Anyone up here starting in May 2019?



  • MonkeyPie81
    MonkeyPie81 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm all in for #MAY2019! This is my first foray into an actual plan to lose weight. My doctor told me about the app after I was shocked to see how much I weigh; I guess I've had my head in the sand. Good luck everyone, sending good vibes from Utah!
  • helenmccann2411
    helenmccann2411 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone, I started MFP again on Monday and am doing it properly this time! I have been wanting to lose 15 kilos for the last 2 years. So fed up. I binge on chocolate and cake so that is my downfall. Would anyone like to buddy up with me so we can motivate and support eachother?😊
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Restarting today. I've been working out, but haven't been doing a damn thing about my diet. I just signed up for a marathon in October, so that should give me some motivation. I've run them before, need to get back down to running weight.
  • crysy41
    crysy41 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! I am new to this. Just signed up yesterday and started tracking my food. Today I’m going to do meal prep, take my measurements etc. I have to lose about 30kg. Which 20kg of that was put on in the past 18months due to medication. (Mirtazepine).
    I drastically need to cut my sugar intake.
    Hoping to meet new friends and support people :)
  • crysy41
    crysy41 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone, I started MFP again on Monday and am doing it properly this time! I have been wanting to lose 15 kilos for the last 2 years. So fed up. I binge on chocolate and cake so that is my downfall. Would anyone like to buddy up with me so we can motivate and support eachother?😊

  • crysy41
    crysy41 Posts: 3 Member
    Yesss! I’m exactly the same. Have been struggling to stick to any diet and exercise for the past 2 years and I’ve had enough. Chocolate/sweets is my weakness, my comfort. I really need to break these habits.
    Would be happy to be friends and support each other :)
  • PrimeSuspect87
    PrimeSuspect87 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I am starting again. Having lost 50lbs 6 years ago I have been guilty of not maintaining. Now I have hardly any motivation left. I been on and off diet and mfp for a couple of years. I lose around 10lbs and go back to my bad eating habit. But now planning on getting back into healthy lifesytle. I have started this week, just calorie control. Will start gym once ramadhan is over in a couple of days.

    CW 186lb
    GW 150lbs
  • lesockie
    lesockie Posts: 79 Member
    Feel free to add me! Just getting started and posted some starting pics and weight on my status. Would love some comments on where my body fat % currently is and also friends to help me stay motivated.

  • mstrike
    mstrike Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I am new here !
  • Davo312
    Davo312 Posts: 26 Member
    I started 17th may 14 to lose and see how I look/feel. Lost 2.75 in 10 days and been ok and difficult to eat full calories. Weighed myself today and stayed same..gutted..I’ve been over fat goal some days do you think that’s mega important? Good luck on your journey. I’ve reduced my calories to 1720 from 1990.Do you think that’s wise anyone?
  • SassyMcFattypants
    SassyMcFattypants Posts: 36 Member
    Ive lost 16 lbs since May 1 yay!
  • pmedicmel
    pmedicmel Posts: 1 Member
    New here also. My husband and I are doing this together. Since we retired we’ve been very sedentary and are tired of being part of the imprint on the recliner. We started MFP last week. I’m down 3.5 and he’s down 6.5. We both have 40+ to lose and look forward to the support of this group.
  • hanga121262
    hanga121262 Posts: 16 Member
    Started May 9 logging daily.. Feel free to add..
  • mucyoal
    mucyoal Posts: 1 Member
    I started May 19
    I hope to lose 20-25KG
    Let's go!
  • didans
    didans Posts: 42 Member
    Yes! I started tracking macros last weekend (upgraded to premium). I need to lose about 25 pounds and tone up.
  • Colombiano718
    Colombiano718 Posts: 6 Member
    I started this week and tracking all my food intake is keeping me honest. It’s great being accountable for everything that I eat. Trying to cut weight.