Pregnancy – August 2011



  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I was wondering if anyone had any good suggestions on a GOOD nursing bra for a larger chested woman. I am going to have to start looking for one very soon and I don't even know where to start. I got rid of the ones I had with my other children they weren't the best anyway (no support). Thanks ahead of time :smile:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I was wondering if anyone had any good suggestions on a GOOD nursing bra for a larger chested woman. I am going to have to start looking for one very soon and I don't even know where to start. I got rid of the ones I had with my other children they weren't the best anyway (no support). Thanks ahead of time :smile:

    Do you have a Motherhood Maternity near you? They have some good nursing bras, IIRC. I don't remember where I got mine, either. (Plus, I'm on the other end of the spectrum so no idea about specifics there)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Made home-made lasagna today, which was really good. Only one problem... I was pouring the lasagna noodles into the colander (which was in the sink) to drain, and somehow poured it so some of the water ran along the edge of the sink and right onto me. I didn't even realize my big belly was touching the sink/counter. OUCH!! I now have a lovely burn on my tummy, which has actually blistered! :noway: I already called the doc and don't have to worry about the baby. But it's going to make the NST and U/S this week very interesting. :sad:
    Oh the unseen hazards!! LOL
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I have a prenatal appt. this afternoon. I have to take my 5 year old daughter with me because with this new doctor, the wait is 2+ hours and my husband can't take that much time off and he can't take her to work with him. This should be interesting. Hopefully she will impress me and be patient. She's generally high maintenance and bores easily and can't sit still for more than 5 minutes.
    My blood sugar has been high lately as well in spite of eating fairly well and taking insulin. It was higher than normal all day yesterday and the day before and today isn't looking too promising with 2 high readings already. I hope my OB has the right to increase my dose because I don't want it staying high for another week. I don't have a diabetic clinic appointment until the 30th. If he can't increase the dose, I'll just call the clinic and inform them of my numbers tomorrow.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Caper- good luck, both with your daughter and the appointment. Take several activities for her to do, and let her look at all the magazines there at the office, and hopefully she'll be satisfied!

    AFM -First day of school in our house. Kids are up, dressed, fed, and ready to go at 7, and school doesn't even start until 8:30! Hope that lasts more than the first week. :laugh:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Veronica – glad your cold cleared up. I know I get cramps in my lower belly and headaches if I don’t drink enough water.

    Julz – I get pain in my cervix all the time lately. Kathryn is breech and I think she like to kick it. Happy anniversary!!!! OUCH! I burn myself all the time when I drain pasta but never on my belly. Hope it heals up soon!

    Lindsey – yea for no preeclampsia!!!!

    Dawn – welcome!

    ElizabethRN – yea for baby’s heartbeat and getting released from your fertility MD!!! Kathryn’s was 172 at my first u/s, since then it’s always been around 140 to 150.

    Regina – so sorry about preeclampsia. ::hugs::

    Rachel – vent away, that’s what we’re here for. I don’t think I’d want to go to a family reunion or any outing now, there’s no way I’d want to go if I were past my due date.

    Ashleigh – welcome!

    Scorpio – I believe it was Rachel that mentioned she was going to do that. I’ve never really considered and hadn’t even heard of it before.

    ElizabethJ – I can’t believe how fast the summer has gone by! Hubby was talking the other day about getting a second job, but neither of us want to give up having our nights and weekends together. I would much rather cut back on some “extras”. I can’t imagine how difficult that must be.

    Kaymd – I haven’t bought any nursing bras yet, but I’ve heard good things about one from Target. Store that only sell maternity closes are super expensive if you don’t go during a sale.

    Caperfae – good luck at your appointment. Hope everything goes well for you and your daughter!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    All day childbirth class was on Saturday. It was really informative and feel like I know a lot more about what to expect, but I’m even more scared now. I think it’s because it finally feels real to me. I really like the hospital though and the nurses there seem great.

    We had an appointment next Wednesday to meet with the pediatrician, hopefully all goes well and that will be taken care of.

    Exercise challenge:
    Tuesday: walked 30 minutes
    Wednesday: walked 30 minutes
    Thursday: walked 50 minutes
    Friday: walked 30 minutes
    Saturday: walked 45 minutes
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Ashley, some of you may know me already from the TTC thread. Well I was hoping to be able to join you group as I’m now 6weeks 5 days pregnant! DH and I have been trying for over two years and have gone through a couple failed IUI’s (intrauterine inseminations) and were planning on doing our last one this past week while on vacation. Instead I found out we were pregnant! Because we were considered fertility patients we’re still under the care of our RE and will be referred over to an OB at our 8week u/s next week. This is also the reason why we have been able to have a 6week u/s and will have an 8week one too.
    So now that we finally did it, all the other stuff came flooding, we spent so long in the TTC frame of mind that all this other stuff if foreign to us. Like to choose a midwife or OB, if an OB which one and which hospital? Oh and since we live in Montreal and the average waiting list time for a daycare is 2years, we need to start looking into that right away too! And the hardest question of all, when to tell everyone!
    I hope that in this group I can find other fit conscious moms to be that are willing to share their stories and advice on this whole process.
    Wishing you all healthy and happy little bundles of joy!
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    Hope I am not to late. Just found out I am 5 weeks pregnant and would love to join!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Welcome and congratulations to the newest members. That's wonderful news!!


