To those that don't drink alcohol...



  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I don't drink because I'm not 21...yet.


    lol i don't know too many people who let that stop them.. lol
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm a freakin light weight since I had my first son. I have a couple sips of a light beer and I start turning red. Lol! The last time I got drunk, I mooned the pizza guy..LOL! Whew!!

    LMAO ok, that's hysterical :)
  • KayaSamantha
    KayaSamantha Posts: 157 Member
    I've never liked the taste of any drink (alcoholic or not) besides water but I'm also allergic to alcohol and so it gives me hot flashes with hives pretty much as soon as i have a sip.
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    I love drinking, but am not doing much of it at the moment because of money and calories.
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    It's just not something I crave I guess. Every now & then I'll drink a margarita if I'm out.

    Although, when I was pregnant with my second daughter I craved beer like crazy! Of course, I didn't drink any but still it was weird since I am not a beer drinker at all. :laugh:
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    I hate the taste. I am a super taster (that means that I have super sensitive taste buds and therefore hate all pop, anything carbonated, any alcohol, and any form of tea). I have no idea why anyone would consume something with that many calories and that much sugar and carbs when it doesn't even taste that good.
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    I have many reasons. When I was younger I drank a lot so I think to "fun" of it is gone for me. I have no desire to get drunk and I do not want to spend money one alcohol when I could spend it on something else.
  • shelbym87
    shelbym87 Posts: 122 Member
    I drank a lot when I was younger. Like too young. I guess I got it all out of my system then. Ever since I had my son I just don't drink. I never made the choice just not interested really. Last few times I drank any alcohol socially I got a tummy ache :(
  • lalalazzz
    lalalazzz Posts: 131 Member
    I don't drink nearly as much now bc it's no fun at 6 am when you're hung over and have a 9 month old crawling up your back ready to be go climb the walls of your house. Also, I breastfeed so I hae to pump to drink bc I am anal and don't allow formula.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I don't drink cause I don't see the reason to it's way to expensive.........Plus I hate the taste.............
  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    I can outdrink any person I've come across. I don't pass out and it stimulates me which means I drink and drink and drink and don't stop drinking until everyone is done or there's nothing else to do. I've gotten in trouble with the law... and I hate hangovers. It's a waste of money (I was drinking heavily 5 nights a week).

    Just is pointless.. and a lot of calories. I gained about 20lbs since I started drinking socially about 2 years ago.
  • mdagenb
    mdagenb Posts: 49 Member
    I used to drink...A LOT! Almost every weekend night, and funday sundays! No wonder I gained 40pounds! a 30 pack of beer on a sunday funday is sure to be the cause of some extra poundage! lol. I still drink, but def not as much. Really only on occasion now, its expensive if you go out to the bars and it eats up all your calories if you're trying to watch. Labor day will be my next alcohol binge, pineapple pool party!
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    i just don't drink as much because I don't see the point of it. It's not like it tastes super amazing nor is the feeling of being drunk really amazing. I'd rather eat some brownies and smoke a cig. I mean I will still drink, but i honestly do not enjoy it.

    is that a drink in your hand in your pic??? :drinker:
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I've never liked the taste of any drink (alcoholic or not) besides water but I'm also allergic to alcohol and so it gives me hot flashes with hives pretty much as soon as i have a sip.

    I need a drug to give me that allergy :)

    You're kind of adorable, btw... in a non-gay way ;-)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    ooooooops! walked in on the wrong thread..........*backs out quietly so nobody notices glass of wine in hand
    *clinks glass with yours*
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I'm curious as to why (as there are plenty of good reasons, but I'm like an annoying Labrador puppy all up in your business...)

    Ya know, strictly for weight loss, self control, health, daddy issues, you vomit uncontrollably...

    Weight loss and health (kidney issue). Though I drink on occasion, just not a lot or often.
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    I don't drink it lately because I'm afraid it lowers my metabolism and is equivalent to eating poorly... and I'd rather eat poorly.

    Besides, when I drink I always want lots of food.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
  • vanillasugar
    vanillasugar Posts: 246 Member
    I drank some when I was younger and will very very rarely still enjoy a drink. The main reasons I don't drink have mostly been covered: too expensive, I'm happy and high on life without it, and I've personally encountered way too many people who have let it ruin their lives so I mostly choose to stay away from it. That, and I can't stand being around drunks either :tongue: they annoy me to no end
  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member

    Same here. I break out in handcuffs.

    LOL. love that line.