Gimme the Skinny - August Challenge Team 21 - (closed group)



  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    I only had time to do my regular exercise tonight (I managed to walk at 4 mph tonight... yay, foot! :wink: ) and then I was busy the rest of the night, so I'll double up on my challenges tomorrow.

    I DID manage to turn down a Peanut Butter Cup flurry tonight, so I don't think I will bother feeling bad about not getting to my challenge exercises today. :laugh:
  • heofon
    heofon Posts: 27 Member
    Thursday's challenges done. Only 300 crunches and 100 jumping jacks so far. Ill get 'em, though.
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    Keep up the great work guys! My LASIK went a little worse than I had planned, I think because of the cold I woke up with and all the meds. I'm struggling a bit right now, didn't eat yesterday andonly a mcdonalds small fry today. I've been sick to my stomach and can barely get off the couch at the moment. I have to ask each one of you to please send me a separate in-box message with your weight, challenges, jumping jacks, crunches. And miles done so it's all in one Place and I don't have to dig through everyones posts to see if we hit the goals or not. SO SORRY!!! Thank you for all the support!
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Keep up the great work guys! My LASIK went a little worse than I had planned, I think because of the cold I woke up with and all the meds. I'm struggling a bit right now, didn't eat yesterday andonly a mcdonalds small fry today. I've been sick to my stomach and can barely get off the couch at the moment. I have to ask each one of you to please send me a separate in-box message with your weight, challenges, jumping jacks, crunches. And miles done so it's all in one Place and I don't have to dig through everyones posts to see if we hit the goals or not. SO SORRY!!! Thank you for all the support!

    I am so sorry you ar not feeling well. Wow. Mine was so easy. I was just SUPER tired from the valium they made me take before. What did they have you taking? I sure do hope you are feeling better and that the results are everything that you hoped for!

    Will inbox you tonight after I complete today's challenges. I finally have a loss to record! Yay!
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    All exercise challenges done for the week. Plus 3.25 more miles for a total of 11.25 miles. 300 more crunches for 500 total, and 100 more jumping jacks for a total of 300. :)
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Checking in...

    Day 1: 2 sets of - 20 windshield wipers, 2 sets 20 swimmers presses, 3 sets 21's
    Day 2: 2 sets of - 20 tuck jumps, 50 squat kicks, and 20 globe jumps (had to modify to 2 feet towards the end - I twinged my ankle)

    Day 3: 2 sets of: 40 split squat jumps, 3 sets: 20 wood chops
    Day 4: 2 sets of: 40 zigzags, 3 21;s, 2 swimmers press (15)

    Day 5: 2 sets of: 20 Burpees, 50 Squat Kicks, 20 Globe Jumps
    Day 6: 1 set: 20 Mountain Climbers, 3 Sets: of 20 Wood Chops & 20 Tuck Jumps

    Team challenges total for the week:
    600 crunches
    5.5 extra miles
    650 jump jacks
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    Thank goodness we have till Tuesday to get the extra miles,jj, and crunches in because I'm going to need it ! I'm still short 2 miles, and 200 jumping jacks and I've been banned from exercising until Monday! No sweating for 72 hrs after surgery. On the plus side Im down three pounds from this stupid sickness!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    I did my regular exercise on Thursday and Friday, but I didn't have time to do the challenge exercises, so I did three days' worth of exercises today, and I am now totally sweaty, kinda smelly, but feeling completely awesome! :bigsmile:

    Today, I did:
    2 sets of 15 swimmer's presses
    3 sets of 21's
    40 zigzag hops
    2 sets of 20 burpees (had to do the modified kind after the first 6... burpees always hurt my knees after the first 5 or 6, so that will be my goal for September... to be able to do real burpees the whole time)
    50 squat kicks
    20 globe jumps
    20 mountain climbers
    3 sets of 20 woodchoppers
    3 sets of 20 tuck jumps
    400 jumping jacks (that makes 800 extra for the week... I'll finish my other 200 that I pledged tomorrow)
    1,000 crunches!!!!! (that makes 1600 crunches for the week... and yes, I'm starting to develop a little 6-pack) :wink:

    Ok... I think I need a shower now. :blushing:
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    I'll have my stuff over later tomorrow after I've finished up everything for the week. :) Feel better!!
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Are we still weighing in today or are we waiting til the end of the month?
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Are we still weighing in today or are we waiting til the end of the month?

    I'll report in my weight today, but I'm REALLY hoping we can report again on Wednesday. I should be done retaining water by then, and I'll be SO sad if I don't get to hit my challenge goal because of stupid TOM today. :(
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    I did my 5K today in 54'55". I'll probably do another on Tuesday, but I have a class Tuesday night, so I wanted to make sure I get this challenge in, just in case I can't on Tuesday.

