Men & Women in their 50s starting anew in 2019!



  • pkcsdh
    pkcsdh Posts: 9 Member
    How do u add others?
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,720 Member
    pkcsdh wrote: »
    How do u add others?

    1) Click on the name in the left sidebar. A window will open.
    2) Click on the name again. The user profile will open.
    3) Click on the "Add Friend" button. (There is an option to send a message along with a friend request. Always a good idea - just a note about where you saw them - some common interests, etc.)
  • GuyanaGold21
    GuyanaGold21 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi, I would like to join! Karen in British Columbia, Canada. 57, aiming to lose 50 lbs. First 10 lbs gone in Jan. Have used MFP off and on for a few years! Nice to find such motivated people!

    Hi Karen,

    Welcome! Your January start is very impressive! I love BC, BTW... We hope to get back sometime next year. Good luck! :)
  • autumnfires
    autumnfires Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks! I am all set for a great February too. Let’s do this!
  • mcemino2
    mcemino2 Posts: 427 Member
    I do tend to eat light during the day at work, much easier to do. My schedule is part of the problem, get up at 4:30 and head off to work at 5:30. If I go to the gym after work I don't get home until around 7:00. Usually starving by then. Make something for dinner then sit in front of the tv most nights until I go to bed at 9:00 or 9:30. Dinner itself is ok, generally around 800 calories. That puts me around 1400-1500 for the day, which is below the suggested 1700. It's afterward that I get the urge to eat more.
  • vern159
    vern159 Posts: 15 Member
    mcemino2 wrote: »
    I do tend to eat light during the day at work, much easier to do. My schedule is part of the problem, get up at 4:30 and head off to work at 5:30. If I go to the gym after work I don't get home until around 7:00. Usually starving by then. Make something for dinner then sit in front of the tv most nights until I go to bed at 9:00 or 9:30. Dinner itself is ok, generally around 800 calories. That puts me around 1400-1500 for the day, which is below the suggested 1700. It's afterward that I get the urge to eat more.

    Maybe a small snack like mini pretzels (100 calorie pack) or poppables? Portion them out and don’t take the bag. Cheese sticks also work.
    It’s just enough to take the edge off before bed.
  • 11Templars
    11Templars Posts: 444 Member
    Hey Kids, I'm 50, and I'm not really restarting as i haven't stopped. However, I'm happy to hang out and offer some encouragement if needed. Feel free to friend me up.
  • PartyPerson
    PartyPerson Posts: 116 Member
    Happy Humpday Everyone! We've made it halfway through the week, I hope that you're all feeling good.

    I might have made a tactical error here - decided to start the 20mins a day challenge early. Just completed 20mins on an exercise bike. Had to sit on the bike for another 5 minutes because I couldn't lift my legs high enough to get off - I might die lol I just have to make sure I do this everyday all the way through February then it might become a habit.
  • loserbaer
    loserbaer Posts: 15 Member
    Hello Everyone! Kay from SC ~just turned 53 this month 🤗... My mom passed away at 54 and I think I am anxious about hitting 54 myself next year. Gosh, I had just turned 23... always wondered how I’d feel about it and now it’s almost here😬. Have been slowly making healthier choices and changes... and feeling better. Anyhow, just found out I have some health issues and want to lose about 15lbs. Have decided to make a commitment to living a healthy lifestyle overall 🤗💕
    Thanks for being in this with me! 😉💖
    Kay, loserbaer
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    loserbaer wrote: »
    Hello Everyone! Kay from SC ~just turned 53 this month 🤗... My mom passed away at 54 and I think I am anxious about hitting 54 myself next year. Gosh, I had just turned 23... always wondered how I’d feel about it and now it’s almost here😬. Have been slowly making healthier choices and changes... and feeling better. Anyhow, just found out I have some health issues and want to lose about 15lbs. Have decided to make a commitment to living a healthy lifestyle overall 🤗💕
    Thanks for being in this with me! 😉💖
    Kay, loserbaer

    Unfortunately, we have a bit in common. I had just turned 17 when my mom passed away at 48, and I remember all of us kids feeling "weird" when we approached that age. I am now 56! Best wishes on your new commitment to yourself! :)
  • daklock
    daklock Posts: 54 Member
    Party Person Happy Humpday Everyone! We've made it halfway through the week, I hope that you're all feeling good.

