Let's talk birthmarks :D



  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    Mine is crescent shaped and covers my left eyelid and under my eye a bit. It's really light, and you can only see it when I'm pale from being sick, tired, or untanned. I kind of like it because it's unique. :)
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I have three! I have one big ole hairy one on my left elbow... it grows dark hair and I used to call it my kitty when i was little. I also have a portwine stain on my left ear that kinda looks like a side burn... I really hated them when I was a kid but now I realize that they make me, me! My other one is a light brown speck on my butt crack, the first time my hubby saw me naked he tried to wipe it off cuz he thought it was something else... LOL
  • big_beautiful
    i have one on my arm and it looks like puerto rico ,, lol
    i also have one on my knee shaped as a rose and its pink
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I have two cute little red lines on the outside of my right foot by my pinky toe. They're kind of adorable. But barely noticeable. I also have a spot on my arm, that when I get tan, looks like a butterfly. My mom has one just like it on her chest.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I don't have any, but my son has a "stork bite" - strawberry colored/patterned mark on forehead and at the base of the skull. The one on his forehead is right between his eyebrows and was heart shaped, but has faded enough that you only see it when he's really overheated and his face is red, so it's turned into a "negative" mark. The one on the back of the head is still red, but above the hairline so you can't see it.

    I was kind of bothered by it when he was first born, cause it looked like somebody beaned him in the head. But now I kind of miss it.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    I don't got one.... Wll maybe I do but I can't find it. Lol
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    I don't got one.... Wll maybe I do but I can't find it. Lol
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    I have a one that is the whole length of my right arm and it looks like the atlas rolled out over my arm. Its a darker brown color than the rest of my arm. I wouldnt change it at all. But in grade five had a teacher ask if I ever wash my arm?? I was a little cheeky back then and said what you dont know what a birth mark is? My sons have the same type of mark just in different places. oldest son has it on the leg shaped like a butterfly (hes thrilled, not) middle son has it on his bottom and my youngest has it on his arm like me and back of his next. At least they get something from me they all look like dad LOL
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    I have a strawberry-colored country-shaped (don't ask me which one cuz I don't know) birthmark on my right elbow. I also have a multitude of beauty marks (some people call them moles, but not me) including one just below my left nostril.

    Funny story... my mom's mom had a wine-colored raised birthmark that took up one whole side of her face. When she was young, she always covered it with that thick pancake make-up so you couldn't even tell it was there. When she was dating my gramps, they were sitting in a bar and a little make-up had rubbed off. He dipped a napkin into a glass of water to "wash the dirt off" and that's how he found out about it. So anyways, when my mom gave birth to me, they used forceps to pull me out. She didn't know about that, so when they handed me to her, she burst into tears cuz my face was all bruised up. She thought I had the birthmark!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I have a nickel-sized bluish spot in the center of my back that looks like a bruise but has always been there. Nothing cool :(
  • sweetsapphire85
    I don't have any, but my son has a "stork bite" - strawberry colored/patterned mark on forehead and at the base of the skull. The one on his forehead is right between his eyebrows and was heart shaped, but has faded enough that you only see it when he's really overheated and his face is red, so it's turned into a "negative" mark. The one on the back of the head is still red, but above the hairline so you can't see it.

    I was kind of bothered by it when he was first born, cause it looked like somebody beaned him in the head. But now I kind of miss it.

    I didn't know the term for this but i'll be 26 and have one that covers from my hair line down to my eyebrow on my forehead. It changes color depending on if I'm upset etc (red-ish/purple-ish) people ask me all the time if I got hit in the face if I don't have make up on or cover it with bangs...( wanted it to get it removed for years, but it's kind of unique)

    ETA: It's not DARK but it's noticeable when you see me.
  • AJay513
    AJay513 Posts: 187
    Oh I love mine!

    I have a Red one next to my ear.. My grandmother had a red one too, she died 2 weeks before my mom got pregnant with me (after trying for 6 years & almost adopting). Everyone has always said I got kissed by an angel-grandma- before I was sent down... Awww cute, right? lol

    and then I have a faint brown one on my shoulder that is totally shaped like a UFO!
  • imabsif
    imabsif Posts: 4
    thats awesome! :) i never thought about using them as markers.

    Ive got one on my left hip. its just a dot, but that would be so perfect! im thinking about getting the bat symbol from batman. nothing fancy, just the little bat.

    Any ideas?
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I had the stork's claw birthmark when I was a baby - a red mark over each of my eyebrows and another at the base of my skull. It's supposed to be from the way the stork carries you in. As I got older, the marks over my eyebrows faded, but I still have the one on the back of my neck. I don't even think about it anymore unless I have my hair short enough and someone asks.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    My wife has one shaped like a heart on her right hand between her thumb and forefinger.

    Ewww sounds like newlywed talk, turn it upside down and you have a booty.:heart:
  • auskelly
    auskelly Posts: 45 Member
    I have one, about the size of the top of a coke can, outside back of my knee. it looks like a dirt mark. But it does NOT scrub off. Guess how I know.

    my daughter has one on the back of her leg just above the knee, i dont know how many times i changed her bottom and tried to rub it off thinking it was poo lol. everytime id realise but i still did it again lol
  • auskelly
    auskelly Posts: 45 Member
    i have one on the back of my head, cant see it of course because of my hair but silver hair grows out of it :/ lol luckily its covered by more of my hair so its not obvious. apparently its meant to be lucky , im yet to discover why :P
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    I have a small one on my left knee, one on my knuckle and a larger one on my butt. Dont ask me what side cos I would get confused cos I would be looking in the mirror backwards:laugh: I kinda like them, it make me ME:happy: