Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • sweeetypie1
    sweeetypie1 Posts: 122 Member
    @diane--I feel the same way, for the same reason. I'm really struggling right now with getting to the gym more regularly. My plan was to go the 2 days a week that I used to go to physical therapy for my shoulder, but that plan has not come to fruition. Combine that with the terrible weather we've had lately which has limited my daily walks with my dog, and I'm getting way less exercise than I should be.

    @cyndy-- plateaus stink. Just keep at it and you will break through.

    AFM--As I mentioned to diane, I really need to get some motivation. I have a 5k in a month and I don't think I've run even once yet this year. Yikes. I gave blood on Monday and was planning to go to the gym today after school, but I did some grading instead. I always get stuck in this battle between grading or working out. Somehow, grading always seems to win. This wouldn't be such a problem if I would stick to my calorie goal 100% of the time, but I don't.

    Name: Karen
    Age: 49
    Height: 5’7"
    Highest Weight: 247
    Current Weight: 203 (1/19/19)

    1/19/19 = 203
    1/26/19 = 201
    2/1/19 = 203

    Working in the garden sounds so nice right now - I'm from Ohio and it's only in the twenties and cold. I went out with my sister and mom today and she took a picture and posted it on facebook and I look horrible - so fat and overweight. I really need to try harder to lose weight. This may be the motivation I need. Thanks for all the support from those on this thread. I'm praying for us.
  • sweeetypie1
    sweeetypie1 Posts: 122 Member
    It's a new day. It's a new beginning.
  • bethbabick
    bethbabick Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! Started back on the app yesterday. Trying to hit my thirty pound weight loss goal first, but need lose 100 pounds. My doctor just lambasted me (again) and told I’m now morbidly obese. That was a shocker. He wants me to try Saxenda. I’ve researched it and it has the risk of pancreatic cancer. Yikes! Anyone here try this medication? I have three kids, a wonderful husband, and work full-time as a teacher in a high needs school. I need to be healthy for myself and them. Hoping this group can help me stay motivated because I often get fed up and quit the app. I’m looking for filling, low calorie, and super fast breakfast ideas. Thought?.
  • raindogmaa
    raindogmaa Posts: 205 Member
    Hello! I missed the Monday check in AGAIN! Still slow going on the scale but I am not discouraged. I know darn well that it's the Costco Trail Mix that lives in my co-workers office -- that is the culprit! My weight was down on Monday -- but came back up a few lbs. I'll report today's weight just to keep me honest. Going to try Dr. Eric Berg's system for intermittent fasting... see how that goes. It requires you have your 3 meals within an 8 hour block... no snacking in between meals. Today I will have my 1st meal at 10am and last meal at 6pm.. with lunch thrown in there somewhere. Wish me luck!

    Check in and let us know how you are doing!

    Until next week...

    Name: Cyndy
    Age: 61
    Height: 5’3"
    Highest Weight: (Oct 15, 2004) 250
    Re-Start Weight (Sept 1, 2018): 221
    Goal Weight (June 7, 2019) 165

    Jan 22 191
    Jan 28 189.5
    Feb 4 190.0
    Feb 13 190.2

    Week (+/-) = +.2
    Since Re-Start = 30.8
    Since First start = 59.8

  • Lala44
    Lala44 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I gained a lot of weight in 2001 after a total hysterectomy. I was a mess emotionally for a long time. I lost 25 2002 and kept that off. But, I have been around 240- 245 for 17 years. I am 65, and feel like I need to do something before I have a heart attack or stroke. It may be too late, but “as long as there is life there is hope,” right? My problem is that I do not know how to be successful. I can only hack a 1200 calorie diet until lunchtime. I hope there is someone out there that can help me. I will read past posts here, to get up to speed. But I wanted to write something today to be accountable in some way. Ok, thank you. I hope to hear from someone.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @Lala44 --Welcome to the thread! Do you have your calorie allowance set at 1200 for the day and you end up eating more than that after lunch? I wasn't quite sure what you meant in your post. Do you need help with suggestions for foods that will help you meet your calorie goals? Let us know how we can help. :)

    @cyndy-- I also missed my check-in on Saturday, but my weight hadn't changed so not much to report there. I've heard good things about intermittent fasting, but I've never tried it myself.

