Turbo Jammers 2/23-3/1

Good morning all you Jam Junkies!

Show me your "W" cuz your a winner!!


  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Good morning all you Jam Junkies!

    Show me your "W" cuz your a winner!!
  • Coltom
    Coltom Posts: 10 Member
    If I take the W cause i'm a winner and invert it.....its an M for MOM.....moms are always winners.....you can't go through life's experiences as a mom and not come out a winner every time.......so.....if you're a winner and you're a Mom.....give yourself two W's for today
  • annette02
    good morning! Well, I finally got to try the 20min video. I loved it! The time went by so fast! Hopefully the CP will go by just as fast! I am a little intimidated by the length of that video. Well see how it goes. Hope everyone has a great day! :smile:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    good morning! Well, I finally got to try the 20min video. I loved it! The time went by so fast! Hopefully the CP will go by just as fast! I am a little intimidated by the length of that video. Well see how it goes. Hope everyone has a great day! :smile:

    CP goes by fairly quickly...with the exception of the squats:wink: It's a nice workout!

    WTG on completing 20 min workout! I love that one when I have few minutes to spare:heart::heart:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good morning all you Jam Junkies!

    Show me your "W" cuz your a winner!!

    LMBO...I always laugh when she says that during P,K, & J
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I did CP today.

    Kelly I agree the squat section sucks, but I've gotten used to it.

    Annette I have to admit that it took me awhile before I quit watching the timer at the bottom of the screen. The workout seemed to go on forever and I was tired and panting and....boy was I outta shape. Now I can do CP and then turn around and do TS or Ab Jam or whatever. I remember the first time that I made it thru the workout and thought "wow, I'm done already?!? Sweet!!"

    Oh BTW, Coltom is my mother....so if you ever see weird random posts in here from her that's why :laugh: Love you mommy!!! :heart: My mom and dad started using MFP about the middle of Jan and my dad is down 11 lbs and my mom is at 9. So proud of both of them!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • megan0313
    Oh BTW, Coltom is my mother....so if you ever see weird random posts in here from her that's why Love you mommy!!! My mom and dad started using MFP about the middle of Jan and my dad is down 11 lbs and my mom is at 9. So proud of both of them!

    That is so cool!!! Welcome drevans_mom's mom!!! :flowerforyou: and WTG on the weight loss mom AND dad!

    Took yesterday off and for some reason I didn't want to anything today :frown: I forced myself through Kickin' Core and hopefully tomorrow I'll have some energy and motivation back.

    Have a great day everyone
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    good job Megan. I didn't want to workout either but I did. Doesn't make you feel better when you are done? Maybe you are more tired then when you started but you feel like you accomplished something and "earned" the right to go back to bed :laugh:
  • megan0313
    Definitely! I mentioned this to Dragonfly a while ago, the first 15 minutes of the CPs kill me if I'm not really up for exercise. I just want to quit the whole time...but as soon as I get past the 15-20 min mark, the endorphins must kick in or something and I feel great! Just some days are REALLY hard to hang in there and get to that point!! :laugh:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Jammers!
    I missed you all so much!! The retreat was awesome, but the exercise room was locked :grumble:
    I had to really watch my food and walk a lot. Got home yesterday and was totaly jonesing for some exercise so I did CP3 and just wore myself out. I zonked out and didn't get up until 530 this am!!!
    Missed my workout - but got 20 min of pilates in at lunch - CP is on for tonight when I get home!.
    Congrats to all who worked out today - I have -0- motivation but have decided to push myself thru
    when I get home!! It's just so hard sometimes!!

    Missed you all and I'm glad to be back for another fine week!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Check in Later ~ it's back to class:heart:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Dragonfly, glad you had a good weekend. Sorry you couldn't get into the exercise room. Did your ticker move 2 more lbs??? I'm not very observant sometimes.

    We seem to be short a few faces today.Hope everyone is well and we hope to see you all soon!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Morning all!

    I didnt get a chance to workout yesterday but my ChaLEAN Extreme arrived along with a new TJ workout - Lower Body Jam + Band. Gonna try that in a while! I just realised I have quite a few toning/sculpting TJ dvds but only 3 cardio ones - 20m, CP, PK&J. Think I will need to invest in CP2 & 3. I find Fat Blaster really difficult so I find myself forgetting about it :noway:

    I will have to keep my eyes open on ebay for CP2&3!

    Welcome back Dragonfly !!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good morning!

    WTG on those workouts everyone!

    Yesterday, was a rest day for me...just wish I would be getting some sleep lately. UGH...this little guy of mine needs to start sleeping through the night (and not be such a wreck when daddy is working nights).

