3-Month Weight Loss Challenge, May - August, Pick Your Difficulty

Kiyomoo Posts: 354 Member
Hello everyone! Welcome to this three-month weight loss challenge.
If you join May 1st, then you will end August 1st.
If you join May 2nd, then you will end August 2nd.
So on, so forth!

You get to choose how much weight you want to lose within this three month period.

Level 1 - 5 pounds ★
Level 2 - 10 pounds ★★
Level 3 - 15 pounds ★★★
Level 4 - 20 pounds ★★★★
Level 5 - 25 pounds ★★★★★

Sign up now!

(Optional form for posting):
Challenge Starting Weight:
Challenge Level:
Challenge Goal weight:

You can post your progress weekly, monthly, sporadically. Just make sure you keep to it and try your best! Good luck!


  • kristawatkins52
    kristawatkins52 Posts: 147 Member
    I am up for this challenge! I will be doing three stars as I think 15 lbs over three months is manageable while still living life and enjoying food. I will be back on the 1st to post starting weight and the other info!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,327 Member
    edited April 2019
    It's was really wonderful to see so many of you at or close to your goals in the previous Challenge. You have every reason to congratulate yourselves for your achievements.

    3MWLC ~|~ May to August 2019
    May will be better for me. Upping my goal this time. I have 10 lbs to lose, and am determined to achieve it.

    Background information
    Went up to 172 at the end of 2017 (Christmas etc), but have lost that again. I am very close to maintenance, so weight is dropping very slowly, but I would so like to hit my goal before my 53rd Anniversary in July. Still working on muscle toning at the moment, but the scale has evened out, and I am losing again.
    Daily Health/Fitness Goals
    • Daily step goal is 9000. I do 15+ strength most days, targeting specific areas, and Yoga/Tai Chi for flex.
    • I eat 90% 'clean/healthy' food and adhere to CICO. I do extra exercise to earn extra calories if I want treats.

    Location: Northern Ireland
    Challenge Starting Weight: 164?
    Challenge Level: ⭐️⭐️
    Challenge Goal: 154

    01 May:

    Last Challenge
    01 Feb: 165.0 Started a muscle strengthening programme on the 26/1. My initial body assessment was very encouraging. Expecting weight fluctuations as the body adapts.
    08 Feb: 165.0 My weight loss has halted, much as expected. In fact I had expected a small gain! Go figure!
    15 Feb: 165.2 This process is seldom predictable. I will just go with the flow.
    22 Feb: 164.5 Now that's a surprise. Mind you, I only did one gym session as my schedule was choc a bloc.
    01 Mar: 164.9 Second body assessment showed some improvements. But fitting in the gym sessions was problematic.
    08 Mar: 167.5 I upped my calories this week, specifically protein. And Valentine's Day choices have led to a bounce up. This always seems to happen to me when we celebrate.
    15 Mar: 167.4 Focused on getting in some extra workouts, being more stringent with clean eating by weighing food portions, and replacing empty calorie snacks with healthy alternatives.
    22 Mar: 166.2 Much happier with this. I have the odd blip, but generally sticking to my plan. Time will help me win through.
    29 Mar: 166 not much progress to report.
    05 Apr: 166 Keeping on keeping on. I have been wavering up and down half a pound, and it is creeping down, but ever so sloooowly. 😂
    12 Apr: 165.4 nice wee drop. 😄
    19 Apr: 164.0 The scale has dropped steadily this week. Hoping that it will continue. It will be tough though, as tomorrow is my birthday, and then I am going to a family celebration on Easter Sunday.]
    26 April: 164.4 The drop down was short lived. What with Easter and my birthday. But I have stayed more or less steady this last week.
    30 April:
    Goals for Progress
    • I am pre-logging my food and drink to balance macros/micros, weighing portions, and adjusting the entries as necessary.
    • I am fasting from 8pm to 9am daily, and have replaced most of my sugary snacks with more nutritious, protein-rich alternatives such as nuts.
    • I'm looking for a downward trend on the scale over the next few weeks. Intrigued to see if it will pan out.
    • I am exceeding my daily exercise goals
    • I am working on muscle tone, and developing strength and stamina
  • jennigerding19
    jennigerding19 Posts: 261 Member
    I am in. I like these challenges and its great seeing everyone checking in and working towards their goals. I will post my first weigh in here Friday the 3rd.
  • lacy246
    lacy246 Posts: 4 Member
    I am so excited for this. I will be doing the level 3 as my minimum goal but I’m shooting for level 4 as a big goal. I will post starting weight on the 1st :)
  • pizzafruit
    pizzafruit Posts: 317 Member
    I'll join. I like the different levels and 3 is reasonable. The flexability of weighing in as you like is a big plus. I'l be posting weight beginning on the 1st. :)
  • N_Strauss
    N_Strauss Posts: 23 Member
    I’d like to join ☺️ Tried it once before but was not in the right space/time to be able to really commit myself. But I feel like I am now!

