Sexy in Six! (Closed Group)*****Week 1 Chat



  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My ultimate goal weight would be 150. I'd love to be smaller, but I don't want to lose all my boobs...haha! No, but seriously, that's what I was when I graduated high school. I have a bigger frame too, and quite frankly, I love my curves...I just want less of them than what I've got now. I don't want the boyish figure or anything.
  • Magic_Girl
    Magic_Girl Posts: 158
    Wednesday QOTD: What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My ultimate goal weight is 120-125. The last time I remember being under 140 I was in 5th grade. I started high school at 170 and my senior year I was going up and down between 140-145. I began this year at 150 and now I'm starting my second year of college at 140 again, which I haven't been in 2 years. My healthy range for my height of 5'2" is between 101.2 - 136.7. I will be so excited once I hit the healthy range. I want to be 120 because I know whenever I DO gain weight I usually only gain about 5 to 10 pounds, so it would be easier to maintain a healthy weight and be happy and confident with my body. I also want to be toned. I don't only want to be healthy, but also strong and lean! :)
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    QOTD Wednesday
    You know I didn't even think about this so I have now been forced to....
    I am just a little short of six foot tall. My ideal weight looks like being 158 pounds - this would put me in the middle of the healthy range. 150 is a rounder number, but then so is 160..... depends how 'sexy' I look and feel when I get to 160. But in the meantime, I need to get into the overweight range, and need to duck below the dreaded 200 mark - oh my word: the shame I feel for being over 200! I was so shocked when I discovered this was my weight - I haven't weighed myself for years and years and had no idea! Funny that those numbers are now starting to mean something to me....
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My Goal weight is to be around 120 - 130 and LEAN. At one point in my life I weighed 130lbs, but did it the wrong way and looked horrific. Also, I was what you would call skinny - fat. I was a size 4/6 but, flabby not toned. So this time around I want to be lean and fit.
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My goal weight is 145, which is right in the healthy range for my height (5' 8"). I wasn't too far from that (152) about 5 years ago, and then I met my husband and it's been slowly creeping on ever since. I felt really good at 152 though, and so if I level off at about 150 I'll still be satisfied.

    For me it's also about what size pants I wear...that also really helps me to get a sense of where I am health-wise. When I was 152 I was a size 6/8, and I got comments about being "skinny" or looking good. I want that again!
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My goal weight is 135. I decided on this number because I looked into what the ideal weight would be for my body type. My family thinks I’ll look too skinny but if thats a problem I’m sure I can do something about that.

    In the end, I don’t care wbout the number, I want to look FIT. If I look sickly at 135 then I’ll be happy at 140. We’ll just have to see!
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    Wednesday's QoTD: Goal weight

    My goal is 120lbs, or what I weighed BEFORE starting professional school! :)
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    WEDNESDAY QOTD What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My goal weight is 150. I dont remember ever seeing 150 on the scale. Once I get there I will reevaluate if I want to lose more
  • smte
    smte Posts: 95 Member
    What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    I've gotten down to 138 before, with a goal weight of btwn 130. I was told many times that 130 may be unrealisitic. I didn't like that answer, but couldn't get my weight to go down at all! Instead, I ended up gaining 15 pounds. So, now my goal is to get back to 138 again, and, I know it's not much more, but I'd be really happy to get to 135, and be toned. I'm trying to realize that it's not all about the number on the scale, if I weigh a little more b/c I have muscle...well, I'm going to be alright w/ that! :)
  • NicholeAJ
    Wednesday QOTD: What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    146! it would be exactly 100 pounds!
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    I am aiming for 150ish lbs. I am 5'5" . I look back at pictures of myself in my 20's when I weighed 125-30 and I was really too thin although I thought I was fat! Talk about distorted body image. Now that I am at the upper end of my 50's :noway: I want to be at a healthy and attractive weight. I have seen too many older women lose way too much and they actually look sickly and haggard after they have lost lots of weight rather than healthy!! I don't want that to be me!
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My Goal weight is 125 because that is what I feel my best at.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Wednesday QOTD

    What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My goal weight is 125. I am wondering if I should be aiming for 115. I have seen charts and stuff that suggest 115, but it seems so impossible to me. I know 125 will be awesome. Once I'll get there, I will see how it feels and if I want to go for 115.
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    My goal weight is 150. 165 is the highest of the healthy range for BMI, but I want to try to go a bit lower. I can't remember ever being that small, so if I get to a weight that I feel fantastic at, I may stop before then.
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: What is your goal weight and how did you decide on that number?

    My goal weight is 140 lb. The lowest I have weighed in my adult life was 142. It was pretty difficult to sustain there, I was working out 2 hours a day and only eating around 1000 calories a day. I was obsessing. So why would I want to be lower now? Well it's a goal. I am trying to get o where I am solid lean muscle. When I start to see that I will stop caring about the weight and care more about how I look and my % body fat.
    Sometimes I fear I will obsess to get to 140... but hopefully I can avoid doing that :ohwell:
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    Okay, my turn!

    THURSDAY QOTD: What is your favorite food and/or exercise "discovery" since starting this journey?

    Hopefully we can all get some ideas and tips from each other's answers!
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Okay, my turn!

    THURSDAY QOTD: What is your favorite food and/or exercise "discovery" since starting this journey?

    Hopefully we can all get some ideas and tips from each other's answers!

    My favourite food since starting this is salads really....the fresh ones, cos before I used to eat them after they're soaked up in grease and other stuff. Plus, they're low cal!!!! I also realised that I love running & walking. I used to be terrified of running, cos it was so painful.
  • BrightEyedandHealthy
    Thursday QOTD: I definitely realized how much I love cereal! Sugarfree fudgesicles have gotten me over my sweettooth!! Also, I realized just how crappy I really felt when I was eat junk food all the time. I don't feel bloated anymore :)
  • Honey1990
    my goal weight is 124. i love the way it sounds and cant remember ever being that weight. Its also around the low to middle range of my healthy weight range.
  • Honey1990
    my fav food is rice crispies treats!!!! only 90 cals.