Lose 5lbs + in May 2019



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,813 Member
    58 years old, 5'3"
    Oct 27.18 joined MFP Start weight 191
    May goal 159.9

    April loss - 7.7
    March total: loss 1.7 lbs - This is all that I lost with a deficit of 18,713 calories
    February total calories burned (not the deficit) - 20,350 - loss 1.4 lbs

    April 30 - 167.9

    May 01 - 165.1 I counted that in the April loss. It made up for February and March
    May 02 - 164.3 - Saw this 164 number on April 26, glad to see it again. 5 more pounds to get out of the obese range. Working on it!
    I usually keep it simple, calories in, calories out, and deficit. My change had been that I started to have greek yoghurt because with my dental issues it was a nice soft thing to have. I wonder if that has made the difference.
    May 03 - 163.2 - I really stayed in bed late today and weighed before drinking water. I guess more time between eating and weighing myself. Planned night out, dinner, drinks, a concert.
    May 04 - 165.0 - Pretty much expected, up almost 2 pounds in a day. This is why I rarely go out with friends any more, bad for the waistline. Went out with skinny friends last night argh, they don't have to be careful at all. I will get it back down, but it could take awhile. Oh well, I had a very good time.
    May 05 - 166.4 - Back on track, but stuff from Friday is still showing up. Maybe tomorrow will be better : - )
    May 06 - 165.6
    May 08 - 165.3
    May 09 - 165.1
    May 10 - 165.0
    May 11 - 165.3 - Ready to see a loss!
    May 12 - 166.2 - Very large deficits since Friday - digging, tilling, weeding, planting. Slow metabolism, so maybe that will show up Tuesday or Wednesday hopefully. Potato garden today and weeding everywhere.
    May 13 - 166.5
    May 14 - 165.6
    May 15 - 164.3 - I didn't manage to get enough water in yesterday, so the scale is down today.
    May 16 - 163.0 - Yay!
    May 17 - 163.1

    Running loss/gain - loss 2.0
  • JTreasures
    JTreasures Posts: 856 Member

    Original starting weight - 139
    May starting weight - 143
    May goal - 138
    Ultimate goal - 115
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,973 Member
    @Jelaan -- don't stress it. If you look at it, your weight is lower than two of the other three weeks in May. You had a big loss last week, and a small part of it came back. You are a full pound less than two weeks ago, and a half pound a week average is a good pace when you've only got ten pounds left to your ultimate goal.

    I actually use a few of the online trend tracking tools. Geeky, right? I like the graphics from a website called trendweight. But it has a catch. You can't actually enter your data there. You have to get a fitbit brand scale. But there's a work-around. You can enter your weight on another site (click on help to find more information; I don't want to link here as it may or may not be a violation of terms). A bonus; that site ALSO shows a trend graph. Groovy, right? On thetrendweight graph, you have options to view 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, or all of the data. You can also use an "explore" feature to view any time series you want. You also get data like how much you're losing or gaining per week and how many extra calories you are using or accumulating. It's good data. And the graphs are snazzy. On the graphs up to three months, the site also projects your future weight, and there's a small band of a goal range of about five pounds.

    I also use another site called weightgrapher. You enter data directly on this site. It shows a similar chart, but is a little different. A feature of this one is that it also has the option of putting another line on the graph that was your weight one month ago (28 days). The idea for that is to help normalize for the monthly weight fluctuations many women observe.

    Keep it up; we can do this! If you don't already, consider weighing every day and tracking the trend that levels out the day to day fluctuations that can be a real mental challenge as we get close to our goal.
  • ATHLegal
    ATHLegal Posts: 352 Member
    Original starting weight - 164.5lbs
    May starting weight - 164.5lbs
    May goal - 159.5lbs
    Ultimate goal - 142.9lbs

    1st - 164.5lbs
    5th - 163.1lbs
    12th - 158.73lbs
    19th - 157.85lbs
    26th -
    31st -
    Total loss for May -
  • LisaW57
    LisaW57 Posts: 339 Member
    @Jelaan -- @mtaratoot is right. His input really helped me get thru what looked to me like crazy spikes and a plateau back in March. Trend weight tracking is a game changer. Watching the overall trend, and the helpful "you are burning X calories" and "you must cut X calories" is invaluable data - and much more motivating than the MFP progress graph when it looks more like an EKG than a weight loss graph
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,813 Member
    58 years old, 5'3"
    Oct 27.18 joined MFP Start weight 191
    May goal 159.9

    April loss - 7.7
    March total: loss 1.7 lbs - This is all that I lost with a deficit of 18,713 calories
    February total calories burned (not the deficit) - 20,350 - loss 1.4 lbs

