How often do you eat fast food?



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    The only fast food I eat is Chik Fil A, and I get a grilled chocken sandwich with a side salad instead of fries. I eat there about once a week. I won't touch other fast food restaurants with a ten foot pole. If I'm gonna eat a to of calories, I'd rather have a good steak or some seafood. Nasty burgers a McDonalds is so not worth the calories.
    OMG now I want Chik Fil A. Closest one to me is where my parents live and that's an hour away!!!!
  • shelbym87
    shelbym87 Posts: 122 Member
    Well my family gets pizza 2-4x a month. I usually know ahead of time and I workout a lot that day or save calories for the evening. When things get a little crazy schedule wise we tend to eat out more. My husband and son both have crazy metabolisms so they can eat anything they want and not gain a pound. I, on the other hand, have a milkshake and you can see it go straight to my butt!
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    My view on fast foods changed when I watched " Food INC" and " Food Matters " On Nexflix.
    All those bad fats do us no good.
    The meat on those burgers ain't all meat :/ It's very low quality.

    So it comes down to loving your body enough and giving it food that will make it better not sick ..

    The weightloss should be secondary, being heatlhy is 1st priority.
    When your body is strong filled with nutrients and all it needs it will be do a better job at getting read of fat .
  • I just wanted to know how many people here do, and how many times a month/year is it OK
    to eat fast food? My friend and her family usually go to mcdonalds, and panda express, and burger king
    ALOT throughout the week, and i dont understand why when they have so much to eat already at home
    (theyre a big family 4 kids, 2 adults, and outta the 4 kids, the 3 girls are overweight)
    I was just wondering ( since im a little overweight myself), how often is it OK to eat fast food especcially since
    i work alot in the evenings, and sometimes it seems quicker and easier to pick something up on the way home.
    Im trying to cut out the habit, but i just wanted to know if i should cut it out entirely? =/

    subway is my only fast food and that has become a treat in itself. I dont really even want the other stuff. I probably get subway about 1 time every 2 weeks.
  • sgcjkg
    sgcjkg Posts: 1
    Never !!! I'm old school. Always made things from scratch. Problem is I love to bake. But I do make chicken nuggets and I bake them. They really come out good:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    MAYBE once a week... if I'm going to the chiropractor and don't have time to eat but need to work out as soon as I get back, I'll grab a chicken, egg & cheese bagel from Chick Fil A. If I HAVE to eat fast food, it's either Chick Fil A (deluxe or chargrilled deluxe), Subway (chicken breast on flatbread with veggies and avocado), Starbucks (Bistro Boxes for the win!) or Wendy's (chili and baked potato). I try to limit it just because the sodium kills me.
  • NEVER.... if i have to eat out i always choose pubs and resteraunts, so i can "attempt" to choose the healthiest option.

    I would like to have KFC when i maintaining my wait,in which id proberly say monthly/bi-monthly..
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    You may be able to find healthier alternatives such as B.Good, or Qdoba (some healthier choices here.... watch portions), etc.

    I would highly recommend finding a whole foods or local food co ops with a hot/cold salad bar. Fast and relatively inexpensive... just watch the choices and the portions.

    I would also concur with some previous posters... maybe once a month on the fast food if it is something you really enjoy. your tastebuds will change over time, and it may eventually taste pretty gross if you only eat it very rarely. If you eat it regularly, you're not giving your body time to clean out the junk and you are not allowig your tastebuds to adjust to a healthier diet.

    I think any weight loss that happens while still eating fast food regularly is not gonig to be maintainable in the long haul without making lasting changes in your diet..... and unfortunately that means saying goodbye to fast food.

    Don't worry about how much fast food other people eat. You need to decide why you want to lose weight and how bad do you want it? If you aren't ready to make significant dietary changes, then perhaps you don't want it bad enough... Only you can decide.

    best of luck.
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    i dont really like mcdonalds though. it seems disgusting. =/ when i unwrap the burger, it just looks SO GROSS. at least here it does. i dont understand it lol, but when youre hungry, anything taste really good at the moment.

    I'm not alone! I never understood the appeal of McDonald's.

