Starting for the 88th time.



  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    @sososoph33 Welcome!! Sure do understand the "yet again". I'm looking forward to this being the last time.
    @Elkhoja18 Hoping you get pleasing results tomorrow!!! Let us know how you do ;)
  • cute_mom_needs_wine
    cute_mom_needs_wine Posts: 39 Member
    Hey. I’ve restarted only 28 times. This is my 29th. Support needed and given. Anyone can friend me as well!! I need to be held accountable just like you and everyone else!! Click that add button! Pretty please?
  • Mmae20
    Mmae20 Posts: 17 Member
    @Elkhoja18 Hoping you get pleasing results tomorrow!!! Let us know how you do ;)[/quote]

    @AbandondedKSCharger dropped to 177.8 from 183 lbs :) not even mad
  • shrinkingsteph2020
    shrinkingsteph2020 Posts: 3 Member
    I've lost count on the times that I've started and quit but I'm here and giving it another go.
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    @Elkhoja18 that is FANTASTIC!!! In one week?? That snowboarding must really work. My son was at Breckenridge two weekends ago snowboarding. I'll have to ask if he dropped a few ;)
    Keep up the good work!
    @sososoph33 Hey, let's do this right! Share your goals and check in each week, or day :) Let's make this the LAST TIME we have to work to get ourselves in a healthy weight!
  • theUndauntedMom
    theUndauntedMom Posts: 18 Member
    Hi all! @sososoph33 - I feel you! No worries. This time I have really worked on building a group of active friends on MFP and it has really helped me.

    @Sassymanda - I like how you said "I have taken the responsibility..." I appreciate how hard of step that is. Great work!
  • Mmae20
    Mmae20 Posts: 17 Member
    @Elkhoja18 that is FANTASTIC!!! In one week?? That snowboarding must really work. My son was at Breckenridge two weekends ago snowboarding. I'll have to ask if he dropped a few ;)
    Keep up the good work!

    Thank you! IMO any leg core workout really makes me sweat a lot.

    plus, I'm really in caloric defect as I explained before for the first push.
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    Well, it looks like this group has officially died...……..sorry to see that, but I have enjoyed our conversations. I will keep checking back to see if you guys are back, but it's looking pretty quiet. @kcdlg your doing great!!

    For my weekly report: I lost 1.2 pounds last week. Very exciting to see the scale dipping downward. Big relief! I have now lost 8 pounds!! I am ahead of my 3 pounds per month goal!!
  • theUndauntedMom
    theUndauntedMom Posts: 18 Member
    @AbandondedKSCharger - I think our group must have fell off of the front page of the community. IDK how to get us back on top. I shall research it. :-)
  • lacwest6605
    lacwest6605 Posts: 6,922 Member
    If this group gets going again, I would like to be part of it. I have lost and gained back a gazillion times. I’ve been using MFP for a year. I haven’t lost much weight. I’ve decided to get more serious and work to get the weight off. I could use some encouragement and I can offer some, too!
  • notsoskinny_yogi
    notsoskinny_yogi Posts: 1 Member
    Its just a never ending cycle of losing and gaining weight, usually gaining more what I lost. Need help and encouragement! Badly.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,422 Member
    I have been on and off of here since 09....I have quit and deleted a few accounts on here....I am done with that and I am done being a damn yo-yo....Feel free to add me ...I would love to support/encourage/give you tough love etc . We Got This!!!! :) Wishing you the very best on your journey :)
  • amberrosegonzo
    amberrosegonzo Posts: 2 Member
    Me too feel like I have gotten back on the horse for the 100th time. Today is my first day back and I know I'm going to need support, motivation, and fresh ideas. Add me
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    I am so excited to see new faces!!! Yes, please do keep coming back! This past week/month has been a good learning lesson for me of how easily I get off track. PLEASE do continue to come back!
    MFP with my computer at work still does not allow me to click the like/hug buttons, but I sure would if I could!

    My weekly report: I gained 2.5 pounds this week. Very discouraged, but in hindsight I see my stumbling areas. It's not just because I went on a mini vacation, it was several bad choices prior to that. I felt so good after my previous week's weigh in that I allowed myself to get comfortable. I am still 100% on board with making this the LAST TIME I have to loose weight! Also, I don't want to just loose weight, I want to get to a very healthy weight, where I should be!

    Although today's weigh in was discouraging, I am reminded that it is really at my goal I set for myself in January.
    3 pounds per month, which, had me at 197 by the end of March. Ok, I was 197.8. I'll accept that, knowing it will drop back down again next week. I look forward to reporting to you all the good news on Monday April 8th :)

    @kcdlg and everyone else, on this thread, go to the first page, there will be a shaded star in the top right corner above the threads. Click on that, it will turn yellow I believe, then it will then be saved to your favorites. After that, each time you log into the Community section you will see the star in the same place, top right, click on it and it will show you all your saved threads.

    For those of you starting, share with us your current weight and your goal weight. Then each week we can check in with each other. I think a daily log in is also helpful. I am logging my food daily, that is REALLY making the difference for me.

    Have a great day, week and APRIL ;)
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    Here is my first post to this group :)

    I'm with you!! However I can't figure out how to keep track of ya'all :) Do we just come back to this same thread all the time?
    Yesterday was my first "official" restart day. I even measured my food. It's been over a year since I've exercised, or tracked my food. The 20 pounds shows it! Now I'm about 50 pounds overweight AGAIN! Help!!
  • thenewkayla
    thenewkayla Posts: 313 Member
    Add me I need more active friends
  • sososoph33
    sososoph33 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey guys, kinda went off the grid last week but back at it this week. Day 2 and keeping to my 1200 calories. Even started doing the c25k through the app -dunno how long that will last but sure God loves a tryer 😘
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,345 Member
    Don't know that I have started MFP 88 times--but for sure diet tries over my life. First started here in 2014, weight 180. Got to a low of 138 in August 2016. Between 2014 and now my husband died unexpectedly and I had two hip replacements. Was having at 145 for a while, but last year after second hip I wasn't logging and not really exercising (for legit reasons!). Started to get back to walking last fall, pulled something in leg so backed off walking, enjoyed holidays way to much, and found myself at 162 March 7 of this year and decided that was it.

    I have a record to show me my weight does better when I log everything. I think we can do this!
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    Add me I need more active friends

    @thenewkayla You are added just by being here :) Keep coming back to this thread and share with us how you are doing. I have also accepted your friend request ;) Thanks for reaching out!

    @sososoph33 I had a rough couple of weeks myself. Feels so good to be back in the groove! Glad to see you are back on track also! I am going to do a Cize class tonight. Like you, don't know how long it will last, but I'm going to give it one heck of a try! I'm also going to try to implement doing a PiYo class on Thursdays.

    @ginnytez I'm sorry about the loss of your husband. Sounds like you have had much success and continue to be doing good. I agree 100% LOGGING makes it for me too!! Yes, we WILL DO THIS, for the last time ;)

  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,345 Member
    And I don’t want to forget that in 2006 I was 220 pounds. Evidently I don’t believe in rushing things!