    April 30 - 167.9

    May 01 - 165.1 I counted that in the April loss. It made up for February and March
    May 02 - 164.3 - Saw this 164 number on April 26, glad to see it again. 5 more pounds to get out of the obese range. Working on it!
    I usually keep it simple, calories in, calories out, and deficit. My change had been that I started to have greek yoghurt because with my dental issues it was a nice soft thing to have. I wonder if that has made the difference.
    May 03 - 163.2 - I really stayed in bed late today and weighed before drinking water. I guess more time between eating and weighing myself. Planned night out, dinner, drinks, a concert.
    May 04 - 165.0 - Pretty much expected, up almost 2 pounds in a day. This is why I rarely go out with friends any more, bad for the waistline. Went out with skinny friends last night argh, they don't have to be careful at all. I will get it back down, but it could take awhile. Oh well, I had a very good time.
    May 05 - 166.4 - Back on track, but stuff from Friday is still showing up. Maybe tomorrow will be better : - )
    May 06 - 165.6
    May 08 - 165.3
    May 09 - 165.1
    May 10 - 165.0
    May 11 - 165.3 - Ready to see a loss!
    May 12 - 166.2 - Very large deficits since Friday - digging, tilling, weeding, planting. Slow metabolism, so maybe that will show up Tuesday or Wednesday hopefully. Potato garden today and weeding everywhere.
    May 13 - 166.5
    May 14 - 165.6
    May 15 - 164.3 - I didn't manage to get enough water in yesterday, so the scale is down today.
    May 16 - 163.0 - Yay!
    May 17 - 163.1
    May 19 - 164.7 - Dang. Oh well, not sweating it, staying the course.

    Running loss/gain - loss 0.4
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,813 Member
    edited May 2019
    So glad that you are back with us.
    Like @LisaW57 said, you have come so far.
    The strength that it took to lose basically a whole person worth of weight is still in you. You obviously are an expert at what it takes to lose weight by now.
    You inspire us all.
    Back on the horse, just a blip. You have got this.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,973 Member
    edited May 2019
    Heaviest weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018) - 168.2
    April 28 starting weight - 144.0 (ten-day rolling average weight 142.0)
    May goal - 143
    Ultimate goal - Range between 142 - 148

    I report scale weight and (ten day average weight).

    April 28 - 144.0 (142.0)
    May 5 - 144.0 (142.1)
    May 12 - 142.8 (142.6)
    May 19 - 144.8 (143.2)
    May 26 -
    May 31 -

    Total loss for May: By scale weight AND by ten-day average, I have GAINED almost a pound since 28 April. Uh oh. Based on a weighted moving average trend, I've been maintaining within about a half pound of my goal since mid March, so I'm expecting I am just seeing a blip from some celebrating I've been doing. My celebrations will continue through the coming week, so I might see another increase, although I might also do something short-term that would be unhealthy long-term. I may experiment with deep deficits a couple days so that by next week I have a small weekly deficit to get my scale weight and my trending weight back EXACTLY where I want it.

    I am still participating in this monthly weight loss challenge even though I'm still in my goal range. I'm also participating in a maintenance challenge.

    I noticed someone gave me a "WOO" for a supportive post I wrote yesterday. What was that about? Woo isn't a good thing on MFP.

  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    edited May 2019
    Thanks Mtaratoot and LisaW. I know that overall I am losing but I also know how I have sabotaged my weight loss this past week. Life pretty much sucks atm with no anticipation of any improvement soon but I know things will get better. So right now I am eating my stress. Walking would be a much better idea but I am also struggling with a flare up of arthritis in my feet and tiredness. What a whiner lol. Ok, off to work on my attitude, do laundry and be grateful for all the good things in my life.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,097 Member
    edited May 2019
    •Lose 5 lbs in May 2019•

    April 2019 - Gain / Loss
    of 2 lbs. 30 day average was 177 Monthly average went up! Not good.

    Original starting wgt: 253
    May starting weight: 177.2
    May goal: 170
    🌹Updating every day through May.

    •Monday Updates•📌

    May 1 - 178.4
    5/2 - 177.2
    5/3 - 178.2
    5/4 - 179
    5/5 - 178.8
    📌5/6 - 179 - 100g carbs, 96g net carbs. Carbs were: belgian waffles (2) salad dressing, broccoli slaw, strawberry preserves. Trying to just satisfy what my body wants right now, within reason. An increase in carbs, wrong type, but thats what was available.
    5/07 - 178.8 - 68g carbs, 56g net carbs. Carbs were: broccoli slaw, salad dressing, crackers, peanut butter, avocado. Another day of increased carbs, but bringing it back down. I don't feel that urgency to eat now.
    5/8 - 178.6 - 18g carbs, 10g net carbs. Carbs were: salad, avocado. Downward trend is S-L-O-W, but I feel in control again.
    5/9 - 176.2 - 31g, 19g net carbs. Carbs were: balsamic vinegar, salad, cauliflower, avocado, salsa, lemon juice, almond flour.
    5/10 - 175.4 - 31g carbs, 20g net carbs. Carbs were: salad, avocado, peanut butter, balsamic.
    5/11 - 175
    5/12 - 174 - 43g carbs, 38g net carbs. Carbs were: lemon juice, salad, peanut butter, hamburger roll.
    ~10 day avg ~ 177.3. Not where I want to be, but thankfully stayed within this decade of weight. ~ Really struggled with finding the right balance of electrolytes. I'm hoping that increasing potassium was the problem all along and my fluid weight continues to drop.
    📌5/13 - 174.8
    5/14 - 176.2 - Elimination issues, so I'm going to try this psyllium husk powder that I bought last year. I've always been a little wary of it, but I hope it works.
    5/15 - 175.8
    5/16 - 177.4 - Psyllium powder worked, but I don't want to rely on it. I don't take laxatives and don't want to begin a habit of using a natural one. More seed porridge this week to help boost fiber.
    5/17 - 177

    5/18 - 177.6
    5/19 - 176.4
