

  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Good Morning Alll!:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday I did a Zumba class for the first time in a few months and what a challenge it was to keep up!! I did it though and burned a LOT of calories too!:bigsmile:

    It was a gorgeous day here in NJ yesterday too and hubby and I went in the pool in the afternoon which was refreshing and relaxing.

    Trying something new (for me, that is) by having a low calorie snack around mid morning. At the moment it's a 100 Calorie pack of Almonds. My daily calorie intake is VERY low and I do that on purpose because I am so short at 5 feet even and due to my MS am quite sedentary for most of the day.

    I know a LOT of folks disagree with this but it's been working so far until lately.
    I am really only active in the morning when I exercise and do housework and errands (I do not work) and mostly spend afternoons on the couch "recovering" from all of that!:tongue:

    Lately, though, I've been feeling a bit "uninspired to exercise" and have been feeling that, aside from MS, it could be due to my diet.
    So I decided to add some calories mid morning which is my longest period of not eating (breakfast at 6am, then lunch around 12:30pm). It is also when I am trying to get my exercising in so I thought I'd try to add a good snack at that time and it would "perk me up" a bit. It worked great yesterday with the Zumba!

    The thing is, I am NEVER hungry and I must admit that it bothers me to eat when I am NOT hungry since I believe that mindless eating is what got me in this situation!:frown:

    Does anyone else 'eat by the clock' or any other way,other than when they are hungry?

    Oh no, I hear thunder outside!:ohwell: Guess we're only getting one nice day this weekend!:love:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Things are going well ... I went out to dinner with some friends and then they came back and played canasta with us. It was a nice evening, .... I am taking one day at a time, and moving forward....
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Yesterday, I went to a Arts and Craft show and it was amazing!!!!!! I have never seen such a huge festival www.shakerwoods.com I picked up handcrafted silver earrings for under $30.....beautiful wrought iron signs ...Believe, Imagine, and Dream....$8 each....the guy was making them there....and in the stores I saw something similar but made of cheap metal and they were $50. I also picked up concrete garden decorations....a fawn, a Momma Bunny, baby bunnies, and a ladybug....all 4 were $85.....amazing. The artisans were amazing...a gentleman blowing glass ornaments....lady making glass beads for jewerly.....a guy carving wooden spoons.....a woman making ornaments out of molded clay which will be fired and painted later....different guys doing wrought iron work.....amazing. I can't wait to see the Christmas show in October. Oh, and BTW, I walked over 4 miles yesterday at the show.

    Glad to see that everyone is doing well. It is a sunny day here so far, but rain is on the way. We need it, so I am not going to complain at all. But, I do want to go outside and put out my garden decorations that I got yesterday before the rain hits.

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello, Dear Ladies,

    I just have been reading and reading posts trying to catch up after a few days away from my computer!

    I RODE A HORSE today for the first time since college. I have always been afraid of them but today I got a nice, gentle one and had a nice day with DH and another friend going through a beautiful part of the mountains. It feels so good to make yourself do something that part of you doesn't want to do! Now I will go again and enjoy it more often.

    Rebel: Congrats on your darling boy! Isn't it the BEST?

    Sissy: I think you were waiting for test results??? Hope I didn't mix that up and that they are good

    Michele: Same for you with your biopsy

    Barbie: Glad you are back and a cleaned garage in under a week is awesome!

    Everyone else, I enjoyed hearing from you but will try to reply more later. Have a nice evening & a good week ahead, Kackie
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Good to read the posts tonight.
    I feel like I am more into the swing of things today and that feels good. I went to my strength training class today and I made a plan to meet with the instructor tomorrow at the gym to get a new program. I have felt that I need to shake things up so hopefully this will be a good change for me. After the class I went grocery shopping...so I feel that I am ready to get back into a healthy rhythm. It is very hard to eat out and lose weight for me.
    Tonight I want to spend some time planning out the meals for the week.

    Have a good night!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    barbie - wow! you got both cars in your garage. It took us months when we moved to this house before we could get both cars in the garage. I hand it to you both

    rosied - what part of NJ are you in?

    Now why oh why did I do this? There was a free sample of a mini cupcake at WalMart, and for some reason I had to have one. Right after I had it, I regretted it

    Did an hour on Vince's recumbant bike today. Might add that to some of my Sunday exercises. Tomorrow I'll take an extremepump class. Then won't be able to do any weights for a few days. I'm hoping to go practice bowling tomorrow since for the next few days I won't be able to go bowling.