    My appointment was FAST today for a change. After waiting for over 3 hours to be seen the last time I was there I was all prepared and even packed snacks for my daughter since she had to come with me this time. I was in and out in 20 minutes but had to wait for an hour for my husband to come and pick us up. Seems I am always destined to wait at some point, lol.
    All is well though. I haven't gained any weight. Might have even lost 2 lbs depending what number the nurse wrote down. Digital scale kept jumping up and down by 2 lbs. so I hope she marked down the lower one, lol. My pressure was good too which is awesome!
    My OB did increase my insulin at bedtime and he said the diabetic clinic will be calling me in 48 hours to get my glucose numbers to see if I will have to add more insulin after breakfast.
    Baby looks great though. He confirmed it's still a girl :) Amniotic fluid is a good amount. He said usually women with GD will produce more fluid but mine is normal so that means I am keeping on top of my glucose as best as I can by cutting down on my sugar consumption.
    My next appt. is on Sept 6th in the morning and I think that's the morning my daughter starts SCHOOL. Hard to believe she's starting school in 2 weeks .. my little baby. Bittersweet for sure!
    Then my appointments will be weekly after that. Time is running out and I look forward to meeting my baby girl and getting back on track with my workouts and everything.
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Any obese/overweight mamas-to-be on here? I'm just curious what your OBs told you regarding weight maintenance and even weight loss during pregnancy. There is a lot of medical debate about this and I'm wondering how people's real life doctors are reacting - continuing to stay within the guidelines of 11-20 pound gain for obese and 15-25 pound gain for overweight women, or permitting less gain or even some weight loss during pregnancy (with healthy nutrition and careful medical supervision, as advocated by some doctors today)?
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Any obese/overweight mamas-to-be on here? I'm just curious what your OBs told you regarding weight maintenance and even weight loss during pregnancy. There is a lot of medical debate about this and I'm wondering how people's real life doctors are reacting - continuing to stay within the guidelines of 11-20 pound gain for obese and 15-25 pound gain for overweight women, or permitting less gain or even some weight loss during pregnancy (with healthy nutrition and careful medical supervision, as advocated by some doctors today)?

    There has never been mention of weight, and I started this pregnancy at 255lbs. At the beginning they did say no more than 25lbs is ideal. I have gained more than that. But my blood pressure has been fine, I have not had toooo much swelling (have had a bit) and no gestational diabetes, so as long as the pregnancy remains healthy and the baby sounds fine, my dr doesn't worry.
  • indiankel
    indiankel Posts: 163 Member
    I hope its ok if I post here still....we are TTC. I just finished the pill and realize it could take awhile but I'm crossing my fingers in hopes that we get lucky! I am learning alot just by reading up on everyone!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Any obese/overweight mamas-to-be on here? I'm just curious what your OBs told you regarding weight maintenance and even weight loss during pregnancy. There is a lot of medical debate about this and I'm wondering how people's real life doctors are reacting - continuing to stay within the guidelines of 11-20 pound gain for obese and 15-25 pound gain for overweight women, or permitting less gain or even some weight loss during pregnancy (with healthy nutrition and careful medical supervision, as advocated by some doctors today)?
    My doctor didn't want me gaining too much because I had gestational diabetes while pregnant with my daughter, as well as pregnancy induced hypertension.
    I started this pregnancy weighing much less than I did in 2005 and in better shape but I was still lucky enough to get GD again but not the hypertension (knock on wood) so I guess the weight thing was more an issue for me back then.
    I have gained between 15 and 17 lbs thus far and there's never been a mention of the weight.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Any obese/overweight mamas-to-be on here? I'm just curious what your OBs told you regarding weight maintenance and even weight loss during pregnancy. There is a lot of medical debate about this and I'm wondering how people's real life doctors are reacting - continuing to stay within the guidelines of 11-20 pound gain for obese and 15-25 pound gain for overweight women, or permitting less gain or even some weight loss during pregnancy (with healthy nutrition and careful medical supervision, as advocated by some doctors today)?

    I started this pregnancy about 20 lbs overweight, by my own reckoning - based on where I am at my best, which is 120 at 5'0" (so I was 140 when I started). My OB has never said much about my gain, except in response to my questions. My net gain at 19 weeks was 0, and my total so far, I think, is 12 or 14 lbs (I'm 33+6 now). He said my gain is just fine when I did ask. He mentioned a couple of times to not see it as a license to go and suddenly eat a whole lot now, though.

