Sexy in Six! (Closed Group)*****Week 1 Chat



  • leamatthew
    leamatthew Posts: 162
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    Managing to say no too food if i dont need it!

    And i can actually walk a fair distance now without gasping for breath!
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    I have lost a lot of inches, four dress sizes, and I can tell when I am exercising that I have more flexibility, balance, and strength.

    I also have a lot more confidence, clear-er skin, and have more energy. The fact that I can tell when I have eaten bad and when I haven't good by the reaction of my body makes me so happy lol because before it was just blah all the time... if that makes sense?
  • tuesday: I DEF notice a change in my overall feeling! I feel more "alive" and flexible, healthier to say the least. I can tell in my clothes. I've only lost 7 pounds, but my jeans are loose, and my shirts fit better. Even my bra is starting to get loose!! I can see subtle changes on the outside, I'm just waiting to look on the outside the way I feel on the inside!!!
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    What I have notice since my journey was having more energry and that my stomach and face is looking smaller. I also notice that I have a positive outlook on things now and that I no longer live behind food. My pants and shirts are looking better on me. I FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF!
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Since this is my rebirth on MFP (and since I still have about 1.2 lbs to lose before they will recognize me as "losing weight" haha), I haven't yet noticed much in terms of inches or how my clothes fit. I do, however, feel a major difference in the tone of my muscles...they're getting firmer and more defined!

    Another big change for me: LABEL READING! If it's in a package when I buy it in the store, you can bet that I've read the entire ingredients list first. I've really cut out things like fructose, added sugar, refined carbs, etc, and the more I read the more I'm amazed at how much sugar is added to everything we eat.

    I've also found myself increasingly reading online about new, healthy ways of living. I think once this sexy in 6 challenge is done I'm going to try and go Primal as that whole philosophy seems to make so much sense to me...the book is in the mail! Primal changes are already happening in my food diary, though, and I feel great, although i can't do 100% primal until I'm done with my Insanity workouts (2 1/2 more weeks!!).
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    Since starting this journey I have been excited to notice my strength improve. I actually enjoy finding recipes and preparing healthy meals for my family. I have way more energy and my house stays cleaner. I get more done by noon these days then I used to do all day. My laziness has gotten tons better. I am enjoying my days more. Im feeling more confident.

    Another 20lbs and I will go clothes shopping. RIght now people kinda notice ive lost weight but my clothes arent flattering cuz they are all getting too big
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    My skin has cleared up considerably.

    My attitude is way different, too. I read labels, and research things that I eat. Even though I still eat some yummy junk, I'm well aware of just how junky it is.
  • Azraazra1108
    Azraazra1108 Posts: 5 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change?

    I've been using my treadmil and doing some strength training at night, when everyone in the house is asleep, which means that I've been going to bed at 1 or 2am and even little later than that. And despite serious sleep deficiency which goes far back, much before MFP and my exercise routine, I'm actually feeling like I have more energy. I'm definitelly liking this feeling. I think it comes from doing something for myself and that's making me feel good and giving me some energy. I know that this won't last long if I keep going to bed so late, so I'll have to make changes in sleep department also because lack of sleep affects weights among other things. My goal is overall healthier lifestyle and sleep has always been a major issue for me (besides chocolate).
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    I was in a depression and didn't want to acknowledge it. Getting fit and living a healthier lifestyle MADE me face the depression and how my eating habits fed into my depression full circle. I also made the decision not to take medications, but treat the depression and anxiety with diet and exercise. It's a joke in the house that to "save a life" mommy goes to the gym. Honestly, I feel that this has been the best choice for me as it forces me to keep my commitment to myself/myhealth/and my family. When I get stressed, I know that I need to take a time out and work it off/work it out. I also find my habits have rubbed off on my hubby and children, which is one of the most wonderful NSV ever.
  • The way i look at exercise and food has changed alot. I still have a ways to go but now i look for fun activities to use as exercise. I go swimming and i actually swim now to burn those calories.
  • "Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!) "

