3-Month Weight Loss Challenge, May - August, Pick Your Difficulty



  • InspectorRed
    InspectorRed Posts: 757 Member

    Challenge Start Weight (5/8/19): 171
    Challenge Level: ****
    Challenge Goal Weight: 151
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130

    5/8: 171
    5/15: 169.6
    5/22: 169.2




  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    pizzafruit wrote: »
    I've been a member of MFP since January 2010
    Starting weight for this challenge: 261.2
    My weigh-in day: Wednesday
    Challenge Level:***

    The month of May:
    5/1 - 261.2
    5/8 - 261.2
    5/15 - 267.0 Still working on my inability to deal with stress.
    5/22 - 267.0 A rather rocky week. Lots of unhealthy choices and no thought to the harm it does. Can't unring the bell.
    5/29 -

    Goal: 256.2

    The month of June:
    6/5 -
    6/12 -
    6/19 -
    6/26 -

    Goal: 251.2

    The month of July:
    7/3 -
    7/10 -
    7/17 -
    7/24 -
    7/31 -

    Goal: 246.2
    Total Loss for this challenge:

    Congrats on your long-term fitness effort - 2010 wow!! Now that's inspirational. 🤗
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    Kiyomoo wrote: »
    Challenge Starting Weight: 259
    Challenge Level: 4
    Challenge Goal weight: 239

    5/1: 259.4
    5/8: 255.6
    5/15: 257
    5/22: 256.8

    I'm not exactly where I'd like to be, but at least it's going down.

    You, Miss OP, are an inspiration!
  • Kiyomoo
    Kiyomoo Posts: 354 Member
    Kiyomoo wrote: »
    Challenge Starting Weight: 259
    Challenge Level: 4
    Challenge Goal weight: 239

    5/1: 259.4
    5/8: 255.6
    5/15: 257
    5/22: 256.8

    I'm not exactly where I'd like to be, but at least it's going down.

    You, Miss OP, are an inspiration!

    Aw, thanks! I've actually been disappointed in myself with my weight loss slowing down, so it sort of gives me a reality check to hear you saying it's inspirational. I think I might just be too hard on myself sometimes. So, thank you again!
  • ehallberg2019
    ehallberg2019 Posts: 3 Member
    I started this challenge 1 week ago. I weighed in at 160 this morning, a 5 pound weight loss! Keep on keepin' on, folks. It's amazing what happens when we don't get in our own way👍!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,872 Member

    Start date: May 16
    Challenge Starting Weight: 192.6
    Challenge Level: ✴✴✴
    Challenge Goal weight: 177.6

    05/16 – 192.6
    05/23 – 194.6 Not acceptable!
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    MFP start 298.5lbs Oct 2017

    Challenge Starting Weight: 188.25 (April Weigh out)
    Challenge Level:Level 4 - 20 pounds ★★★★
    Challenge Goal weight: 168.25lbs
    Challenge goal : 20.00
    Challenge loss : 5.75lbs

    April Weigh out : 188.25
    May 03 - 184.75
    May 10 - 181.50
    May 17 - 182.50
    May 24 - 183.50
    May 31
    June 07
    June 14
    June 21
    June 28
    July 05
    July 12
    July 19
    July 26
  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 196.2
    Challenge Level: Level 5 - 25 pounds ★★★★★
    Challenge Goal weight: 171

    This is my 2nd round of this challenge. I was close to my goal but did not meet it. I worked on a Level 5 - 25 pounds for the last challenge and lost a total of 23.8lbs. I love the challenges because they hold me accountable and make me aware of my choices when want to eat and snack. My weigh-in day is a Friday but joining on the first.

    5/1 – 196.2
    5/3 – 197.6 Not off to a good start but must trust it!
    5/10 –194.8
    5/17 – 194.0
    5/24 – 193.4
    May Total Loss:

    June Total Loss:

    July Total Loss:

    August 1st
  • jennigerding19
    jennigerding19 Posts: 285 Member

    5.10-162 vacay all week so I knew it would be high
    5.17-163 a lot of things going on. Need to focus more. Will food prep Monday to help
    5.24-164 😞
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,601 Member
    May 3rd Starting Weight: 181.8 lb
    May 10th Weigh-In: 184.6 lb
    May 17th Weigh-In: 183.4 lb
    May 24th Weight-In: 182.8 lb
    Challenge Level: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Goal Weight: 161.8 lb

    Weekly Goals (May - August):
    Exercise at least 5 days a week or a minimum of 210 exercise minutes: Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (2x), Thursday, Friday: Every day this week!

    Meet or stay under calorie goals at least 6 days a week (including eating back exercise calories burned). With today, I’ll have been under my calorie goals since Sunday. Feels good!

    May Goals:
    Reduce alcohol consumption to a maximum of 2 drinks per week (2 pints, or 2 glasses of wine for example) 3 drinks this week: 2 cocktails for my friend’s 30th on Saturday, and I’m planning on 1 drink tonight with co-workers to catch up and celebrate the long weekend ahead 🚫

    It’s TOM for me this week so I was really surprised to see the scale go down. Normally, I gain because of bloating during this time for me. Maybe a big whoosh is on the way for next week? I do want to end May with a loss, even if it is a small one, from where I started this month.

    Good luck everyone!!