    Today's fun fact: I have never measured the exact distance of the path I usually take when I walk on the trails near our house. I discovered today that the distance from our house through the trails and back to our house is almost exactly 5K. I had to walk about .05 miles (halfway past our house to the stop sign and back) to get the rest in. Nobody else cares about this, but I thought it was kinda cool. :tongue:

    Also... I just finished 200 jumping jacks and 200 crunches. That fulfills my 1,000 jumping jack pledge for the week and gives me 1800 total crunches for the week.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Just cranked out 400 more crunches. Just kinda felt like it.
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Oh my U2fergus! You were an exercising machine today! I am tired just reading everything you did today. :yawn:

    Excellent job on the 5k too.
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Thanks, mommaski! :)

    Ok... finished my challenges for today:

    200 jumping jacks
    100 crunches
    10 burpees (had to do modified)
    10 mountain climbers
    10 globe jumps
    10 squat kicks
    10 zigzag hops

    I'm pleased to say that I was able to do them all at one time without stopping to rest in between. The only type of "rest" I did was I had to break up the jumping jacks a little bit. I did 80 in a row, then did 20 crunches, then did 30 more, then did the other exercises, then did 40 more, then did some more crunches, then finished them up. Since I was really only "resting" by doing burpees or globe jumps or crunches or whatever, I am going to go ahead and say I did them without stopping. Wow, Gary was right... I really CAN do more than I thought I could! :happy:
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Just read Gary's post today... I guess I didn't do the challenge correctly because I couldn't manage 200 jumping jacks all in one consecutive set. Oh, well... I did the best I could. :sad: It's more than I could do on August 1, anyway, so I'll be happy with that.
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    Are we still weighing in today or are we waiting til the end of the month?

    I'll report in my weight today, but I'm REALLY hoping we can report again on Wednesday. I should be done retaining water by then, and I'll be SO sad if I don't get to hit my challenge goal because of stupid TOM today. :(

    OK guys, your captain is back in action. I had some sort of stomach bug on top of having Lasik and it really put me out of commission this weekend! I'm back to feeling like myself and got the OK to work out again!

    I know I have a lot of messages to open & return to you guys.

    Some clarification, I'm sorry I had everyone send me the stats yesterday, little goof on my part from habit. We are turning in our final numbers/weights on wednesday. So I'm going to update the spreadsheet with all the info from yesterday, then if anyone has a better weight, completed more jumping jacks, miles, or crunches by wednesday, please put that in your wednesday in-box message.

    After I update the spreadsheet today, i'll let you know how far off we are to getting the bonus points and maybe we can pull through as a team in the next two days to get er done
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    ok, girls,

    some stats so far...

    so far biggest loosers....drum roll please...

    kcgslp 1.9%
    tagrady 1.9%
    u2fergus 1.4%

    We had some great efforts on the team challenge SO FAR by:

    Unfortunately, I don't know if we'll be able to pull off the team challenge? I guess it's up to us.

    we killed the crunches, did 1700 extra
    we need 200 more jumping jacks, which is easy I can do today.
    the bad part is, we still need 47.5 miles, which I don't know is reasonable to do in 2 days. we have about 11 active members that actually check this forum and that would mean an additional 4.32 miles out of each one of us.

    I still don't have counts from a few people, but I doubt it's going to add up to 47 miles unless heofon had another amazing week :tongue:

    What do you think....can we do it? I know I can do another 5 miles If I put my mind to it...
    (OMG, i just read tomorrow is a 5k with 3.2 miles, this might be rough!)

    Let me know guys...
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Unfortunately, I don't know if we'll be able to pull off the team challenge? I guess it's up to us.

    we killed the crunches, did 1700 extra
    we need 200 more jumping jacks, which is easy I can do today.
    the bad part is, we still need 47.5 miles, which I don't know is reasonable to do in 2 days. we have about 11 active members that actually check this forum and that would mean an additional 4.32 miles out of each one of us.

    I still don't have counts from a few people, but I doubt it's going to add up to 47 miles unless heofon had another amazing week :tongue:

    What do you think....can we do it? I know I can do another 5 miles If I put my mind to it...
    (OMG, i just read tomorrow is a 5k with 3.2 miles, this might be rough!)

    Let me know guys...

    Ok... we have until Wednesday night to complete all the extra miles, right? Heofon has been working on a final paper this past week, and he has another he's hoping to finish tonight, so I know he's about ready to burst from all the sitting. I think he could be persuaded to get in some good biking miles.
    I am not sure if I can do biking yet or not (the nails went in right where I have to press down on the pedal, so I've been a bit reluctant to try biking yet), but I will see what I can do. I finished my 5K yesterday, so at the very least, I will do some extra walking today, tomorrow and Wednesday. Rather than pledge a particular number of miles, I think I'm just going to do as much as I can and hope that other people will pitch in, too. I know amongst all of us, we can DEFINITELY handle 47.5 miles in three days. We're Skinnies, after all!! :bigsmile:
  • heofon
    heofon Posts: 27 Member
    You name the miles and I'll do them. It's 43 to my dad's house and back. I did this back in June. I'm planning on doing a leisurely 16 miles tonight, but I can crank it up to whatever we need. I've only done 100 jumping jacks so don't do any extra out of necessity. I'll do my 1000 today and tomorrow. I'm so pumped and energetic. Could it be the goji berries? (I like their alternative name: wolfberries)