

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I just took a walk around the block, did it yesterday too, with a walker, and hubby right beside me, but it's coming along, the knee is moving, and the ROM (range of motion) is 100, so the PT people are pleased. I get my staples out tomorrow (hope that doesn't hurt), and will continue to do the home exercises over the weekend.

    Diet is on hold, haven't lost any, but haven't gained any either... which is a good thing... I need to get this knee going again before I can think about continuing my diet..

    Have a good evening,
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Sorry I have been off for a few days. I went on the weekend to see my stepmother and there was no computer. Then once you get behind on the posts, it gets so hard to catch up as we are such a chatty group, aren't we??

    Welcome to the newcomers.

    I do hope everyone is okay. Michelle, I have you in my thoughts that your biopsy is okay.

    I will try and post more later. Work is extremely stressful, My bosses are heading off on a 2 week vacation so things have been chaotic with closings and them trying to give me things that needed to be done before they left. It will be a busy 2 weeks. When they come back I am then off for 2 weeks. My DH and I are headed on a cruise. I can't wait.

    Anyway, my Friends, I will try and catch up later.

    Take care.
    Cathy xx
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    rosied - I plan to take some time off from exercising so that I don't get sweaty. The last thing I want to do is introduce bacteria and then get some sort of infection which may last a while.

    Faye - now I'm stress baking/eating waiting for the results. Something inside of me is saying that they aren't going to be great. I've made Bryan a sour cream lemon pound cake and another one to put in my freezer. Vince said that the cookies I made last night weren't as good as the ones I made previously (I tried altering the recipe) so I may try making them again but this time going strictly by the recipe. If that doesn't work, I'm just going to can that recipe.

    A friend of ours called to ask me if I felt the earthquake. Honestly, I didn't feel it. Vince was sitting on the couch and he thought it was one of the cats underneath the couch!

    When I went for the biopsy they kept talking about how I should take Tylenol for pain. Is there something wrong with me? I don't feel pain. Discomfort, yes. Then again, a few years ago I had a hemmerhoidectomy and the MD gave me these pain pills. Vince kept asking me over and over "did you take something, did you take something" that I started thinking that maybe I was hurting myself by not taking a pain pill so I called the nurse. She said if I don't feel the need for a pain pill, then I shouldn't take it. Guess I just have a high threshold for pain. My concern is that when you do something that you shouldn't (like lift too much) your body will tell you "I don't think so" in the form of a pulling sensation or stronger pain. What if I don't feel a stronger sensation and I do something that hurts me?

    Natlie - you're doing just great!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Michele, I'm thinking happy thoughts for your biopsy results.......I'm sure the worst thing will be the days without exercise----that would be so hard for me

    :bigsmile: the storage is almost empty......hubby will finish bringing the last of the books and bookcases tomorrow with the help of a friend......I have been doing my fair share with the moving but I refuse to move furniture :laugh: my big job now is changing our address with all the people we get mail from.....at least a lot of it can be done on the internet......I remember when you had to mail your change of address to everyone.

    :bigsmile: Natalie, it's great to hear that you are up and moving more.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • mimi7grands
    Hello my friends,

    I've been scarce in these parts lately. Was not doing so well for awhile but am back on track again. The never-ending saga!

    Michele, thinking about you and hoping all goes well with the biopsy. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Natalie, congrats on your great progress. Woo hoo! :flowerforyou:

    Sissy, so glad your results were good. Having to go back is always a worry. I'm sure Michele relates right now!

    Amanda, what a lovely obituary. Your FIL was so young. That must make it even harder. My sympathy to you and your DH.

    Kackie, you on a horse! You're amazing! :love:

    I'm heading to bed early tonight (really early for me) so will keep it short. You're all in my thoughts though.


    p.s. almost forgot to mention - a very big congrats to everyone on the veggie train. We are rockin' it! I'm proud of us. :happy:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Only a quick post this morning, I've just heard about the earth quake and hope all my American friends are safe and well. (I've read a few posts and it seems some of you didn't realise it was an earth quake) but not sure how near to it you were.

    :noway: Thank goodness we don't get many quakes over here in the UK. We had one a few years ago, and our dog Tara must have realised something was going on because that night she decided to go sleep up in Heather's room with Frankie. I slept through it, hubby woke up a bit wondered what was going on but fell asleep again! That has been the only time that Tara wanted to sleep upstairs. We always joke now that if she does it again then something is going to happen. Mind you it probably was very small compared to the quakes you get in America.

    :flowerforyou: Michele take it easy. The hardest part now is waiting for the results! I know what you mean about painkillers though, I left hospital with Paracetamol (painkiller), Codeine Phosphate (stronger painkillers) and Diflofenac Sodium (anti inflamatory) I took a few paracetamol before bed on the first night home, the next day my boob was quite swollen so I took one diflofenac but it make me feel a bit nauseus so I didn't take any more. I managed on just a few more painkillers, I only took one strong painkiller, as you said it's uncomfortable, the pain was managable. I did notice it ached more, the more I started to do normal things. It still aches a bit even now almost a month later.