    I like Panera, Subway, Taco Bell's Fresco menu, or a Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich (a real treat) once in a while. Most of the time, I prefer cooking or good ole' Jersey diners.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    I'm in minority I eat easily 3 or so times a week. I use to eat it daily. I'm trying to cut back cause honestly none is the best for anyone. However I don't realistically see myself never eating it or want to completely stop. I try to make decent decision such as no sodas no fries, those 2 in my opinion are the worst. Usually I don't crave the fries anymore but depends where I go :P. I don't ban any foods just try to allot the calories in my day or wait for my cheat days. I'm a very picky eater so still adjusting my taste buds slowly. Plus Subway is my least fav food place LOL mostly due to I get turkey bread cheese and mustard only. So I really feel jipped with my food there, if I want more meat I have to pay :( even though I don't use their veggies but occasionally I will get banana peppers.
    So just be familiar with nutritional info on your fav foods and go from there :D
  • I have gotten so careful about what I eat..I am afraid if I say its ok on any level that It will become ok again for me..And for myself it was a hard habbit to break...if I am at a point in my schedule where I need something quickly, I have researshed a bunch of menus so I know what is as healty as I can get from fast food. for example, chicken breast sandwich, no mayo or cheese...a side of BBQ sauce if need be and a side salad with healthy dressing. My problem is usually no matter how healthy it can be it is always loaded with drink lots of water.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    Lately my post guilt will not let me go there. It's been a couple of weeks
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    In the last 6 weeks I think I've had two McDonalds (out of convenience), but I get a chinese every Friday night.
  • it isn't where you eat, it is what you eat. I think all the fast food places have websites that breaks down the calories and nutrition. It is actually surprising how fatty and caloric some of the salads are! I have a droid, so I have all the nutrition sites bookmarked and when I do go, I just pull that up and see what is the best choice for me.McDonalds has a grilled chicken wrap that is tasty and low in calories. Try a parfait instead of a sundae....
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I get a 6 inch sub (chicken, lettuce, onion and cucumber, no sauce or cheese) every Monday but I have state training (coaching) and it's much better than the Maccas or Red Rooster (cooked chicken, not fried, but they have chips and so on) that the girls I coach get!

    It's not the best option, but I take the longer route to work that day and am also on my feet for three hours constantly walking so I figure it's OK.
  • I used to have a McDonalds once a week and that was after work on a Saturday. Since starting my weight loss (officially started 2 weeks ago), I haven't touched fast food and I don't plan on touching it for as long as possible!
  • pazzescauna1
    pazzescauna1 Posts: 43 Member
    I have to be honest-- I eat fast food probably about 3-4 times a week, but I will always order either a salad or a grilled chicken sandwich with no mayo, and I'll usually only eat 1/2 the bun. You can eat fast food as often as you like as long as you modify it a little bit and stay within your calorie range. Believe it or not, it's not COMPLETELY bad for you. Just try to make healthier decisions. HINT: If MFP doesn't have the calorie content, the website of the fast food chain usually does. Wendy's, for example, allows you to modify your choices on their website to compensate for the calories you don't want to consume. Best of luck, babe!! Just try to stay within range. :)
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I like to say NEVER but I know that's not really feasible to most people. I have had fast food (fresco menu from taco bell, wendy's chilli, subway (salad or turkey sub on wheat) 5 times in 8 months. That's mostly because I don't really crave it. Even if I get hungry while I'm out, which does happen because I work for a dog walking company so sometimes I'm out a lot for extended periods of time, I keep almonds in my car. I remember how bad I felt when I ate fast food too - and so it makes me not even want it.
  • ant_man
    ant_man Posts: 29
    well its up to the individual and how healthy/unhealthy is the fast food.. do u count subway as healthy or unhealthy. Some of the subs are high in fat and calories if u get a number of options. i normally eat subway 3 times a week i normally get a vegetarian wrap/foot long with no cheese so its just a salad sandwich. in Australia it suggests "extra foods/junk foods" max 2 times a week.

    at MC Donald's the salads are okay just don't have the dressing. it is high in fat and calories.

    their is nothing wrong with it, if you cant make food or you don't have time. Its about the food choice and what you think is healthy or not

  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    I go maybe once or twice a month on average. My husband and I don't normally pick fast food as a meal option, but will stop when we are travelling and occasionally I'll go with a friend.
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