Looking for fellow dog owners



  • I s that him? He is soooo cute!!!:smile:
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
    My dogs love to exercise with me.

    They get so excited anytime I put on workout clothes.

    I take them hiking, running, and even have a special leash that attaches to my bike
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    I always exercise with my dogs! I have a six year old Akita who is slow and a crazy GSD mix that is 1.5 years old! Because they are so different on their walks, they get seperate ones, which means I get twice the workout! Caden (my mix) is the reason I started running again. We are training her for Agility and Nose work, so she needs to be in shape as well as me!
  • Oh boy or should I say oh woof! This is better than I thought. Ok everyone just come in and say how long you walked and if you saw anything while walking your dogs. I guess we can keep this going until everyone gets bored with it.

    Guess I should introduce myself, my name is Roxanne I live in Rochester, NY and I have a great hubby and a wonderful son. We also have 3 cats (Missy, Suzie and Cindy) and my little guy Sparky. He is going to be 2 years old, and he looooovvvveeeesssss his walk! He will whine if I'm moving too slowly to his way of thinking to get ready to walk, or if it's raining out and I really don't want to go. I end up going and praying that it dosen't rain any harder. :smile: As soon as I can figure out how to put up a picture of him, I'll post one.
  • You know if you can't walk because of the heat, just walk when you can. Wait until it's cooler, I know I have a little cavalier spaniel/bichon mix and even this morning he was panting. It was around 60 I guess, however the sun was very warm, I was trying to stay on the shady side of the streets, however a portion of the walk has no shade. We cut the walk short. I might take him out again when the sun sets.
  • I have a little Brussels Griffon, Max, who loves to walk. He gets so excited when I pick up his harness and then leaps off my lap and runs to the door as soon as it's off. We usually walk for at least 20 minutes, but I could pay attention more to how much we are doing and put in a solid 30 minutes. Unfortunately, I don't know how much of a work out it is. He's only 4 months old, so we're still working on good walking behaviors, like forward momentum and not stopping at every single light pole to see which dog was there last. I did start this new game where we run across intersections and he loves this, so I can probably be more consistent with that and get in some little bursts of speed.

  • Gizmo is down 4.5lb!. So he's at goal weight!

    Way to go Gizmo! An inspiration to his momma and us all.

    :bigsmile: Gizmo knows how to do it!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Mine is a boxer mix and we usually walk 30-45 minutes in the morning and over an hour of walking or jogging in the evening. I get so much of my exercise with her. Plus, sometimes I also walk a friend's dog too.
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    I've got a big 16 month old pup so we walk a lot. Gotta wear him out to make sure he doesn't get bored and start destroying things. Even with all the walking we've gotten him a pack with a bit of weight that really helps tire him out.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    The word which we dare not say (in my house); leash.

    You will get clobbered if you do.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    My Golden goes with me every time there is mileage involved. I'd feel so guilty for walking or running without him!

    We both get exercise and a tired dog is a good dog, right? :wink:

  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    We're in! She's in my profile pic. Great idea! Thnx! :flowerforyou:
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 945 Member
    I take mine on daily trail walks for about 30 minutes. Every once in awhile I take him to this great trail nearby that's a 3 mile loop. He's an 85 lb 9month old puppy who could pull a dogsled.
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    I have a 14 pound 1 year old Bishon Poodle. I call her my treadmill. It is because of her I started walking. She will go and go and go. She is quite an inspiration.
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    I love walking with my parents dogs! It's so relaxing! They are a mad bedlington terrier and a very strong whippet!
  • The word which we dare not say (in my house); leash.

    You will get clobbered if you do.

    Our magic word is "Harness". We have to spell it. (as well as having to spell "Walk", "Park" and "Ride"). In fact if we even THINK about taking him, he somehow catches on and is whinning over by his harness and leash. Once I looked at my husband and said "Should we..." and Anubis knew what it was about before I even finished the sentance!
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    My shepherd is not quite 2, and walking is fine, but if I try run with him he decides to zig zag in front of me whenever he pleases! I have almost faceplanted many a time because of this :p
  • I would like to incorporate my hounds in my workout. Unfortunately both my dogs are over 10 years old and are slowing down. I usually do a 5 mile run solo. I then cool down by walking the dogs for about 20 minutes.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    This would be so cool, but my dog is no help when it comes to exercising! She likes slow walks (averages out to ONE mile per hour) and all-out sprints (too fast for me)... doesn't like jogging/ moderate-paced running much.
  • The word which we dare not say (in my house); leash.

    You will get clobbered if you do.

    Our magic word is "Harness". We have to spell it. (as well as having to spell "Walk", "Park" and "Ride"). In fact if we even THINK about taking him, he somehow catches on and is whinning over by his harness and leash. Once I looked at my husband and said "Should we..." and Anubis knew what it was about before I even finished the sentance!

    Our magic word is the good old fashion "walk", he hears that word and he jumps around looks up at his harness and leash. He also must be able to tell time, if it gets after 9 he lets me know that it's time for his walk.