To those that don't drink alcohol...



  • babyblueca2000
    babyblueca2000 Posts: 4 Member
    ooooooops! walked in on the wrong thread..........*backs out quietly so nobody notices glass of wine in hand
    *clinks glass with yours*
    *clink, clink, clink*
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    I drink very rarely.

    1. I love wine WAYYYY too much, it would be very easy for me to go overboard.
    2. I have three small children, I need to have a clear head in case of an emergency.
    3. Have you SEEN what it does to a liver?
    4. It really does damage the brain.
    5. It's hysterical to watch other people act stupid when they are drunk... I SOOOO don't want to be the person being an idiot.

    When I DO drink (on very rare occasions), it's usually a glass of wine when we're out to dinner. Or just one or two beverages at home.

    God bless!
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I don't drink because I can't just have one or a few. I like alcohol a little too much so it's better for me to not drink at all.

  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member
    I only drink once or twice per year. Lots of reasons...I have an addictive personality and I don't want to get addicted. Alcohol is too expensive and too high in calories. And I have a higher alcohol tolerance and it takes a LOT of alcohol for me to even feel the effects. If I want to get happy-tipsy it usually takes 5 shots and a couple mixed drinks. I don't start feeling really truly drunk until 9+ shots and several mixed drinks. And that's just way too much alcohol to consume.

    So I'd rather just skip it altogether. :)
  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member
    But I'm no saint. These days I just prefer herbal indulgences over alcohol. For me it's a much better way.

  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    But I'm no saint. These days I just prefer herbal indulgences over alcohol. For me it's a much better way.

    This!!! Now if I could just make 'those' connections again!!
  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member
    But I'm no saint. These days I just prefer herbal indulgences over alcohol. For me it's a much better way.

    This!!! Now if I could just make 'those' connections again!!

    Hah. I found out after I married my husband that he had 'connections' galore in the family.
  • simplysara9
    I am 23 and do not drink very often -- maybe a handful of times a year and never enough to get drunk.

    I don't drink because I come from a family of alcoholics. Most of my aunts and uncles on my mom's side of the Family and my grandparents were all alcoholics. I don't want to make the same choices they made and screw up my life like they did. Their alcoholism has really opened my eyes to how it can ruin a good thing and I don't want that.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I drank and I liked it. But never drank excessively (at least I don't think). I gained weight. So now I just have a drink occasionally and socially. Out with friends, buds over for a game, work outing, etc. I just can't afford the calories in this healthier lifestyle.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    It doesn't appeal to me at all. I might have a drink a few times per year but it is just not something I am interested in. With my new lifestyle, I would much rather eat my calories than drink them.
  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    of course i use to get down, living in a small town and all there nothing else to do:) but i actually have a bladder condition called intersitital cystitis that its so painful the day after and its gotten not worth it :(
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,649 Member
    I've had a couple drinks over the years when I had a life and went to parties but I basically just don't like the taste of alcohol. They were always mixed drinks, masking the taste of the alcohol.

    And I've been tipsy once (to passive aggressively get back at my boy friend at the time for getting high) and never drunk.
  • kimcatania
    I drink socially, but really try not to very must because I just don't want to waste my calories on it. I'd rather eat ice cream than drink a beer. But that's just me!! LOL!
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I drink now and then but just one or two drinks of something I like the taste of. I've never needed to have a drink to have fun and don't understand this binge drinking culture that seems to have sprung up around me. Why do people spend a fortune on alcohol only to throw it up and then feel like death warmed up the next morning? Seriously, I don't see where the enjoyment is in that.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    My father was an alcoholic and it eventually killed him. I very rarely drink; never get drunk. Alcoholism runs in the family (on both sides), so I need to be careful.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,688 Member
    I'm curious as to why (as there are plenty of good reasons, but I'm like an annoying Labrador puppy all up in your business...)

    Ya know, strictly for weight loss, self control, health, daddy issues, you vomit uncontrollably...
    I quit drinking in '89 because I was headed down a bad path. I would drink after work and always came into work the next morning feeling like crap. I lost my job because of inefficiency. I never wanted to be like that again so I chose to just quit cold turkey.
    Since then, I may have 1 or 2 beers a year. I'm usually the DD for all party nights which I'm cool with since I'm so against drunk driving regardless of how "fine" you think you are.
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    I don't drink at all, mainly for religious reasons, but it is really a personal choice that I have made.
    Yes sometimes it has been tempting but there are things I never have to worry about. Seriously, with what I have been through in my life, if I was a drinker I would probably be an alcoholic.
    I remember once some friends discussing whether or not you should take the breathalizer test if pulled over by a cop. The conversation was all about "blowing" vs not "blowing" and the related consequences. I am glad that I will never have to make that decision because I decided long ago to not drink.
    I am really grateful for the counsel I have been given not to drink. It has really blessed my life.

    Please don't take this as being judgmental. I have lots of friends who drink and I love them a lot. These are my personal reasons.

    Not drinking is one thing..but I drink and would NEVER drink and I guess I won't ever have to make that decision either :)
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I find it incredibly amusing when people ask why I don't drink!

    I don't ask people why they choose to drink so why are people so astonished and curious when i say I don't drink?

    and then they ask "so did you drink and not like it or what?"
    It seems to seriously baffle some people that a person would choose not to poison their body....pretty crazy I think.

    I have many reasons for not drinking.

    1. why waste the money? alcohol costs a lot of money! I laugh when people complain about being broke yet go to the bar everynight...gee wonder where all your money goes!
    2. i have a lot of fun in life and i've never needed to be drunk to be able to have fun or be sociable like most people seem to. If you need a beer in your hand to be sociable and have a good time then sorry but you have problems.
    3. i grew up in and around bars, my mom was a bartender for most of my younger years and my dad is an alcoholic(what he likes to call a functional alcoholic, goes to work everyday, pays his bills, doesn't let it hinder his life, but he drinks at least 10 beers a day). I grew up around all these people wasting their lives away in bars and oh good lord am I glad i'll never be one of them. The ones i love the most are the people sitting on a bar stool at 7 AM and telling you about what's wrong with this world..HAHA
    4. I don't need it to release stress in my life and trust me i have PLENTY of stress but there are so many healthier alternatives to de-stressing

    I have plenty of friends who drink and I don't look down upon those who choose to but this kind of question cracks me up.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    But I'm no saint. These days I just prefer herbal indulgences over alcohol. For me it's a much better way.

    This!!! Now if I could just make 'those' connections again!!

    Hah. I found out after I married my husband that he had 'connections' galore in the family.

    You guys want to adopt an old geezer? I'll sleep under the porch....