    Cut down one of the tablecloths that I got for our 6' buffet table. Hey, I got it on sale for $7.99 and I think I had a 30% off coupon. The bad thing is that this type of tablecloth you need to do all the sewing in one day, it frays so much.

    Denise called. She's fully expecting to return to college. We've told her that our agreement was that we'd pay her tuition as long as she got decent grades. Well, she moved back in with SFB (last time she dropped out of college), she dropped one class and got a "C" in the other. We told her that we'd pay her tuition IF she lived on campus and was a full time student. I know that she doesn't want to leave SFB (why is a mystery to me), but we don't want to continue to throw thousands down the toilet. He's only got a HS diploma, so college isn't important to him. Denise talked to her advisor and it seems she has 9 more classes to take to get her Associates degree. Vince told Denise that he wanted to speak to the advisor.

    Went to WalMart and did some food shopping. I wanted to get short ribs for Vince because I got this microwave pressure cooker that I want to try out. Not sure about the time, I'm thinking that it's probably going to be the same as the time for a pressure cooker recipe. WalMart doesn't sell short ribs! Had to go to Food Lion, and they only had 2 packages. I got both, but really I probably should have only gotten one. I browned up the short ribs and have them in the pot to cook Tuesday.

    kackie - I was so very afraid to ride a horse, but at the time we were living in BIG TIME horse country (the people who owned Barbaro went to the Y with me, my daughter worked at the hosp. he was at, she got to pet him and all. Even the reporters didn't get to do that!). Do you know that the first time in a long time that I rode a horse, I had a horse that had a bum foot so he couldn't run? The instructor had to keep reminding me to breathe!!! No matter how much I work out, my inner thighs would hurt until I got used to it. Glad you had such a good experience.

    Sally - sounds like you have a plan. Best of luck to you. Keep us informed

    Well, here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Good Monday Morning All:flowerforyou:

    Michelle~ I'm in Southern NJ about 20 minutes east of Philly. The best of luck with your Biopsy this week too!

    Looks like the rain has finally moved out of the area~ we got over 8 inches in the last week!

    I've been eating well since all the vacations, visits and weddings are over (for now) so I'm hoping to get back to losing. Although NOT GAINING is a miracle! I'm going to try to lengthen my workouts to a full hour~ I'm getting spoiled with these Jillian Michaels Workouts that are only 20 minutes~ and I think I can do a bit more, so we'll see........

    Everyone have a great day~ check back later.........
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    I woke up this morning with a terrible kink in my neck or maybe it's really in my shoulder...feels like a knife stuck into me whenever I move. I'm trying to decide if I think staying at home and babying it or going to the gym and working it would be best. I guess if it hurts me when I exercise I will stop doing that exercise and try something different...I know that would be Robert's suggestion. Besides it's tick tocking toward our cruise and I need to lose another 5 pounds in the next 8 weeks. I know this is not an unreasonable goal as long as I stay focused and stay within my food goals each day. I see that some of you lose great amounts in a week but I am such a slow loser...frustrating to me.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I hope you are all well today (Michelle, hope the biopsy went ok).

    It's time that I admitted something. I have become a shopaholic! Seriously, I can't stop buying new clothes. Every time I get a few nice outfits, I drop a dress size and have to go get more. It makes such a wonderful change to be able to buy gorgeous clothes rather than body camouflage. My next plan is to get out my sewing machine and try to alter some of my clothes rather than buying new ones all the time.

    Later this week I have an appointment with my cardiologist. My new valve is five months old and I honestly feel so much better for it. Surgery is always scary, but the relief when it works out well is immense.