    :flowerforyou: Natalie sounds as if you are making a good recovery, take it easy and don't rush.

    :flowerforyou: for everyone I haven't mentioned, Hi, hope all is well with you.

    Bye for now

    Viv xx
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I am watching the weather. It is amazing how much we can fret about things. My sister called and is all upset that we may get the hurricane….on Monday. We are supposed to take my cousin to the hospital for out patient surgery. He lives about an hour away and the hospital is about 30 minutes from that…. We can’t worry about this yet!!
    I was up .2 at the weight loss challenge last night. I am thinking that it was a lot worse a few days ago. I a reading The 4 Day Win and using some of the strategies and I feel it has helped me to really recommit to my food plan habits( logging everything, planning meals I like). I have done a couple of new things. I got a new program for the gym…this morning will be the first time I do it solo. I also am starting to plug in my food for the day ahead to see the breakdown of calories,etc. It feels good because I feel like I am shaking things up and maybe that is what I need right now. When I got on automatic, I tend to let old habits sneak back in.

    Welcome Zee.
    Michele……I hope you are feeling better and that the news is good.
    Natalie…. That is great that you are walking around the block!
    Barbie…Wow…you have done a great job unpacking.
    Have a great day,
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi ladies

    Michelle, I hope you are feeling ok after the biopsy.

    I'm in the middle of cleaning my refrigerator and freezer out and have decided to do a 'chuck in' tonight. DH and I call it an enthusiasm meal as I put everything I've got into it!

    For some reason I have a real craving today for a coconutty cauliflower curry, so that is going to be the basis of my evening meal - I'll add some spinach to it too, so it should be good. DH is having calamari (yuck, but he loves it).

    It's been a bit of a chilly day here, I've even got my boots on to ward off the cold feet problems.

    Tomorrow is DH's birthday and the day after is DD#2's birthday. I think there will be cake involved, but I'm not tempted by that, so I should be fine.

    Must get moving. My bony bum doesn't like being sat on for too long these days!

    Hugs to you all.
    Amanda x
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    I didn't realize how many calories are in a cup of grapes! There were two entries for grapes, each for 1 cup, one entry had it at 110 calories, the other entry had it at 62. Why is there such a discrepancy?

    I thought of an exercise that I can do. Admitted, it won't burn many calories. There is this zen meditation on the Wii. I haven't done that in a long time. Now I won't get sweaty, but I can probably do that since it's mostly just sitting.

    I thought of one bad thing about this biopsy -- I can't lift Loki (the cat we have who is 15lbs) to give him his Loki kisses. I'm sure he's real upset about that.....lol

    barbie - when we moved, I just waited until I sent out the Christmas cards and then told people my new address!

    mimi - I sure can relate to the stress of having to go back for more pics. Now for the added stress waiting for the result of the biopsy.

    I felt so foolish yesterday, I didn't even realize we'd had an earthquake until a friend called to tell me! Vince was sitting on the sofa and he thought one of the cats was under the sofa pawing at the seat! Now Jessica is in VA, she called from work, seems they evacuated her building, which isn't surprising since they evacuated the Pentagon and Capital

    Amanda - happy early birthday to your dh and dd

    Now for the great news: the hospital just called. It was begnine!!!!

    Gonna post the great news.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Natalie - It sounds like you are doing great with the bionic knee! You must be so happy to have that over with.

    Barbie - Glad you two are settling in so quickly.

    Michele - I am keeping you in my thoughts. I hope you hear the results soon.

    WOO HOO - BENIGN !! I just posted and saw that you had posted before I finished with this, so I just had to edit and say yippee! What a load off your mind. :happy:

    I am back from my colonoscopy. The procedure was easy. The worst part for me was no water 3 hours before the procedure. I had a headache and they had trouble finding a vein both from dehydration. I drank two bottles of water as soon as I woke up. No polyps and I'm good to go for another 5 years.

    Now as soon as I hear back about my mammogram, I will be done with doctors for a while. Well, except for my eyes. I do have to make an appointment with my opthamologist. This was deal with my health month. Something I had been ignoring - not a good idea by any means.

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I think the all the advice is good here, just eating sensibly too, with the fruits and yogurts...
    I get my staples out in 2 hours, I am scared, I am a whimp, hate pain.
    I love Salmon on the grill, I make more than we need and make it into salmon salad with dill for the next day for lunch. I make tuna salad that way too, eggs, mayo, tuna, and dried dill... yum.
    Off to the doctor, will also go see granddaughter this afternoon, she is 14 days old!!
    I am SOOO GLAD that the operation is over with, and I am almost pain free, there is some pain, but that is post op, and at 3 months they say you will hardly notice.. I am still on pain meds.. but that will slow down as time goes by too.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    Back from Minnesota and just heard about the earthquake yesterday. I hope everyone back East is doing well. It must have been such a surprise to all of you.

