diet.

    2. What do your exercise goals look like this week?
    I'm aiming for 45 min/day for 5 days.

    3. If you won $100, how would you spend it?
    I would get a pair of Vibram 5 finger shoes!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member

    3. If you won $100, how would you spend it?
    I would get a pair of Vibram 5 finger shoes!

    i have a pair and i LOVE them...completely eliminated my knee pain 100%. They look funky but they feel sooooo good!
  • Jessicas_Old_Account
    Weigh-In 164.4lbs

    1. What is one thing you didn't do so great on last week that you are going to improve on this week and how?
    -Exercise. Make more time in my schedule to fit in at least 45 minutes a day.

    2. What do your exercise goals look like this week?
    -I am going to start 30 day shred today.

    3. If you won $100, how would you spend it?
    -I would buy me a new pair of walking shoes.
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    Hey~ I just noticed the questions:
    1. I want to improve on my exercise. Didn't meet my exercise goals last week.
    2. My exercise goals for this week are: Do a 50 min. workout 6 days this week, rest day on Sunday. (Workouts will be: To either walk then lift weights or do Jillian's No More Trouble Zones.) I am hoping to get in 3 days of circuit training and 3 days of walking and strength training.