Men & Women in their 50s starting anew in 2019!



  • souris_verte_1
    souris_verte_1 Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in also. Discipline in healthy eating and exercise is my goal this year to get back to a healthy weight.
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    bulldogcpa wrote: »
    At 56, I needed to make a change. Over the past ten years I’d magically crept up to 240#,,, at 5’10”, that was porky. So I underwent bariatrc sleeve surgery on Nov 7th.

    This morning I was 194#. My goal is 170#.

    During tax season it is/will be tough to maintain the activity level, but I have the luxury of working from a home office with s treadmill in the basement, that I’ve logged an hour a day, since the surgery.

    Progress not perfection.

    The change in the pictures in your profile are amazing! Well Done!
  • Slider678
    Slider678 Posts: 113 Member
    Good Monday Morning-
    I hope everyone is doing well. So I am doing pretty good, have good losses on the scale, my appetite is under control, still consuming too many calories in alcohol but my booze consumption is way down. So now I will be starting to exercise more. In the past when I do this my appetite goes crazy. Do you guys think I am better off just walking an hour a day (like I have neen this month) and stay on the losing track or start working my fitness with more serious exercise knowing my appetite will increase? I am kind of nervous about this. Thoughts?
  • allison8668
    allison8668 Posts: 885 Member
    Slider678 wrote: »
    Good Monday Morning-
    I hope everyone is doing well. So I am doing pretty good, have good losses on the scale, my appetite is under control, still consuming too many calories in alcohol but my booze consumption is way down. So now I will be starting to exercise more. In the past when I do this my appetite goes crazy. Do you guys think I am better off just walking an hour a day (like I have neen this month) and stay on the losing track or start working my fitness with more serious exercise knowing my appetite will increase? I am kind of nervous about this. Thoughts?

    Well, if your body is feeling like it wants to do more exercise ... then I'd say do it! Start with just one day of doing something different than walking.

    But, if you want to spend another month of only walking. That's fine. You can try increasing your pace or doing more hills perhaps, or walking a little longer? Or, just do what you've been doing - until you feel like you can handle the increased exercise and what it may bring in terms of your appetite.

    Just a note - if you continue to do the same exercise in the same way, your body will get used to it - and become more efficient at it. You won't burn as many calories. But, it's still 100% better than doing nothing.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Slider678 wrote: »
    Good Monday Morning-
    I hope everyone is doing well. So I am doing pretty good, have good losses on the scale, my appetite is under control, still consuming too many calories in alcohol but my booze consumption is way down. So now I will be starting to exercise more. In the past when I do this my appetite goes crazy. Do you guys think I am better off just walking an hour a day (like I have neen this month) and stay on the losing track or start working my fitness with more serious exercise knowing my appetite will increase? I am kind of nervous about this. Thoughts?
    Sounds like you want to bump it up? Why not mix it up - walk some days & "serious" others? If you're worried about appetite, then plan for it - deliberately eat slooow, bulk up the food with BIG portion of fiber, vegetable, lotsa water first.
    I tend to eat in quantity, that "full" feeling rarely registers. When I had some dental work done, and my jaw was numb and had to eat really carefully/ie slow, that was the first time it sank in.
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Slider678 wrote: »
    Good Monday Morning-
    I hope everyone is doing well. So I am doing pretty good, have good losses on the scale, my appetite is under control, still consuming too many calories in alcohol but my booze consumption is way down. So now I will be starting to exercise more. In the past when I do this my appetite goes crazy. Do you guys think I am better off just walking an hour a day (like I have neen this month) and stay on the losing track or start working my fitness with more serious exercise knowing my appetite will increase? I am kind of nervous about this. Thoughts?

    You might be surprised about your appetite when you increase exercise. Yes, appetite may increase some, but if you are increasing amount of exercise and/or intensity -- you may need more food/fuel, as well, i.e., food consumption may not dramatically increase, rather, increase in proportion to the increased activity.

    Regardless of the exercise, and walking is great -- people are most successful if they are continually doing something that they enjoy, especially if they "mix it up" a bit!

  • Slider678
    Slider678 Posts: 113 Member
    Great advice everyone! thanks!
  • margjack
    margjack Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in! I'm trying to get back on track, goal is to lose 40 lbs. I've lost it before, but it has sneaked back up on me. I need a little accountability. I've started back to work in a desk job, and the sitting and office snacks are killing me :)
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    Slider678 wrote: »
    Good Monday Morning-
    I hope everyone is doing well. So I am doing pretty good, have good losses on the scale, my appetite is under control, still consuming too many calories in alcohol but my booze consumption is way down. So now I will be starting to exercise more. In the past when I do this my appetite goes crazy. Do you guys think I am better off just walking an hour a day (like I have neen this month) and stay on the losing track or start working my fitness with more serious exercise knowing my appetite will increase? I am kind of nervous about this. Thoughts?

    Hi Jay, I have this same problem sometimes. I have actually trained for multiple 70.3 half Ironman triathlons and actually gained weight! When I first start back with something that I know is going to make me ravenous, like swimming long, I have a couple of strategies. T

    The first is more fiber, more water and more hot drinks.
    The second is to do the killer workout later in the day so that then I have a good dinner and bed is not far off. Sometimes I just have to limit the number of hours left to be hungry LOL.

  • poscur
    poscur Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers. Jay go for the excercise. It’s not just about what the scale says but your body your clothes fit, muscle tone etc.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    ... There isn't a success story out there that didn't have a lot of false starts before they found their inner strength. ...

    I'd wager that everyone here can tell a tale about one or two false starts. Certainly true for me. Great insight!

  • poscur
    poscur Posts: 74 Member
    mcemino2 wrote: »
    Hi all! Been using myfitnesspal since mid October, this is my first post. Have went from 227lbs to 203lbs. Looking to hit 200 as a starting goal. The last 6 or 7 lbs has been hard, tend to overeat at night and on weekends. Hit the gym 3 or 4 times a week and skate, either ice or roller 2 or 3 times a week. Looking for friends to help keep me accountable.

    I find weekends really hard and was finding nights hard too. Someone suggested that I was not eating enough during the day therefore coming home and losing control. Also I now bump my calories up on the weekend and track every cocktail, every meal out and make sure I use all my calories so I’m under control but still enjoying life!