    The wedding was OK and it was good to see everyone. My SIL's family dominated everything and my parents, kids and our friends from Connecticut were treated like casual friends instead of family. $5.000 to get the five of us there and back and we never even got introduced to the groom or his family. The old friends did what old friends do and told my brother quietly and nicely he was being a jerk to his family and he did apologize and change his plans for Monday to spend the day with Mom and Dad.

    It is good to be home. I will be re-weighing and re-setting all my goals on September 1. Between now and then, I will just focus on not overeating like I did while away.

  • ritamerlot
    ritamerlot Posts: 44 Member
    Now for the great news: the hospital just called. It was begnine!!!!


    Wonderful news!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Michelle, yippee....I'm so glad for you that the biopsy results were good

    :bigsmile: Faye, glad your colonoscopy went well with good results.......not for another five years, that is really good news.

    :bigsmile: our good news is that hubby finished emptying the storage today so we have all our stuff with us and we don't have to pay $120.00 a month any more.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Barbie so good to hear that you are all moved in. you have been doing great calorie burns. Michelle great news. I know the waiting was torture. So good to have so many on here but overwhelming reading sometimes. I am back on exercise track and plan to make it stick. You know me either all or nothing. Hoping to change that but will go with the all for now. have bunches of exercise videos and never really did them but started doing them this week and really like it. byron has fun getting on my back for push ups and stomach for sit ups. makes it interesting. I also have many many channels on tv and on demand for exercises so am thinking I will start checking those out. just to get in habit and then I am good. I really am ready to get this last 50 off and keep it off. Natalie so glad your surgery went well and you are on road to recovery. I am more like Michelle with pain tolerance but know it is hard to be in pain. I am going to go get a shower now. Kenneth took a rare mid week day off and we are going to get some errands done when byron wakes up. have a good day ladies. sorry for lack of caps I am lazy today at typing.
    vicki M
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Yeah!! Michelle!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Now for the great news: the hospital just called. It was begnine!!!!


    Wonderful news!

    Great news YEAAAAGH!!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good afternoon everyne

    Great news from Michele, Natalie and Faye. I had one of those plantar warts on my foot and the doc just recommended that I get the stuff from the drug store. You have to soak your foot, then scrape the wart then put on the stuff and a plaster every day. It took ages for it to go, but eventually it got all scraped out. If I felt one starting again I'd start the treatment a lot earlier. I never go to the pool without shoes as I'm sure that is where I got it from. One of the women admits that she has plantar warts but that the doc won't do anything about it because she has other health issues and a tendency to infections - so she just shares it with everyone else. When I take my shoes and socks off my feet go directly into the pool shoes without touching the floor at all and the same when I'm getting dressed, the pool shoes are the last things off one by one and straight into my outdoors stuff.

    My DBF is going to go ahead with a knee replacement - his appt with the doc isn't until November, so goodness knows when the surgery will be. He has other problems he is trying to deal with (wires left over from a broken leg are unravelling and sticking into him on the inside). He is waiting for copies of his x-rays so he can take them for a second opinion.

    We had a weekend away last weekend and came back via the US and I was able to get two more bottles of the Wellesse liquie glucosamine with chondroytin which seems to be helping somewhat - I've only been taking a half dose every day because I can't just get more without making a trip to the US.

    Marion - welcome. I noticed that you said you were disappointed you had only lost 1 1/2 pounds in a month. If you are consistently losting that much each month then you are probably doing things slow and steady which is the best way. I bet you didn't gain more than that in a month.

    For those who are having problems losing, I have read that if you mix it us a bit - overeating one day and undereating the next then average for a couple of days or some combination - high, normal, low, normal, normal, high etc - that that really helps if you have reached a plateau.

    Must go an refill my glass
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Checking in here quickly before I head to the gym.

    Genealace - Have you looked into getting the Wellessee glucosamine with chondroitin and msm through Amazon?

    I just ordered some from there even though I can get it at WalMart or Sams Club. It's a long drive to those stores for me so whatever I can get without the drive makes me happy!

    I just priced it and Wal Mart has it for .80 per ounce and Amazon has it in the big 33 ounce bottle for .71 per ounce. Also if you have prime shipping - a one time yearly fee for products labeled for prime shipping, your shipping is "free". Even if you had to pay shipping, I think you would come out just as cheap as Wal Mart, especially as you apparently can't get it in Canada.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :flowerforyou: today I've been busy sorting books and discarding the ones that are being kept for no good reason. Until we figure out what we have, we cant' decide which shelves to use for which books so right now there are piles of books everywhere.

    :flowerforyou: thanks to the dogs, I have over 20,000 steps today and hubby has over 16,000. Some steps are from golf (hubby) and line dance (me). I wish we could put pedometers on the dogs to see how many steps they walk (run) every day.

    :bigsmile: with all the heat in Texas and other southern spots and the weird weather (hurricane warnings and earthquake) on the East coast, I am embarrassed to tell you that NW Washington has the best weather ----sunny and mid 70's :bigsmile: