40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • athran13
    athran13 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey, I'd like to add here, if I can. I'm 41 (42 this year). Started working out and using MFP again at end of January. I've lost about 13lbs thus far...about 2lb a week...hope it's not too fast. At about 195lbs now. Hope to lose about 30 more (initially 208lb to about 165lbs). I lift weights 3 days a week with different routines every 3/4 weeks (from old Men's Health) for about 80 minutes. I try to add a bike ride on weekends for 4th day (weather permitting). I've been feeling tired at my workouts recently. Trying to remedy this through couple means. Trying a pre-workout powder (that seems to make my hands briefly tingle?). Also saw in MFP that I haven't been reaching my calorie (1990cal) or protein goals. To remedy this I've also tried adding a whey protein isloate to my yogurt to boost both calories and protein. Actually feeling a tad more energized now... Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and if you have any thoughts, would appreciate them!
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,720 Member
    athran13 wrote: »
    ... I've been feeling tired at my workouts recently. Trying to remedy this through couple means. Trying a pre-workout powder (that seems to make my hands briefly tingle?).

    A lot of folks report that same sensation. I've noticed the tingling in my hands and sometimes my face when I used a pre-workout powder. I'm not aware of any health issues related to the sensation. I changed to a MIO water enhancer with some caffeine. Whatever works for you.

    athran13 wrote: »
    ... Also saw in MFP that I haven't been reaching my calorie (1990cal) or protein goals. To remedy this I've also tried adding a whey protein isloate to my yogurt to boost both calories and protein. Actually feeling a tad more energized now... Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and if you have any thoughts, would appreciate them!

    More protein helped me as well. Your body has to have fuel for the workouts. You could probably eat more, although your loss rate would probably slow down - and it likely will slow down as you near your goal, anyway. And don't forget sleep - I perform better in the gym if I am fully rested.

    Great progress for you so far. Keep it up!

  • athran13
    athran13 Posts: 30 Member
    athran13 wrote: »
    ... I've been feeling tired at my workouts recently. Trying to remedy this through couple means. Trying a pre-workout powder (that seems to make my hands briefly tingle?).

    A lot of folks report that same sensation. I've noticed the tingling in my hands and sometimes my face when I used a pre-workout powder. I'm not aware of any health issues related to the sensation. I changed to a MIO water enhancer with some caffeine. Whatever works for you.

    athran13 wrote: »
    ... Also saw in MFP that I haven't been reaching my calorie (1990cal) or protein goals. To remedy this I've also tried adding a whey protein isloate to my yogurt to boost both calories and protein. Actually feeling a tad more energized now... Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and if you have any thoughts, would appreciate them!

    More protein helped me as well. Your body has to have fuel for the workouts. You could probably eat more, although your loss rate would probably slow down - and it likely will slow down as you near your goal, anyway. And don't forget sleep - I perform better in the gym if I am fully rested.

    Great progress for you so far. Keep it up!

    Hey. Thanks for the response and advice. Appreciate it. Right. I think adding the protein helped. I'd try to just eat more, but, feels like I'm forcing down if I try too hard. I agree too, I probably shouldn't expect my rate to last. That's ok. I want to make this a long change/life-time change...so keeping it at 2lbs a week isn't that important. Sleep...I try...it's very variable on how much I get...what can you do? Life.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Beachbody Yoga Studio: Muscle Recovery with Ted"=Done!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    22 minute hard corps cold start!
    Brute Force Operator Series Alpha 19!!! 55#.
  • kdeprizio76
    kdeprizio76 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, new here to the community. I am almost 43, cough cough, but it is what it is. I have started my weight loss journey just recently. I used to be 130, now, not so much. Looking to get back down to that or close to it. I did it before, so I don't think it is an unattainable goal. I have knee problems (for my entire life) but the weight recently is starting to give me issues with my knees. I ma starting at the gym tonight and looking forward to it. Wanting the day to actually be over so I can go to the gym! I don't think I have said that in years! LOL I am ready to get me back.
  • Mawnstroe
    Mawnstroe Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 47 and been up and down with my weight the last three years. I'm 6'2" and started at 325 in 2015 and got down to 180 by end of 2016 but then back up to 257 in January. Ready to be consistent with what I eat and what I do with my body. Been eating Nutritarian for last 5 weeks and started jogging & body weights this last week. I'm down 14 pounds and feel better than I have in a very, very long time. Goals for next 90 days are to keep eating Nutritarian style, continue through the C25K training for a 5K towards end of May, and log all my food and workouts. Definitely want to meet some people for support and encouragement! My diary is open, please add me as a friend!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    22 minute hard corps cold start & Brute Force Operator Series Alpha 20!!! 55#! 10:37. 101 reps! Just gonna lay here for a bit. 💀💀💀
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    “Body Beast Beast Up: Chest, Shoulders & Triceps"=Done!
  • kdeprizio76
    kdeprizio76 Posts: 3 Member
    Ok. Day 1 down. Did the elliptical and the bike and then did a glute workout. Starting slow. But I got the heart rate up and sweat. So we are good for the day.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    22 minute hard corps cold start.
    Brute Force Operator Series Alpha 21! 55#! 13/13! One whole round more than last time.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    BBL High & Tight - done
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Got a run in yesterday and it wasn't too bad. :)
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    cool kid check-in :#
  • melissarhd
    melissarhd Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, new here to the community. I am almost 43, cough cough, but it is what it is. I have started my weight loss journey just recently. I used to be 130, now, not so much. Looking to get back down to that or close to it. I did it before, so I don't think it is an unattainable goal. I have knee problems (for my entire life) but the weight recently is starting to give me issues with my knees. I ma starting at the gym tonight and looking forward to it. Wanting the day to actually be over so I can go to the gym! I don't think I have said that in years! LOL I am ready to get me back.

    Hi I'm Melissa and I am in the same boat as you are, I just started my weight loss and toning journey ("again"). I have gained over 15 pounds in the past 3 months and not really sure how. I lost my momentum to workout last year and just started back last week. I have read multiple times that sometimes it helps to have an accountability person. I am putting myself out there and since we are in the same boat, I am wondering if you'd also like to try this out?
  • athran13
    athran13 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello. Just checking-in. Doing cardio this week (somewhat light) instead of regular weight work-out as I'm going to change up my routine and thought I'd go lighter between them. Normally do 80 minute work-outs with mostly heavy weights. Today just 45 minutes with 2lb weights (lol). Hopefully come back at next week refreshed.

    Also scale said I'm now down 14lbs...a lb down from my last weigh....not sure I trust my scale...
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    22 minute hard corps cold start.
    Brute Force Operator Series Alpha 22! 55-#! 13/12!!!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    snowshoed for an hour yesterday. Will probably be the last time. Snow was way too wet....which means spring is on its way! :smiley:
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    “Body Beast Beast Up: Legs"=Done!