JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    @HEGoddard0928 - Condolences to you and your family
  • Graceandmiracles
    Graceandmiracles Posts: 22 Member
    My stomach has that hungry feel but I just ate a high protein meal so I know it is the carb/sugar craving/withdrawal. Had a tangerine and sweet peppers but still feeling it. Almost automatically walked into the pantry to grab crackers. Caught myself and said no only because I knew I was coming here for support. Thanks for being here.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    My stomach has that hungry feel but I just ate a high protein meal so I know it is the carb/sugar craving/withdrawal. Had a tangerine and sweet peppers but still feeling it. Almost automatically walked into the pantry to grab crackers. Caught myself and said no only because I knew I was coming here for support. Thanks for being here.

    Hey can i ask what country youre from? X
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    @maryrobinson40 So sorry to hear about your daughter ans that theyre preventing you from telling them the real cause, could your daughter not tell them? Its good your ex husband are communicating though, but i suppose any parents would stand side by side when itz their child involved!

    @HEGoddard0928 Im so sorry for your husband. Im dreading the day when my in laws die, absolutely dreading it. But youre doing everything right hun, theres nothing really you can do but be there, be there one to cuddle, the shoulder to cry on, to be patient and to listen. You could always ask him his fondest memories of her, and try remember the nice things rather than focus on what is lost. (But ill let you be the judge of his reaction)

    @frenchfancy2014 Im so so sorry for your loss, i hope youre okay xxx if you ever need to talk xx
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    Just found this thread and really need some motivation to reach my goals! I'm aiming to lose 8-10kg after giving birth to my daughter nearly 6 months ago. I'm Still not at my pre-pregnancy weight, where prior to getting pregnant I was going to the gym 4-5 times a week and eating far less junk than I seem to be doing now. Not only do I have little time to work out, but it seems having a baby means countless meet ups with other new mums at coffee shops which inevitability means cake ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™„. I'm trying to get better at keeping the snacking at bay but the thing I miss the most is a hard workout session. Anyone have any tips on how to fit this in when you have a baby who is a terrible napper during the day? It would be great to connect with other mums who managed to achieve their goals!

    So anyway, goals for tomorrow are:
    1. No snacking
    2. Drink at least 2l of water
    3. Log my food for the day


    Hey wekcome, i mustve missed this the other day
    As far as im aware im the only freqent poster with a young baby too. Well i say young shes 1 in a month!

    I am by FAR achieving my goals but im making progress!
    I do my exercise at night, about 15 mins after theyre alseep (i have 3 girls)
    I mean yeah by then im already knackered but i just push through and i find it gives me a bit of a boost by the time im done!
    Ive not actually managed any exercise this month, i wont lie, its not easy!

    I dont have any mummy friends, but i think its GREAT you do! I wish i did when mine were born, i just dont like people that much LOL!
    anyhow, you do know youre not obligated to buy cake :wink: haha im sensing an excuse!

    You know why you eat more junk? Because babies are hard work, and sometimes you just need something quick and sugary to get that boost! You could however, check calories and prelog before you go to the coffee shop, have a green tea instead of a latte.
    And LOG IT. be accountable.
    You could easily havenyour coffee treat but then be sensible at home.
    There will be a way to work it in, but youll only figure tgat out by logging and seeing where youre calories come from and ehat you can do to reduce them.

    Walking with the pram, its in the mfp settings! Get walking!

    And also, just take time. Casey can now feed a whole bottle of milk to herself. And ive now used that spare 15-20 minutes to walk the dog whilst my partner is doing whatver around the house, poor dog hadnt been walked for ages!

    So the more theyre able to do independently the more time you have x
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    @slittlemeister Well done on the loss!

    @Elbee1 im pretty rubbish at water too, when i started the water challenge last year i struggled to even get 2 in! But now, i do so much better. Every morning i take tablets (1 down) then i have a cup of tea (2 down) then i mit have another cup of tea later and a drink with lunch. So by lunch you can have had half your water. And trust me once you grt to 5 or 6 the last 3 cups seems so easy.

    Also i go off water in the winter because its too cold. So i add in a low sugar squash. I think 1 cup is like 2 calories?
    It helps me get it down, and i could tea and instant coffee as a water too! But obviously just make sure you log the milk and sugar (if you have it, i have sweetner to stop the calories there too)

    And i can say that now i average between 4 and 8 naturally. This is someone eho struggled to get 2 in!

    So trust me, stick with jt, and the habit will form itself!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    @Bex953172 - you are always such a good support to everyone. I wait to see how you respond to people that are struggling. You inspire me a lot.