  • mustangem82
    mustangem82 Posts: 45 Member
    Challenge level: ★★★
    Goal weight: 135
    Goal A1C 6.0

    5/3: Starting weight 148. A1C 6.7
    5/10: 147.2
    5/17: 148.4
    5/24: same

    Actually glad it wasn't a gain. Family in town, stressful week, that time of month... thought for sure I was going to be up again. Next week should be better!!

    Last challenge I started with a gain too and ended with a loss. Go figure
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    You guys are all rocking it - even if the scale has gone up some. Yes, up and downs happen to EVERYONE, but not everyone sticks with it through the rough patches. Give your selves a big pat on the back for hanging in there!! 👏👏👏👏
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    johicks wrote: »
    Location: Michigan. 51yo, female, 5’1”
    Challenge Starting Weight: Sun., May 5 = 253.6
    Challenge Level: 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 20lbs
    Challenge Goal weight: 233.6
    (About 1.5lbs / week)
    Weigh-in day is Sunday.
    May 12: 254; gain +.4# Not a great start, but considering I had three binge nights and TOM; I am not beating myself up!
    May 19: 251.4; 2.6# loss Increased exercise this week! Still had a binge night, journalling and trying to figure out triggers and strategies.

    May 26: 250.4; 1.0# loss
  • mustangem82
    mustangem82 Posts: 45 Member
    You guys are all rocking it - even if the scale has gone up some. Yes, up and downs happen to EVERYONE, but not everyone sticks with it through the rough patches. Give your selves a big pat on the back for hanging in there!! 👏👏👏👏

    I always appreciate your positive posts!! Thanks!
  • CherokeeTopaz
    CherokeeTopaz Posts: 299 Member
    I wanna join! I would like to try for at least 4 stars.. but we'll see what I end up with.
    CW 201.2lbs
  • kirky2mfp
    kirky2mfp Posts: 20 Member
    edited May 2019
    MFP Starting Weight: 180 lbs - October 2018
    Current Starting Weight: 174 lbs - May 2019

    Challenge Starting Weight: 171 lbs
    Challenge Level ✴✴✴
    Challenge Goal Weight: 157 lbs
    Height: 5ft 2.

    Ultimate Goal: 133 lbs

    Weigh-In Days: Mondays and Fridays

    Start Day May 14th
    End Day Aug 14th

    May 14th 171lb
    May 17th 170lb
    May 20th 169lb
    May 24th 170lb
    May 27th 168lb
  • brittanystebbins95
    brittanystebbins95 Posts: 567 Member
    Challenge Starting Date: May 1st
    Challenge End Date: August 1st

    Overall Starting Weight: 204.6 lbs
    Challenge Start Weight: 149.4 lbs
    Challenge Level: ♥♥
    Challenge Goal Weight: 139.4 lbs

    May 1st, 2019: 149.4 lbs
    May 10th, 2019: 147.8 lbs
    May 19th, 2019: 148.8 lbs
    May 26th, 2019: 151.2 lbs
    May 31st, 2019:

    I feel like I'm making excuses for myself, but I'm learning to trust the process. Lol. I KNOW there's nothing I could have done to have gained actual weight during this. I'm getting to know my body though, and if there's one thing I've learned since I started this, its that I usually have a fairly slow decline, then my weight will jump back up, and then drop dramatically and repeat. Fingers crossed the scale reflects my hard work soon. I've been running my tail off and have been fairly consistent with my calories so it should.
  • brittanystebbins95
    brittanystebbins95 Posts: 567 Member
    Overall Starting Weight: 204.6 lbs
    Challenge Start Weight: 149.4 lbs
    Challenge Goal: I had originally decided that I just wanted to see my abs, but apparently if I don’t have a number goal set, I don’t take it seriously enough to make any solid progress. Lol. I just maintain. So, challenge goal is currently set to 140. Tentatively.

    May 1st, 2019: 149.4 lbs
    May 10th, 2019: 147.8 lbs
    May 19th, 2019: 148.8 lbs
    May 26th, 2019: 151.2 lbs
    May 31st, 2019:

    May Goal: 145 lbs
    May Actual:

    June 3rd, 2019:
    June 9th, 2019:
    June 17th, 2019:
    June 23rd, 2019:
    June 30th, 2019:

    June Goal:
    June Actual:

    I feel like I'm making excuses for myself, but I'm learning to trust the process. Lol. I KNOW there's nothing I could have done to have gained actual weight during this. I'm getting to know my body though, and if there's one thing I've learned since I started this, its that I usually have a fairly slow decline, then my weight will jump back up, and then drop dramatically and repeat. Fingers crossed the scale reflects my hard work soon. I've been running my tail off and have been fairly consistent with my calories so it should.
    I guess if it doesn't, I'll just have to try harder!
  • dancerlady399
    dancerlady399 Posts: 7 Member
    Overall starting weight: 135
    Challenge starting weight: 123
    Challenge level: 🖖
    Challenge final weight: 118

    May 20: 122
    May 26: 122

    So I’m counting this as a win—I have an old fashioned analog scale that has a bit of wiggle in it, so when I measure, I take a two-out-of-three reading. The May 20th reading was 122, 123, 122. The May 26 reading was 122, 121, 122. So there’s probably a half pound in there somewhere—I’m not going to worry too much. The main thing is, I’m seeing those last bothersome pooches around my belly going away. I’ll take it!
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