Victorious Vixens September Challenge (CLOSED GROUP)



  • CNParker
    CNParker Posts: 108 Member
    still in!!!
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    I'm still in! And looking forward to Sept., Kim, I'm glad you are willing to take this on. It must be a big job. Thank You
  • maroon98
    maroon98 Posts: 121
    Hey gang,
    So far, the following folks are "still in" for the September challenge...Pammie and cnparker.....anyone else? If I don't get a response I am going to put out the word that our group is looking for folks to join us.

    swills...I am going use the banner for the group...I don't think you would mind but I wanted to let you know. It's a great banner and an awesome name. Thank you for putting it together!
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    I am still in - I will post more a bit later. Still recovering from the water park yesterday.... SO MANY STAIRS!
  • Hey gang,
    So far, the following folks are "still in" for the September challenge...Pammie and cnparker.....anyone else? If I don't get a response I am going to put out the word that our group is looking for folks to join us.

    swills...I am going use the banner for the group...I don't think you would mind but I wanted to let you know. It's a great banner and an awesome name. Thank you for putting it together!

    I am in
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    Hello everyone, I just wanted to thank you all for understanding my decision to pull out and a huge THANK YOU to maroon98 for stepping up to lead the group!! You guys will kick butt I'm sure ;)
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
  • maroon98
    maroon98 Posts: 121
    Hi Victorious Vixens!

    We have our team!

    They are ( in no particular order):

    1. kdoak87
    2. Mios3
    3. Mrivera713
    7. Pammie1000
    10. maroon98, Team Captain

    I'm on the August challenge and it's been great! There were things I wasn't sure about before but I can totally do them now! We are going to be the Victorious Vixens!!!
  • sknopps
    sknopps Posts: 166
    Hi! My name is Sandie. I'm 23, married to to a wonderful guy and I have a 1 year old princess. I joined MFP about a month ago and I absolutely love it here. Such awesome encouragement :) This is my first challenge and I'm looking forward to meeting new people and pushing myself further. Please feel free to add me!

  • maroon98
    maroon98 Posts: 121
    Hi! My name is Sandie. I'm 23, married to to a wonderful guy and I have a 1 year old princess. I joined MFP about a month ago and I absolutely love it here. Such awesome encouragement :) This is my first challenge and I'm looking forward to meeting new people and pushing myself further. Please feel free to add me!


    Welcome to the group!!! It's going to be great!

    Kim (maroon98)
  • maroon98
    maroon98 Posts: 121
    To clarify, the challenge officially starts September 1 and runs through the end of Sept.

    I will have more information for you as the time comes closer--Gary6030 is running this whole thing and he sends out instructions to the team captains on a weekly basis.

    So hang tight, there's nothing to do for the challenge until Sept. 1.

    In the meantime, I'd love to learn more about my fellow teammates!

    My name is Kim, I'm 35. I live in NC and I'm looking to really cement healthy habits. There's a strong history of diabetes in my family and I want to "buck the trend"! I love to play tennis and go swing dancing. I'm looking to get involved in my local community theater and I'm learning to sing!

  • maroon98
    maroon98 Posts: 121
    Mios, welcome to the group!!!
  • kdoak87
    kdoak87 Posts: 27
    YAY so excited for another challenge!
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    Mios, welcome to the group!!!

    Soo excited to be a part of the group :) Actually I was just telling my co-worker that I felt like I won the lottery cause I've tried to be a part of other groups but never made the cut off LMAO!

    Anyways my name is Naomi. I have 3 kiddos, ages 14, 10, and my little man is 3. I am 37 lbs down with about 25 more to go to get to my ultimate goal of 120-125. I have been jogging for the last month 5 miles 2-3 days a week, and biking about 10-15 miles on the other days. I also do weights on a daily basis after work 5-6 days a week. I have been slacking the last few days cause of my bday and my moms bday (which is the day before mine) and have gone up 1lb so it is time to get my behind back in gear and finish this! Thanks ladies, and nice to meet you all :)
  • jkmcgee
    jkmcgee Posts: 3
    I am looking forward to this challenge it is my first one! I have a few concerns about completing what's going to be required of me. I don't want to let the team down! Do I understand this correctly, are we in competition with other groups for points? Totally new to this part of MFP. I have been using it exclusively for tracking calories and workouts. This has also been mostly from my phone as I don't always have time to sit down at a computer everyday, which I find ironic being what they call a Stay-At-Home-Mom who seems like she's never actually at home...
    Back to my point, if there is some kind of daily check in thing required, I hope it won't be an issue if I do it all on one day maybe retroactively or something? My phone app doesn't have any of the extra bells and whistles, pretty much just food and exercise tracking.
    I feel like I am pretty active, I go to they gym almost every day, my favorite things to do at the gym are classes, I do barbell strength classes, kickbox aerobic classes (sometimes w/weighted gloves and bar) and spin classes. I also play indoor soccer once a week. I am over forty and I feel like my struggle with weight comes mostly from food choices. Is there a component in this challenge that will focus on nutrition in addition to exercise?
  • maroon98
    maroon98 Posts: 121
    I am looking forward to this challenge it is my first one! I have a few concerns about completing what's going to be required of me. I don't want to let the team down! Do I understand this correctly, are we in competition with other groups for points? Totally new to this part of MFP. I have been using it exclusively for tracking calories and workouts. This has also been mostly from my phone as I don't always have time to sit down at a computer everyday, which I find ironic being what they call a Stay-At-Home-Mom who seems like she's never actually at home...
    Back to my point, if there is some kind of daily check in thing required, I hope it won't be an issue if I do it all on one day maybe retroactively or something? My phone app doesn't have any of the extra bells and whistles, pretty much just food and exercise tracking.
    I feel like I am pretty active, I go to they gym almost every day, my favorite things to do at the gym are classes, I do barbell strength classes, kickbox aerobic classes (sometimes w/weighted gloves and bar) and spin classes. I also play indoor soccer once a week. I am over forty and I feel like my struggle with weight comes mostly from food choices. Is there a component in this challenge that will focus on nutrition in addition to exercise?


