Just give me one month - June 2019



  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 631 Member
    I am feeling so bloated today and stomach is a bit painful. No idea at all why.
  • wannabesmaller2017
    wannabesmaller2017 Posts: 433 Member
    SW 194.6
    UGW 135
    MGW 187

    May 31: 194.6
    June 01: 193.9
    June 02: 193.8
    June 03: 192.2
    June 04: 191.5
    June 05: 192.2
    June 06
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09
    June 10
    June 11
    June 12
    June 13
    June 14
    June 15
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19
    June 20
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
    June 27
    June 28
    June 29
    June 30
  • skelley331
    skelley331 Posts: 38 Member
    edited June 2019
    I'm struggling to stay on track, i do so good thru the week and the weekends are my problem, maybe this will help me stay accountable. I weigh every day.

    UGW 160
    MGW 170

    May 31-178.8
    June 01-178
    June 02 - 180.8
    June 03 - 180.4
    June 04 -180.2
    June 05 - 179.8
    June 06
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09
    June 10
    June 11
    June 12
    June 13
    June 14
    June 15
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19
    June 20
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
    June 27
    June 28
    June 29
    June 30
  • avargella
    avargella Posts: 2 Member
    Height 5’1”
    SW 147.8
    UGW 125
    MGW 130

    May 31
    June 01
    June 02
    June 03
    June 04 -147.8 starting late! Let’s do this!
    June 05 - 145.8 day one was good. No late night binging. That’s the most difficult habit to break for me.
    June 06
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09
    June 10
    June 11
    June 12
    June 13
    June 14
    June 15
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19
    June 20
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
    June 27
    June 28
    June 29
    June 30
  • jenn990205
    jenn990205 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Back again! Love this challenge. May was a really rough month for me. I finished the month by gaining 1.1 pounds, but I am ready to get in the low140's and stay there!

    SW: 178
    UGW: 138
    June Goal: to get under 145 and not have any days in the 150's

    May 31 - 149.3
    June 01 - 148.7
    June 02 - 148.7
    June 03 - 148.7 My middle child is officially 17 today! I'm getting old, lol!
    June 04 - 148.7 still here
    June 05 - 147.7 finally some movement down
    June 06
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09
    June 10
    June 11
    June 12
    June 13
    June 14
    June 15
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19
    June 20
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
    June 27
    June 28
    June 29
    June 30
  • NikMar
    NikMar Posts: 1,071 Member
    Hi, I'll try this for a month! I sooo need the motivation to step away from chocolate, biscuits, sweet things and glasses of wine!!! And over-doing things at the weekend when all my good intentions seem to get forgotten!

    SW 10st 4lb (today)
    UGW 9st
    MGW 9st 7lb

    May 31 - 10st 4lb. Seem to have lost my motivation to make good food choices and not be distracted by things I don't really need to eat! Let's see if I can make myself more accountable this month! Went for aquarobics and swam a few lengths at the local pool.

    June 01 – 10st 4lb. I’m ok with that. Did some walking during the day, but ate out for lunch (pizza) and had bread, dips and wine for dinner. Possibly not the best food choices,

    June 02 – 10st7lb!!!! Hey! Hang on, that wasn’t supposed to happen! Did lot of walking today and had salad and water for lunch. Had a couple of slices of bread and dips with a gin and tonic for dinner. Although, I’ve done quite a bit of exercise today, I’m sure I’ve eaten into my exercise calories!

    June 03 – 10st 7.75lb!!!! I’m so going to have to eat better this week – weekends are definitely my downfall!

    June 04 – 10st 6.1lb – much better today! I made sure I didn’t make silly food choices yesterday and worked hard at body combat. I’ve also made sure I’ve tracked today and I’m happy that I didn’t go for biscuits and sandwiches in between meals.

    June 05 – 10st 4.2lb – that feels better!
    June 06
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09
    June 10
    June 11
    June 12
    June 13
    June 14
    June 15
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19
    June 20
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
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    June 28
    June 29
    June 30
  • mattig89ch
    mattig89ch Posts: 2,648 Member
    Ok, so checking in:

    May 27:169.8 lbs
    June 05:171.2 lbs (was not a great weekend)
    June 06
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09
    June 10
    June 11
    June 12
    June 13
    June 14
    June 15
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19
    June 20
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
    June 27
    June 28
    June 29
    June 30
  • etolv
    etolv Posts: 48 Member
    Starting Weight - 184
    Current Weight - 159.8
    Goal Weight - 135
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    May 31 - 159.8 - first day in the 150s, woo!
    June 01 - 160
    June 02 - 161
    June 03 - 162.8 - first day home after a weekend vacation
    June 04 - 159.8 - back on track
    June 05 - 159.6
  • clairetomkinson
    clairetomkinson Posts: 73 Member
    May 31 : 119.9kg
    June 01 : 119.5kg
    June 02 : 119.4kg
    June 03 : 118.6kg
    June 04 : 118.3kg
    June 05 : 118.7kg (late tea, over in calories and had a drink during the night).
    June 06 : 117.9kg
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09
    June 10
    June 11
    June 12
    June 13
    June 14
    June 15
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19
    June 20
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
    June 27
    June 28
    June 29
    June 30
  • turquoise_elephant
    turquoise_elephant Posts: 83 Member
    SW - 210
    UGW - 125
    MGW - 189 (by 26th - going on holiday, won't weigh rest of the month)

