Women 200lb+, Let's Slay This May!!!



  • kathskelly53
    kathskelly53 Posts: 119 Member
    My goals for this week. Monday walk, Tuesday Qigong, Wednesday gym, log all meals, be good to myself.
  • MollMoll821
    MollMoll821 Posts: 63 Member
    Happy 2nd week of May!

    SW: 285
    CW: 257.2
    GW: 140

    Weekly goals for May:
    Still going good on logging.
    Still haven't started incorporating any HIIT and it's hit or miss with 10000 steps a day.

    Also playing around with intermittent fasting this month. Starting out with 16:8 but today is looking like it might be a 24 hr fast/OMAD because I didn't get up to eat breakfast this morning.

    Def. feeling stalled on weight loss. Not sure if Im eating too little or went too overboard a few days.
  • mkr150
    mkr150 Posts: 1 Member
    43 down. 7 to go! Great job!! You can do it!!
  • daraverde101
    daraverde101 Posts: 2 Member
    I know I'm a little late but I did start on 4/30!

    I've been super motivated and ready to do this, I'd love some support!

  • Archergoals
    Archergoals Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! New here. Looking for motivation and accountability buddies. Please add me!

    SW: Not sure... will weigh myself in the morning. My guess is 240-250
    GW: 180
  • IsETHome
    IsETHome Posts: 386 Member
    Stuck to the fitness - stuck to my red meat once a week, no chips - winning there! Need to tighten the daily calories down about 200 a day to be on better track. All in all, an OK week. Stress levels are a little high, need to bring them down a little. Missed a performance bonus at work by 0.13 % bummed out about that - grrrr.
  • barberportia
    barberportia Posts: 4 Member
    Starting my journey again
    CW: 221

    My goal overall is to lose weight to be healthier. To cut out sweets and eat less carbs. To exercise at least an hour 5 days out of the week.
  • SteroidalLolita
    SteroidalLolita Posts: 122 Member
    SW: 250
    CW: 214
    GW: 150

    Goals for May:
    Get more involved in strength training, continue to eat on the deficit I've been eating at since March 28th, hopefully drop below 210.

    Goals for the Long-Term:
    Keep up exercise, tracking and eating well. Don't slack off and gain everything back.

    Set-backs as of 5/7:
    Carrying about 6 pounds of water weight (putting me back at 220) from hormone changes (hi, aunt flo, you dirty little-) the start of strength training (muscle repair, etc.) and having too much sodium/carbs yesterday for dinner (chicken and biscuits, whoops). Water weight really is my worst enemy.