Sexy in Six! (Closed Group)*****Week 1 Chat



  • Wednesday QOTD

    What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My goal weight is 120. When I got pregnant I was 125, so my original goal was 125 but secretly it was 120. I didn't want to say the 120 goal out loud (or type it, whatever) because I didn't want to fail! Now its out there!

    In my late teens/early twenties I hovered around 120 with moderate effort in the gym, I stayed around 125 with no effort, although I ate rather well. I feel like I should be able to get there again now that I am really trying. My husband met me at my lowest and tells me all the time how great I looked back then (in a nice way with out insulting my current body). I felt the best then too!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Goal weight....I actually have My first is a mini goal of 250, just to break up the long stretch of my 2nd goal to get under 200. I honestly cannot even remember the last time I was under 200. Once I make it to Onederland my next goal is 170 bc at that point I will no longer be "Obese." I plan on reevaluating at that point to see how I look and feel bc I do have a large frame. I actually want my ultimate goal weight to be 140 bc that is high end target weight for my height. Like you, it's hard to say (type) 140 and put it out there bc I don't wanna
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    my goal weight is also 120. it seemed like a reasonable number. i'm 5'5" and my range is from 107-140 something. but honestly if i get to a certain weight where i am ecstatic about the way i look i may change my goal (just in case my original number is too skinny)
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey? (You newbies out there are probably already noting changes too!)

    The biggest change I've noticed is my relationship with food. I am a serious emotional eater, bored eater, stressed eater, see food diet eater...well you get the point. I am starting to change the way that I think about food. While I am not yet to the point where I have a great focus on nutrition (mine is mostly on calories right now :() I am very aware of what I should and should not be eating, and try to cook healthy and balance out meals. This is a major victory for me and far more life changing than the number on the scale!
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    Wednesday QOTD

    What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My goal weight is 140. This will put my in the healthy range for my height. All through high school I never dropped below 160. I am currently 230 and cannot wait to see what I look like when I finally reach my goal!

    My goal weight for this week is to get under 230! I cannot wait to say good bye to the 230's. I have already said goodbye to the 260's, 250's and 240's. NEVER AGAIN!!
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    Wednesday QOTD

    What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    Right now I'm 5'6, 213 lbs.

    Goal weight is 148 and I decided on that weight because that is the littlest I have ever been and I would like to be back there. I have been thinking though if my body will go lower, I would love to get to 128 though. But, idk if my body would do that. I would want 128 because (silly haha, I know) I read that some 5'6 celebrities were that weight and I absolutely love the way their body looks and it would be nice to be tiny... a size 4 would be amazing.
  • Wednesday QOTD:
    My goal weight is 118 because that's what I was through the whole of highschool before I started gaining weight and I felt comfortable.
  • lee155
    lee155 Posts: 120
    sorry for the late reply! I couldn't find the thread

    Tuesday's QOTD: Weight loss and healthier lifestyles affect more than just the number on the scale. What has been your most noticeable change (besides weight loss) since beginning this journey?

    My self confidence, after losing 45 pounds I now can now walk with my head high. I am no longer afraid to go outside. My attitude towards exercising and eating healthy has change for the better. I feel like a totally new person.

    WEDNESDAY QOTD What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My Goal weight was 140, but my ultimate goal weight is 130 pounds. I love Fashion and clothes, I just wanna look thin.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    WEDNESDAY QOTD What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My first goal is 150lbs, after which I don't really have a goal weight. I'll keep going until I find a number where my body and I am happy at. I felt my best at 120lbs so probably around 110-125lbs.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Wednesday QOTD

    What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    I used an ideal weight calculator that took into mind the fact that I like to enjoy the occasional treat, my bone structure, height and such. It said 141. So that is my goal. :)
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Wednesday QOTD:
    What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My goal weight is 132 lb, but really, I want to be below 120++ lbs. I chose 132 lb, cos it's more realistic for me, since that's the healthiest weight I was at after graduation (Gym everyday, and sometimes twice a day). I'd still be at the heavier end of the healthy weight range, but given my body shape and considering that I was really fit at that point, I'll be happy enough in that range.

    And if I do reach that goal, I'll try and work my way to the 120++, but that would be a real bonus for me, cos that's my weight in college. :P
  • WEDNESDAY QOTD What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My goal weight is 150lbs and ultimately 135-140lbs eventually. I was 150 when I started nursing school and then gained all my weight from becoming a stress eater so I want to get back down to that. 135 is what I am supposed to be for my age and height.
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Wednesday QOTD "What is your goal weight and how did you decided on that number?

    My next goal is to get UNDER 150 - for the first time ever - I am at 158 now and I started at 212 (from there I reached my goal of 165 - 3 years ago - and have recently decided I want to be a solid single digit size (I bounce between an 8-10.) My job is quite physical, so my recent addition of more exercise outside of work is the tool I'm using to get my goal. Once I am under 150- I will have to see where my body wants to go from there, I'm hoping to settle in around 140-145, I think that will be a comfortable and reasonable weight for me :)

    Happy Wednesday!!!
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    Wednesday QOTD

    What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My current goal weight is 150lbs because thats the weight I was in high school before my university life threw me for a loop. However, after I reach 150, I would like to see if I can get myself down to 140. I've never been 140 before in my life so I'd like to see how my body will adapt to it.
  • almille
    almille Posts: 89
    Wednesday QOTD

    My goal is 150, at least for the immediate future. I remember feeling really great physically in highschool at 140 ish, but I was running track and younger. I'd like to have significant muscle, so I'm not going to try to push the weight down too hard. Weight crept on me pretty slowly from 140 to 170, but then over a rough year I jumped up to about 185 and that's when I started feeling flabby and tired and decided to put a stop to it. I'll hold at 150 for a while and see where I want to go from there!
  • leamatthew
    leamatthew Posts: 162
    Wednesday QOTD

    What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My goal weight is some peoples starting weights but for now it works for me, 243lbs (i'm 5'10") if i was to make it any smaller id panic as id have a whole lot more to loose. I'm basing my goal weight of the weight that i would be allowed IVF (if needed) i'll still be classed as obese but i will also be 181lbs lighter so i no that will boost my life span!

    Once i get there if i still feel i want to loose more then i'll set my final goal.
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    Wednesday QOTD

    What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My weight goal is around 180-200, i decide on that number because that would be a healthy number for me and it would look best on me at my height. I weighed 177lbs in middle school so i would love to see that number again or be close to it. With support ant motiviation and will be able to see it again!

  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    My goal weight is officially 130, but I'm not opposed to my high school weight of 125. That is the healthy weight for my height. I'm hoping to reach it by December so I can enjoy a few months thin before I try for baby #2 :)
  • My goal weight is 140. That is the lowest that I've ever weighed and felt great. I am mad at myself for ever putting it all back on, but hey that's why im here!...I also want to be 140 because that is in the middle range for a healthy weight for my height. I feel good, look good and like the way i feel at 140. Therefore, I WILL get to 140!!..hopefully by december!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    My goal weight on MFP is 135, which is possibly a little overreaching. Last time I was under 140 as an adult I was anorexic and it did not look good on me. It's so strange to think that when I was a teenager and 126lbs, I thought I was a hippo and entered eating disorder territory. I would LOVE to be that again!

    Right now my first goal is to back to my pre-baby weight before my twins' first birthday (Nov 15, 15lbs to go). Then I'll attack 10lb chunks until hopefully I can get to 130-140.