    @bethbabick --Welcome! I'm also a teacher --HS English. I'm not big on breakfast, but eat my first "meal" around 10 am during my morning prep period. I do best managing my calories when I eat protein early in the day, so I usually just have a hard-boiled egg or some cottage cheese. I find both pretty filling.

    @diane-- Grading not gardening. We are encased in ice here in Chicago, so it will be a few months before gardening is an option. LOL!

    @b4leaving --Nice to meet you, too! Mini-goals are the way to go. :)

    @erika-- Welcome to the group! Sounds like great motivation!

    AFM--Ugh! What the heck is wrong with my scale?!?! I've been logging and keeping to my calorie goal and it's just not budging. In all honesty, I've not been exercising much--partly due to battling a head cold all week, partly due to crappy weather that makes me just want to curl up on my couch--but I at least have stuck to my squat challenge and finished the last day today. I'm going to start over from day 1 tomorrow and also add a plank challenge. I LOVE planking and doing push ups, but a shoulder injury has kept me from those exercises for the better part of a year. I finally feel it's rehabbed enough to attempt the planking, so wish me luck!

    Name: Karen
    Age: 49
    Height: 5’7"
    Highest Weight: 247
    Current Weight: 203 (1/19/19)

    1/19/19 = 203
    1/26/19 = 201
    2/1/19 = 203
    2/9/19 = 203

    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    edited February 2019
    @bethbabick & @b4leaving, trying new foods is one of the unexpected pleasures of this journey. Check out the recipes blog, there are lots of great things to try. @b4leaving, you've probably already been told this but hidden sodium In processed foods is your enemy. Try to eat fresh veggies, meats you prepare yourself, and don't use the seasoning packages in boxed meals - I guarantee they are loaded with salt. Check out She has lots of low & no salt recipes.
    My name is Tracy & I'm a longtime frequenter of this thread. Last time I posted was in November 2018 (I think). I spent almost all of November and December in the hospital with congestive heart failure (CHF). According to my sister I nearly died 3 times. They finally approved me for a heart pump, and I had open heart surgery on 12/12/18. Now I have a pump (left Ventricular assistance Device or LVAD) that pumps the blood from one side of my heart to the other, then out to my body. I also am now a member of the zipper club with an 8-inch scar down my sternum. I'm recovering nicely but not back to pre-heart condition level. My doctor is tinkering with my meds to get them right. The pump has external components and internal ones, so I have a tube connecting the internal pump to an external controller and batteries. I AM the Bionic Woman, haha!
    I am still on fluid and sodium restrictions, so I feel your pain @b4leaving. In order to get on the heart transplant list, I have to be under 35 BMI. That's only about 10 pounds to go so I'm working hard to get there. My ultimate goal is 130, the upper edge of my "ideal" weight. But, mini-goal first!
    Starting weight: 247
    Current weight (minus 5 lbs for heart equipment): 194
    Weight loss so far: 53 lbs

    Austin TX area
  • b4leaving
    b4leaving Posts: 90 Member
    hi Tracy - thanks for the information about sodium. it is difficult. I don't eat any processed foods at all and very rarely eat out. there are so few low sodium / no salt foods.. even canned veggies, etc.. but I buy those that I can, otherwise frozen or fresh. I make most stuff from scratch and freeze it so I always have food available. I like sodiumgirl and there is another site that has recipes for interstitial cystitis that I use. it's hard to find recipes that don't have a lot of processed foods IN the recipe, too.. but I've managed to recreate some and make those as "staples" for my freezer!

    I'm sorry to hear about your heart issues, and thanks for sharing about your health journey. I hope your doctor finds the right meds for you soon! Bionic woman is right! Congrats on the 53 lb loss! That's great. I've lost 43 so far. It's very slow, but in the past when I have lost fast, I always gained it back fast, too. :)

    Have a great evening!