    On the other hand, the WIC nutritionalist (WIC is a nutrition program for low income expectant and nursing mothers and kids under 5) was much more nervous about the fact that I had only gained 6 lbs when I was in about 2 months ago (so about 24 or 25 weeks along) and did quote me the 15-25 pound thing. I asked my doc afterwards and he said I was doing fine.
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I would also like to join Pregnancy Agugust 2011....Me and my hubby are so excited as we are pregnant with our first child, and it is a boy, we had songram last thursday and can't wait to meet our bundle of joy very soon. My due date is Dec 30th, 2011. We are hoping to have 2011 Baby.

    Before concieving, I lost total of 40 lbs with the help of MF and working out. Since I got pregnant (12 weeks) I left MF just couldn't keep up calorie counting and morning sickeness (actually mine was evening sickness) far I have gain 11 lbs and I am on my 21st weeks ..I am hoping not to gain a lot of weight for my next visit (hopefully not more than 4-5 lbs)

    I have stopped working out but would like to join the wagon again but it is just too hot here in Dallas, TX Can't wait to have lower temperature in weather so I can walk around the block in the morning and evening...
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Any obese/overweight mamas-to-be on here? I'm just curious what your OBs told you regarding weight maintenance and even weight loss during pregnancy. There is a lot of medical debate about this and I'm wondering how people's real life doctors are reacting - continuing to stay within the guidelines of 11-20 pound gain for obese and 15-25 pound gain for overweight women, or permitting less gain or even some weight loss during pregnancy (with healthy nutrition and careful medical supervision, as advocated by some doctors today)?

    There has never been mention of weight, and I started this pregnancy at 255lbs. At the beginning they did say no more than 25lbs is ideal. I have gained more than that. But my blood pressure has been fine, I have not had toooo much swelling (have had a bit) and no gestational diabetes, so as long as the pregnancy remains healthy and the baby sounds fine, my dr doesn't worry.

    I am pretty much the same as Rachel. I started at 165 which is considered obese for my height (5'0) and weight has never been mentioned. I am almost 38 weeks, and have gained 25 so far. Strange how some doctors are very concerned with weight and some like mine do not even bring it up once! It doesn't bother me though :laugh:
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    Any obese/overweight mamas-to-be on here? I'm just curious what your OBs told you regarding weight maintenance and even weight loss during pregnancy. There is a lot of medical debate about this and I'm wondering how people's real life doctors are reacting - continuing to stay within the guidelines of 11-20 pound gain for obese and 15-25 pound gain for overweight women, or permitting less gain or even some weight loss during pregnancy (with healthy nutrition and careful medical supervision, as advocated by some doctors today)?
    I started out obese and my doctor told me the guidelines in the beginning but has never mentioned anything since then except when I mention something. One month I gained 9 pounds and she wasn't concerned because I actually lost weight at the visit before. If it would be consistently like that she would be concerned.
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    VeronicaanddMatt0605 Posts: 122 Member
    welcome to all the new ladies!

    Caper I'm glad thatbyour appt went well and was quicker than usual. it's good that your bp hasn't gone up I know that feeling of just waiting for it to be high because I had pih with both of my other pregnancies

    Ronya are you doing anything to turn your little girl yet I was wondering because my daughter is breech too and I want her to turn before it's too late

    scorpiomom I was wondering about having the placenta made into capsules but since I have gd and may possibly get phi so was wondering if my placenta would be any good

    Julz ouch on that burn right on your pg tummy too that really stinks hope your nst goes well and the straps don't hurt your burn too much

    Regina sorry about having pre e and not being able to have a home birth hopefully you'll have a good natural birth experience even in the hospital

    as far as weight gain my dr hasn't said anything but I have lost weight this pregnancy so that may be why

    Rachel hope that baby comes soon try to enjoy the alone time with hubby while you're waiting

    afm I'm feeling much better now and we had my sons 5th bday party yesterday it went well but I'm tired now I have a Drs appt tomorrow which I expect will be uneventful
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Ashley – yea!!!! :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: I’m so, so, so, so excited for you!!! I still stalk the TTC thread. Your day cares have a 2 year waiting list? That’s crazy! And I thought the 6 month waiting list for some around me were bad.

    Kaylou – congratulations and welcome!

    Caperfae – yea for a good appointment, glad everything looks good.

    Mad – all my doctor told me was that I needed an extra 300 calories a day once I reached the second trimester. I started off this pregnancy very close to a “normal” weight but I was still in the overweight category. With 6 weeks left I’ve gained 37.5 which is more than I wanted to but my doctor never said anything. I haven’t had any complications and baby is healthy so I’m not too worried.

    Anna – welcome! I lost 53 pounds before I got pregnant but so sick in the beginning that I didn’t track my food either. Unfortunately, the only thing that made my nausea go away was carbs, so I gained a lot in the beginning. Congrats!

    Veronica – I’ve been doing some stretches to try to get baby to flip. I get on my hands and knees then and arch my back. I’ve also been putting pillows under my butt so my lower half is higher than the rest of my body. So far I don’t think it’s working, but the doctor said she can easily flip until 36 weeks, so I’ve got two more weeks until I start to panic.