    I’ll be checking in every Monday starting on the 6th.

    Challenge Level: ☀️☀️☀️ (aiming for at least 1lb/week)

    Good Luck to everybody!
  • kittary
    kittary Posts: 80 Member
    I will be doing my weigh in every Sunday
    Challenge Starting Weight: ????
    Challenge Level:☆☆☆☆
    Challenge Goal weight: 150
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    Alrighty then... I'm in and looking forward to a renewed effort. I'm getting close to my ultimate goal weight and trying to tone-up at the same time; so it's slow going. I'll shoot for level two, but I'm also looking for toning progress:) So let's do this!!

    Located Northern California
    60 years old, Female, 5'8" tall
    Original Weight: 187 (10/1/18)
    Challenge Starting Weight: 165
    Challenge Level: 🏃🏽‍♀️🏋️‍♀️
    Challenge Goal weight:<155

    Weekly check-in Sundays:

  • ChattyCrafty
    ChattyCrafty Posts: 16 Member
    I'd like to join. I'm hoping to find motivation for the next step down off this plateau:
    Location: Sacramento, CA
    Original weight: 228
    Challenge Starting Weight: 198.2
    Challenge Level: ** (lose 10 pounds)
    Challenge Goal weight:188.2
    Start Date: May 1
  • dervlabyrne
    dervlabyrne Posts: 1 Member
    Me too!. I'm 152 and want to get to 140.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,582 Member
    I am in! This will help me great ready for my trip to the beach in August.

    I was at my lowest weight at 165 pounds in April 2017 after being very strict with macros. It was a good weight loss, but I gained about 10 pounds back and was not able to lose those 10 pounds. I then creeped up to 187-189 late 2018. I’ve been hovering around 183-185 for the past couple months.

    Weekly Goals (May - August):
    Exercise at least 5 days a week or a minimum of 210 exercise minutes.
    Meet or stay under calorie goals at least 6 days a week (including eating back exercise calories burned).

    May Goals:
    Reduce alcohol consumption to a maximum of 2 drinks per week (2 pints, or 2 glasses of wine for example)

    Challenge Starting Weight: Will post on May 3rd.
    Challenge Level: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Challenge Goal Weight (August 3rd): 162 pounds.
  • mustangem82
    mustangem82 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in again, thanks for organizing! I'll weigh in weekly on Fridays. So excited to be so close to a major goal... 135 is "normal" BMI for my height. The last challenge was really good for me. This one will be a toughie but going to aim high!

    Challenge level: ★★★
    Goal weight: 135

    1st weigh in 5/3
  • _Mina_A
    _Mina_A Posts: 12 Member
    I want to join. Starting weight 165lbs 5'6. Goal weight is ultimately 130, but for this challenge I'll go for the 25lbs that'll get me down to 140lbs !
  • dscmom
    dscmom Posts: 34 Member
    I have enjoyed reading everyones goals and am in for the challenge as well. I originally started trying to get healthy again in Late February of this year. I look forward to having you all to share this journey with :)

    Original weight: 218
    Challenge Starting Weight: 199
    Challenge Level: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Challenge Goal weight:184
    Start Date: May 1
  • anniecowgirlup
    anniecowgirlup Posts: 11 Member
    Count me in! B)

    Start Date: May 1st
    End Date: August 1st

    Challenge Starting Weight:184
    Challenge Level: ★★★★
    Challenge Goal weight:164
    Checking in: Weekly
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