    Shannon in Ontario, Canada
  • sweeetypie1
    sweeetypie1 Posts: 122 Member
    @Lala44 --Welcome to the thread! Do you have your calorie allowance set at 1200 for the day and you end up eating more than that after lunch? I wasn't quite sure what you meant in your post. Do you need help with suggestions for foods that will help you meet your calorie goals? Let us know how we can help. :)

    @cyndy-- I also missed my check-in on Saturday, but my weight hadn't changed so not much to report there. I've heard good things about intermittent fasting, but I've never tried it myself.

    @bethbabick --Welcome! I'm also a teacher --HS English. I'm not big on breakfast, but eat my first "meal" around 10 am during my morning prep period. I do best managing my calories when I eat protein early in the day, so I usually just have a hard-boiled egg or some cottage cheese. I find both pretty filling.

    @diane-- Grading not gardening. We are encased in ice here in Chicago, so it will be a few months before gardening is an option. LOL!

    @b4leaving --Nice to meet you, too! Mini-goals are the way to go. :)

    @erika-- Welcome to the group! Sounds like great motivation!

    AFM--Ugh! What the heck is wrong with my scale?!?! I've been logging and keeping to my calorie goal and it's just not budging. In all honesty, I've not been exercising much--partly due to battling a head cold all week, partly due to crappy weather that makes me just want to curl up on my couch--but I at least have stuck to my squat challenge and finished the last day today. I'm going to start over from day 1 tomorrow and also add a plank challenge. I LOVE planking and doing push ups, but a shoulder injury has kept me from those exercises for the better part of a year. I finally feel it's rehabbed enough to attempt the planking, so wish me luck!

    Name: Karen
    Age: 49
    Height: 5’7"
    Highest Weight: 247
    Current Weight: 203 (1/19/19)

    1/19/19 = 203
    1/26/19 = 201
    2/1/19 = 203
    2/9/19 = 203

    Karen - lol grading - time to get my glasses checked again! I'm in Cleveland so the bad weather came our way also. Ready for winter to end.
  • sweeetypie1
    sweeetypie1 Posts: 122 Member
    Lala44 wrote: »
    Hello, I gained a lot of weight in 2001 after a total hysterectomy. I was a mess emotionally for a long time. I lost 25 2002 and kept that off. But, I have been around 240- 245 for 17 years. I am 65, and feel like I need to do something before I have a heart attack or stroke. It may be too late, but “as long as there is life there is hope,” right? My problem is that I do not know how to be successful. I can only hack a 1200 calorie diet until lunchtime. I hope there is someone out there that can help me. I will read past posts here, to get up to speed. But I wanted to write something today to be accountable in some way. Ok, thank you. I hope to hear from someone.

    Lala44 - what's been working for me is to cut in half what I would normally prepare. And I'm amazed that I am not hungry. It's hard at first but take it one step at a time. Normally I would have two eggs and two pieces of toast for breakfast - so I've been making 1 piece whole wheat toast, I top it with 1/4 avocado and then 1 over easy egg. It looks good, it tastes amazing and it's fulfilling. I eat it slowly. For lunch (I pack) I started making 1/2 a sandwich instead of a full - and again, it's enough. I've been overeating for far too long. This has helped me slowly stop overeating. Now I substitute in healthy choices like whole wheat, berries and yogurt and the avocado instead of butter and only drink water. Keep trying.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @diane-- Agreed--winter can go away now. LOL! Great advice to @Lala44 about cutting down portions and making healthier substitutions. It's not about deprivation, but just being mindful and making small changes that we can sustain. :smile:

    @tracy-- great to see you back here! Sorry to hear about your health issues, but I'm glad you made it through the surgery and are doing better.

    AFM-- I had a cold last week that morphed into a sinus infection. I started a Z-pack on Saturday, so I'm on the mend and almost 100% healthy, but it's interfered with my grand plans to get to the gym and run, re-do the squat challenge, and add the planking. In addition, I've been so swamped with grading I've not had time for much else.