    I might have made a tactical error here - decided to start the 20mins a day challenge early. Just completed 20mins on an exercise bike. Had to sit on the bike for another 5 minutes because I couldn't lift my legs high enough to get off - I might die lol I just have to make sure I do this everyday all the way through February then it might become a habit.

    You made me laugh as I can just visualize myself doing the same thing. Sometimes when I get back after a walk, I can barely lift the legs to go up the driveway = steep driveway. But it is getting better every day. Still need to get out today. This thread gives me lots of motivation to keep going. Thanks everyone.
  • LynnJ9
    LynnJ9 Posts: 414 Member
    loserbaer wrote: »
    Hello Everyone! Kay from SC ~just turned 53 this month 🤗... My mom passed away at 54 and I think I am anxious about hitting 54 myself next year. Gosh, I had just turned 23... always wondered how I’d feel about it and now it’s almost here😬. Have been slowly making healthier choices and changes... and feeling better. Anyhow, just found out I have some health issues and want to lose about 15lbs. Have decided to make a commitment to living a healthy lifestyle overall 🤗💕
    Thanks for being in this with me! 😉💖
    Kay, loserbaer

    I also am in the same position as you. I am turning 57 this year and my mother passed away at 59.
    It is hitting my sister even harder. She was born on the same day as my mother, and turned 59 this year. On April 12th, the anniversary of my mother's death, she will be the exact same age my mother was when she died.
    It is a somber reminder to cherish life and take care of our health.
  • LynnJ9
    LynnJ9 Posts: 414 Member
    skf1201 wrote: »
    Good Wednesday everyone! Where I live today (with the windchill) it’s -40 degrees. Here’s my warm food I enjoy. A serving of oatmeal with sweetener of your choice. After the oatmeal is cooked add frozen blueberries or tart cherries or fruit of you liking and 1 or 2 tablespoons of heavy whipping cream. It’s like a dessert. May everyone find something today that brings a smile to your face or heart.

    There is over 100 degree difference between wher you and I are. It was 73 today in Scottsdale Arizona. 😎😎
    I am sure I will get my paycheck for bragging about this next summer when it hits 120 degrees here😎
  • MountainTopMom
    MountainTopMom Posts: 65 Member
    loserbaer wrote: »
    Hello Everyone! Kay from SC ~just turned 53 this month 🤗... My mom passed away at 54 and I think I am anxious about hitting 54 myself next year. Gosh, I had just turned 23... always wondered how I’d feel about it and now it’s almost here😬. Have been slowly making healthier choices and changes... and feeling better. Anyhow, just found out I have some health issues and want to lose about 15lbs. Have decided to make a commitment to living a healthy lifestyle overall 🤗💕
    Thanks for being in this with me! 😉💖
    Kay, loserbaer

    Kay, I know how you feel. Both my parents died at 51. I'm 51. My friends and family were forbidden from doing anything other than wish me Happy Birthday. I'm 2 weeks away from 52 and outliving my parents. Sad milestone. (((hugs))) Feel free to add me.
  • skf1201
    skf1201 Posts: 116 Member

    There is over 100 degree difference between wher you and I are. It was 73 today in Scottsdale Arizona. 😎😎
    I am sure I will get my paycheck for bragging about this next summer when it hits 120 degrees here😎[/quote]

    I know what you’re talking about. I lived in Phoenix too. It’s so beautiful there. I always felt like I was in vacation.

  • skf1201
    skf1201 Posts: 116 Member
    I have a question......I have a cleaning business which has my body in constant motion for at least 8 hours a day. Moving furniture, running up/down flights of stairs, also all the rest of house cleaning. I haven’t been logging this as exercise. I didn’t feel it’s exercise because it’s simply what I love doing and it is what I do everyday. Should I be logging any of it? Thank you all for your support in this awesome group! Also, how do you include a copy of a previous post in your post to help others know where the original post came from?😀