losing weight at 60 plus

my name is Diane. I hope that this will help me lose weight. I will start on April 13th


  • someones_angel
    someones_angel Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Diane. Welcome. 60 plus here too. This site helps me a great deal. I am Type 2 Diabetic and keeping track of what I eat has helped a lot. Good luck on your journey. And feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. Getting and giving motivation also helps.

  • Nerys52
    Nerys52 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi and welcome. I am 59.
  • MaryFloNS
    MaryFloNS Posts: 19 Member
    Hello, my name is Florence or Flo if you prefer. I really never knew there was a community, as all I ever used was the food tracker. I'm glad to find a group of like minded people. I was exploring the site and discovered when I signed up, it was a year ago and at the same weight I am today. I guess I gained all that I lost and now it's off again, so just picking up where I left off. I'm 72 and have been diagnosed type 2 diabetic, but I'm hoping through changes that will no longer be the case. My number 1 problem was Pepsi, I just couldn't give it up, even after I was diagnosed. However, I have not had even a sip of Pepsi since the first week of March. I'm drinking a lot more water, especially with meals, and to replace the Pepsi, in moderation, I am drinking Coke Zero. I also made a spur of the moment purchase to get me walking, a treadmill. I just got it set up yesterday, only got in 10 minutes today, but it's a start. I've also introduced popcorn into my daily routine, better than the potato chips I used to eat.

    My highest weight was at 315 lbs, that was few years ago now, now I'm at 265 and losing. I gave up Pepsi, and also my number 2 problem, pastries, cookies, cakes all the good stuff, but I do indulge once in awhile. I don't eat enough vegetables, mainly the leafy green things and other vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, I just can't bring myself into eating those things. My problem is I'm a plain eater, don't make anything fancy, not adventurous at all.

    I'm really enjoying the ease of MFP, it really does have a large range of products that are dead on, it helps me keep track of everything I eat. It's a great tool. I'm also going to keep track of my walking which will help also.

    Sorry for the long post, hope I didn't bore you.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all. I'm from Nova Scotia just outside Halifax.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    Nice to see a few fellow over 60's people trying to focus on healthy lifestyle. A little about myself, I will be 69 in a couple of weeks, cancer survivor, love to travel and have now decided to get serious about my weight. Highest weight was 189 and now down to 175. I am 5' 5" and small frame so that is too much weight for me. Trying to get to 150 and will see from there if I can maintain or lose a few more pounds. Right now focusing on not going over the allotted calories, cutting out junk food, and eating more healthy options. Would welcome some friends if anyone is interested. Good luck to you all.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,882 Member
    Hi, all! I've been here for a while, going on 4 years, now maintaining weight (5'5", mid-130s) at age 63 after losing from obese (183) back in 2015 at age 59-60. I've "met" several people here who've lost from the 300s to a weight in the normal BMI range, including some our age. This can work at any age, with any goal! :)

    There's a nice group for over 50s here on MFP at this link: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/100593-over-50-group

    Also, there are several ongoing or recurring threads for women our age over in the "Motivation and Support" part of the forums, with nice and supportive people on them.

    I suggest reading the posts in the "Most Helpful Posts" part of the "Getting Started" and "General Health, Fitness, and Diet" parts of the forums: There's gold in those posts, which were written by MFP users, and nominated as "Most Helpful" by other users. Direct links:


    Best wishes for much success! :)
  • WorkinNurse
    WorkinNurse Posts: 17 Member
    I am also over 60 now. Hurt my knee, gained 8 or 9 lbs, stopped smoking gained another 9 or 10 lbs. then Corporate Restructuring dissolved my position, and another 5 lbs from Comfort Eating! Ack!! I am skating right on the edge of Type II Diabetes and it has to stop now! My knees and back feel the extra weight so I am back on here again too! I enjoy reading the posts for motivation.