    Great questions! Welcome to the challenge! If the September Challenge is anything like the August challenge, then, yes, the groups are competing against each other. There's a point system for sticking to your MFP calorie goals, do your own predetermined exercise regimen, drinking enough water, etc. There's "extra" points for completing daily and weekly exercise challenges. The exercise challenges are totally doable and individuals can make adjustments or substitutions if needed--like walking a mile instead of jogging a mile. There's also points given for percentage of weight lost by the team as a whole.

    I don't know the exact details of the Sept. Challenge yet and I will def. update the thread when I get the rules/points/details!

    Personally, I really like the August challenge because it makes me be ACCOUNTABLE to my team...rather than "taking a day off" 'cause I felt like it!

    I'm not sure if there is a specific nutrition component to the challenge...other than sticking to your MFP determine calorie goals.

    As for checking in...daily check-ins are expected but if individuals give me a "heads up" in regards to "chunking" their check-ins, I'm cool with it.

  • maroon98
    maroon98 Posts: 121
    Hi Gang,
    I accidentally declined someone's friend request....I don't remember whose it if it was you, please know that it was not on purpose and please re-send!
  • maroon98
    maroon98 Posts: 121
    Okay, I've emailed Gary a second time---his email is probably so swamped that mine got lost in the shuffle. I hope to receive a list of the first week's challenges soon....

    In the is an update from the Captains' Thread: I know they sound intense and crazy but from personal experience with the August challenge....I'm sure that these exercises are TOTALLY DOABLE!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!

    I would also encourage you to encourage your folks to purchase a set of dumbbells. 3lb or 5lb to start out with. This will really help them build, tone and define muscle. They can be purchased for under $10 from walmart. If they are unable cans of soup, vegetable juice and water bottles can be used as substitutes.

    At the end of this week I will begin posting information about September's Daily and Weekly challenges. We will have two separate workout programs. Some of the exercises with crossover, however many will not. We will have the nomad series which will be more of a repeat of what we've done in august. We will also have the BUSHMEN series. This will be an advanced workout series designed to push those ready for a new challenge.

    We will be utilizing (HIIT) High Impact Interval Training along with TABATA Training. A tabata timer will be provide for free in the future via mp3 file. This will be a free download and can help your teammates stay on the tabata cycle. Tabata training is a 20 second intense workout with a 10 second break over 4 exercises and then you repeat for a total of 4 minutes. It is designed to increase aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. You can google and read more about Tabata training.

    Another Bushmen series exercise program we will utilize is Wildman Training. This uses primarily bodyweight exercises to help tone, burn and shape our new bodies.

    The weekly team challenges will now be referred to as tribal challenges.

    I'm proud of each one of you for leading your team to victory. If you find team members are not working out please contact me and we can make moves sooner than later.

  • maroon98
    maroon98 Posts: 121
    Grrrrrr..I am *trying* to reset the banner with the names of the current team members. Hopefully I'll figure this out soon!!
  • Okay, I've emailed Gary a second time---his email is probably so swamped that mine got lost in the shuffle. I hope to receive a list of the first week's challenges soon....

    In the is an update from the Captains' Thread: I know they sound intense and crazy but from personal experience with the August challenge....I'm sure that these exercises are TOTALLY DOABLE!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!

    I would also encourage you to encourage your folks to purchase a set of dumbbells. 3lb or 5lb to start out with. This will really help them build, tone and define muscle. They can be purchased for under $10 from walmart. If they are unable cans of soup, vegetable juice and water bottles can be used as substitutes.

    At the end of this week I will begin posting information about September's Daily and Weekly challenges. We will have two separate workout programs. Some of the exercises with crossover, however many will not. We will have the nomad series which will be more of a repeat of what we've done in august. We will also have the BUSHMEN series. This will be an advanced workout series designed to push those ready for a new challenge.

    We will be utilizing (HIIT) High Impact Interval Training along with TABATA Training. A tabata timer will be provide for free in the future via mp3 file. This will be a free download and can help your teammates stay on the tabata cycle. Tabata training is a 20 second intense workout with a 10 second break over 4 exercises and then you repeat for a total of 4 minutes. It is designed to increase aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. You can google and read more about Tabata training.

    Another Bushmen series exercise program we will utilize is Wildman Training. This uses primarily bodyweight exercises to help tone, burn and shape our new bodies.

    The weekly team challenges will now be referred to as tribal challenges.

    I'm proud of each one of you for leading your team to victory. If you find team members are not working out please contact me and we can make moves sooner than later.


    Okay.... so you are the Victorious Vixens captain? yes?