    I believe I'm starting to get what my DH just had (sore throat, sinus, etc), but I'm still hoping to do something today. Weigh-in tomorrow...

    Have a great day all!!!
  • megan0313
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Welcome back Dragonfly!

    Deedun, let me know how you like Chalean Extreme...I'm thinking of getting it. Meanness got it, but she hasn't posted in a while so I don't know what she thinks.

    Gottaluvboyz, Today was my first "real" day after taking a couple off days. I did a half hearted Kickin' Core yesterday, but I felt really run down. Today I did CP3 and Booty Sculpt and Abs though and had tons of energy. I think taking a day or two off once in a while really helps me in the long run.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    UGH the server is so slow today!!! :mad:

    Kelly, I woke up with a sore throat the last 2 days. My DD has been coughing and had a runny nose for about 4 days now. I thought it was just from teething but it may have moved into a cold (you know snot is going from clear to green :sick: ) Hopefully Hubby wont get sick though, he's always got something. Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow!

    Deedun-I know you can get cp2 & 3 on amazon for fairly cheap. I like lower body jam, I just don't do it very often....my legs are definately not a problem area, but my abs and upper body definately are.

    Megan-glad you are feeling better today. WTG on your workout.

    I will be doing cp2 today and if the kids behave I will try to get in some yoga, or tai chi, or pilates. Not a big fan of yoga or pilates but Chaleen has me interested in doing more tai chi. Today is looking gorgeous so I will be walking this afternoon. I love this time of year, not too hot and not too cold! Yippee for Spring! :flowerforyou:
    Have a great day!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Megan...I understand about taking a few days off. This afternoon I did CP and Ab Jam and it felt GREAT!!!! I'm planning on some pilates later on tonight as well. WTG on your work out:drinker:

    Drevans mom...sounds like we have similar body types. My legs are not as much of an issue, but the upper body, abs, and don't get me started on the ta-tas:grumble: I have noticed a big difference since starting TJ, though. Good luck w/ today's workout and enjoy the weather you are getting.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I did CP2 and I feel great!!!! I don't know what the heck my deal is today but I'm happy bouncy pouncy fun fun fun fun fun!!!!!
    I'm baking chocolate cherry muffins (it's okay they are hungry girl - 131 cals a muffin!) and I'm thinking about making a few other things. But maybe not, it's about 55 degrees outside and I wanna get out and enjoy it!!!
    Going to take the long walk to pick up the kids this afternoon and then we are going to the park!

    I decided today while doing the Finale that Chaleen needs to put together a Finale dvd. I love the finale on CP2 &3. the dancy hip hop kick stuff is fun! If she can do one of all turbos, she can do a finale one! :love:

    Enjoy your day ladies!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody!!
    Sounds like everyone is doing great! I am ok but energy level a little low ~ just noshed on a grapefruit so it should kick in in a little bit.
    I fell down in the parking lot of the grocery store - just sprawled out purse , 17lb bag of dog food and all after work yesterday and my knee was a little bit sore. If the dog food bag had broken I would have had a kicking, screaming fit like a 2 yr old, lol!!! I went home and just rested - live to fight another day - yesterday was just hard for some reason:ohwell: ??? Glad it's Tuesday!!
    Did CP and Ab Jam this morning ,so off to a good start! Thank goodness the knee was not an issue.
    Drevansmom- That's a fantastic idea ~ A finesse DVD!! I love it too!! Funky and fun!! And Tai Chi too ~ floating clouds... you just feel so goood when you get there,:wink:
    Something lite is on for tonight ~ probably lower body jam (my problem area) I really need to do that more, i just like the cardio better.
    Yes, looks like another 2 lbs gone ~yea!!! I am so excited; this might be a different summer after all, Woo Hoo!!

    Hope those who are trying to come down with the "creeping crud" can avoid it and that everybody has a fantastic day!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • megan0313
    Dragonfly, sorry about your fall, but great job on your early morning workouts! Glad your knee seems ok!

    Drevans_mom and Gottaluvboyz, WTG on your workouts too! I'm feeling pretty bouncy today too...might squeeze in another workout. I think it's all the sunshine we're getting!

    And I think we should all petition Chalene for a Finesse DVD! I LOVE that part too...I can even get my daughter (the dancer) to do it with me...of course she has to step it up a notch, but we have a blast :tongue:

  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Drevans mom...great idea about the dvd!!!! Have fun baking:smile:

    Dragonfly...(((hugs))) about your fall!!! WTG on the 2 lb loss...you rock:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: Great job on today's workouts!

    Megan...how fun you can get your daughter involved too:smile: