fit for october challenge



  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    nelski the shred is killing me not so much what the moves are more the ability needed i have joint problems so the jumping jacks well most of the cardio is hell on it ive had to adapt and i use a disc thing that you stand on and twist side to side and move arms in swinging motions for the 2minutes cardio and the strength moves on level 2 are affecting my shoulders so im doubling up on some and adapting others to prevent injuries ive still jarred my ankle when i tried the skate slide thing on cardio and stretched a muscle too much on my hamstring not to mention the agrevating an old whip lash injury in my neck so thats sore but i am enjoying level 2 more than level 1 it actually feels more like a work out i m not sure the wieght losee is from that im thinking its more from cutting back on salt i went very overboard last week with that and chocolate so i think ive evened that out and now ill see if i lose i havent lost any inches as of yet which i am hoping for but im glad im perserveering with it

    chalean sounds fun not sure if i could get into i must admit i miss my cardio workouts from wii jogging on trampoline it seems like such a small amount of calories burned on shred compared to that but i do agree soreness tends to show we worked out good and we know when we`re ready for more its why i moved to level2 after 8 days instead of 10

    we are going to be super skinny i worked out i need to lose 1lb per week now until october to be at my target weight fingers crossed ill manage it
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning tuesday already

    hope your all being good its gone very quiet on here lately im hoping that sebcause your all so busy being good you dont have time to post

    todays plans involve shred level 2 and trying to get some more cardio in even if its just cleaning again i also need to food shop never fun with 5 kids but must be done

    have a good day and be good
  • Gembo82
    Gembo82 Posts: 29
    Hello, well the weather here today is wet and windy (yuck)
    My plans today involve doing the shred day 4 today, i hope it will be alittle easier for me today though my calves are still all stiff and sore!
    Also i want to clean the house and sort out my sons toy box, i am having a night out with a good friend on Friday so want the place to be sparkling for when she arrives.
    I still havent lost any weight :( but i am still hoping to have lost alittle by friday but the chances of that are becoming slimmer and slimmer as the days go on.
    Hope everyone else is doing well.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning and happy hump day

    yesterday went well i was under calories did level 2 shred 3 days of it and im liking it better than level 1 also did 30minutes jogging on wii and beat my best distance by almost 1000metres

    today im hoping to be just as good and do shred and jogging aswell and eat sensible

    gem i was stiff until like day 5/6 but then i was ok and it is worth it to stick at it level 2 is more fun harder but more fun and if all else fails at least it means were moving our butts instead still being on fb all day LOL
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    Options i totally fell off the wagon this weekend...YIkes. AFter flights canceled/delayed (on both ends), no more than 3 hours of sleep a day and of course the fabulous bachelorette food - I am ready to get back on plan. I am feeling pretty decent though - I did do a 9 mile run Saturday morning and had amazing dance party that evening. Started back at the gym yesterday and plan to hit it for the rest of the week. Back on for the battle of the bulge :)

    Keep up your good work ladies!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Sounds like you burned a ton of calories on Saturday mabrywynn so I wouldn't worry too much about it!

    I just finished week 2 of Chalene Extreme. I'm so glad I stuck with it. I got up early with my husband to walk too. He jogged/ran but walking was enough for me. I needed a little extra burn because my company is having a BBQ and taking us to a Phillies game today so some unhealthy foods are ahead. I'm going to really try not to eat too much and not drink beer.

    Have a great Hump Day!
  • Gembo82
    Gembo82 Posts: 29
    Hello everyone, well day 5 is done and dusted and i wasn't as breathless when i finished so i hope that means i am getting there. I also did 20mins on the stationary bike last night. I am kinda doing it all wrong at the minute i have a friend coming down from wales this Friday who i haven't seen since May and i was 5lbs lighter then (i'm terrible) so i have had some tips of other ladies on here to try and help me lose a couple of pounds before she arrives ( it isnt working at the minute) but i am still trying so i am eating a lot less calories than i should, i know if i lose any it will be water weight and once i eat normally i will prob put it on again but i am determined to finish what i started now i just wanna look abit slimmer than i do now as my friend is super slim!!

    Anyway hope everyone else is doing well.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    is it s bedtime yet i feel so sleepy today but i did shred day 4level 2 im liking it bette rthan level 1 i still have to adapt some moves so i dont injury myself but its definately stretching muscles

    other than that i did not alot apart from laundry and running around after kids

    mabryynn that sound slike a great workout so i wouldnt worry too much about the weekend.

    nelski well done on week 2 of chalean completed is it getting any easier or do you still finish an dthink oh god i cant move leave me here to recover? or maybe thats just me lol

    gem im sure your friend is visiting because she syour friend not to worry if you gained some since last time she was here we are going to get skinny for us just it will take us some time but when we do get there we will be so much more determined to maintain it because we worked alot harder to be there
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning happy thursday

    its gone very quiet on this thread i hope your all behaving yourselves..

    todays weather is absolutly miserable there go my plans to go out but i do have plans to tally scrub my girls bedroom move some funriture to clean under it and generally throw some stuff away seen as its in a huge mess thats a good 5hour job but when its finished it should look fantastic

    im also needing to do the general sweep mop of downstairs and vacuum im sure when schools open i dont have to clean nearly as much and in between i need to fit in shred day 5 on level 2 and im not bored yet
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Morning all!
    I managed to get back on track today and get my early morning workout in! I've been quite bad with workouts - though still good on the food front - mainly because I've been working late and spent my evening cleaning for family visiting this weekend. At least the cleaning is me moving about and with the mess in the flat it does count as a workout I'm sure!
    Another long day ahead, but I have a good food plan for today and with my workout done, I feel like I'm on the right track this week for a good weight loss!

    It's almost the weekend - keep positive!
  • Gembo82
    Gembo82 Posts: 29
    Morning everyone, well i am out at my mum's today and wont be home till 5ish so i might need some butt kicking to get me on the shred then, i will be cleaning at hers so hopefully will burn some calories that way.

    I admire people who can do early morning workouts i am so not a morning person and cant seem to function till midday at least, i suffer with meniere's disease and mornings can be tricky for me.

    Well i hope everyone has a good day and does well with food/workouts =)
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning.
    Well I was not good yesterday. At all. Ate bad, drink beer but had a wonderful summer day so I'm not going to stress over it.
    Good thing I got my workout in early yesterday.

    Monkeysmum, I think the workout is slightly getting easier, but only in the way that I've figured out my form on the moves. It's still very challenging especially since I'm trying to up weights when I think I can. Sometimes I do feel like I might die lol.

    Gembo, I'm with you. Most morinings it's hard for me to workout. I still try it sometimes and can handle lower intensity exercise but other times I feel like I'm gonna throw up.
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    neiski + gembo = i read something that some people work better morning and some at night...same as I guess "morning people". I am a morning person and workout much better in the morning. In the afternoons/evening it is much harder for that is why i hit it in the mornings. could you guys switch to the afternoons?

    monkey - girl your house must be amazingly clean. I haven't cleaned in a week (going out of town/lazy/mil surgery) tht now I am just looking around and slightly overwhelmed. Much easier when I keep on top of things oh well

    i went to a nutritionist yesterday...she will be sending me a meal plan which I am very excited about.

    hit up the gym this morning for no limits cardio - felt *kitten* is burning! yeah - time to go run 10000 errands while my mom is in town

  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    mabrywynn i so wish my house was clean i must sound like i have ocd the amount i clean but with 5 kids is a never ending battle i didnt get to the girls bedroom i must tackle that tomorrow its like a bomb exploded in there but heres the good part

    i did spend 1 and half hours scrubbing my downstairs i bet it lasts about 30minutes until kids eat but it looks fab now i also did level 2 shred and scrubbed my bathroom toilet training kids and clean bathroom not a good combination and i spent an hour helping my friend move furniture things from her second floor flat into my van and then out again at her new house lots fun and a good workout

    nelski + gem i tend to try and workout in a morning because the longer i leave it the more i think i dont want to i like to get it over with today i did shred at ttime and it was such a chore kind of feeling i have to do this and after cleaning and the house moving stint i really didnt want to glad i did but i didnt want to

    cdpm well done on getting back motivated i need constant help to keep at things like workouts especially in warm weather i feel so sleepy i dont want to another reason i like morning it hasnt had a chance to get too warm today started so cold and rainy and ended up really hot and sunny
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Turbo Fire just came so I'm going to change my workout schedule to the ChaLEAN Extreme/Turbo Fire hybrid. I'm starting tomorrow!
    Oh boy

    Gonna go Turbo Jam in a bit...

    Have a good night everyone.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning yaaay for fridays

    today i need to do shred and help my friend move some more boxes more today means less next week but hopefully being out means my kids cant make so much mess in the house hopefully lol

    nelski where do u get the energy im pooped after shred let alone another workout as well
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning, it's Friday!

    Monkeysmum, I only did one workout yesterday, Turbo Jam. Starting the mix of Turbo Fire and Chalean Extreme today.

    I'm down a pound this week so happy about that! I'm really hoping with the HIIT workoutsof Turbo Fire and the muscle building I should get from Chalene Extreme will really start melting the fat away.

    My weekend plans have been shot by hurricane Irene. My husband and I were supposed to be to the Jersey shore, right outside of Atlantic City but that can't happen now. We may get hit well inland here in Philly with major rain and wind so just hoping we don't lose power.

    Have a good day!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    nelski keep safe ill be thinking of all people in hurricane it kinda makes me glad im in uk even tho our weather sucks our shelters are awkward about resuing animals and we have so much crappy politicians we are still very luck no extreme weathers and free health

    ive just done shred i think ive done 7 days on level 2 now still enjoying it and its pushing me the cardios a pain that i have to keep adjusting as her cardio is very bad on my knee joints but i definately prefer the strength on level 2 to level 1 i am totally pooped now tho lol
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning i love the weekend 2 days of no stresses no work oh and kids making loads mess

    i hope everyone has some good healthy plans for the weekend? mine involve loads of laundry while the sun is out yesterdays rain all day meant i have loads today i also need do shred and try and do some jogging on wii

    be good i shall check back in later
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    happy sunday where did you all go we have 7 weeks until october and no one checked in yesterday i hope you were all super busy and being extra good

    today is going to be a pain im visiting my mom so no control over food and she tends to cook non healthy stuff but before i go i will day 8 level 2 shred really getting into it now i like the strength moves and im hoping i can lose a couple inches even if i dont lose weight id at least look slimmer

    have a good sunday everyone