Just Lost All Feelings of Accomplishment

I am literally posting this bc I am at work and about to burst into tears and I feel like if I don't vent, I will lose it. To begin with, I am exhausted from my event yesterday and I am pre-menstrual, so I am sure that doesn't help me.

But there were a lot of pics taken at my event that I managed yesterday and my co-worker just posted a bunch on our intranet and was like "Woohoo, look at all the pictures" and I guess I thought since I have lost 50lbs that I may actually resemble a normal human, but I do not. It was literally heartbreaking and now I am miserable. I look like a linebacker for goodness sake. And I was wearing a black suit so I cannot imagine how bad I look otherwise.

I guess I didn't want to acknowledge how bad it must have been before I started really trying to lose weight, but I thought after all of this hard work I would look ok in a picture, but I don't at all. So I feel like people must be thinking, she lost 50lbs and she still looks like a monster.

And now I am just a mess, I am sitting here at my desk crying and of course, I am being taken out for a "job well done" lunch and I have no desire to eat a single solitary thing.

I am sorry for whining and crying about this, but that just absolutely zapped all of my motivation and I feel like I am going to have an emotional meltdown.


  • Quiltmania
    Well, I took a look at your before and after pics at the end of your post, and I think you look lovely. You've done great to lose 50 pounds! Keep it up.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    maybe you should not be judgng your pics if you are pre menst just saying
  • ccmulder5
    ccmulder5 Posts: 75 Member
    oh sweetheart.. you look AMAZING!! i see a MAJOR difference!! it's hard to see ourselves in photos.. you have done an awesome job with your weight loss.. you should be SO proud!! hang in there.. we are most critical of ourselves.. <3<3<3
  • NatalieWiley
    NatalieWiley Posts: 147 Member
    Just think how you would have felt if those pics were taken 50lbs ago. You would be feeling much worse. Pick yourself up and remember that you will be using these pics as a milestone on your journey and showing people what near your half way (close to) to goal pics looked like.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Your before and after pics tell a different story- you look GREAT! Not to mention, we are our own worst critics. Cut yourself some slack- you have lost 50 pounds and are doing fantastic. Are you at your goal? No. Most of us are probably in the same boat...we look better than before MFP but aren't at goal yet and aren't in love with how we look. But you are well on your way. Don't beat yourself up and forget about the great success you've had so far.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    Don't let pictures get you down. I totally understand how you feel, but you are going to be much harder on yourself than anyone else ever would. They are probably looking at the same pictures, and thinking wow she looks amazing. Losing 50 pounds is a huge accomplishment, don't let a picture ruin that for you. Plus. remember that pictures add weight, and if you aren't posing for them, then who knows what angle they are taking. You look amazing in you before and after pics. Just keep at it. Go have lunch, celebrate the amazing work you have done, and keep going. THat is all you can do.
  • sunnie_skyes
    I'm not sure what you expected but, I think you look fabulous. Maybe you had unrealistic expectations. We're always harder on ourselves than anyone else is.
    Please don't let this discourage you, if anything, let it motivate you so maybe next time, your expectations and reality will be closer together.
    Keep up the good work!!! It will pay off...it already has.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I feel you. We're so used to being rewarded for hard work that when that reward is slow in coming it just sucks. There's no getting around it. Of course you're proud of the 50 pounds and of course you look and feel better but that doesn't change that you want to be at your goal RIGHT NOW. All I can tell you is to accept that, realize how far you have come and know that if you give up, you'll never hit that goal. It sucks today, but a year from now when you look back on this, you'll be glad you stuck with it.
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    I imagine you are being very hard on yourself. Find a photo of yourself from 50 pounds ago and compare. You probably look a lot better than you're giving yourself credit for. Keep your chin up! You're beautiful and have accomplished a lot by losing 50 pounds! :smile:
  • allycaturban
    Ya know you might not be where you want to be yet. However, you look so muc h much better in your after pic. Don't lose motiviation. You are making great progress. I think it is a natural reaction to hate the way we look in pictures. We easily find our own flaws. Don't give up keep going :)
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    Did you know that pictures taken from bad angles can make you look 20 pounds heavier than you are anyway? Don't be so hard on yourself, and focus on how good you feel losing that 50 pounds.