    One big change is the desire to go out! Before I didn't even want to be seen in public.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    Lots of stuff!!! I managed to bring my BP down from 145/120 to 118/56 (without medication!!), I have so much more energy now, I'm not afraid of going out somewhere I will be required to walk bc I can walk now more than just a couple minutes at a time! My sleep pattern is so much better (I don't have to take melatonin nearly as often!), my ribs are protruding, I don't get sick nearly as often (unless I eat something fried or red meat...these things make me sick for 2 days now!) And, sorry if it's TMI, but sex is getting noticeably much MUCH better!!
  • smte
    smte Posts: 89 Member
    "Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!) "

    Just starting this journey over again, but my biggest change is sticking with exercise. I've never been a big exerciser, esp. not long term But, this is the most consistent I've been and just hope that I can keep on going and get the results I want.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    Definitely how my clothes fit. Though I have only lost about 20lbs since the beginning of this about 2 months ago I am fitting into clothes that I was wearing when I was 10lbs thinner then my current weight. I think it is because I have more muscle mass then I did then because I look leaner and am told I carry my weight very well. My friends and family have told me my confidence has taken a drastic spike and when I look bad and think about it I agree. Gaining weight hurt me emotionally not only physically. For a period there I began to never leave the house and alienate friends I had been close with since a child because I felt disgusting and didn't want other people to see me around town. Now even though I am not even close to the size I want to be I am confident, I think I am beautiful and love myself and I will ever step of the way. Along with confidence I have gained the ability to believe in myself. I have tried I'd say about a half dozen times to lose weight since having my son and I'd always give up when I would plateau, because I didn't believe I could do it. But noo, not this time and not again. Gaining this much weight on a 5"0 frame shame on me. I won't do it again. And my son will never remember a fat mommy. I love that everyday now I have the energy to go play soccer and take my wonderful wonderful son to the park. He's happier, I am happier and my fiance is happier. Nothing beats that!
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    I suddenly so aware that I am eating something. In the past I would eat mindlessly. Now, I think “oh crap, now I have to log that” or “Didn’t I just eat 2 hours ago, I’ll wait a little longer” I am becoming more aware of my eating habits. Ive just diagnoised myself as with stressful binge eating disorder. Yup, and MFP is my treatment. I hope to be fully cured by the end of my journey and into my next journey of leading a healthy life.
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey?

    The hugest change for me is my attitude. For the first time ever, I KNOW that I will continue to lose weight and I won't be spending the rest of my life obese. Eating sensibly and getting intentional exercise is become a permanent way of life for me. IF I am going to splurge on a special treat, I am learning how to pit that into my overall plan.

    And most of all, this way of life, is actually FUN, unlike any diet I have ever been on previously. AndI know that is because of the genuine support and sharing of each other's successes and struggles. And seeing those pictures of people who have shared the same struggles and have lost weight, is highly motivating. One of these days my picture will be posted as well (well I'll get my teenage son to help me do that, img or IMG are both a different language to yours truly! :tongue:
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    My most noticeable change is that I take the time to actually think about what I will eat. I don't just shove things in my mouth.
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    I've only been at this for a little while now, but I am definitely seeing a change in how my clothes fit. (My belt is a notch tighter already!) My attitude has also improved. Instead of feeling hopeless like I usually do when I have tried to lose weight in the past, I really feel like it is going to happen this time. I no longer snack late at night or eat random snacks throughout the day.
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    The most noticable change is my happiness. I am truly finding myself and liking who I am. Without the weight to allow me to dislike myself I have been able to appreciate how good of a person I am. I realize my friends like me for me. When I was really down I used to think some of the my newer friends only liked me around bcause I was the fat kid of the group (yes because 162 was sooooo horribly fat :embarassed: ), but I was wrong and so silly to think that. I love (okay overstatment!) going to the gym... Well I love the feeling of being sore the next day after a great workout and being able to see the changes in the mirror. I think I would even trade an A on a test for a B just for a few more pounds..... and that's saying a lot because in vet school A's take a whole lot of work (just like a few pounds :wink: )
    By the way, this is my first challenge and I :heart: this QOTD thing because it really lets me reflect on my journey and not just drudge on through the day to day counting
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    I'm a newbie, but I am seeing changes. I feel better, my clothes are fitting nicer and I'm HAPPIER! I'm determined this time. My daughter is more using the "I just had a baby" excuse. Time to do something for myself and when I find happiness, it will reflect in my family and my work.