    Well I decided today I would clean and tidy the house. I have everything but our bedroom done and it only took me about 2 hours. I even washed the front of my cupboards and all of the appliances. I was hoping it would take longer because Iโ€™m really bored. I have a couple projects I can work on so I guess Iโ€™ll start that this afternoon. Tonight after hubby goes to bed Iโ€™ll scrub,

  • pam46815
    pam46815 Posts: 20 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend! I kept track of jack squat over the weekend! So Just for today I will:
    1. Log everything I eat in MFP and stay within my calorie goal.
    2. I will drink four bottles of water.
    3. I won't eat anything after 8:00 pm.
    4. I will walk track and do water aerobics at Y tonight.
  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 275 Member
    Drinking a litre of water
    Tidy up kitchen and living room
    Pack case
  • Fitatelo
    Fitatelo Posts: 180 Member
    edited January 2019
    January 27th:
    -Get to the gym ๐Ÿ‘
    -Stay in the green ๐Ÿ‘
    -Take care of hands ๐Ÿ‘
    -Get to bed early ๐Ÿ‘

    January 28th:
    -Go for a run
    -Stick to meal plans
    -Take care of hands
    -Get to bed when tired
    -Get everything together for green card interview
    -Shop healthy for the week
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    You're so right about our Bex953172... She's such a warrior!! A so are you Snowflake!!! We
    ALL are if you think about it. It's like we're all handling heavy loads, but it's like..."Don't
    Mess With My Sister"... LMBO! We love, protect, and stick like glue with each other.... IT'S TOTALLY
    AWESOME SAUCE๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Monday 28 January

    On my way my way home, JFTD goal setting commences Wednesday.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,420 Member
    edited January 2019
    JFT (after work only) Jan 28
    • two shopping stops on the way home (in-and-out's ... 1 item each place .... MAY be able to get both at first stop)
    • early supper / leave in plenty of time for Monday Conversational French Toastmasters meeting
    • another 10 minutes of exercise after the meeting so that I meet UAC daily goal (will be 2 x 5 minute HIIT sessions on the bike for max burn in short time)
    • make sure car is plugged in and windshield cover in place (BIG & LONG snow-dump starts ~10:00 pm tonight and won't stop falling until at least middle of Tues night)
    • Measure / Pre-log / Pack Tuesday Lunch and snack TONIGHT to allow extra time for snow shovelling AND early out of the driveway tomorrow.
      [ /list]

      JFT (before work only) Jan 29
      • out of bed RIGHT when alarm rings
      • NO OPENNING A BOOK! Time is of the essence because traffic WILL be bad!
      • weigh-in / 2 X 5 minute HIIT / cook breakfast. (finish by 6:45)
      • Check Google Maps / Directions for traffic time estimate ... Decide (due to findings AND amount of snow clearing needed) whether to eat breakfast at home or pack it & coffee to have at the office instead
      • Clear snow only sufficient to get car out of the driveway and leave in good time . (Get DH up to help if the plow has been by ... let him sleep if it hasn't .... he'll be clearing the driveway multiple times as it is

      NB re: "what is UAC?"

      UAC = Ultimate Accountability Challenge.
      Can you answer yes to the three following self-reporting questions today?

      Did you exercise at least 20 minutes? (can include NEAT options like gardening, heavy cleaning, walking baby in stroller, active-time as determined by Fitbit or similar app, dance to the radio etc. Doesn't HAVE to be "formal cardio or resistance exercise or class"
      Did you stay within your calorie limits?You decide whether that means pre-exercise calories only / no more than 1/2 the exercise calories eaten back / so long as even 1 or zero "in the green" after eating exercise calories is still a WIN for you ...
      Did you track everything you ate and drank?Self-explanatory ... but that means EVERY bite, lick and taste ... digital scale strongly recommended for tracking those individual chocolate chips in order get the treat but still meet Q2

      If you answer No to 1 (or more) on a single day, that = 1 Pass. You have 3 Passes available. If you use 4 (or more), you keep right on reporting, but your name won't be on the "Winner's Circle List" for the month. Day one of each month, everyone starts with a clean slate and 3 available passes. Even the Moderator doesn't always make the Winner's Circle! Life Happens ....

      I have used 2 Passes so far .... and Mondays are my only day when I have to be out for a chunk of the evening every week. But it's hard to justify "can't even do 10 minutes of SOMETHING before bed .... "

      It sounds tough, but it is full of very supportive people and works for raising self-awareness and accountability habits no matter what your chosen food plan, exercise strategy, and whether you have a long way to go, are close to goal, or have been maintaining for years.

      The Challenge is to just keep coming back and reporting on the three questions, no matter what. There is no "fail" or "elimination". Then next month, see if you can "miss out closer this time" (use fewer passes than last month) until you make the Winner's Circle.

      I joined here too, for practicing accountability / reporting on OTHER things not covered under the 3 questions, like a new pre-work routine (that fits in a short bike session by cutting out reading while eating breakfast AND gets me out of the house BEFORE traffic volume extends the commute time) or making progress in the evenings on my Conversational French practice or mending pile or de-cluttering.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    Had a bit of a weird day. Im in the green but still want to eat. But i have a pounding headsche which Casey is exacerbating spectacularly by screaming.
    So am i hungry or is it the headache?