    Internet *HUGGGGGGZ* for you. Keep up the good work, and I, for one, think you look beautiful.
  • crfeeney
    crfeeney Posts: 28
    You look great. I know what you mean. Realizing that you've done so much and there is still so much furthur that you have to go can be frustrating. But let that motivate you! You will never go back to your old weight, will you?
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    maybe you should not be judgng your pics if you are pre menst just saying
    Those damn hormones are STRONG! Don't let them win! Don't let them control you, you will snap out of this soon and realize you have worked hard and WON and you keep on winning, remember that!
  • juliekin
    juliekin Posts: 139 Member
    I have had that response, too! It's sooo frustrating. But honestly, put up a picture of yourself at full weight and then take a picture today at your weight. Measure your body and give yourself an honest appraisal. You HAVE lost all over the place and do look better, but it's comparing yourself to before. You HAVE changed, but your eyes has been tricked by seeing yourself in the mirror every day. Seriously. Take the photos, put them side by side, and LOOK! I can see it, but you have to pretend that you are a stranger to yourself to see it!
  • anjelyc23
    anjelyc23 Posts: 15 Member
    I have to agree that you look fabulous after losing 50 lbs! We are our own worst critic. Look at those pictures next week. I bet you have a different view.
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    I don't think you look scary huge/monster like in your BEFORE pic, let alone after.

    Remember, photos always make people look larger than they are. When I see myself in a photo, I always think I look SO big - even when I know when I looked in the mirror, I wore something very flattering!

    Do not let this get you down. If anything, look at the photo and think "well, I still have a ways to go, but I knew that. I can't imagine how upset I would be to see these photos if I still had that 50# on me."

    Look at something that weighs 50#. You lost a 3rd grader! You are rocking this journey & you will continue to do so! Now, go take your kudos for a job well done with co-workers who like and respect you and want to honor your contributions. They are not judging you by those photos.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Lady, 50lbs is to be amazing proud of! You should be so happy you have dropped 50lbs! I know those hormonal feelings are just creeping up and making you feel bad but you have come a LONG way!!!!!! Sure, maybe you are not at your goal weight but imagine what you would look like had you not dropped 50lbs? Imagine how you would feel like right now had you seen those pics with 50lbs packed on your body?!!!!!!

    Keep your chin up and keep going! Soon enough you will see the change! It's not even worth getting upset about it. I know sometimes I take progress pictures and I feel like, "damn I haven't changed much" but I have to remember that I cannot expect to look skinny like some model yet. It will take a while! And by the way, I think you look awesome! Stop being so hard on yourself!

    KEEP GOING!!!!!!
  • takm0527
    takm0527 Posts: 53
    Your beautiful! Your doing awesome! Hang in there!
  • trilikeagirl
    The only person who noticed that is you. I felt much better about being overweight when I started realizing (and believing) that everyone is too absorbed in their own lives/ self (guilty!) to look at others that closely. I don't know who looked like what at the end of the day, or if they wore mismatched clothes, or if they were fat or had a bad hair day. I only know how it felt to sit in the same room with them. Some beautiful people manage to mess that one up every time!!! lol. But it freed me up to stop kicking myself and be ok with where ever I am in my body process. 50lbs is CRAZY btw. Think about all those skinny *****es who have been working on losing the same five lbs for 10 years. :)
  • chiken88
    I just looked at your before and after pics at the bottom of your post and I can see a big difference. We are always the hardest on ourselves. I bet most of your colleagues notice the difference in you and I am sure they are thinking you are looking great. I think before photos are great because when you look at those you can remind yourself how far you have come already. Remember we don't gain weight over night so we don't lose it over night. 50 lbs is awesome! Go out and enjoy your lunch...make good decisions about what you eat though so you won't be beating yourself up again later. Also go exercise tonight...that always helps me to feel better. Be proud of your accomplishment!