    Well, I'm off to squeeze some more time on the treadmill. Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    good morning ladies,
    will try to catch up on posts after I write. starting fresh this morning. just finished doing bob harper cardio burn for nearly an hour. burned lots of calories. our weigh in for weight loss challenge is next week so going to push hard this week. getting my eating back on track with lean meat, fresh veggies and fruits. have been staying in calorie range but not always great choices. for me this matters. What I eat matters as much as how much. also have to burn burn burn or no loss. guess I have screwed up my metabolism so bad that this is what I have to do. hope you all are doing well. I will try my best to log and blog as much as possible.
    vicki M
    just for FYI. dont know if it made major news but last Sunday a little 7 year old boy that was cerebral palsy as well as other problems was found murdered outside of his home. The boy had attended the school where my godchild teaches special ed (was one of her students) and where my 2 grandchildren attend school. anyway his dad decided he was tired of dealing with this dummy (his words) and (warning sickening) and chopped him up and put his head on sidewalk so his mom would find when arriving home. other parts put in trash bag. some people saw him first and called cops. he admitted to all and gave awful details of how he did it. It is so sickening. I just cannot believe humans are capable of such things. Sorry to share such horrible thing with you but it has really been upsetting to our community. please put family on your prayers.
  • zee1957
    zee1957 Posts: 159 Member
    Hello all, I'm new to this site and i was wondering if there was a support group for women over 50 n now i found it :wink:
    I'm Zee live in Minnesota and a grandmother of 4.
    I just lost my job recently and trying to start my new business as a translator/interperter as well.
    I'm 53 will have a birthday in Nov and right now i just feel hungry all the time and I
    m wondering if it's because I'm home most of the time . well I'm off to do errands
    have a great day ladies. Please add me as your friend if you like.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I was just re-reading my FILs obituary and thought I'd post a link to it on here as it is so lovely
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    rosied - when we lived in PA, we were in Kennett Square which is about 25 miles west of Philly. What city are you in? When I do the Jillian Michaels workouts that are only 20 minutes long, I ALWAYS do more than one, usually around an hours worth.

    Now Vince has changed his mind as to what we'd tell Denise. He wants to tell her that we'll pay for just ONE college course but first he wants to talk to her advisor. She's chosen two courses, he's going to get her in one of them. He's planning to tell her that IF she gets an "A" in that one course (next to impossible), we'll pay for 2 courses next semester. If she gets a "B", we'll pay for one. Anything lower than a "B", she has to abide by our wishes and they are that she be a full time student living on campus. He does want to find out if her college gives + and - grades, in which case it would be a "B+". My concern is that she will be going to college for a long time at the rate of 1 class/semester. That's not to mention the fact that tuition will be going up and up every year. But on the other hand, I don't want to totally alienate her by giving her an ultimatum -- live on campus or we don't pay. He does want to tell her advisor about her living arrangements and how she's dropped out last time and dropped a course this time.

    Amanda - the biopsy is tomorrow. Wish it was today so it'd be over with. What a hard time you're having -- having to buy new clothes because your old ones are too big. Wish I had that problem.

    Did an hour of extreme pump today. I used heavier weights because I know that for the rest of the week I won't be able to do weights. Tomorrow I'll do some HIIT (trying to burn off some of this anxiety)

    Vicki - that is just terrible about that boy! I remember reading about that in our paper (we're in NC). It made me sick to my stomach just reading it the first time! To be so close to you, too. He's definitely mentally unstable. Wonder what his defense will be????? (as if I couldn't guess)

    hi there Zee. What language do you interpret? I know what you mean, when I'm home it seems that I constantly want to snack. Not that I'm hungry, but more out of boredom. Try popping a big bowl of popcorn and munching on that. I've also found that if I have veggies out to snack on, that helps.

    Went to buy some tomatoes from the man who grows them in his yard near me, and he didn't have any (boo hoo). Gave him some of the zucchini chocolate bread, some sour cream lemon pound cake and some oatmeal raisin cookies.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good morning

    Nearly caught up with all the posts, we are such a busy chatty group aren't we :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie seems like you and the doggies are settled into your new home.

    :flowerforyou: Michele hope to be hearing good news from you soon from your biopsy.

    :flowerforyou: Jane hope your move went well, sorry all the stress brought on an asthma attack. Hope you feel much better now.

    Welcome to all the newcomers, looking forward to getting to know you.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi I have been filling up on veggies since I came back ( 4lb heavier :embarassed: ) from my hols. Seems to be working as this morning I am down 2lb yeay :smile: Taking a healthy sald for my lunch today too, and trying now not to eat after 8pm but evening is when I get the munchies. Just got to have willpower I suppose.

    Well time is moving on, I'd better get ready for work, not sure what the weather is going to be like today, so far it's a little cloudy, but it could get out sunny later - I never know whether to take a coat or not:laugh: :laugh:

    Have a good day!