    Some good news is that I went back to see my physical therapist after a month off, and he said my shoulder is doing well enough that I can stop seeing him. Also, the scale started moving in the right direction again. Being sick made food/eating less appealing, so I managed to get that under control a bit. Hoping to continue the trend now that I'm feeling better.

    Name: Karen
    Age: 49
    Height: 5’7"
    Highest Weight: 247
    Current Weight: 203 (1/19/19)

    1/19/19 = 203
    1/26/19 = 201
    2/1/19 = 203
    2/9/19 = 203
    2/17/19 = 201
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound - glad to see your scale is finally moving in the right direction! Mine is going down too, but it's really hard to tell if it's TRUE weight loss or if its water weight loss. Whatever it is, I'll take it!
  • zaraizzy
    zaraizzy Posts: 36 Member
    Hello and good morning everyone, I am new to mfp and would like to join your group. My heaviest weight was 400 lbs, I'm now at 297 lbs, been stuck at this weight for about a year due to various reasons. I'm determined to get back on track and decided to join mfp and make new friends with similar goals, we can support and encourage one another on this journey.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @zaraizzy --welcome to the thread! This is a great place for support and accountability. Congrats on your progress to far--that's awesome!

    @tracy-- I feel the same way. People always say "oh, it's just water weight" like it doesn't count, but often the bloating from water retention makes me feel fatter than actual weight gain, so I'm more than happy when that goes away. :).

    AFM-- I had a really hungry, binge-y day yesterday, but right back on track today. We'll see how kind the scale is tomorrow. Hope everyone has some fun planned for the weekend.
  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member
    I'm glad to see this thread have life in it again.

    October through January was rocky for me, a lot of maintenance weeks and fewer loss weeks. Picking back up now! I'm down 43 pounds in 1 year (yesterday was my 365th day!) 7 to go until my 50lb goal, then another 8 until 250, which is the milestone I wanted to hit in 1 year.
  • sweeetypie1
    sweeetypie1 Posts: 122 Member
    edited February 2019
    Name: Diane
    Age: 57
    Height: 5’7"
    Highest Weight: 264
    Start Weight (Jan 1 2019): 253.3

    Jan 7 -251.3
    Feb 6 - 251.2
    Feb 22 - 249.2

    Weight -/+ this week: 2
    Total weight loss this challenge:- 4.1
    Total weight lost: -15
  • raindogmaa
    raindogmaa Posts: 205 Member
    QUICKLY Checking in before a busy day!

    Name: Cyndy
    Age: 61
    Height: 5’3"
    Highest Weight: (Oct 15, 2004) 250
    Re-Start Weight (Sept 1, 2018): 221
    Goal Weight (June 7, 2019) 165

    Jan 22 191
    Jan 28 189.5
    Feb 4 190.0
    Feb 13 190.2
    Feb 18 187.4
    Feb 25 187.3

    Week (+/-) = -.1
    Since Re-Start = 33.7
    Since First start = 62.7

    Slow and steady wins the race!
  • zaraizzy
    zaraizzy Posts: 36 Member
    This past weekend has been a little rough. I have some physical ailments which flare up at times and can make it difficult to move about . I try to make sure I get up every day and walk a little bit, so that my joints don't stiffen up preventing me from moving at all. The flare ups are very painful making exercise impossible at times. I know I can lose weight without exercising because I've done it before. We all have good and bad days. On a positive note! I have more good days than bad, and for that I am truly grateful!! Thank you for listening to me.
  • zaraizzy
    zaraizzy Posts: 36 Member
    Name: Karla
    Age: 55 (56 next month)
    Height:. 6'0
    Heaviest weight: 400
    Re-start weight: 297
    Goal weight: 180 (see how I feel at that weight and go from there)
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Frick-a-frack! I had a whole post ready to go and lost it! Ah well, it was a rant about the meds I'm taking, not worth repeating. @zaraizzy, you have the right attitude; keep moving forward, never look back. Do something every day. Even if it's small.
    BTW, just wanted to mention to those who have limited mobility or are just starting out, YouTube has lots of beginner chair routines that will help you build up to more active workouts.