How far are you from your goal weight?



  • julesdechaine
    julesdechaine Posts: 138 Member
    I only started back up actually tracking/logging March 11 but

    height: 5'6"
    SW: 194 (in Feb)
    CW: 185
    GW: 135-140

  • babbruzzino
    babbruzzino Posts: 1 Member
    Height - 5’3
    SW- 142
    CW- 123
    GW- 115/118

    Got a little bit to go, i’m trying to get back to the weight I was all throughout my teens. Trying to learn to be more comfortable with the weight loss ive made, and proud of how much i’ve changed my habits and body, rather than dwell on the little bit I have to lose and the lil mistakes I make along the way!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    height 5’ 7”
    SW 221 (last September)
    GW 159
    CW 157

    Not sure where I want to go from here. I am still losing at a pretty decent clip, even though muscle % has already gone up considerably since I started all this. I am still figuring out this whole “new body” thing, but TBH I think the ole bod is just overjoyed (or incredibly relieved) at the whole process. It’s like my biggest cheerleader.

    Not quite sure where I should be ultimately, but enjoying where I’m at in the present, as they always proclaim in yoga.

  • caindove11
    caindove11 Posts: 73 Member
    edited March 2019

    SW: 238
    CW: 190
    GW: 185

    May go a few pounds lighter once I get to GW. Focusing on recomp right now.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    36 years old, 5'0"

    SW: 145
    CW: 129
    GW: 115-120
  • LaurenMT96
    LaurenMT96 Posts: 184 Member
    23, Female, 5'8

    SW: 259
    CW: 166
    GW: 161
  • MelinaBoo
    MelinaBoo Posts: 3 Member
    SW - 202
    CW - 190
    GW - 145

    I’m 5’10”, been through a lot of terrible things in the last two years and loaded on the weight. Out on my own now, taking my life back... time to shed the negative AND the weight.
  • KKsGirl
    KKsGirl Posts: 12 Member
    SW: 213
    CW: 207
    GW: 155
    This past month I’ve been maintaining my weight..ready to crush my goals in April!
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    59, female, 5’ 4.5”

    SW - 140.8 (Feb. 25)
    CW - 137.6
    GW - 130

    I’m doing a recomp though, so my weight may not change all that much. I’d be happy at 135. My big goal is getting rid of fat, getting stronger and looking better in my summer clothes. Of primary importance to me is eating enough protein and fiber, which I don’t always manage to do at a deficit. I am religious about lifting 3x a week (beginner level, but a bit more weight each time) and I am fitting in some cardio too. My biggest challenge is PATIENCE.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    edited March 2019
    SW: 158 height: 5'5

    Trying to lose the last of my pregnancy weight. it has been much more difficult this time around (4th kiddo) but I think I finally found the determination this month to do it. I've been going up and down 135-138 since September, no more sitting in my comfort zone, kicking butt from now on until I hit my goal or at least fit in my summer clothes.
  • amiscci999
    amiscci999 Posts: 2 Member
    56 years old, 5’6”
    SW: 135
    CW: 129
    GW: 125

    These last 4-5 lbs are sticking to me like glue! I lost 40 lbs between 2012-13, was 153 got down to 113lbs (way too thin) on 1350 a day. Gained back 10 lbs on purpose, and my wine added another 10ish+ over a few years...Flash forward, post menopause, and I’ve been keeping to 1200 (or less) a day and this time it’s going very slow. VERY slow. I know what I’m doing and logging/weighing everything but it’s hard losing that last 5lbs this time around! I’m working out 2x a week and yoga 1-2x a week. Ugh! Keep at it I guess!
  • SMKing75
    SMKing75 Posts: 84 Member
    5'6.5 in
    SW: 280
    CW: 158
    GW:150 or so

    As long as I get to 154 and see the normal BMI I am not too concerned with weighing less.

  • jlgmfp
    jlgmfp Posts: 33 Member
    edited March 2019
    I’ve just started but I’m about 10lbs away, to get to 117lbs (5’6”). Somehow still feels like a long way to go.
  • hybridangel
    hybridangel Posts: 25 Member
    Sw 13st 1
    Ultimate goal is 9st 13
    Current goal is 12stone.
    I am doing meal replacement diet along with eating natural food and one meal of 600kcal.

    My projected weightloss to 12stone 5 is 5 weeks.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,627 Member
    sw: 198
    cw: 155
    gw: 145
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    5'7", currently 146 lbs, trying to get back to 132.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    On a very slow roll here. 5' 7" F, 40

    SW: ~163-166
    CW: 149
    GW: 128-135 (will evaluate as I get into that range)

    My original goal was 128 as that was my "happy weight" through my 20s, but I've been doing a lot more focused weight lifting the past year and a half, and I'm fairly certain there may be more muscle mass than I used to have (while I was always fairly strong, I didn't really lift weights much, either - some, but not regularly, mostly active jobs).

    If my "saddle bags" are still hanging around at 135 I'll keep going until I'm closer to my old weight.

    Similar here; 5'7" F, 42. SW originally was 161. I'd gotten down to my goal range of 128-133 for a while but when I got a new job (which involves a lot of sitting) I gradually gained 15 lbs over about 18 months. Working to get back to more consistency with my exercise and nutrition.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Female 5'5.35"
    CW: 156.2
    GW: 137 or so...
  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    Female, 41, 5’5’’
    CW: 139
    GW: 125ish
    Goal is just a guess as the number doesn’t matter to me. It’s been slow going so far, but I’m hoping to be losing fat while retaining muscle mass.