    Viv xx
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


    One of our favorite places is in Kennett Square~ Longwood Gardens~ and we visit every year at Christmas! I live in one of the small towns in Camden County near the Atlantic City Expressway.
    I was thinking that I could squeeze in another Jillian 20 minute DVD~ yesterday I did Ripped in 30 and the 1st day of Week 2~OMG, it nearly killed me~ SOOO much harder than any of the other ones I've done (also graduated from 30 Day Shred)~ so not too sure about doing TWO of those! Maybe a 30 day Shred, then a Ripped in 30........

    Off to Yoga today~ my beloved Yoga~:heart: the best day ot the week!

    Check back later........
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Well, went for the biopsy this a.m. Won't know for a few days, tho. It feels weird, they had to put this numbing medication into my breast. I'm going to post this before the medication wears off. Bad thing is that I can't exercise for the next few days because they don't want me to get sweated (introduces bacteria). Can't even do yoga because some of the poses have you using your chest muscles. I'll probably go to taichi Friday. Did around 4:00

    rosied-Vince took a class in making the decorations for the trees in Longwood. It was interesting.

    Going to post this, then use the ice.

    Michelean hour of cross country on the elliptical this a.m., then did a little food shopping thinking that I could make a pound cake for Bryan when I got home (but I don't think so, at least not today), then the biopsy. Since there's a small incision, I'm to put ice on it for 30 min, off for 30 until
    around 4:00

    oh, we just had an earthquake! Vince thought it was Clyde under the chair he was in. I honestly didn't feel anything. Jessica (in VA) said she thought it was the person next to her. Evidentally, it was something like 5.8 on the scale.

  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    Well, went for the biopsy this a.m. Won't know for a few days, tho. It feels weird, they had to put this numbing medication into my breast. I'm going to post this before the medication wears off. Bad thing is that I can't exercise for the next few days because they don't want me to get sweated (introduces bacteria). Can't even do yoga because some of the poses have you using your chest muscles. I'll probably go to taichi Friday. Did around 4:00

    rosied-Vince took a class in making the decorations for the trees in Longwood. It was interesting.

    Going to post this, then use the ice.

    Michelean hour of cross country on the elliptical this a.m., then did a little food shopping thinking that I could make a pound cake for Bryan when I got home (but I don't think so, at least not today), then the biopsy. Since there's a small incision, I'm to put ice on it for 30 min, off for 30 until
    around 4:00

    oh, we just had an earthquake! Vince thought it was Clyde under the chair he was in. I honestly didn't feel anything. Jessica (in VA) said she thought it was the person next to her. Evidentally, it was something like 5.8 on the scale.

    Take care and my thoughts are with you.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Felt the Earthquake loud and clear here in southern NJ!! No damage , just shook nerves!

    Michelle~ you BETTER take it easy with that incision!!! You are a devoted enough fitness nut to lay low for a couple of days without doing any harm~ now be a good little patient!!!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Michele - Glad your biopsy is over with. The stress of waiting for a procedure and the results is the pits for sure.:flowerforyou:

    I haven't been posting much lately, as I have a lot going, but I have kept up with a good bit of the posting.

    This month has been tend to your health month for me. Tomorrow is a colonoscopy and then I am done for a while. I do need to figure out if my cataract needs to be dealt with but that can wait a bit.

    I still have that one darn pound to shed to be honest with my ticker but after tonight that may well be gone :sick:, the trick will be to keep it gone once I can eat again!

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Well, went for the biopsy this a.m. Won't know for a few days, tho. It feels weird, they had to put this numbing medication into my breast. I'm going to post this before the medication wears off. Bad thing is that I can't exercise for the next few days because they don't want me to get sweated (introduces bacteria). Can't even do yoga because some of the poses have you using your chest muscles. I'll probably go to taichi Friday. Did around 4:00

    rosied-Vince took a class in making the decorations for the trees in Longwood. It was interesting.

    Going to post this, then use the ice.

    Michelean hour of cross country on the elliptical this a.m., then did a little food shopping thinking that I could make a pound cake for Bryan when I got home (but I don't think so, at least not today), then the biopsy. Since there's a small incision, I'm to put ice on it for 30 min, off for 30 until
    around 4:00

    oh, we just had an earthquake! Vince thought it was Clyde under the chair he was in. I honestly didn't feel anything. Jessica (in VA) said she thought it was the person next to her. Evidentally, it was something like 5.8 on the scale.


    Our thoughts are with you, good luck...