    May 31 - 199.2 - Gained 1lb this week, but TOM so expected
    June 01 - 198.8 - Still TOM but keeping water intake around 3L
    June 02 - Didn't weigh
    June 03 - Didn't weigh
    June 04 - 198.6
    June 05 - 196.8 - water weight finally dropped!
    June 06
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09
    June 10
    June 11
    June 12
    June 13
    June 14
    June 15
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19
    June 20
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
    June 27
    June 28
    June 29
    June 30
  • Lashes1986
    Lashes1986 Posts: 126 Member
    edited June 2019
    SW - 11st 7lbs (mid May 19)
    UGW - 8st 7lbs
    MGW - 10st 7lbs

    May 31 - 11st 0lbs - Lets go
    June 01 - 10st 12lbs
    June 02 - 10st 11lbs
    June 03 - 10st 12lbs
    June 04 - 10st 10lbs
    June 05 - 10st 11lbs - Damnit! Lol
    June 06
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09
    June 10
    June 11
    June 12
    June 13
    June 14
    June 15
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19
    June 20
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
    June 27
    June 28
    June 29
    June 30
  • AphroditesBrat
    AphroditesBrat Posts: 48 Member
    OSW 134 lbs
    SW 130 lbs
    MGW 125 lbs
    UGW 120 lbs

    May 31 - 130 lbs (I feel like poo today tbh)
    June 01 - 131 lbs (I feel fat but, I feel better than yesterday atleast :0)
    June 02
    June 03 - 128.8 lbs (onion w beans is good y'all)
    June 04 - 130 lbs (I am thinking my super mini goal is 127 because smallest so far was 128)
    June 05 - 128.4 lbs (lowest recorded weight since starting so far)
    June 06
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09
    June 10
    June 11
    June 12
    June 13
    June 14
    June 15
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19
    June 20
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
    June 27
    June 28
    June 29
    June 30
  • Lashes1986
    Lashes1986 Posts: 126 Member
    @jenn990205 YAY! 🙌🏻
  • Lashes1986
    Lashes1986 Posts: 126 Member
    @NikMar you’re doing amazingly! 🙌🏻
  • wisdomsead1974
    wisdomsead1974 Posts: 55 Member
    I love this extra motivation when we do it as a group it works so much better. I actually started recording what I eat daily 5/13/19 but I generally weigh myself once a week but I will start doing it daily because of this list of dates.

    Copy and paste this list each day:

    SW-206 lbs
    UG- 145 lbs


    May 13- 206 This was my first day I weighed myself and I couldn't believe I was over 200 pounds when just 2 years ago I was 145 lbs it's time to get back to my healthy me

    May 27- 199 I was like yesssss!!!! I am under the 200 mark again.
    June 02
    June 03- 202.4 terrible weekend and I ate or drank a little to much lol
    June 04
    June 05
    June 06- 200.6 I'm down 6 pounds since the start on 5/13/19
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09
    June 10
    June 11
    June 12
    June 13
    June 14
    June 15
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19
    June 20
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
    June 27
    June 28
    June 29
    June 30

    What does MGW stand for?
  • Lashes1986
    Lashes1986 Posts: 126 Member
    SW - 11st 7lbs (mid May 19)
    UGW - 8st 7lbs
    MGW - 10st 7lbs

    May 31 - 11st 0lbs - Lets go
    June 01 - 10st 12lbs
    June 02 - 10st 11lbs
    June 03 - 10st 12lbs
    June 04 - 10st 10lbs
    June 05 - 10st 11lbs - Damnit! Lol
    June 06 - 10st 11lbs - I done yoga for the first time yesterday!! But also overate! :s
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09
    June 10
    June 11
    June 12
    June 13
    June 14
    June 15
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19
    June 20
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
    June 27
    June 28
    June 29
    June 30
  • Lashes1986
    Lashes1986 Posts: 126 Member
    @wisdomsead1974 MGW is Mini Goal Weigh. So the weight you would like to be by the end of the month leading up to your UGW or Ultimate Goal Weight. xx
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 631 Member
    SW 12.6
    UGW 10.00
    MGW 11.7

    May 31
    June 01
    June 02 12.01
    June 03
    June 04
    June 05 12.01 disappointed thought i would of loss
    June 06 12.01 not happy at all. Eating less than 1200 calories a day. Feeling so bloated all the time. Need to drink more water today.
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09
    June 10
    June 11
    June 12
    June 13
    June 14
    June 15
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19
    June 20
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
    June 27
    June 28
    June 29
    June 30
  • shona1983
    shona1983 Posts: 10 Member
    SW : 157 lbs
    UGW :126
    MGW :150

    June 03 157 - Just starting again today after losing motivation for the last few months. Hoping this will give me the kick up the butt I need.
    June 04 154
    June 05 153
    June 06 152
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09
    June 10
    June 11
    June 12
    June 13
    June 14
    June 15
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19
    June 20
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
    June 27
    June 28
    June 29
    June 30
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 631 Member
    shona1983 wrote: »
    SW : 157 lbs
    UGW :126
    MGW :150

    June 03 157 - Just starting again today after losing motivation for the last few months. Hoping this will give me the kick up the butt I need.
    June 04 154
    June 05 153
    June 06 152
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09
    June 10
    June 11
    June 12
    June 13
    June 14
    June 15
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19
    June 20
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
    June 27
    June 28
    June 29
    June 30

    well done, you are doing really well. x