    Ive had paracetamol but no effect as of yet.
    Meh i dont know what to do.

    In other news, Ash had his cast off and pins pulled out, his hand still look a bit swollen but its not black and bruised anymore as far as i can tell.he just has a wrist splint now which he has to take off 3 times a day and just flex his wrists and fingers, another appt in 2 weeks then he should be discharged

    Oh and @PackerFanInGB i restarted your present again LOL
    same colours, much MUCH better design. Im feeling confident. Took me a while to figure out what stitches go where though
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,382 Member

    Well I decided today I would clean and tidy the house. I have everything but our bedroom done and it only took me about 2 hours. I even washed the front of my cupboards and all of the appliances. I was hoping it would take longer because Iโ€™m really bored. I have a couple projects I can work on so I guess Iโ€™ll start that this afternoon. Tonight after hubby goes to bed Iโ€™ll scrub,
    wow - can I send you my address please? or please share your energy. applauding you!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: ยป
    JFT (after work only) Jan 28
    • two shopping stops on the way home (in-and-out's ... 1 item each place .... MAY be able to get both at first stop)
    • early supper / leave in plenty of time for Monday Conversational French Toastmasters meeting
    • another 10 minutes of exercise after the meeting so that I meet UAC daily goal (will be 2 x 5 minute HIIT sessions on the bike for max burn in short time)
    • make sure car is plugged in and windshield cover in place (BIG & LONG snow-dump starts ~10:00 pm tonight and won't stop falling until at least middle of Tues night)
    • Measure / Pre-log / Pack Tuesday Lunch and snack TONIGHT to allow extra time for snow shovelling AND early out of the driveway tomorrow.
      [ /list]

      JFT (before work only) Jan 29
      • out of bed RIGHT when alarm rings
      • NO OPENNING A BOOK! Time is of the essence because traffic WILL be bad!
      • weigh-in / 2 X 5 minute HIIT / cook breakfast. (finish by 6:45)
      • Check Google Maps / Directions for traffic time estimate ... Decide (due to findings AND amount of snow clearing needed) whether to eat breakfast at home or pack it & coffee to have at the office instead
      • Clear snow only sufficient to get car out of the driveway and leave in good time . (Get DH up to help if the plow has been by ... let him sleep if it hasn't .... he'll be clearing the driveway multiple times as it is

      NB re: "what is UAC?"

      UAC = Ultimate Accountability Challenge.
      Can you answer yes to the three following self-reporting questions today?

      Did you exercise at least 20 minutes? (can include NEAT options like gardening, heavy cleaning, walking baby in stroller, active-time as determined by Fitbit or similar app, dance to the radio etc. Doesn't HAVE to be "formal cardio or resistance exercise or class"
      Did you stay within your calorie limits?You decide whether that means pre-exercise calories only / no more than 1/2 the exercise calories eaten back / so long as even 1 or zero "in the green" after eating exercise calories is still a WIN for you ...
      Did you track everything you ate and drank?Self-explanatory ... but that means EVERY bite, lick and taste ... digital scale strongly recommended for tracking those individual chocolate chips in order get the treat but still meet Q2

      If you answer No to 1 (or more) on a single day, that = 1 Pass. You have 3 Passes available. If you use 4 (or more), you keep right on reporting, but your name won't be on the "Winner's Circle List" for the month. Day one of each month, everyone starts with a clean slate and 3 available passes. Even the Moderator doesn't always make the Winner's Circle! Life Happens ....

      I have used 2 Passes so far .... and Mondays are my only day when I have to be out for a chunk of the evening every week. But it's hard to justify "can't even do 10 minutes of SOMETHING before bed .... "

      It sounds tough, but it is full of very supportive people and works for raising self-awareness and accountability habits no matter what your chosen food plan, exercise strategy, and whether you have a long way to go, are close to goal, or have been maintaining for years.

      The Challenge is to just keep coming back and reporting on the three questions, no matter what. There is no "fail" or "elimination". Then next month, see if you can "miss out closer this time" (use fewer passes than last month) until you make the Winner's Circle.

      I joined here too, for practicing accountability / reporting on OTHER things not covered under the 3 questions, like a new pre-work routine (that fits in a short bike session by cutting out reading while eating breakfast AND gets me out of the house BEFORE traffic volume extends the commute time) or making progress in the evenings on my Conversational French practice or mending pile or de-cluttering.

    Hmmm this could be our feb challenge! I like the sound of it!
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    1/28 Day 21 Back to logging and measuring. Starting to learn what reasonable portion sizes are. So far have not been super hungry on this new eating journey. True, eating a lot of salad and soups but I enjoy those and am getting a variety in. Trying not to obcess with the scale as I have done in the past. This journey has many potholes to fall into.